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Uncertainty [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)



・私が最近書いたメモのなかで、マーク・リプシッチ氏について何度か取り上げました。彼はハーバード大学T. H. Chan公衆衛生大学院で、疫学の教授を務めています。彼の述べた階層を私なりの表現にすると、次のようになります。(a)事実、(b)過去の経験に照らし合わせた論理的推論、(c)憶測。経済学は不確かなため、将来における経済面での事実というものは、あきらかに存在しません。経済学者や投資家は、過去にあったパターンから推論しているのです。ただしそれはせいぜい「信頼するに足らぬもの」であり、彼らの判断は多くの場合において、「憶測」と題するのが然るべきだと思います。




* 連銀及び財務省が実行する、莫大かつ多相的な貸付・給付・支援・債券購入のプログラムは、Covid-19に対する闘いによって経済がこうむった比類なき損害を帳消しにするほど、十分なものとなるのか。

* 経済活動を再開することで、以前と比較してどの程度まで回復するのか。また、そのことによって疫病の感染拡大がどの程度再燃するのか。再度のロックダウンがどの程度必要になってくるのか。

As everyone knows, today we're experiencing unprecedented (or at least highly exceptional) developments in four areas: the pandemic, the economic contraction, the oil price collapse and the Fed/government response. Thus a number of considerations make the future particularly unpredictable these days:

- The field of economics is muddled and imprecise, and there's good reason it's called "the dismal science." Unlike a "real" science like physics, in economics there are no rules that one can count on to consistently produce a given outcome, as in "if a, then b." There are only patterns that tend to repeat, and while they may be historical, logical and often-observed, they're still only tendencies.

- In some recent memos, I've mentioned Marc Lipsitch, Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In my version of hierarchy, there are (a) facts, (b) logical inferences from past experience and (c) guesses. Because of the imprecision of economics, there certainly are no facts about the economic future. Economists and investors make inferences from past patterns, but these are unreliable at best, and I think in many cases their judgments fall under the heading of "guesses."

- These days, I'm often asked questions like "Will the recovery be V-shaped, or a U, W or L?" and "Which of the crises you've lived through does this one most resemble?" Answering questions like those requires a historical perspective.

- Given the exceptional developments enumerated above, however, there's little or no history that's relevant to today. That means we don't have past patterns to fall back on or to extrapolate from. As I've said, if you've never experienced something before, you can't say you know how it's going to turn out.

- While unique developments like those of today make forecasting unusually difficult, the presence of all four elements at once probably renders it impossible. In addition to the difficulty of understanding each of the four individually, we can't be sure how they'll interact. For example:

* Will the massive, multi-faceted Fed/Treasury program of loans, grants, stimulus and bond buying be sufficient to offset the unparalleled damage done to the economy by the fight against Covid-19?

* To what extent will the reopening bring back economic activity, and to what extent will that cause the spread of the disease to resume, and the renewal of lock-downs?



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> アメリカはその傑出した夢の実現に向けて、前進してはいました。しかし三分の一ほど歩んだ時点で、まさしく決断の時をむかえ、争いに突入することとなりました。これはわたしの推計になりますが、この国の18歳から60歳までの男性のうち、およそ6%が文字どおり命をなくしました。戦争中の死者数は60万人を超えたと、わたしは考えています。また「18歳から60歳の男性が、全人口の断然大きな部分を占めていた」とするのも、妥当な推測だと思います。想像できるでしょうか、一国の労働者の中心的年代にいた男性の6%が、4年の間に消滅したわけです。この国の発展を振り返り、現在抱えているわたしたちの問題を考える際に、このことを念頭においてもらえればと思います。次のスライドでは、その数字を今日の水準に直すとどの程度になるかを示していますが、同じ年齢層の人が400万人消滅することになります。アメリカが築いてきた夢のような業績は、世界的な偉業のひとつに挙げられますし、むしろ多くの面で至高の世界的偉業と言えるでしょう。それほどまでの信じがたい停滞が生じて乗り越えていくなかでも、アメリカン・ドリームは築かれ続けていったのです。

(Warren Buffett 29:37)

So while this marvelous dream was being played out, roughly a third of the way through it, we face this really moment of decision, and we entered into a contest that, if we'll go to the next slide, I made an estimate. That literally killed roughly 6% of the males in the country who were between 18 and 60. I'm assuming that there were more than 600,000 deaths in the war. I think it's a reasonable estimate that that 18 to 60 group, males, were by far the great proportion. So imagine 6% of your working prime age males in a country are wiped out in four years. So when we look at the progress of this country and we think of our own problems now, I just ask you to ponder and we'll move to the next slide. That would be equivalent today to having four million males in that same age group similarly wiped out. So that was one incredible interruption which this country nevertheless worked through while compiling this American dream that is one of the wonders of the world, perhaps the wonder of the world in many senses.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし、夢がかなうのはまだ先の話でした。これは重要なことですが、米国は最初の難所に差しかかったのです。非常に過酷な難所がつづき、それらを越えていく必要がありました。231年間をとおして着実な足どりで前進できたわけではありません。実際のところ、この国は産まれたばかりでした。次のスライドに進みますと、生後72年が経過した1861年には、この国の人口が3,100万人になりました。1960年の統計によると、人口が3,100万人前後で、そのうち400万人が奴隷だったとされています。1789年の妥協[=1790年妥協。南北の政治的取引]に含まれていた非常に多くの問題は未解決のままですが、この件はあとでもう少し触れましょう。しかしこの国が直面したのは、外国ではそれほど起こっていない事件でした。もしも1789年当時の人たちへ次のことを知らせたら、彼らはどう思うでしょうか。72年後には国の一部が分裂し、それがきっかけで合衆国大統領[エイブラハム・リンカーン]がゲティスバーグで次のような発言をするようになると。「人々が[自由を]育み、[平等たらんと]身を尽くしてきたこの国や同様の国家が、長きにわたって存続し得るものか、それが試されているのだ」と。想像してみてください。みずから率いてきたこの国が永続するのだろうかと、合衆国大統領が問い悩むのです。これは[独立後]わずかに72年後、いや74年後のゲティスバーグで起こったできごとでした。

