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顧客向けのメモ「あなたは投資家、それとも投機家?」の中で、私がこの文章を書いたのは1997年のことです。現在の私と同じように、当時の私も慎重でした。そして「実はそれで正しかった」、そうなるまでに3年近くかかりました。これは「書いたときには間違っていた」という意味ではありません..。時期が早すぎたのです。(p. 4)

At times when the economy does well, risk doesn’t rear its head, risk-takers prosper and the returns on low-risk alternatives are unattractive, investors tend to drop their prudence and conclude that high prices aren’t a problem in and of themselves. This usually turns out to be a mistake, but it can take years.

For authority, I’ll cite a passage that seconds that view:

The market seems extremely comfortable with the proposition that as long as the macro-environment remains benign, stocks prices can continue to appreciate at rates that far outstrip the growth of their issuers’ profits, and thus the growth of their intrinsic value. Few market participants seem concerned about appropriate valuation levels - the relationship between assets and their prices - and this is a condition that we think must eventually have negative consequences. . . .

Today’s combination of a stable economy, low interest rates, enormous cash flows and strong investor optimism has created a climate in which capital is available for both good investments and bad, and in which risk is rarely seen as something to be shunned.

I wrote that in 1997, in a clients-only memo entitled “Are You an Investor or a Speculator?” I was cautionary then, like I am now. And it took almost three years for that to turn out to be correct. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t correct when it was written . . . just early.





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<悲観視すべき諸要素> 前述した楽観的要素とは反対に、悲観的なものをみると、「(a)見通しは明るいものの、悪化する恐れのあるファンダメンタル上の要因」あるいは「(b)そういった順風なマクロ的要因ゆえに高値を付けられている価格や、その価格を生み出している投資家の行動」を取り巻く要素ばかりです。









・今日では投資上の判断をくだす際に、「現金や財務省証券から得られる、お話にならない程度のリターンとくらべた相対リターン」に基づくことが多いようです。また「割高な市場はさらに進む」と信じ込み、さらには「置いてきぼりを食いたくない」との思いも影響していることでしょう。これは絶対リターンや、本源的価値と比較した上での妥当な価格に基づく行動ではありません。それゆえに現在は、私の同僚であるジュリオ・ハレラがかつて述べた状況になっています。「価値評価の技は打ち捨てられ、今やモメンタムがすべてを決める」と。(p. 2)

Negatives - As opposed to the positives listed above, most of the negatives surround either (a) positive fundamental factors that have the potential to deteriorate or (b) the high prices being paid for those macro-positives, and the investor behavior creating those prices.

* While the outlook isn’t dire, a number of subjects do represent genuine uncertainties and provide basis for concern: the possibility of slow long-term economic growth, the potential for rising interest rates and inflation, the impact of reversing stimulative monetary policy and the Fed switching to being a net seller of securities, the implications for employment as automation increases, the world’s dependence on China’s growth, and political and geopolitical tail risks. As the markets have risen, talk of all these things seems to have gone quiet.

* We know interest rates are likely to rise (creating competition for most asset classes and arguing for lower asset prices).We just don’t know by how much.

* Some of the elements characterizing the macro-economic environment can be described as “long in the tooth” or “unusually elevated.” For example, the current recovery is one of the longest ever; the GDP growth rate is at the top of the range for the last decade; and profit margins are well above average. Things like these can continue or even get better, but the odds are against it. It feels as if we may get through the next 18 months without a recession, but if we do, that’ll make this the longest recovery since the 1850s. Certainly not impossible, but against the odds.

* Most valuation parameters are either the richest ever (Buffett ratio of stock market capitalization to GDP, price-to-sales ratio, the VIX, bond yields, private equity transaction multiples, real estate capitalization ratios) or among the highest in history (p/e ratios, Shiller cycle-adjusted p/e ratio). In the past, levels like these were followed by downturns. Thus a decision to invest today has to rely on the belief that “it’s different this time.”

* Prospective returns in the vast majority of asset classes are some of the lowest in history.

* The need of investors to wring out good returns in this “low-return world” is causing them to engage in what I call pro-risk behavior. They’re paying high prices for assets and accepting risky and poorly structured propositions. In such a climate, it’s hard for “prudent” investors to insist on traditional levels of safety. Investors who don’t want to sign on for risk (that is, who “refuse to dance”) can be constrained to the sidelines.

* As a result, we see a lot of the reaction that greeted my July memo: “the market’s expensive, but I think it has further to go.” How healthy can it be when investors think an asset or market is rich but they’re holding anyway because they think it might go up some more? Fear of missing out (or “FOMO”) is one of the more powerful reasons for investor aggressiveness, and also one of the most dangerous.

