




<質問23> おはようございます、バフェットさん...いや、マンガーさん。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 「バフェット」と呼んでくださるとは、これは光栄の至りですね(爆笑)。

<質問者> バークシャーが出した最新の年次報告書では、これまでと同様に簿価の変遷が記されています。52年間で19ドルから17万2千ドルへと増加しており、年率にすると19%の成長になります。それでは、この並外れたパーセントにおける大きな割合が、保険事業によってもたらされたレバレッジによるものなのでしょうか。保険会社を使って投資資産を保有できるおかげで、たとえば14%のリターンをあげることで、簿価の20%増へとつながるのでしょうか。

<チャーリー> バークシャーの数字には、あきらかにレバレッジが若干埋まっていましたね。それを保険事業がいくらか供したのも明白です。だからといって、すっかり埋まっていたわけではなかったですよ。それが役立った年もありましたし、困ってしまうほどの大量の資金をアジート[・ジェイン]がもたらしてくれた年もありました。彼はその資金をウォーレン[・バフェット]へ回し、ウォーレンが20%増やしたという顛末です。ですから、保険事業とバークシャー・ハサウェイの間で目を瞠るような相乗効果の生じた年が、何度かあったわけです。


Question 23: Good morning Mr. Buffett…Mr. Munger.

Charlie: I’m flattered to be called Mr. Buffett. (laughter)

Question 23 Continued: The most recent annual report for Berkshire, as in the past reports, the growth in book value was shown and over the past 52 years it has grown from $19 to $172,000. Which represents a return of 19% a year. Is a large part of that outsized percentage attributable to the leverage inherent in the insurance company, such that you can own an investment in the insurance company which returns say 14% and it becomes 20% to book value?

Charlie: Well obviously there was a little leverage buried in the Berkshire numbers. Obviously the insurance business provided some of that. It’s not over-whelming in its consequences. There were years when it was helping. There were years when Ajit made so much money that it was almost embarrassing. And then he’d give the money to Warren and Warren would make 20% on the money. So there were some years when some remarkable synergies between the insurance business and Berkshire Hathaway.

But basically the insurance business is not some cinch easy way to make money. There’s a lot of danger and trouble in the insurance business and its more and more competitive all the time now as we’re sitting here. Berkshire succeeded because there were very few big errors…there were like no big errors, really big. And there were a considerable number of successes. All of which would have been much harder to get under present conditions than they were at the time we got the results. And there are very few companies that have compounded at 19% per annum for fifty years. It’s (a weird) in net worth. That is very peculiar. I wouldn’t count on that happening again soon. It certainly won’t happen at the Daily Journal.

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