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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2017 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)












To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:

Berkshire’s gain in net worth during 2017 was $65.3 billion, which increased the per-share book value of both our Class A and Class B stock by 23%. Over the last 53 years (that is, since present management took over), per-share book value has grown from $19 to $211,750, a rate of 19.1% compounded annually.

The format of that opening paragraph has been standard for 30 years. But 2017 was far from standard: A large portion of our gain did not come from anything we accomplished at Berkshire.

The $65 billion gain is nonetheless real - rest assured of that. But only $36 billion came from Berkshire’s operations. The remaining $29 billion was delivered to us in December when Congress rewrote the U.S. Tax Code. (Details of Berkshire’s tax-related gain appear on page K-32 and pages K-89 - K-90.)

After stating those fiscal facts, I would prefer to turn immediately to discussing Berkshire’s operations. But, in still another interruption, I must first tell you about a new accounting rule - a generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) - that in future quarterly and annual reports will severely distort Berkshire’s net income figures and very often mislead commentators and investors.

The new rule says that the net change in unrealized investment gains and losses in stocks we hold must be included in all net income figures we report to you. That requirement will produce some truly wild and capricious swings in our GAAP bottom-line. Berkshire owns $170 billion of marketable stocks (not including our shares of Kraft Heinz), and the value of these holdings can easily swing by $10 billion or more within a quarterly reporting period. Including gyrations of that magnitude in reported net income will swamp the truly important numbers that describe our operating performance. For analytical purposes, Berkshire’s “bottom-line” will be useless.

The new rule compounds the communication problems we have long had in dealing with the realized gains (or losses) that accounting rules compel us to include in our net income. In past quarterly and annual press releases, we have regularly warned you not to pay attention to these realized gains, because they - just like our unrealized gains - fluctuate randomly.

That’s largely because we sell securities when that seems the intelligent thing to do, not because we are trying to influence earnings in any way. As a result, we sometimes have reported substantial realized gains for a period when our portfolio, overall, performed poorly (or the converse).

With the new rule about unrealized gains exacerbating the distortion caused by the existing rules applying to realized gains, we will take pains every quarter to explain the adjustments you need in order to make sense of our numbers. But televised commentary on earnings releases is often instantaneous with their receipt, and newspaper headlines almost always focus on the year-over-year change in GAAP net income. Consequently, media reports sometimes highlight figures that unnecessarily frighten or encourage many readers or viewers.

We will attempt to alleviate this problem by continuing our practice of publishing financial reports late on Friday, well after the markets close, or early on Saturday morning. That will allow you maximum time for analysis and give investment professionals the opportunity to deliver informed commentary before markets open on Monday. Nevertheless, I expect considerable confusion among shareholders for whom accounting is a foreign language.

At Berkshire what counts most are increases in our normalized per-share earning power. That metric is what Charlie Munger, my long-time partner, and I focus on - and we hope that you do, too. Our scorecard for 2017 follows.



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<ロトンティ> 最近お書きになった文章の中で、「ほとんどの業界において企業側の価格決定力が弱くなった。それというのも、インターネットを利用して価格をすみやかに比較できる能力を、買い手側が手にしたからだ」としています。それではどのような種類の企業であれば、今もなお強力な価格決定力を確実に持っていると思いますか。

<ワイツ> 強力な価格決定力とは、手元に維持するのが難しいものです。今でもそれが存在すると考えられるのは、たとえばライセンスに守られた独自製品やニッチ製品、フランチャイズ契約、特許が挙げられます。また莫大な初期投資を必要とする事業であれば、優位性があるかもしれません。しかし資本がごく安価に調達できたり横溢している時期に、安全といえる企業はほとんどないでしょう。ほかには「ネットワーク効果」が発揮されることで、市場を「勝者の総取り」によって独占できるかもしれません。しかしこれも優位性が営々とつづくものは、きわめてわずかです。

<ロトンティ> 価値評価をどのように考えていますか。ディスカウンティド・キャッシュ・フロー(DCF)分析を使いますか。売却金額を定めていますか。また、好みの評価指標がありますか。たとえばPER、PBR、フリー・キャッシュ・フロー(FCF)利回りはどうですか。

<ワイツ> 私たちが信奉している理論が2つあります。第一に、「事業の価値は、将来得られるキャッシュ・フローを現在価値に割り引いたものである」こと。第二に、「事業価値は、いずれ株価に反映されるであろう」ことです。しかしヨギ・ベラが言ったように、「理論と実践に理論上の違いはないが、実践してみると違いはある」ものです。



FCFについて一点申し上げますと、その定義は使う人それぞれによって異なっています。私たちは「随意利用可能な」キャッシュ・フローの意味で使っています。これは保守・保全費用を支払った後の現金収支[原文はcash earnings]を指しており、成長を期した投資費用は含みません。一例をあげると、ホテルは客室を定期的に改装する必要がありますが、これは保守・保全費用になります。一方、新規の客室棟を建て増す場合は成長投資、すなわち「随意」分となります(この差異は財務諸表上で明確ではないこともありますが、違いがある点を認識しておくことが大切です)。


JR: You recently wrote that the pricing power of companies in most industries has decreased because of the shopper’s ability to quickly compare prices using the Internet. Which types of companies do you believe still have strong pricing power?