* Market behavior implies a level of equanimity on investors’ part that could prove unrealistic (and thus subject to reversal). For example, 2017 was the first year in history in which the S&P 500 didn’t decline from high to low by more than 3% at least once. Likewise, in a six-month period late in the year, the VIX (an indicator of the level of volatility implied by investors’ pricing of S&P 500 options) closed below a reading of ten more than 40 days; never before had it done so more than six times in a six-month period (The New York Times, January 14).

* It appears many investment decisions are being made today on the basis of relative return, the unacceptability of the returns on cash and Treasurys, the belief that the overpriced market may have further to go, and FOMO. That is, they’re not being based on absolute returns or the fairness of price relative to intrinsic value. Thus, as my colleague Julio Herrera said the other day, “valuation is a lost art; today it’s all about momentum.”



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Latest Thinking [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)

<楽観視できる諸要素> 直近2回のメモ[先のもの後のもの]では主な話題として注意を払うべき理由に触れましたが、その一方ではっきりさせておきたいことがあります。現在の状況において楽観視できる点がいくつかあることを、私としても認識している点です。そのほとんどは、「まずは健全なるマクロ経済的見通し、それゆえにEPS増加の可能性」といったファンダメンタルズに連なる必要があります。











Positives - Whereas in my last two memos I talked primarily about reasons to be cautious, I want to make it clear here that I do recognize the positives in the current situation. Most of them have to do with fundamentals - primarily the healthy macro-economic outlook and thus the potential for increasing EPS.

* The U.S. economy is chugging along, and the recovery that started in 2009 has become one of the longest in history (103 months old at this point). The rest of the world’s economies are joining in for that rare thing, worldwide growth. Most economies seem to be gaining rather than losing steam, and they don’t appear likely to run out of it anytime soon.

* Since the economic recovery hasn’t been marked by excesses to the upside, when a recession eventually does occur, it doesn’t have to be extreme. In short, no boom, no bust.

* One of the reasons for the sluggish recovery during the Obama administration was the low level of capital investment (a frequent site of excesses during recoveries). I think that was due to corporate concern over the president’s seeming indifference to business and his tendency to regulate. No one wants to make long-term investments in an inhospitable environment for business. In contrast, it’s very clear that President Trump is committed to being a pro-business president and a deregulator. This change has led to a rise in optimism, confidence and “animal spirits” among corporate executives, things that have great potential to be self-reinforcing. Thus, for example, in the first three quarters of 2017, capital spending rose at an annualized rate of 6.2%.

* The recent tax law will put money into the pockets of corporations that pay U.S. taxes by reducing their tax rate, and it will result in the repatriation of large amounts of foreign profits that U.S. companies have been holding abroad. The results will generally be very positive for corporate profits, cash flows and perhaps capital investment (see below).

* The unemployment rate is down to 4.1%, nearly the lowest level in 60 years, meaning we’re nearing “full employment” (albeit with an unusually low percentage of adults participating in the workforce). With so little employment slack remaining, it seems reasonable to think near-term GDP growth will translate into wage gains, and thus back into further increases in demand.

* Although low, today’s prospective returns are described as being reasonable in the context of low interest rates.

* The low levels of inflation worldwide mean central bankers needn’t rush to raise interest rates to restrain it. There’s no obvious reason to predict hyperinflation.

* Thus the near-term rise in interest rates - while probable - can be expected to be gradual and limited in scope.

* Except in pockets, investor psychology can’t be described as euphoric and imprudent (although it has been strengthening of late). For years the markets have been “climbing a wall of worry,” an old-fashioned phrase used to describe a healthy ascent that’s occurring not because of euphoria and risk-obliviousness, but rather despite a catalog of perceived ills.

* The known catalysts for a market downturn - recession, ballooning inflation, much-higher interest rates, major central bank missteps, a governmental breakdown in Washington, and war - can’t be assigned probabilities that are more than modest.



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Chairman & CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett Speaks with CNBC’s Becky Quick on “Squawk Box” Today (トランスクリプト)

Watch CNBC's full interview with Warren Buffett (映像)

<ベッキー・クイック> (前略) 市場はと言えば、あまり反応がないようです。潜在的に悪いニュースをどれも無視しています、ダウ工業平均株価は昨日さらに記録を更新して、今では8四半期連続で上昇しています。このような市場の状況を妥当だとお考えですか。現在の市場がくだしている評価は、理にかなったものなのでしょうか。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> ええ、現在の金利水準からみると、市場の評価は妥当です。これはつまり、いずれ戻るところに照らし合わせて資金をどの資産へと振り向けるか、結局はそれで決まります。一番の基準になるのが米国政府です。10年物[の米国債]の利回りが2.3%であれば[インタビュー時点での利率]、株式のほうがかなり良い投資対象だと思います。わたしがどちらかを選ぶとしたら、現時点では株式にします。そうではなく、10年物の利回りが5あるいは6%であれば、株式の評価水準はまったく異なってきます。この件は以前に少し話をしましたね。

