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少し前の投稿でご紹介したハワード・マークスのレター"Inspiration from the World of Sports"から、もう一か所引用します。(日本語は拙訳)





運動選手が平均以上であるためには抜きん出ていなければなりません。レベルの高いテニスの試合では、相手がリターンできないような「ウィナー」ショットを打たないと勝てません。強力なショットで、かつライン際かネットぎりぎりに打ち、相手の「凡ミス」を誘うわけです。しかしそうする能力に欠けていれば成功しないでしょう。つまり、それを試みること自体が賢明でないのです。一方、必要な能力を備えた人であれば、「ウィナーを狙う試合で闘う」際にそれを試みるだけの資格があります (過去のメモ"What's Your Game Plan"をご参照のこと)。







投資家が自信を持つのはすばらしいことですし、そのおかげで大胆に振舞えるのもすばらしいことです。ただし、その自信に裏付けがあるときにかぎります。最後に示したこの条件は、投資家は冷徹かつ率直に自分自身を評価しなければならないことを意味します。自信不足やそれゆえに大胆な行動に及び腰でいるよりも、傲慢さや自己過信のほうが危険だからです。「なにが危ないのかわかっていないのは問題ではない。危なくないと信じきっていることが問題になるのだ」、マーク・トウェインがそう発言した時、彼の胸中も同じだったでしょう。そしてノバク・ジョコビッチが「紙一重だ」と言ったのも、同じことを示していたに違いないと思います。(p. 8)

The Victor's Mindset

It often seems that just as I'm completing a memo, a final inspiration pops up. This past weekend, the Financial Times carried an interesting interview with Novak Djokovic, the number one tennis player in the world today. What caught my eye was what he said about the winner's mental state.

I believe that half of any victory in a tennis match is in place before you step on the court. If you don't have that self belief, then fear takes over. And then it will get too much for you to handle. It's a fine line.

Djokovic's statement reminded me of a conversation I had earlier this month, on a subject I've written about rarely if ever self-confidence. It ranks high among the attributes that must be present if one is to achieve superior results.

To be above average, an athlete has to separate from the pack. To win at high-level tennis, a player has to hit "winners"-shots his opponents can't return. They're hit so hard, so close to the lines or so low over the net that they have the potential to end up as "unforced errors." In the absence of skill, they're unlikely to be executed successfully, meaning it's unwise to try them. But people who possess the requisite skill are right in attempting them in order to "play the winner's game" (see "What's Your Game Plan").

These may be analogous to investment actions that Yale's David Swensen would describe as "uncomfortably idiosyncratic." The truth is, most great investments begin in discomfort - or, perhaps better said, they involve doing things with which most people are uncomfortable. To achieve great performance you have to believe in value that isn't apparent to everyone else (or else it would already be reflected in the price); buy things that others think are risky and uncertain; and buy them in amounts large enough that if they don't work out they can lead to embarrassment. What are examples of actions that require self-confidence?

・Buying something at $50 and continuing to hold it - or maybe even buying more - when the price falls to $25 and "the market" is telling you you're wrong.

・After you've bought something at $50 (thinking it's worth $200), refusing to "prudently take some chips off the table" when it gets to $100.

・Going against conventional wisdom and daring to "catch a falling knife" when a company defaults and the price of its debt plummets.

・Buying much more of something you like than it represents in the index you're measured against, or entirely excluding an index component you dislike.

In each of these cases, the first-level thinker does that which is conventional and easy - and which doesn't require much self-confidence. The second-level thinker views things differently and, as a consequence, is willing to take actions like those described above. But they're unlikely to be done in the absence of conviction. The great investors I Know are confident second-level thinkers and entirely comfortable diverging from the herd.

It's great for investors to have self-confidence, and it's great that it permits them to behave boldly, but only when that self-confidence is warranted. This final qualification means that investors must engage in brutally candid self-assessment. Hubris or over-confidence is far more dangerous than a shortage of confidence and a resultant unwillingness to act boldly. That must be what Mark Twain had in mind when he said, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." And it also has to be what Novak Djokovic meant when he said, "It's a fine line."



