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Morning Session - 2018 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (CNBC)

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3. バフェット直伝の教え: 投資をどのように捉えるべきか

<ウォーレン・バフェット> まずはじめに少しばかり時間をいただき、投資をどのように考えることができるか、ちょっとした見方をご紹介したいと思います。現在は「今日あるいはこの瞬間に起こっていることばかりに意識を向ける風潮」がみられますが、それとは対極にある話です。













3. Master class: How to think about investments

[some sentences omitted]

And I would like to just spend just a couple of minutes giving you a little perspective on how you might think about investments, as opposed to the tendency to focus on what’s happening today, or even this minute, as you go through.

And to help me in doing that, I’d like to go back through a little personal history.

And we will start - I have here a New York Times of March 12th, 1942. I’m a little behind on my reading. (Laughter)

And if you go back to that time, that - it was about, what? Just about three months since we got involved in a war which we were losing at that point.

The newspaper headlines were filled with bad news from the Pacific. And I’ve taken just a couple of the headlines from the days preceding March 11th, which I’ll explain was kind of a momentous day for me.

And so you can see these headlines. We’ve got slide two up there, I believe. And we were in trouble, big trouble, in the Pacific. It was only going to be a couple months later that the Philippines fell, but we were getting bad news.

We might go to slide three for March 9th. Hope you can read the headlines, anyway. The price of the paper’s three cents, incidentally.

The - and let’s see, we’ve got March 10th up there, as slide - I - when I get to where there’s advanced technology of slides, I want to make sure I’m showing you the same thing that I’m seeing in front of me.

So anyway, on March 10th, when again, the news was bad: “Foe Clearing Path to Australia.” And it was like it - the stock market had been reflecting this.

And I’d been watching a stock called Cities Service preferred stock, which had sold at $84 the previous year. It had sold at $55 the year - early in January, two months earlier - and now it was down to $40 on March 10th.

So that night, despite these headlines, I said to my dad - I said, “I think I’d like to pull the trigger, and I’d like you to buy me three shares of Cities Service preferred” the next day.

And that was all I had. I mean, that was my capital accumulated over the previous five years or thereabouts. And so my dad, the next morning, bought three shares.



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<チャーリー・マンガー> 所属する組織の規模が大きくなり、複雑さが増すにつれて、つまりはGM社やAT&T社のような文化と言えますが、非常に難しい問題になりますね。大企業では多かれ少なかれ同じように、非常に官僚主義的になっています。「きわめて官僚的である」、これがお決まりの社風ですよ。もちろん政府でもそうで、巨大な政府組織では官僚主義が生じています。官僚主義というものはさまざまな間違いを起こしますから、基本的には好かないですね。だからといって、そのかわりを私が示せるわけではありません。これまで以上に連邦政府をうまく運営する方法も知りません。私自身の見解として巨大な官僚的文化は基本的に好きになれないので、それゆえ深く考えることもないのです。官僚主義を大幅に修正する方法など、私にはわかりません。「従業員が100万人もいる企業の文化を変えてほしい」と任されても、私には地獄行きを宣告されたも同然ですよ。レストラン1軒の文化を変えることでさえ、容易ではないです。すでに官僚主義的な文化に染まった場所を、どうやって非官僚的に変えればよいのか、実に難しい問題だと思いますね。


But the minute you get into the bigger and more complicated places…I mean you can talk about the culture of General Motors or the culture of AT&T, it’s a very difficult subject. What big businesses have in common by and large is that they get very bureaucratic. That’s the one norm in culture is that they get very bureaucratic. And of course it happens to the government too. A big governmental body. And basically I don’t like bureaucracy, it creates a lot of error. I don’t have a substitute for it. I don’t have a better way of running the U.S. government than the way they’ve been doing it. But I basically don’t personally like big bureaucratic cultures and so I don’t think very much about big bureaucratic cultures. I don’t know how to fix bureaucracy in a big place. I would regard it as a sentence to hell if they gave me some company with a million employees to change the culture. I think it’s hard to change the culture in a restaurant. A place that’s already bureaucratic, how do you make it un-bureaucratic? It’s a very hard problem.