<ベッキー> そのことを言おうと、ちょうど考えていたところです。「重力として働くことで市場をどのように引き下げるのか、さらには現在はそうなっていない」話をしてから、何年か経ちました。

<ウォーレン> そうです、金利は重力です。もし今から最終日まで金利ゼロが続くとわかっていれば、たくさんの資金を別の資産へつぎ込むかもしれません。ゼロのところに資金を寝かせたくないですから。8年前の2009年にはここまで利率が低くなかったことを思い出します。しかし影響力は強力でした。低金利が長く続くにつれて、おなじみとなった利率近辺で考えだす人が多くなります。ですからしばらくは、この水準における株式の成績はまちがいなく債券を上回ると思います。金利が3%程度の30年物債券をショートして、一方でS&P500を買い持ちして30年間放っておくとすると、株は債券を大きく上回ると思います。ここで疑問となるのが、「どの変数が変化するのか」です。金利が変化するとはだれもが予想していますが、しかしそう予想してからずいぶん経ちました。

<ベッキー> それはつまり、もしひとつの要因が金利だとすれば、連銀が金利引き上げをにらんでいることはだれもが知っています。時間をかけて、ゆっくりと徐々に上げるようです。少なくとも、彼らはそのように匂わせています。それでは、引き上げが今後数年間は継続するほうに賭けますか。つまり、2.3%から5%まで時間をかけて金利引き上げを進めるでしょうか。

<ウォーレン> 長くかけると思います。

<ベッキー> 0.25%ずつ引き上げていくとしたら。

<ウォーレン> ええ、そうです。じっくり時間をかけると思います。ただしわたしとしては、株式市場がどうなるのか賭けたり予想したりはしません。ただ、ビジネスを買うだけですので。あえて予想すれば、もし10年債の利回りが5%になれば、株価はいくぶん下がると思います。(後略)

BECKY QUICK: And-- and you see a situation like this develop. Obviously-- our-- our-- our hearts and our thoughts are-- with-- the people of Las Vegas and the people who have traveled around to be there today. But we are talking about business, too. And as much as we should not become inured to this, if you look at the markets, it's hard to see much of a reaction. The markets have ignored just about any potential bad news badly with the Dow setting another record yesterday and with eight quarters in a row now of gains for the market. Is that-- a market that makes sense to you? Do valuations here make sense?

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, the valuations make sense-- with interest rates-- where they are. I mean, in-- in the end, you-- you measure laying out money for an asset in relation to what you're going to get back. And the-- and the number one yardstick is U.S. government. And-- and-- when you get 230 on the-- on the 10 year-- I think stocks will do considerably better than that. So if I have a choice of the two, I'm gonna take stocks at that point. On the other hand, if-- if interest rates were-- on the 10 year were five or six, you would have a whole different valuation standard for-- for stocks. And-- and we've talked about that, you know, for some time now.

BECKY QUICK: I was going to say, it's been years that you've been talking about how-- this is in relation to gravity, and pulling the market down, and how it's not happening here.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, interest rates are gravity. If-- if we knew interest rates were gonna be zero from now till judgment day, you know, you could pay a lotta money for any other asset. You would not want to put your money on a zero. And I would have thought back in nineteen-- I mean, 2009 that rates would not be this low-- eight years later. But it's been a powerful factor. And the longer it persists, the more people start thinking in terms of something close to the-- the rates they've seen for a long time. So-- the one thing I'm sure of is that-- over time-- stocks from this level will beat bonds from this level-- you know? If I could be short the 30-year bond at 3% or something, and long the S&P 500, and just have it put away for 30 years, stocks are gonna far outperform bonds. And the question is: Which variable is gonna change? And everybody expects interest rates to change, but they've been expecting it quite a while.

BECKY QUICK: So does that mean-- I mean, if the one factor is interest rates, we know that the Fed is looking at raising rates. It's going to do so slowly and gradually over time. At least that's what they've been telegraphing to this point. Would you bet on that continuing for the next couple of years? I mean, 2.3% to 5% is a long way when you're moving—

WARREN BUFFETT: That'd be a long away.

BECKY QUICK: --when you're moving in quarter-point increments.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Yeah, that'd be a long way. And my-- I would-- I would guess-- I don't try and guess the stock market. I just buy businesses, how I-- but if I were to guess, if-- if interest rates-- if the 10 year moved up to 5%, I think stocks would be somewhat cheaper.