



<チャーリー・マンガー> それは、本社の要員が30名で、その半数が社内監査役とくれば、米国の大企業を経営するふつうのやりかたとは言えないでしょうな。




<ウォーレン> そのとおりです。当社はさしずめ「ゼロベース未満予算」と言えると思います(笑)。


<チャーリー> これは単なる費用削減の話ではないですよ。官僚主義を消滅させることで、より良い意思決定がくだせるようになるわけです。

<ウォーレン> まさしくそのとおりです。

<チャーリー> 官僚主義とは、さながら癌だと言えますね。その振る舞いも、まさしく癌のようです(拍手)。


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, if you’ve got 30 people at headquarters and half of those are internal auditors, that is not the normal way of running a big company in America.

And what’s interesting about it is, obviously, we lose some advantages from big size. But we also lose certain disadvantages from having a big bureaucracy with endless meeting after meeting after meeting around headquarters.

And net, I think we’ve been way ahead with our low overhead, diversified method. And also, it makes our company attractive to very able, honorable people who have companies.

So generally speaking, the existing system has worked wonderfully for us. I don’t think we have the employment that could be cut effectively that a lot of other places have. And I think our methods have worked so well that we’d be very unlikely to change them.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. I think if some - at headquarters, you could say we have kind of subzero-based budgeting. (Laughter)

And we hope that the example of headquarters is, to a great extent, emulated by our -

CHARLIE MUNGER: But it isn’t just the cost reduction. I think the decisions get made better if you eliminate the bureaucracy.


CHARLIE MUNGER: I think a bureaucracy is sort of like a cancer. And it functions sort of like a cancer. (Applause)

And so, we’re very anti-bureaucracy. And I think it’s done us a lot of good. In that case, we’re quite different from, say, Anheuser-Busch at its peak.

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