WW: Strong pricing power is hard to come by. Unique products and niches protected by licenses, franchise agreements, patents, etc. still exist. Businesses that require huge, upfront capital investments can have an advantage, but in a period of very cheap and abundant capital, few companies are safe. “Network effects” can lead to “winner take all” market dominance, but again, very few advantages are permanent.

JR: How do you think about valuation? Do you use discounted cash flow analysis? Do you set sell targets? Do you have a preferred valuation ratio such as price-to-earnings (P/E), price-to-book (P/B), free cash flow (FCF) yield?

WW: We believe in the theory that (1) the value of a business is the present value of its future cash flows and that (2) business value is likely to eventually be reflected in its stock price. However, as Yogi said, “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.”

Popular valuation ratios mean very little without lots of context. Discounted cash flow analysis is also a very blunt instrument which can create the illusion of scientific precision. There’s an old joke that DCF discount rates are like the Hubble Telescope…move it a couple of degrees and you’re in a different solar system.”

We do make DCF models on all the companies we get serious about, though. While the single point “value” that comes out of the model doesn’t dictate our buying decision, building the model forces the analyst to understand how the business works and the model itself facilitates discussion/debate among our investment team about the attractiveness and value of the business.

One note on “FCF”: Practitioners differ on the definition of “free cash flow.” We talk about “discretionary” cash flow. That is, cash earnings after maintenance capex but before growth investments. For example, regular refurbishment of hotel rooms is required - maintenance capex. Adding a new wing of rooms is discretionary - growth capex. (The difference may not always be clear from financial statements but the distinction is important.)

As for “sell targets,” we sell if our estimate or calculations change, if a stock becomes fully/over-valued, or if we have a more attractive alternative use of the capital.




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Value Matters: Fourth Quarter 2017 Letter to Investors (Weitz Investment Management, Inc.)





On the other hand, investment returns do not arrive smoothly or on a predictable schedule. We are very accustomed to being “out of step” with the stock market for stretches of time. We are often early both in buying cheap stocks and selling expensive ones. However, we underestimated the persistency of artificially low interest rates as well as investor complacency in the face of high valuations and both economic and geopolitical risks. As a result, our overly cautious portfolio positioning has had a negative impact on our relative returns.

The reason we invest the way we do is that we think it gives us the highest probability of success over long investment periods. We are investing client capital with an eye to funding long-term goals such as college education and improving the quality of life in retirement. We are not focused on short-term performance contests (though we are not opposed to outsized annual gains from time to time).

We feel good about our investment process and our ability to implement it because we think it is based on timeless principles. We believe that assets with logically measurable values become mispriced—both on the high and low sides—because investors’ emotions lead them to, on occasion, buy high and sell low. Our job, as Warren Buffett has said, is to “buy when others are fearful and to sell when they are being greedy.” A portion of our recent interview published by The Motley Fool is reproduced on the following pages. Hopefully, it will provide a good reminder of how we approach our version of value investing.



<ジョン・ロトンティ> 質の高いビジネスをどのように定義していますか。

<ウォーリー・ワイツ> ある著名な投資家がすばらしいビジネスについて次のように定義したことがあります。「原価は1円、売値は100円。そして中毒性があること」。この冗談はやがて魅力を失います、次の一言が付け加えられてからですね。「ただし顧客の命を奪うこと」。おそらくだれもが次のような事業を保有したいと考えることでしょう。まずは、大幅な競争優位性(バフェット言うところの「濠」(moat))を持っていること。2番目に、余剰の現金を生み出すこと。3番目に、当該事業において高いリターンを生み出す再投資の機会を有していること。そして4番目に、経営者が誠実であると共に、強力な資本配分の能力を持っており、株主を事業上のパートナーとして処遇し、長期的視点から1株当たりの企業価値を成長させることに注力する人物であること、です。

<ロトンティ> 投資に関するチェックリストをお使いですか。もしそうであれば、どのような項目をあげられているのか、少しばかり教えていただけないでしょうか。

<ワイツ> 正式なリストは作成していません。しかし作るとすれば、「質の高いビジネス」に関する属性が筆頭にくると思います。「生存能力」や「支配力の継続性」に関する項目がいくつか来るでしょう。「慎重な形で」借り入れを活用することは気にしませんが、会社の財務が十分な強靭さを持ち、想像し得るほぼすべての困難時にも耐えられる点は要求します。「パラシュートは、ほぼ常に開いていますから」では不十分です。スカイダイビングをするつもりはありません。

<ロトンティ> どのようにして投資対象の範囲を狭めているのか、またその範囲がどれほど広いものなのか、ご説明いただけますか。

<ワイツ> 正式のスクリーニングはあまりやりません。しかし10名からなるアナリストとポートフォリオ・マネージャーは、各々が投資候補の案を収集しています。読み物をしたり、各社と対話をしたり、投資業界内で話を交わしたり(バイサイド[機関投資家]とセルサイド[証券会社]の両方)などです。そして、あげられた投資候補について調査分析し、議論します。そのような精査を通過したものが、購入対象となったり、あるいは価格が適切と思われる時期が来たときに実際に投資する対象として、「待機」リストに加えられます。

