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Calibrating [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)



In recent years I've become more and more convinced that the fund manager's most important job for the intermediate term isn't to decide the allocation of capital between stocks versus bonds; U.S. versus foreign; developed markets versus emerging; large-cap versus small-cap; high-quality versus low-quality; or growth versus value. And it isn't choosing among strategies, funds and managers. The most important job is to strike the appropriate balance between offense and defense. Those other things won't help much if you get offense/defense wrong. And if you get offense/ defense right, those other things will take care of themselves.









Before I close, just a word on market bottoms. Some of the most interesting questions in investing are especially appropriate today: "Since you expect more bad news and feel the markets may fall further, isn't it premature to do any buying? Shouldn't you wait for the bottom?"

To me, the answer clearly is "no." As mentioned earlier, we never know when we're at the bottom. A bottom can only be recognized in retrospect: it was the day before the market started to go up. By definition, we can't know today whether it's been reached, since that's a function of what will happen tomorrow. Thus, "I'm going to wait for the bottom" is an irrational statement.

If you want, you might choose to say, "I'm going to wait until the bottom has been passed and the market has started upward." That's more rational. However, number one, you're saying you're willing to miss the bottom. And number two, one of the reasons for a market to start to rise is that the sellers' sense of urgency has abated, and along with it the selling pressure. That, in turn, means (a) the supply for sale shrinks and (b) the buyers' very buying forces the market upward, as it's now they who are highly motivated. These are the things that make markets rise. So if investors want to buy, they should buy on the way down. That's when the sellers are feeling the most urgency and the buyers' buying won't arrest the downward cascade of security prices.


So it's my view that waiting for the bottom is folly. What, then, should be the investor's criteria? The answer's simple: if something's cheap - based on the relationship between price and intrinsic value - you should buy, and if it cheapens further, you should buy more.


Terrible news makes it hard to buy and causes many people to say, "I'm not going to try to catch a falling knife." But it's also what pushes prices to absurdly low levels. That's why I so like the headline from Doug Kass that I referred to above: "When the Time Comes to Buy, You Won't Want To." It's not easy to buy when the news is terrible, prices are collapsing and it's impossible to have an idea where the bottom lies. But doing so should be the investor's greatest aspiration.

最後の文章は彼自身のものではなく、ある業界誌(Gavekal Research's Monthly Strategyの4月号)からの引用です。

... 大幅な下落がひとたび生じただけで市場が見通せるようになることは、稀である。1950年以降に起こった15回の弱気相場において、一番底をつけてから3ヵ月以内に次の底を試さなかったのは一度だけだった。それ以外の相場では、二番底・三番底が試された。今回の危機では状況改善の前に悪いニュースが続くであろうから、同じことが繰り返されると思われる。

... markets rarely clear after one massive decline. In 15 bear markets since 1950, only one did not see the initial major low tested within three months ... In all other cases, the bottom has been tested once or twice. Since news-flow in this crisis will likely worsen before it improves, a repeat seems likely.




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Nobody Knows II [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)









These days, people have been asking me whether this is the time to buy. My answer is more nuanced: it’s probably a time to buy. There can be no unique time to buy that we can identify. The only thing we can be sure of today is that stock prices, for example, are a lot lower in the absolute than they were two weeks ago.

Will stocks decline in the coming days, weeks and months? This is the wrong question to ask . . . primarily because it is entirely unanswerable. Since we don’t have answers to the questions about the virus listed on page two, there’s no way to decide intelligently what the markets will do. We know the market declined by 13% in seven trading days. There can be absolutely no basis on which to conclude that they’ll lose another 13% in the weeks ahead – or that they’ll rise by a like amount – since the answer will be determined largely by changes in investor psychology. (I say “largely” because it will also be influenced by developments regarding the virus . . . but likewise we have no basis on which to judge how actual developments will compare against the expectations investors already have factored into asset prices.)

Instead, intelligent investing has to be based – as always – on the relationship between price and value. In other words, not “will the collapse go further?” But rather “has the collapse to date caused securities to be priced right; or are they overpriced given the fundamentals; or have they become cheap?” I have no doubt that assessing price relative to value remains the most reliable way to invest for the long term. (It is the thrust of the whole discussion just above that there’s nothing that provides reliable help in the short term.)


So, especially after we’ve learned more about the coronavirus and developed a vaccine, it seems to me that it is unlikely to fundamentally and permanently change life as we know it, make the world of the future unrecognizable, and decimate business or make valuing it impossible. (Yes, this is a guess: we have to make some of them.)


Buy, sell or hold? I think it’s okay to do some buying, because things are cheaper. But there’s no logical argument for spending all your cash, given that we have no idea how negative future events will be. What I would do is figure out how much you’ll want to have invested by the time the bottom is reached – whenever that is – and spend part of it today. Stocks may turn around and head north, and you’ll be glad you bought some. Or they may continue down, in which case you’ll have money left (and hopefully the nerve) to buy more. That’s life for people who accept that they don’t know what the future holds.

But no one can tell you this is the time to buy. Nobody knows.




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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2019 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)




1924年のことでした。まだ無名だった経済学者かつファイナンシャル・アドバイザーのエドガー・ローレンス・スミス氏が、薄い1冊の本『長期投資先としての普通株式(原題: Common Stocks as Long Term Investments、未訳)』を上梓しました。そして、この本が投資の世界を一変させることになりました。しかし本を書いたことで、実のところスミス氏自身が変化を遂げました。みずからが抱いていた投資に対する信念を見直さざるを得なくなったのです。








Charlie and I urge you to focus on operating earnings - which were little changed in 2019 - and to ignore both quarterly and annual gains or losses from investments, whether these are realized or unrealized.