Berkshire has solved the problem as best it can…of bureaucracy. You can’t have too much bureaucracy at headquarters if there’s no bodies at headquarters. (laughter) That’s our system. I don’t think it arose because we were geniuses or anything. I think partly it was an accident. But once we saw what was working, we kept it. But I don’t have a solution for corporate culture at monstrous places.



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<質問29> 社風についておうかがいします。ある企業の社風を部外者の立場から、本当に知ることができるものでしょうか。それと同様に、組織における上層部の人間が、配下の者たちが抱く企業文化について、本当に確信できるものでしょうか。また、ウェルズ・ファーゴ社やGE社のような巨大企業の文化を評価する上で、どのようになさっていますか。文化を理解するのに有用だと考えていらっしゃるものには、何がありますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> コストコ社のような企業の末端でどのような社風が根付いているか、みなさんもよく知っておられるでしょう。そこまで至った企業文化とは、広大かつ前向きな活力を有していますね。これからもずっと長きにわたって継続すると思いますよ。




Question 29: Questions about culture. How can an outsider really know a company’s culture? And for that matter, how can an insider, at the top of an organization, really be certain about the culture of the company beneath him? And how would you go about assessing the culture of giants like Wells Fargo or General Electric? What is it that you look at that helps you understand culture?

Charlie: Well, you understand culture best where it’s really down (low) in a place like Costco. And there the culture is a vast and constructive force. Which will probably continue for a very, very long time.

The minute you get into General Electric, partly decentralized, partly not. Multi-business instead of one business. It gets very complicated. What is the culture of General Electric when the businesses can be so radically different? Maybe headquarters can have a certain kind of culture. And maybe the culture will be a little wrong. And maybe it’s wrong to shift people around from business to business as much as they do. Which I strongly suspect.

I do think…there are very few businesses like Costco that have a very extreme culture where everybody’s bought into. And where they stay in one basic business all the way. I love a business like Costco because of the strong culture and how much can be achieved if the culture is right.


Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings (CNBC)


The definitive collection - Buffett in his own words (CNBC)



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<質問28> 人工知能(AI)は、社会に対してインターネット革命以上に大きな影響をもたらすと思われます。それでは、AIは各種業界に対して概してどのような影響を与えるか、また人類の将来に対してどのような影響を与えるのか、ご見解をお聞かせいただければ幸いです。

<チャーリー・マンガー> これはいい質問ですね(笑)。人工知能を研究している人たちは実際のところ、その質問に答えられないと思いますよ。私自身は、それほど多くは学び得られないと思って、人工知能のことは勉強していません。Facebook社やGoogle社ではAIがマーケティングの一環として機能しているのはわかります。だから、ある領域ではうまく機能するのでしょうね。しかし、この主題は実に複雑ですよ。正確にどうなっていくのかは、私にはわかりません。わが人生では、体系化した常識を用いるだけで相当うまくやってきました。ですから、人工知能のような領域に足を踏み入れたいと考えたことはないですね。水辺を探し回って小さな金塊を拾えるとすれば、それが可能な限りは、わずかな優位を得んがために沖積漂砂鉱床へ出向いて、莫大な量のデータをふるいにかけたいとは思いませんよ[=砂金採りの意に引掛けている。過去記事]。つまり、質問する相手をまちがっています。AIがどれほどすごいものなのか、私には自信をもって言い切れません。「AIがまちがいなく経済面での革命を起こす」とは思えないのです。これまで以上に利用されるのはたしかだと思いますが、AIを使うことによって世界で最高の大成功者になれるかどうかは、どんなものでしょうかね。人工知能がうまく働く領域はあるのでしょうが、我々もガイコ社(GEICO)で相当な時間にわたって導入を検討してきたものの、いまだに昔ながらの情報や工夫でやっています。ですから私の知っているのはここまでで、もうこれ以上は語れないのですよ。

Question 28: It looks like the A.I. will have a much bigger impact on society than the internet revolution, so would you mind maybe sharing some of your thoughts on how artificial intelligence will impact different industries in general and who [errata?] it will impact the future of the human race?

