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しかし亡くなった時期からそれほど離れていない頃に、彼は"Keeping at it"(邦訳『ボルカー回顧録』)という題名の本を著していました。[先述した]ブックワーム書店でわたしの友人に聞いてみればその本が手に入りますので、ぜひ楽しんでください。ポール・ボルカーは数多くの点で巨人でしたし、魅力的な人物でもありました。彼とジェイ・パウエルは過敏さなどに対してそれほど注意を払いませんでしたが、それでもわたしとしては、ジェイ・パウエルはボルカーと共に台座に据え奉るべき人物だと考えています。なぜなら彼は3月中旬に行動を起こしたからです。おそらくは2008年と2009年に目撃した出来事によって、いくぶん導かれたのでしょう。彼らは甚大な策を講じました。そして、その後に起きたことについてはその歩みに任せることを、基本的に許可したのです。  

(Warren Buffett 01:35:13)

We got to the point where the U.S. Treasury market, the deepest of all markets, got somewhat disorganized. And when that happens, believe me, every bank and CFO in the country knows is, and they react with fear. And fear is the most contagious disease you can imagine; it makes the virus look like a piker.

(Warren Buffett 01:35:41)

And we came very close to having a total freeze of credit to the largest companies in the world who were depending on it. And to the great credit of Jay Powell, I've always had Paul Volcker up on a special place, special pedestal in terms of Federal Reserve chairman over the years. We've had a lot of very good Fed chairmen, but Paul Volcker, I had him at the top of the list. And I'll recommend another, but Paul Volcker died about, I don't know, less than maybe a year ago or a little less.

(Warren Buffett 01:36:18)

But not much before he died, he wrote a book called Keeping at it. And if you call my friends at the Bookworm, I think you'll enjoy reading that book. Paul Volcker was a giant in many ways. He was a big guy too. He and Jay Powell, couldn't see more in temperament or anything, but Jay Powell, in my view, in the Fed board belong up there on that pedestal with him because they acted in the middle of March, probably somewhat instructed by what they'd seen in 2008 and '09. They reacted in a huge way and essentially allowed what's happened since that time to play out the way it has.



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10% → 7%$110 $107 32.3 24.9




Growth. Let’s start by reducing the growth rate from 10 percent to 7 percent. We’ll assume the base year earnings are $100.

Next year’s earningsP/E
10% → 7%$110 $107 32.3 24.9

Note that the change in growth reduces next year’s earnings by only 2.7 percent, but that the warranted P/E multiple drops a more precipitous 22.9 percent. Investors often calculate the P/E multiple using the current price and next year’s earnings. As a result, they sometimes believe that the market overreacts to what appear to be modest changes in the near-term earnings. But if expectations for the trajectory of growth really do shift down, the large apparent drop in the P/E multiple is completely justified.


This calculation substantiates Buffett’s point that, “Growth is always a component in the calculation of value, constituting a variable whose importance can range from negligible to enormous.” Growth makes little difference for businesses that earn a return close to the cost of capital but is a huge amplifier of value for high-return businesses.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> ですから、わたしどもがバークシャーに望んでいる位置とは..、『欲望という名の電車』に登場するブランチ・デュボアを覚えておられますか。多くの方が生まれるよりもずっと前の作品ですね。しかし彼女は「あの人たちを望んではいない」と言いました。ブランチの場合、「私はいつも他人のやさしさを頼りにしてきた」と言っていましたが、当社は友人の好意に頼りたいとは考えていません。なぜならば、資金がほとんど止まってしまう時期というものがあるからです。おもしろいことに、そういった例がひとつありました。もちろん2008年から2009年のことです。




(Warren Buffett 01:32:44)

So we want to be in a position at Berkshire where... Well, you remember Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire - That goes back before many of you. But she said she didn't want them. In Blanche's case, she said that she depended on the kindness of strangers. And we don't want to be dependent on the kindness of friends even because there are times when money almost stops. And we had one of those, interestingly enough. We had it, of course, in 2008 and '09.

(Warren Buffett 01:33:32)

But right around in the day or two leading up to March 23rd, we came very close but fortunately we had a Federal Reserve that knew what to do, but money was... investment-grade companies were essentially going to be frozen out of the market.

