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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、事業価値の話題がつづきます。今回は正味現在価値を求める手段のひとつ、相対取引価値についてです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







Private-Market Value

A valuation method related to net present value is private-market value, which values businesses based on the valuation multiples that sophisticated, prudent businesspeople have recently paid to purchase similar businesses. Private-market value can provide investors with useful rules of thumb based on the economics of past transactions to guide them in business valuation. This valuation method is not without its shortcomings, however. Within a given business or industry all companies are not the same, but private-market value fails to distinguish among them. Moreover, the multiples paid to acquire businesses vary over time; valuations may have changed since the most recent similar transaction. Finally, buyers of businesses do not necessarily pay reasonable, intelligent prices.

The validity of private-market value depends on the assumption that businesspeople know what they are doing. In other words, when businesspeople consistently pay a certain multiple of revenues, earnings, or cash flow for a business, it is assumed that they are doing so after having performed an insightful analysis of the economics. Often they have. After all, if the prices paid were routinely too high, the eventual losses incurred would inform subsequent buyers who would pay less in the future. If the prices paid were too low, the buyers would earn high returns; seeing this, others would eventually bid prices up to levels where excess profits could no longer be achieved. Nevertheless, the fact is that the prices paid by buyers of businesses can diverge from the underlying economics of those businesses for long stretches of time.

In the latter half of the 1980s, for example, the "private-market values" that investors came to rely on ceased to be the prices that sophisticated, prudent businesspeople would pay for businesses. Financiers armed with the proceeds of nonrecourse junk-bond offerings and using almost none of their own money were motivated by a tremendous skewing of their own risk and reward, as well as by enormous up-front fees, to overpay for corporate takeovers. Indeed, investors' assessment of private-market value in many cases became the price that a junk-bond-financed buyer might pay; investors failed to consider that those acquirers were starting to go bankrupt because the prices they had paid were excessive.

As the prices paid for businesses rose above historic multiples of underlying business value, traditional private-market buyers were shut out of the market. Television stations, which had been valued for many years at roughly ten times pretax cash flow, came to sell at prices as high as thirteen to fifteen times pretax cash flow. The prices of many other businesses with perceived consumer franchises became similarly inflated.

Investors who mistakenly equated inflated takeover prices with reliable private-market values were lured into overpaying for stocks and junk bonds in the mid-1980s. When nonrecourse financing became less freely available in 1989 and 1990, valuation multiples fell back to historic norms or below, causing these investors to experience substantial losses.



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多くのことに時間を割く必要のある彼は、それでもハーバードでAをとろうと経済学部を選びました。フランス詩学でも選んだのでは、と思ったでしょう。しかしこの大将はチェッカーのチャンピオン級だったことを忘れてはなりません。ハーバードの経済学部より賢く立ち回ってみせる、と彼は考えたのですね。そしてそのとおりになりました。自分たちがやらなければ教授へ回る退屈な仕事のほとんどを院生たちが担当していることに、彼は気がついていました。ハーバードの大学院生になるのは大変なことで、多大なる労苦を教授から感謝されるほど彼らはとても聡明で協調でき、また一生懸命に取り組みました。 ニーダーホッファーにはそれもわかっていました。

そういうわけでまさに上級の大学院コースを教える教授は、習慣としてあるいは返報的傾向と呼ばれる心理的な力から予想されるように[参考記事]、常にAの成績を授けていたのです。そこでヴィクター・ニーダーホッファーは、ハーバードの経済学部でもっとも上級の大学院コースばかり履修しました。講義にはほとんど参加しなかった彼がとった成績は、もちろんAまたAの連続でした。やがてハーバードでは「あらたな天才がうちに登場したのかな」と感じた人がいたかもしれません。なんとも滑稽な話ですが、このやりかたは今でも使えるでしょう。ニーダーホッファーは有名になり、彼のやり方は「ニーダーホッファー式履修法」(Niederhoffering the curriculum)と呼ばれています(笑)。

There was a wonderful example of gaming a human system in the career of Victor Niederhoffer in the Economics Department of Harvard. Victor Niederhoffer was the son of a police lieutenant, and he needed to get A's at Harvard. But he didn't want to do any serious work at Harvard because what he really liked doing was, one, playing world-class checkers; two, gambling in high-stakes card games, at which he was very good, all hours of the day and night; three, being the squash champion of the United States, which he was for years; and, four, being about as good a tennis player as a part-time tennis player could be.

This did not leave much time for getting A's at Harvard, so he went into the Economics Department. You'd think he would have chosen French poetry. But remember, this was a guy who could play championship checkers. He thought he was up to outsmarting the Harvard Economics Department. And he was. He noticed that the graduate students did most of the boring work that would otherwise go to the professors, and he noticed that because it was so hard to get to be a graduate student at Harvard, they were all very brilliant and organized and hard working, as well as much needed by grateful professors.

