




<ウォーレン・バフェット> 今まさに資金を投じて農場を買おうとする瞬間を想像してみてください。このあたりの農地を、たとえば面積が160エーカーの農地を買おうとして、1株いや1エーカーあたりXドルで買ったとします。そのとき、隣接した土地の農夫もまったく同じ160エーカーの農地を所有しているとします。土地の形状も同じで、同じ質つまり土壌の質も同じ、いろいろな点で同一と考えてください。その同じ農地を所有する隣人はひどく変わった性格の持ち主で、毎日こんな風に語りかけてきます。「オレの農地を買わねえか。それとも、アンタの農地を売らねえか」。そして彼は売買ともに同じ値段の言い値を示してきます。



(Warren Buffett 01:14:28)

Imagine for a moment that you decided to invest money now, and you bought a farm. And the farmland around here, let's say you bought 160 acres, and you bought it at x per share, or per acre. And the farmer next to you had 160 identical acres, same contour, same quality, soil quality, so it was identical. And that farmer next door to you was a very peculiar character because every day that farmer with the identical farm said, "I'll sell you my farm, or I'll buy your farm at a certain price," which he would name.

(Warren Buffett 01:15:29)

Now, that's a very obliging neighbor. I mean, that's got to be a plus to have a fellow like that with the next farm. You don't get that with farms, you get it with stocks. You want 100 shares of General Motors, and then on Monday morning, somebody will buy you 100 shares or sell you another 100 shares at exactly the same price. And that goes on, I don't know, five days a week.

(Warren Buffett 01:15:58)

But just imagine if you had a farmer doing that. When you bought the farm, you looked at what the farm would produce. That was what went through your mind. You were saying to yourself, "I'm paying x dollars per acre. I think I'll get so many bushels of corn or soybeans on average, some years good, some years bad. And some years the price will be good. Some years the price will be bad," etc.

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