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Seth Klarman Cautions Against The Complacency Bubble (掲載元: ValueWalk)


Investors have clearly grown weary of worrying about risky scenarios that never seem to materialize or, when they do, don't seem to matter to anyone else. U.S. GDP, for example, was recently restated to minus 2.9% for the first quarter of 2014. Normally, this magnitude drop signals recession. Equities, nevertheless, marched relentlessly higher.


...Or perhaps things can go on forever exactly as they are: a "Goldilocks" stock market resulting from a tepid economy, dampened volatility, and relentlessly low interest rates. Amidst the market rally, complacent investors continue to ignore a growing array of global trouble spots. Contrary to claims from the Obama Administration, the world is not a tranquil place at present. As such, risks facing investors seem to be rising but are not yet priced into the markets.


Given changes in regulation, Wall Street has far less capital available to support the trading of this burgeoning junk issuance and the corresponding surge in debt ETFs. A sudden change in rates or sentiment could lead to serious market instability. When is harder to predict than if. While we are not predicting imminent collapse (market timing is not our thing), we are saying that a selloff, greater volatility, and investor losses would hardly be surprising from today's levels.


Investors have become numb to risk because such policies continue, seemingly forever, and new measures (such as European and now even Chinese QE) are regularly threatened and claimed to be costless and reliably effective. We are far from convinced of this; indeed, the higher the level of valuations and the greater the level of complacency, the more there is to be concerned about. Even as reported inflation remains quite subdued, signs of incipient cost increases are increasingly evident. We are seeing them, for example, in apartment rents, construction costs, and salaries of newly minted engineering graduates and oilfield workers.


How would everything feel if the S&P 500 were suddenly cut by one-third or one-half? Would such a drop drive astonishing bargains, or would the U.S. economy soon falter, with festering problems such as unemployment, the federal, state and local deficits, the long-term fiscal situation, and the creditworthiness of most sovereigns suddenly seeming ominous? It's not hard to reach the conclusion that so many investors feel good not because things are good, but because investors have been seduced into feeling good - otherwise known as "the wealth effect."



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DIAMOND ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー2014/10月号の内容は「特集:2020年のマーケティング」ということで、サンリオ鳩山常務の小論文が掲載されていました。同社で成功した基本戦略が簡潔にまとめられています。結びの文章を一部引用します。







2 件のコメント:
ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、最後の引用です。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)



あくまでも一般論になりますが、最後に指摘しておきたいことがあります。それは、リスク管理は不可欠であるものの、リスク回避を目標としてめざすのは適切ではないという点です。その理由は単純です。リスクを回避すれば、たいていの場合、リターンを回避することと同じ意味になります。リスクを受け入れるだけで利益が得られると期待すべきではありません。しかし、リスクをとらなければ利益を期待することもできません。 (p.14)

Taken together these six observations convince me that Charlie Munger's trenchant comment on investing in general - "It's not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid." - is profoundly applicable to risk management. Effective risk management requires deep insight and a deft touch. It has to be based on a superior understanding of the probability distributions that will govern future events. Those who would achieve it have to have a good sense for what the crucial moving parts are, what will influence them, what outcomes are possible, and how likely each one is. Following on with Charlie's idea, thinking risk control is easy is perhaps the greatest trap in investing, since excessive confidence that they have risk under control can make investors do very risky things.

Thus the key prerequisites for risk control also include humility, lack of hubris, and knowing what you don't know. No one ever got into trouble for confessing a lack of prescience, being highly risk-conscious, and even investing scared. Risk control may restrain results during a rebound from crisis conditions or extreme under-valuations, when those who take the most risk generally make the most money. But it will also extend an investment career and increase the likelihood of long-term success. That's why Oaktree was built on the belief that risk control is "the most important thing."

Lastly while dealing in generalities, I want to point out that whereas risk control is indispensable, risk avoidance isn't an appropriate goal. The reason is simple: risk avoidance usually goes hand-in-hand with return avoidance. While you shouldn't expect to make money just for bearing risk, you also shouldn't expect to make money without bearing risk.

攻めと守り、あるいは資金を失う不安と機会を逃す心配のバランスをうまくとることは、投資家の仕事です。今日の段階では、利益を追求するよりも損失を防ぐほうに意識を向けることが重要だと私は感じています。この3年間、オークツリーで唱えていた文句は「前進せよ、ただし注意深く」でした。今となってはその言葉を繰り返す上で、最後の言葉をなおさら強調したいものです。「ただし注意深く」と。 (p.15)

It's the job of investors to strike a proper balance between offense and defense, and between worrying about losing money and worrying about missing opportunity. Today I feel it's important to pay more attention to loss prevention than to the pursuit of gain. For the last three years Oaktree's mantra has been "move forward, but with caution." At this time, in reiterating that mantra, I would increase the emphasis on those last three words: "but with caution."