Our advising that in no way diminishes the importance of these investments to Berkshire. Over time, Charlie and I expect our equity holdings - as a group - to deliver major gains, albeit in an unpredictable and highly irregular manner. To see why we are optimistic, move on to the next discussion.

The Power of Retained Earnings

In 1924, Edgar Lawrence Smith, an obscure economist and financial advisor, wrote Common Stocks as Long Term Investments, a slim book that changed the investment world. Indeed, writing the book changed Smith himself, forcing him to reassess his own investment beliefs.

Going in, he planned to argue that stocks would perform better than bonds during inflationary periods and that bonds would deliver superior returns during deflationary times. That seemed sensible enough. But Smith was in for a shock.

His book began, therefore, with a confession: “These studies are the record of a failure - the failure of facts to sustain a preconceived theory.” Luckily for investors, that failure led Smith to think more deeply about how stocks should be evaluated.

For the crux of Smith’s insight, I will quote an early reviewer of his book, none other than John Maynard Keynes: “I have kept until last what is perhaps Mr. Smith’s most important, and is certainly his most novel, point. Well-managed industrial companies do not, as a rule, distribute to the shareholders the whole of their earned profits. In good years, if not in all years, they retain a part of their profits and put them back into the business. Thus there is an element of compound interest (Keynes’ italics) operating in favour of a sound industrial investment. Over a period of years, the real value of the property of a sound industrial is increasing at compound interest, quite apart from the dividends paid out to the shareholders.”

And with that sprinkling of holy water, Smith was no longer obscure.

It’s difficult to understand why retained earnings were unappreciated by investors before Smith’s book was published. After all, it was no secret that mind-boggling wealth had earlier been amassed by such titans as Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford, all of whom had retained a huge portion of their business earnings to fund growth and produce ever-greater profits. Throughout America, also, there had long been small-time capitalists who became rich following the same playbook.

Nevertheless, when business ownership was sliced into small pieces - “stocks” - buyers in the pre-Smith years usually thought of their shares as a short-term gamble on market movements. Even at their best, stocks were considered speculations. Gentlemen preferred bonds.

Though investors were slow to wise up, the math of retaining and reinvesting earnings is now well understood. Today, school children learn what Keynes termed “novel”: combining savings with compound interest works wonders.



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<新規購入(New Buy)>
・塩野義製薬(4507); 夏に購入。

・メック(4971); 春と夏に購入。
・アップル(AAPL); 以前記載したように、1月に購入。


・iShares シルバー・トラスト(SLV)

・しまむら(8227); 春と秋に売却。



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実際のところバークシャーは、Fortune 500社のなかで月次の売上報告書や貸借対照表を作成していない、おそらく唯一の企業だと思います[Fortune 500最新の順位では、バークシャーは第3位]。もちろんですが、ほとんどの子会社が出してくれる月次の財務報告を、わたしは都度確認しています。しかしバークシャー全体としての収益や財務状況は、チャーリーもわたしも四半期ごとにしか把握していません。




Repurchases and Reporting

Earlier I mentioned that Berkshire will from time to time be repurchasing its own stock. Assuming that we buy at a discount to Berkshire’s intrinsic value – which certainly will be our intention – repurchases will benefit both those shareholders leaving the company and those who stay.

True, the upside from repurchases is very slight for those who are leaving. That’s because careful buying by us will minimize any impact on Berkshire’s stock price. Nevertheless, there is some benefit to sellers in having an extra buyer in the market.

For continuing shareholders, the advantage is obvious: If the market prices a departing partner’s interest at, say, 90¢ on the dollar, continuing shareholders reap an increase in per-share intrinsic value with every repurchase by the company. Obviously, repurchases should be price-sensitive: Blindly buying an overpriced stock is value-destructive, a fact lost on many promotional or ever-optimistic CEOs.

When a company says that it contemplates repurchases, it’s vital that all shareholder-partners be given the information they need to make an intelligent estimate of value. Providing that information is what Charlie and I try to do in this report. We do not want a partner to sell shares back to the company because he or she has been misled or inadequately informed.

Some sellers, however, may disagree with our calculation of value and others may have found investments that they consider more attractive than Berkshire shares. Some of that second group will be right: There are unquestionably many stocks that will deliver far greater gains than ours.

In addition, certain shareholders will simply decide it’s time for them or their families to become net consumers rather than continuing to build capital. Charlie and I have no current interest in joining that group. Perhaps we will become big spenders in our old age.

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For 54 years our managerial decisions at Berkshire have been made from the viewpoint of the shareholders who are staying, not those who are leaving. Consequently, Charlie and I have never focused on current-quarter results.

Berkshire, in fact, may be the only company in the Fortune 500 that does not prepare monthly earnings reports or balance sheets. I, of course, regularly view the monthly financial reports of most subsidiaries. But Charlie and I learn of Berkshire’s overall earnings and financial position only on a quarterly basis.

Furthermore, Berkshire has no company-wide budget (though many of our subsidiaries find one useful). Our lack of such an instrument means that the parent company has never had a quarterly “number” to hit. Shunning the use of this bogey sends an important message to our many managers, reinforcing the culture we prize.

Over the years, Charlie and I have seen all sorts of bad corporate behavior, both accounting and operational, induced by the desire of management to meet Wall Street expectations. What starts as an “innocent” fudge in order to not disappoint “the Street” – say, trade-loading at quarter-end, turning a blind eye to rising insurance losses, or drawing down a “cookie-jar” reserve – can become the first step toward full-fledged fraud. Playing with the numbers “just this
once” may well be the CEO’s intent; it’s seldom the end result. And if it’s okay for the boss to cheat a little, it’s easy for subordinates to rationalize similar behavior.

At Berkshire, our audience is neither analysts nor commentators: Charlie and I are working for our shareholder-partners. The numbers that flow up to us will be the ones we send on to you.