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ハワード・マークスの新刊『市場サイクルを極める 勝率を高める王道の投資哲学』を読了しました。「市場サイクル」という言葉をみるとわかりきったことに思えるかもしれませんが、内容にはもっと奥行きがあり、新たに学べることのある一冊でした。ベテランの持つ知恵や業界的な話題もあり、中級以上の投資家の方にとっても一読する価値はあると思います。





そこで次に出てくる疑問は「いつ買いはじめればよいのか?」である。以前の章で「落下するナイフ」という表現を用いたが、これは非常に重要な概念を表している。相場が滝のような勢いで下落しているとき、投資家はしばしば「落下するナイフを掴もうとはしない」という言葉を耳にするかもしれない。別の言い方をすると、「下落トレンドが続いていて、いつ歯止めがかかるかは知りようがない。底に達したと確信できるまで買わなくてよいのではないか」である。(p. 315)




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<チャーリー・マンガー> それは、本社の要員が30名で、その半数が社内監査役とくれば、米国の大企業を経営するふつうのやりかたとは言えないでしょうな。




<ウォーレン> そのとおりです。当社はさしずめ「ゼロベース未満予算」と言えると思います(笑)。


<チャーリー> これは単なる費用削減の話ではないですよ。官僚主義を消滅させることで、より良い意思決定がくだせるようになるわけです。

<ウォーレン> まさしくそのとおりです。

<チャーリー> 官僚主義とは、さながら癌だと言えますね。その振る舞いも、まさしく癌のようです(拍手)。


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, if you’ve got 30 people at headquarters and half of those are internal auditors, that is not the normal way of running a big company in America.

And what’s interesting about it is, obviously, we lose some advantages from big size. But we also lose certain disadvantages from having a big bureaucracy with endless meeting after meeting after meeting around headquarters.

And net, I think we’ve been way ahead with our low overhead, diversified method. And also, it makes our company attractive to very able, honorable people who have companies.

So generally speaking, the existing system has worked wonderfully for us. I don’t think we have the employment that could be cut effectively that a lot of other places have. And I think our methods have worked so well that we’d be very unlikely to change them.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. I think if some - at headquarters, you could say we have kind of subzero-based budgeting. (Laughter)

And we hope that the example of headquarters is, to a great extent, emulated by our -

CHARLIE MUNGER: But it isn’t just the cost reduction. I think the decisions get made better if you eliminate the bureaucracy.


CHARLIE MUNGER: I think a bureaucracy is sort of like a cancer. And it functions sort of like a cancer. (Applause)

And so, we’re very anti-bureaucracy. And I think it’s done us a lot of good. In that case, we’re quite different from, say, Anheuser-Busch at its peak.



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25. 「官僚主義とは、癌のごとし」

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 次はベッキーがお願いします。

<ベッキー・クイック(質問者の代行)> 奥さんと共にロンドンに在住されている、アンガス・ハントンさんからの質問です。バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主になってから30年以上になるとのことです。


<ウォーレン> そうですね。概して言えば各社の経営者が、ゼロベース予算という点で多くの変化が生じるような位置づけにあるとは期待していません。これは、「始終そのように考えていないとは、一体全体どういうことなのか」とも言うことができます。












25. “A bureaucracy is sort of like a cancer”


BECKY QUICK: This question comes from Angus Hanton (PH), who - he and his wife are based in London, and he says they’ve been shareholders in Berkshire Hathaway for over 30 years.

He says, “We have all read about the zero-based budgeting that has been so effective with Kraft Heinz and other investments that you’ve done with 3G Partners. Can we expect these cost-reduction techniques to be used by your managers in other parts of the Berkshire Hathaway enterprise?”

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, in general, we do not expect the managers, generally, to get in the position where there would be a lot of change in terms of zero-based budgeting. In other words, why in the world aren’t you thinking that way all of the time?

The 3G people have gone into certain situations where there were - probably primarily in personnel, but in other expenses as well - a lot of expenses that were not delivering a dollar of value per dollar expended.

And so, they made changes very fast that - to a situation that probably shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

Whereas, we hope that our managers - take a GEICO. GEICO’s gone from, I think, 8,000 to 39,000 people since we bought control. But they’re all very productive. I mean, you would not find a way for a 3G operation to take thousands of people out of there.

On the other hand, I can think of some organizations where you could take a whole lot of people out, where it isn’t being done because the businesses are very profitable to start with.

That’s what happened with the tobacco companies, actually. They were so profitable that they had all kinds of people around that didn’t - weren’t really needed. But they - the money just flowed in.

So I - our managers have different techniques of keeping track of - or of - trying to maximize customer satisfaction at the same time that they don’t incur other than necessary costs.

And I think, probably, some of our managers may well use something that’s either zero-based budgeting or something akin to it. They do not submit budgets - never have - to me. I mean, they’ve never been required to. We’ve never had a budget at Berkshire.

We don’t consolidate our figures monthly. I mean, I get individual reports on every company. But there’s no reason to have some extra time spent, for example, by having consolidated figures at the end of April, or consolidated figures at the end of May.