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ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、さらに引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







・安全な資産からなるポートフォリオに対して「リスキーな」資産を少しばかり加えると、分散度が増していっそう安全になることがあります。この件を指摘したことで、ウィリアム・シャープ[俗に言うノーベル経済学賞の受賞者]は大きな貢献を果たしました。 (p.12)

The first is that risk is counterintuitive.

・The riskiest thing in the world is the widespread belief that there's no risk.

・Fear that the market is risky (and the prudent investor behavior that results) can render it quite safe.

・As an asset declines in price, making people view it as riskier. it becomes less risky (all else being equal).

・As an asset appreciates, causing people to think more highly of it, it becomes riskier.

・Holding only "safe" assets of one type can render a portfolio under-diversified and make it vulnerable to a single shock.

・Adding a few "risky" assets to a portfolio of safe assets can make it safer by increasing its diversification. Pointing this out was one of Professor William Sharpe's great contributions.


ポートフォリオを構成するにあたって、リスクをきちんと管理すると同時に、利益が得られるように考慮することは、見事な功績と言えます。しかしほとんどの場合、努力の痕跡は見えないまま終わります。リスクが生じて損失を出すのは潮が引いたときだけで、時々しか起こらないからです。 (p.13)

The third is that risk is often hidden and thus deceptive. Loss occurs when risk - the possibility of loss - collides with negative events. Thus the riskiness of an investment becomes apparent only when it is tested in a negative environment. It can be risky but not show losses as long as the environment remains salutary. The fact that an investment is susceptible to a serious negative development that will occur only infrequently - what I call "the improbable disaster" - can make it appear safer than it really is. Thus after several years of a benign environment, a risky investment can easily pass for safe. That's why Warren Buffett famously said, "... you only find out who's swimming naked when the tide goes out."

Assembling a portfolio that incorporates risk control as well as the potential for gains is a great accomplishment. But it's a hidden accomplishment most of the time, since risk only turns into loss occasionally … when the tide goes out.



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ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、もう少し引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。また前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

不十分なリターンにとどまる原因は、実は2つ考えられます。ひとつめは、高いリターンを狙ったものの、まずいできごとによって阻まれること。もうひとつは、低いリターンを狙ってそのとおりになることです。言いかえると、投資家が直面している大きなリスクは、ひとつではなくて2つあることになります。それは資金を失うリスクと機会を逃すリスクです。どちらかひとつであれば排除できますが、両方はできません。どちらかを回避することばかり気にしていると、もう片方の餌食になろうと身を差し出しているかもしれません。 (p.7)

There are actually two possible causes of inadequate returns: (a) targeting a high return and being thwarted by negative events and (b) targeting a low return and achieving it. In other words, investors face not one but two major risks: the risk of losing money and the risk of missing opportunities. Either can be eliminated but not both. And leaning too far in order to avoid one can set you up to be victimized by the other.


その一方で投資家は、価格が担っている中核的な役割に対してますます敏感になっています。本質的に最もリスキーなのは、購入する資産に対して(その質に関わらず)払いすぎることです。ですからリスクを抑える最善の方法は、とんでもないほど安値でしか払わないことです(その質に関わらず)。安値はすなわち「安全余裕」を生み出します。「リスクをコントロールした投資」とは、まさにそれがすべてだと言えます。価値評価リスクに対抗するのは簡単です。投資家自身をコントロールできるかどうかに大きくかかっているからです。ファンダメンタルに対して価格が高すぎれば、買うのをやめればよいだけです。「高いとわかって買う人など、いるでしょうかね」と思える人は、テック・バブル時代に買っていた人たちのことを思い出してください。 (p.11)

There are many ways for an investment to be unsuccessful. The two main ones are fundamental risk (relating to how a company or asset performs in the real world) and valuation risk (relating to how the market prices that performance). For years investors, fiduciaries and rule-makers acted on the belief that it's safe to buy high-quality assets and risky to buy low-quality assets. But between 1968 and 1973, many investors in the "Nifty Fifty" (the stocks of the fifty fastest-growing and best companies in America) lost 80-90% of the money. Attitudes have evolved since then, and today there's less of an assumption that high quality prevents fundamental risk, and much less preoccupation with quality for its own sake.

On the other hand, investors are more sensitive to the pivotal role played by price. At bottom, the riskiest thing is overpaying for an asset (regardless of its quality), and the best way to reduce risk is by paying a price that's irrationally low (ditto). A low price provides a "margin of safety," and that's what risk-controlled investing is all about. Valuation risk should be easily combatted, since it's largely within the investor's control. All you have to do is refuse to buy if the price is too high given the fundamentals. "Who wouldn't do that?" you might ask. Just think about the people who bought into the tech bubble.