(Warren Buffett 01:34:03)

CFOs all over the country had been taught to sort of maximize returns on equity capital, so they financed themselves to some extent through commercial paper because that was very cheap and it was backed up by bank lines and all of that. And they let the debt creep up quite a bit in many companies.

(Warren Buffett 01:34:22)

And then of course they had the hell scared out of them by what was happening in markets, particularly the equity markets. And so they rushed to draw down lines of credit. And that surprised the people who had extended those lines of credit; they got very nervous. And the capacity of Wall Street to absorb a rush to liquidity that was taking place in mid-March was strained to the limit to the point where the Federal Reserve, observing these markets, decided they had to move in a very big way.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> それではこのスライドを..、いいえ、前のものに戻りましょう。ここに3月31日現在の当社が保有する現金及び米国債の正味保有残高を示しています。これをみて「現金と米国債を合わせて1,250億ドル、そしてさらに..」と思われるかもしれません。保有する株式は、少なくともその時点では1,800億ドルほどになっていました。



(Warren Buffett 01:31:07)

Now, I show on the slide that's up, I show our... Well, let's go back one. Yeah. I show our net, our cash and Treasury bill position on March 31st. And you might look at that and say, "Well, you've got $125 billion or so in cash and Treasury bills. And you've got..." At least at that point, we had about, I don't know, $180 billion or so in equities.

(Warren Buffett 01:31:43)

And you can say, "Well, that's a huge position to have in Treasury bills versus just $180 billion in equities." But we really have far more than that in equities because we own a lot of businesses. We own 100% of the stock of a great many businesses, which to us are very similar to the marketable stocks we own. We just don't own them all. They don't have a quote on them.

(Warren Buffett 01:32:05)

But we have hundreds of billions of wholly owned businesses. So our $124 billion is not some 40% or so cash positions, it's far less than that. And we will always keep plenty of cash on hand, and for any circumstances, with a 9/11 comes along, if the stock market is closed, as it was in World War I - it's not going to be, but I didn't think we were going to be having a pandemic when I watched that Creighton-Villanova game in January either.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし利益がある程度減少したとしても、それらの事業は基本的に現金を生み出してくれます。そして2枚目のスライドに進みますが、バークシャーではきわめて強固な基盤を維持しています。これからも常にそれを守っていきますが、当社は単にそれを基本な方針としています。当社では一般の人たちと保険契約を結んでいます。ある程度は専門に特化しており、業界のリーダーでもあります。主たる事業ではないものの、定期金賠償商品も販売しています。たとえばだれかがひどい事故に遭ったとき、たいていは自動車事故ですが、10年から50年間などの期間にわたって援助が必要になります。それがこの商品です。




(Warrren Buffett 01:28:13)

But basically these businesses will produce cash even though their earnings decline somewhat. And if we'll go to part two, at Berkshire, we keep ourselves in an extraordinary strong position. We'll always do that - that's just fundamental. We insure people. We're a specialist to some extent and a leader. It's not our main business, but we sell structured settlements. That means somebody gets in a terrible accident, usually an auto accident, and they're going to require care for 10, 30, 50 years.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:03)

And their family or their lawyer is wise enough, in our view, to rather than take some big cash settlement to essentially arrange to have money paid over the lifetime of the individual to take care of their medical wills, bills, or whatever it may be. And we're large. We've got many, many, many people that in effect have staked their well-being on the promises of Berkshire to take care of them for, like I say, I mean, 50 years or longer into the future.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:42)

And, now, I would never take real chances with money, of other people's money under any circumstances. Both Charlie and I come from a background where we ran partnerships. I started mine in 1956 for really seven either actual family members or the equivalent. And Charlie did the same thing six years later. And we never, neither one of us, I think, I know I didn't, and I'm virtually certain the same is true of Charlie, neither one of us ever had a single institution investment with us.

(Warren Buffett 01:30:23)

I mean, every single bit of money we managed for other people was from individuals, people with faces attached to them, or entities, or money with faces attached to them. So we've always felt that our job is basically that of a trustee, and hopefully a reasonably smart trustee in terms of what we were trying to accomplish. But the trustee aspect has been very important. And it's true for the people with the structured settlements. It's true for up and down the line. But it's true for the owners very much too. So we always operate from a position of strength.