<ロトンティ> 好みの業界や、あるいは避けている業界がありますか。

<ワイツ> 理屈の上では、投資候補に対して広く柔軟性をもって取り組んでいます。しかしながら、その企業がどのように機能しているのか理解できることが不可欠ですし、5年から10年後にどんな様子になっており、その期間内にどれだけの現金を生み出せるのか、それらを妥当に見積もれることも必要です。「予測可能であること」を要求するので、コモディティー関連あるいは競争が厳しくて急激に変化するビジネスには、あまり興味がありません。「軽資本」で済み、ケーブルテレビのような継続契約のビジネスのほうが好みです。正味で現金を生み出し、そこそこの借入で済む企業がいいですね。


Collaboration and Profit at Weitz Investment Management
Founder Wally Weitz talks about how he finds and evaluates potential investments.
By John Rotonti • The Motley Fool • November 2017

John Rotonti:How do you define a high-quality business?
Wally Weitz: One well-known investor used to define a great business as one whose product cost a penny, sold for a dollar, and was addicting. That joke lost its appeal when people began to add, “but it kills its customers.” We would probably all like to own businesses that (1) have significant competitive advantages (Buffett’s “moat,”) (2) generate excess cash, (3) have high return reinvestment opportunities in the business, and (4) management with integrity and strong capital allocation skills who treat shareholders like partners in the business and who focus on long-term growth in the per share value of the business.

JR: Do you use an investing checklist? If so, would you mind sharing a few of those checks?
WW: We don’t have a formal list. If we did, the attributes of a “high-quality business” listed in No. 1 would be on it. There would also be some “viability” and “staying power” items. We are fine with the “prudent” use of leverage, but we insist that a company’s balance sheet be strong enough to withstand almost any conceivable type of adversity. “The parachute almost always opens” is not good enough—we don’t go sky-diving.

JR: Please explain how you narrow down your investable universe and how large that universe is.
WW: We do not do much formal screening, but each of our ten analysts and portfolio managers collects potential ideas from reading, interacting with other companies, talking to others in the investment business (both buy side and sell side), etc. Potential ideas are researched and discussed. Those that survive scrutiny may be bought or placed on the “on-deck” list for future investment when the price is right.

JR: Are there any industries you tend to prefer? Or avoid?
WW: We have great theoretical flexibility in what we may invest in. However, we need to be able to understand how the business works, to be able to make a reasonable estimate of what it will look like in 5-10 years and how much cash it will generate over that period. The need for predictability tends to lessen our interest in commodity related or highly competitive and rapidly changing businesses. We tend to favor “capital-light” and subscription businesses like cable TV. We like net cash generators and companies with modest leverage.

質の高いビジネス(high-quality business)に関する話題は、過去記事でも何度か登場しています。たとえば、以下のような記事があります。




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a. 自社キャラクターを活用した物販
b. 自社キャラクターのライセンス
c. テーマパーク

当社の前副社長であり、次代を担うはずだった辻邦彦氏(故人)は経営上の重要課題として「b. 自社キャラクターのライセンス」事業の強化を掲げていました。そこで2008年に社外から鳩山玲人(れひと)氏を迎え入れ、海外展開を強力に推進して、劇的な増収増益を果たしました。











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Now one other thing I would like to bring out which I run across quite frequently in mathematical work is the idea of inversion of the problem. You are trying to obtain the solution S on the basis of the premises P and then you can’t do it. Well, turn the problem over supposing that S were the given proposition, the given axioms, or the given numbers in the problem and what you are trying to obtain is P. Just imagine that that were the case. Then you will find that it is relatively easy to solve the problem in that direction. You find a fairly direct route. If so, it’s often possible to invent it in small batches. In other words, you’ve got a path marked out here - there you got relays you sent this way. You can see how to invert these things in small stages and perhaps three or four only difficult steps in the proof.

Now I think the same thing can happen in design work. Sometimes I have had the experience of designing computing machines of various sorts in which I wanted to compute certain numbers out of certain given quantities. This happened to be a machine that played the game of nim and it turned out that it seemed to be quite difficult. If [typo for It?] took quite a number of relays to do this particular calculation although it could be done. But then I got the idea that if I inverted the problem, it would have been very easy to do - if the given and required results had been interchanged; and that idea led to a way of doing it which was far simpler than the first design. The way of doing it was doing it by feedback; that is, you start with the required result and run it back until - run it through its value until it matches the given input. So the machine itself was worked backward putting range S over the numbers until it had the number that you actually had and, at that point, until it reached the number such that P shows you the correct way.

Well, now the solution for this philosophy which is probably very boring to most of you. I’d like now to show you this machine which I brought along and go into one or two of the problems which were connected with the design of that because I think they illustrate some of these things I’ve been talking about. In order to see this, you’ll have to come up around it; so, I wonder whether you will all come up around the table now.