(Warren Buffett 27:31)

But it was not done, and this is important, because we've now hit a bump in the road. It was not done without some very, very serious bumps in the road. It was not 231 years of steady progress. In matter of fact, we had been in the birth of this country. We'd been into it, what? 72 years and if we go to the next slide, 1861 we now had about 31 million people. The 1960 cents to showed around 31 million people or thereabouts in the country and four million of them were slaves, and we had never really resolved the very much unfinished business of what was involved in compromises in 1789, and we'll have more to say about that later. But we had something that not too many countries experienced, and if you had told people in 1789 that in 72 years, you were going to have a division that causes the President of the United States at Gettysburg to say that testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. Imagine the President of the United States wondering aloud whether the country that he was presiding over could long endure, only 72 years or 74 years at Gettysburg, had taken place.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 2枚目のスライドに進みますと、ここでは1790年の米国人口を見積もってみましたが、390万人になりました。これには、ちょっとした裏話があります。統計上の数字をさがしてみたところ、1921年に商務省の建屋で大火事が発生して、多くの記録が失われていたのです。そのため、欠落をいくつか含んだ統計となっています。それはともかく、米国の人口は390万人でした。また当時奴隷だった人たちの人数ですが、実のところ60万人、というより70万人に近い数字でした。そして390万人という数は、当時の地球上の人口の0.5%に過ぎませんでした。


(Warren Buffett 16:54)

If we go to slide two, I've tried to estimate... Well, let's go back. Stay with slide two, but the population in 1790, and we had 3.9 million people here. It's funny, when you look up census figures, you find out that they had a big fire and the Department of Commerce building in 1921, so they lost a lot of the census records. So there's some things where there's a few gaps, but there were 3.9 million people in the United States. Actually, I've got .6 million. It's closer to .7 million. There were 700,000 of those people were slaves at the time. But those 3.9 million people were one half of 1% of the population of the planet.

(Warren Buffett 17:57)

If you'd asked any of those 3.9 million people, any of them to imagine what life would be like 231 years later, even the most optimistic person; they could have been drinking heavily and even had a little pot, and they still could not in their wildest dreams have thought that in three lifetimes, Charlie's mine, and Greg's, that in that period you would be looking at a country with 280 million vehicles shuffling around its roads. Airplanes, maybe not today so much, but they'll be back again. They were flying people at 40,000 feet coast to coast, five hours. That great universities would exist in one state after another, and great hospitals systems, and entertainment would be delivered to people in a way nobody could have dreamt of in 1790s. This country in 231 years has exceeded anybody's dreams.



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<ウォーレン> それではここからは、基本的にはわたしに関わるちょっとした歴史話をご紹介したいと思います。もしも自分が産まれる年代や場所を好きに選べるとしたら、どうするでしょうか。ただし性別の指定はできず、頭の良さも選べないとします。また特別な能力や弱みの有無も選べません。そのような選択が1回できるとしたら、西暦1720年は選ばないでしょう。1820年も違いますし、1920年も選びません。選ぶ時代は「現在」で、選ぶ場所はアメリカでしょう。もちろんですがこの質問がおもしろいのは、1789年にアメリカが独立してジョージ・ワシントンが政府で宣誓をしてからこのかた、人々が「現在のここ」を選んできた点です。想像できますか。「現在のここ」を望む人たちが、231年間にわたって必ずいたのです。


(Warren Buffett 14:39)

I would like to take you through a little history to essentially my case that if you were to pick one time to be born and one place to be born, and you didn't know what your sex was going to be, you didn't know what your intelligence would be. You didn't know what your special talents or special deficiencies would be. That if you could do that one time, he would not pick 1720, you would not pick 1820, you would not pick 1920. You'd pick today, and you would pick America, and of course the interesting thing about it is that ever since America was organized in 1789 when George Washington took the oath of office, people have wanted to come here. Can you imagine that? For 231 years, there's always been people that have wanted to come here.

(Warren Buffett 15:52)

My friend, I think I just jumped the gun just a shade. I'm putting up slide on. But I'm going to call from some slides as we go along. But the interesting thing about this country is what is on slide one? Let's put it up. This is an extraordinarily young country. Now I'm comparing it to a couple of guys that are pretty old, but when you think about the fact that my age, Charlie's age, our life experience, and then we'll throw in this young guy over here, Greg Abel, and if our life experiences combined exceed the life of the United States, we are a very, very young country. But what we've accomplished is miraculous. Now just think of this. This little spot in history.