Charlie: Well, that’s a nice question. (laughter) The people who studied artificial intelligence don’t really know the answer to that question. I’m not studying artificial intelligence because I wouldn’t be able to learn much about it. I can see that artificial intelligence is working in the marketing arrangements of Facebook and Google, so I think it is working in some places very well. But it’s a very complicated subject. And what its exact consequences are going to be, I don’t know. I’ve done so well in life by just using organized common sense, that I never wanted to get into these fields like artificial intelligence. If you can walk around the shores and pick up boulders of gold, as long as the boulders keep being found and picked up, I don’t want to go to the placer mining sifting vast amounts of data for some little edge. So you’re just talking to the wrong person. And I’m not at all sure how great…I don’t think artificial intelligence is at all sure to create an economic revolution. I’m sure we’ll use more of it, but what are the consequence of using artificial intelligence to become the world’s best (golden boy)? There may be places where it works, but we’ve thought about it at Geico for years and years and years, but we’re still using the old fashion intelligence. So I don’t know enough about it to say more than that.


Berkshire Hathaway 2018 Annual Shareholders Meeting Livestream (Yahoo! Finance)



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<質問23> おはようございます、バフェットさん...いや、マンガーさん。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 「バフェット」と呼んでくださるとは、これは光栄の至りですね(爆笑)。

<質問者> バークシャーが出した最新の年次報告書では、これまでと同様に簿価の変遷が記されています。52年間で19ドルから17万2千ドルへと増加しており、年率にすると19%の成長になります。それでは、この並外れたパーセントにおける大きな割合が、保険事業によってもたらされたレバレッジによるものなのでしょうか。保険会社を使って投資資産を保有できるおかげで、たとえば14%のリターンをあげることで、簿価の20%増へとつながるのでしょうか。

<チャーリー> バークシャーの数字には、あきらかにレバレッジが若干埋まっていましたね。それを保険事業がいくらか供したのも明白です。だからといって、すっかり埋まっていたわけではなかったですよ。それが役立った年もありましたし、困ってしまうほどの大量の資金をアジート[・ジェイン]がもたらしてくれた年もありました。彼はその資金をウォーレン[・バフェット]へ回し、ウォーレンが20%増やしたという顛末です。ですから、保険事業とバークシャー・ハサウェイの間で目を瞠るような相乗効果の生じた年が、何度かあったわけです。


Question 23: Good morning Mr. Buffett…Mr. Munger.

Charlie: I’m flattered to be called Mr. Buffett. (laughter)

Question 23 Continued: The most recent annual report for Berkshire, as in the past reports, the growth in book value was shown and over the past 52 years it has grown from $19 to $172,000. Which represents a return of 19% a year. Is a large part of that outsized percentage attributable to the leverage inherent in the insurance company, such that you can own an investment in the insurance company which returns say 14% and it becomes 20% to book value?

Charlie: Well obviously there was a little leverage buried in the Berkshire numbers. Obviously the insurance business provided some of that. It’s not over-whelming in its consequences. There were years when it was helping. There were years when Ajit made so much money that it was almost embarrassing. And then he’d give the money to Warren and Warren would make 20% on the money. So there were some years when some remarkable synergies between the insurance business and Berkshire Hathaway.

But basically the insurance business is not some cinch easy way to make money. There’s a lot of danger and trouble in the insurance business and its more and more competitive all the time now as we’re sitting here. Berkshire succeeded because there were very few big errors…there were like no big errors, really big. And there were a considerable number of successes. All of which would have been much harder to get under present conditions than they were at the time we got the results. And there are very few companies that have compounded at 19% per annum for fifty years. It’s (a weird) in net worth. That is very peculiar. I wouldn’t count on that happening again soon. It certainly won’t happen at the Daily Journal.