We know where we stand. And - you know, I’m sure we’re the only company that - probably in the whole Fortune 500 - that doesn’t do it. But we don’t do unnecessary things around Berkshire. And a lot of stuff that’s done at big companies is unnecessary. And that’s why a 3G finds opportunities from time to time.




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One reason may be that my nature makes me incline toward diagnosing and talking about errors in conventional wisdom. And despite years of being smoothed out by the hard knocks that were inevitable for one with my attitude, I don't believe life ever knocked all the boy's brashness out of the man.

A second reason for my decision is my approval of the attitude of Diogenes when he asked: "Of what use is a philosopher who never offends anybody?"

My third and final reason is the strongest. I have fallen in love with my way of laying out psychology because it has been so useful for me. And so, before I die, I want to imitate to some extent the bequest practices of three characters: the protagonist in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Benjamin Franklin, and my first employer, Ernest Buffett. Bunyan’s character, the knight wonderfully named “Old Valiant for Truth,” makes the only practical bequest available to him when he says at the end of his life: “My sword I leave to him who can wear it.” And like this man, I don’t mind if I have misappraised my sword, provided I have tried to see it correctly, or that many will not wish to try it, or that some who try to wield it may find it serves them not. Ben Franklin, to my great benefit, left behind his autobiography, his Almanacks, and much else. And Ernest Buffett did the best he could in the same mode when he left behind "How to Run a Grocery Store and a Few Things I Have Learned about Fishing." Whether or not this last contribution to the genre was the best, I will not say. But I will report that I have now known four generations of Ernest Buffett's descendants and that the results have encouraged my imitation of the founder.




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<チャーリー・マンガー> それはもう、金融当局が預金金利を引き下げたのは公正とは言えなかったですね。彼らが支払う金額と同じ程度が、 およそ年配者の定期預金口座へと支払われるわけですから。しかしながら、金融危機に対して適切に戦うためには、たぶんそうせざるを得なかったのでしょうね。



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 先ほどお見せした新聞が刊行されたのは1942年のことでした。当時の政府は全国民の愛国心に訴えかけました。学校に通っていたころのわたしたちは、貯金切手を買ったものです。当初は「米国戦時債」と呼ばれていましたが、やがて「米国国防債」に変わり、さらには「米国貯金債」になりました(笑)。まあ、「戦争債券」と呼んでいました。









<チャーリー> いや、一度もないですね。

<ウォーレン> なかったですか。たしか昔は..

<チャーリー> 戦争のころには、金なんてこれっぽちもなかったですよ(笑)。

<ウォーレン> なるほど。それはうまい理由でしたね(笑)。

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, it really wasn’t fair for our monetary authorities to reduce the savings rates, paid mostly to our old people with savings accounts, as much as they did. But they probably had to do it to fight the Great Recession, appropriately.

But it clearly wasn’t fair. And the conditions were weird. In my whole lifetime, it’s only happened once that interest rates went down so low and stayed low for a long time.

And it was quite unfair to a lot of people. And it benefited the people in this room enormously because it drove asset prices up, including the price of Berkshire Hathaway stock. So we’re all a bunch of undeserving people - (laughter) - and I hope that we continue to be so. (Laughter)

WARREN BUFFETT: At the time this newspaper came out in 1942, it was - the government was appealing to the patriotism of everybody. As kids, we went to school and we bought Savings Stamps to put in - well, they first called them U.S. War Bonds, then they called them U.S. Defense Bonds, then they called them U.S. Savings Bonds. (Laughs) But they were called war bonds then.

And you put up $18.75 and you got back $25 in ten years. And that’s when I learned that that $4 for three - in ten years - was 2.9 percent compounded. They had to put it in small print then.

And even an 11-year-old could understand that 2.9 percent compounded for ten years was not a good investment. But we all bought them. It was - you know, it was part of the war effort, basically.

And the government knew - I mean, you knew that significant inflation was coming from what was taking place in finance, in World War II.

We actually were on a massive Keynesian-type behavior, not because we elected to follow Keynes, but because war forced us to have this huge deficit in our finances, which took our debt up to 120 percent of GDP. And it was the great Keynesian experiment of all time, and we backed into it, and it sent us on a wave of prosperity like we’ve never seen. So you get some accidental benefits sometimes.

But the United States government (inaudible) every citizen to put their money into a fixed-dollar investment at 2.9 percent compounded for ten years. And I think Treasury bonds have been unattractive ever since - (laughs) - with the exception of the early ’80s. That was something at that time.

I mean, you really had a chance to buy - you had a chance to invest your money by buying zero-coupon Treasury bonds, and in effect, guarantee yourself that for 30 years you would get a compounded return, you know, something like 14 percent for 30 years of your lifetime.

So every now and then, something really strange happens in markets and the trick is to not only be prepared but to take action when it happens.

Charlie, did you ever buy any war bonds?

CHARLIE MUNGER: No. No. I never bought war bonds.

WARREN BUFFETT: No. Used to be like take me -

CHARLIE MUNGER: I didn’t have any money when I was in the war. (Laughter)

WARREN BUFFETT: That’s a good reason not to buy. (Laughs)