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FPA Crescent Fund Quarterly Commentary (September 30, 2012)



Our goal when investing in commodity businesses is to ‘buy assets and sell earnings.'

Capital intensive, cyclical businesses often trade at discounts to the value of the underlying assets when their respective industry is in distress (companies are either losing money or earning less than what's expected in a more normal environment). When earnings rebound, the market seems to forget that the businesses are cyclical. Investors begin to value them on earnings as if another downturn isn't in the cards. Our average cost in Ensco reflects rigs purchased at a discount to a fully depreciated replacement value. Since then, its stock price has increased, along with day rates (and earnings). The company is now beginning to be considered more on a P/E basis, while at the same time, the value of the underlying rigs has begun to trade through their replacement value, reflecting the value of existing contracts and hope for a continued robust demand environment. As our margin of safety has declined, we have reduced our exposure, consistent with our initial thesis and the manner in which we invest in such industries.




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(その21) 老化が悪影響をもたらす傾向
Twenty-One: Senescence-Misinfluence Tendency




With advanced age, there comes a natural cognitive decay, differing among individuals in the earliness of its arrival and the speed of its progression. Practically no one is good at learning complex new skills when very old. But some people remain pretty good in maintaining intensely practiced old skills until late in life, as one can notice in many a bridge tournament.

Old people like me get pretty skilled, without working at it, at disguising age-related deterioration because social convention, like clothing, hides much decline.

Continuous thinking and learning, done with joy, can somewhat help delay what is inevitable.



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Charlie Rose Talks to Jeremy Grantham (Businessweek)


I've hero-worshipped the presidential cycle. Going back to 1932, if you take the first and second year together, they've had no real return in the market. All of the return has been compressed into a gigantic Year Three and a respectable Year Four. For us, the cycle years start on October 1st. So now we're in the dreaded first year. And we have Republicans threatening to add fiscal constraints into a very fragile economy. We have the European situation. We have China stumbling in an incredible slow-motion style. I think it's a really good year to keep your head down.


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Skating on Thin Ice(Jeremy Grantham - Published 1/15/2004)



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私が若かった頃にポーカーをしていた相手に、繋速[けいはや; 競馬の一種で、馬車をひく]へ賭けることで生計の大半を立てていた人がいました。普通の競馬とくらべるといろいろ深くは知られていないので、繋速は比較的非効率な市場といえます。私のポーカー相手は、繋速を自らの主たる職業と考えていました。そして間違った値段がついているのをみつけたときだけ賭けに出ました。そうすることで、おそらく17%ぐらいを胴元に全部払った後でも、十分に暮らしていけたのです。(中略)




The model I like - to sort of simplify the notion of what goes on in a market for common stocks - is the pari-mutuel system at the race track. If you stop to think about it, a pari-mutuel system is a market. Everybody goes there and bets, and the odds change based on what's bet. That's what happens in the stock market.

Any damn fool can see that a horse carrying a light weight with a wonderful win rate and a good post position, etc., etc., is way more likely to win than a horse with a terrible record and extra weight and so on and so on. But if you look at the damn odds, the bad horse pays 100 to 1, whereas the good horse pays 3 to 2. Then, it's not clear which is statistically the best bet using the mathematics of Fermat and Pascal. The prices have changed in such a way that it's very hard to beat the system.

And then the track is taking seventeen percent off the top. So not only do you have to outwit all the other bettors, but you've got to outwit them by such a big margin that on average, you can afford to take seventeen percent of your gross bets off the top and give it to the house before the rest of your money can be put to work.

Unfortunately, what a shrewd horseplayer's edge does in most cases is to reduce his average loss over a season of betting from the seventeen percent that he would lose if he got the average result to maybe ten percent. However, there are actually a few people who can beat the game after paying the full seventeen percent.

I used to play poker, when I was young, with a guy who made a substantial living doing nothing but bet harness races. Now, harness racing is a relatively inefficient market. You don't have the depth of intelligence betting on harness races that you do on regular races. What my poker pal would do was to think about harness races as his main profession. And he would bet only occasionally when he saw some mispriced bet available. And by doing that, after paying the full handle to the house - which I presume was around seventeen percent - he made a substantial living.

It's not given to human beings to have such talent that they can just know everything about everything all the time. But it is given to human beings who work hard at it - who look and sift the world for a mispriced bet - that they can occasionally find one.

And the wise ones bet heavily when the world offers them that opportunity. They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don't. It's just that simple.

That is a very simple concept. And to me it's obviously right - based on experience not only from the pari-mutuel system, but everywhere else.




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Weschler Rise From Grace Leads to Role Advising Buffett (Bloomberg)


「とんでもない金持ちになったことに、彼はいまだにあっけにとられているようです」。2002年にシャーロッツビルで"The Hook"という週刊紙を始めたときに、ウェシュラーから支援を受けたホーズ・スペンサーは言う。「彼が腕にロレックスをはめている姿を見かけたら、めまいがするでしょうね」。(中略)



He ran his hedge fund, Peninsula Capital Advisors LLC, which had about $2 billion in U.S. stockholdings, from a two-room office above a bookstore in Charlottesville. His work attire often was a short-sleeve shirt and shorts, according to Michael David, a former colleague and friend who now runs a hedge fund in Akron, Ohio. And while he has driven BMWs for some time, he keeps the cars for seven or eight years, David said.

“He's still stunned by the fact that he's become incredibly wealthy,” said Hawes Spencer, whom Weschler backed when he started a weekly paper in Charlottesville called the Hook in 2002. “If I saw a Rolex on his wrist, I would faint.”

Like Buffett, Weschler sought an edge by studying company filings and dozens of other publications. The former hedge-fund manager once told David that he didn't make an investment unless he had spent 500 hours studying the idea.

“He'd go on vacation and take 10-Ks and 10-Qs with him,” said David, referring to the annual and quarterly reports publicly traded companies file to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. “He still does.”