And therefore, by custom, and as would be predicted from the psychological force called "reciprocity tendency", in a really advanced graduate course, the professors always gave an A. So Victor Niederhoffer signed up for nothing but the most advanced graduate courses in the Harvard Economics Department, and, of course, he got A, after A, after A, after A, and was hardly ever near a class. And for a while, some people at Harvard may have thought it had a new prodigy on its hands. That's a ridiculous story, but the scheme will work still. And Niederhoffer is famous: They call his style "Niederhoffering the curriculum." (Laughter).



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1. 現預金の比率は低下傾向

2. 2013年9月末時点で、現預金や債券の割合は全体の4割程度

3. 現預金や債券比率が相対的に高水準だったのは2004-2006年




1. 事業会社の割合が増加

2. 現預金や債券等の割合は10%強まで低下


1. 相対取引でビジネスを買うことに活路を見いだすこと

2. 償却期間の長い投資を早い段階で実行すること







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<質問者> 「バークシャーが航空業界に投資したのはやってはならない好例だ」、とウォーレン・バフェットが言っていました。まちがった決定をくだしたのは、どのように考えを連ねた結果なのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 「普通株に投資して儲かること請け合い」とする理屈でUSエアー社の株を買ったわけではありません。株主に報いるという点では、航空業界の歴史はひどいものですからね。義務償還条項付きの優先株を買ったのです。これは事実上、USエアーへの貸し出しです。そして普通株への転換請求権がついていました。

株主にとってすばらしい投資先だとは考えていませんでした。支払い条件、つまり固定利率の配当と義務償還に対して十分な利益をあげられると考えていたのです。事業が悪化して信用不安に陥り、我々が享受していた高利率が脅かされるとは予想していませんでした。そうです、まさに破産寸前までいきました。もう数か月でおしまいのところでした。しかし、そこから立ち直りました。我々の投資はたぶん全額返ってきて、クーポンも満額受け取れると思います。しかし、この件は失敗でしたね。(編注: バークシャーは結局、USエアーに対する投資の全額を回収できた)




Q: Warren Buffet has said that the investment Berkshire made in an airline was a good example of what not to do. What chain of thinking led to that wrong decision?

We were not buying stock in USAir on the theory that the common shareholders were certain to prosper - because the history of the airline business in terms of taking care of shareholders has been terrible. It was a preferred stock with a mandatory redemption. In effect, we were loaning money to USAir, and we had this equity kicker.

We weren't guessing whether it would be a great place for the shareholders. We were guessing whether it would remain prosperous enough to pay off a credit instrument - carrying a fixed dividend and a mandatory redemption. And we guessed that the business would not get so bad that we'd have a credit threat for which we were not being adequately compensated by the high rate we were getting. At it happened, USAir went right to the brink of going broke. It was hanging by a thread for several months. It's since come back. And we'll probably get all our money back plus the whole coupon. But it was a mistake. (Editor's note: Berkshire did indeed come out whole on its USAir investment.)

I don't want you to think we have any way of learning or behaving so you won't make a lot of mistakes. I'm just saying that you can learn to make fewer mistakes than other people - and how to fix your mistakes faster when you do make them. But there's no way that you can live an adequate life without (making) many mistakes.

In fact, one trick in life is to get so you can handle mistakes. Failure to handle psychological denial is a common way for people to go broke. You've made an enormous commitment to something. You've poured effort and money in. And the more you put in, the more that the whole consistency principle makes you think, "Now it has to work. If I put in just a little more, then it'll work."

And deprival super-reaction syndrome also comes in: You're going to lose the whole thing if you don't put in a little more. People go broke that way - because they can't stop, rethink, and say, "I can afford to write this one off and live to fight again. I don't have to pursue this thing as an obsession - in a way that will break me."



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FPA Crescent Fund Quarterly Commentary 4th Quarter (January 22, 2014) [PDF]



we live in a windy world but we're in the habit of leaning into it. We tend to buy with the wind in our face, and sell with it at our backs. Right now, there's more of the latter so, as you'd expect, our equity exposure declined during 2013. The favorable market allowed us to sell sixteen long equity positions during the year, at an average gain of 64% from cost, with just one generating a loss. We initiated nine new positions. The byproduct of this - unfortunate if the market continues to rally - is that our net equity exposure declined to 51.8%, down from 61.3% a year ago. We will let valuation and risk/reward guide our exposure, not the stock market. If the market gives us tomorrow's prices today and the risk/reward becomes unattractive, then we are unsurprisingly net sellers.

Things aren't cheap. Equity values, as a percentage of GDP, are near their peaks. The only time they were higher was at the apex of the dot com bubble.