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Another thing to avoid is being subjected to perverse incentives. You don't want to be in a perverse incentive system that's rewarding you if you behave more and more foolishly, or worse and worse. Perverse incentives are so powerful as controllers of human cognition and human behavior that one should avoid their influence. And one of the things you're going to find in at least a few modern law firms is high billable-hour quotas. I could not have lived under a billable-hour quota of 2400 hours a year. That would have caused too many problems for me. I wouldn't have done it. I don't have a solution for you for the situation some of you will face. You'll have to figure out for yourselves how to handle such significant problems.

Perverse associations are also to be avoided. You particularly want to avoid working directly under somebody you don't admire and don't want to be like. It's dangerous. We're all subject to control to some extent by authority figures, particularly authority figures who are rewarding us. Dealing properly with this danger requires both some talent and will. I coped in my time by identifying people I admired and by maneuvering, mostly without criticizing anybody, so that I was usually working under the right sort of people. A lot of law firms will permit that if you're shrewd enough to work it out with some tact. Generally, your outcome in life will be more satisfactory if you work under people you correctly admire.



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<質問4> 他人のアイデアを参考にして利益をあげたことはありますか。

<バフェット> 自分のアイデアでやるのが好みです。まずまずの金額で売買されている優れた企業がいいですね。シケモク銘柄に投資して利益をあげることはできます。投資金額が小さければうまくいきますし、以前はもっと効果的でした。けれども、シケモクから事業を築くことはできません(参考記事)。アナリストの分析は読みません。いろんなアイデアが差し出されますが、外部からのアイデアを求めてはいません。自分の得意な領域にとどまっていますから。つまり、魅力的な優れたアイデアにあまり注目が集まっていない様子がたびたび見られても、バークシャーの運用資産[原文はAUM; Assets Under Management]にとって潜在的な投資先とは、かなり狭い世界にとどまることを意味しています。たとえば韓国市場について最近調べたところ、おもしろい機会をいくつか見つけました。



Question#4: Have you ever made money on someone else's ideas?

My preference is for my own ideas. I prefer to find good companies trading at fair prices. You can make money on cigarette butt investing but this works better with small amounts of money and was more effective years ago. You can't build businesses out of cigar butts. I don't read analyst reports and, although I get served up many ideas I don't seek outside ideas. I stay within my circle of competence. Berkshire's AUM means the universe of potential investments is smaller even though good, attractively priced ideas are often poorly covered. For instance, recently I did screening of the Korean market and found a few interesting opportunities.

I used a 1950s (1951) Moody's manual by sector. There was some good stuff in the back on page 1433.Western Insurance was a company that I looked at. It had an EPS of $29 and the high price was $13. Nobody showed me this. So I checked it out with insurance brokers and it checked out OK so I bought into the company.

All in all, I prefer to read "raw" financial reports and talk to industry representatives.



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Inspiration from the World of Sports [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)

ナシーム・ニコラス・タレブは著書の中で、「起こり得た数々の歴史」について触れています。私はこれを「十分起こり得たが、そうならなかった別の事態」と表現しています。たしかに[今年のスーパーボウルで]シーホークスは負けました。しかし彼らが勝利し、[コーチのピート・]キャロルの下した判断がその違いをもたらしていたかもしれないのです。そうであれば彼はやり玉にはあげられず、ヒーローとなっていたでしょう。ですから、下した判断の良否を評価するには結果にもとづくだけでは足りず、以下の点も考慮しなければなりません。第一にその判断を下したプロセスの品質、第二にその判断が当たる先験的確率(当たるかどうかを問うこととは大きく異なります)、第三に下されたかもしれなかった他の諸判断、第四に起こり得る可能性が十分にあった全ての事象、第五に最も成功する確率が高かったのはどの判断か、です。(p. 8)

In his book, Taleb talks about “alternative histories,” which I describe as “the other things that reasonably could have happened but didn't.” Sure, the Seahawks lost the game. But they could have won, and Carroll’s decision would have made the difference in that case, too, making him the hero instead of the goat. So rather than judge a decision solely on the basis of the outcome, you have to consider (a) the quality of the process that led to the decision, (b) the a priori probability that the decision would work (which is very different from the question of whether it did work), (c) the other decisions that could have been made, (d) all of the events that reasonably could have unfolded, and thus (e) which of the decisions had the highest probability of success.




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<質問3> 逆張り的なアイデアに対する確信をどのように深めておられますか。リスクをどのようにとらえていますか。

<バフェット> バークシャーではいくつかのフィルターを発展させてきました。提案やアイデアについてプレゼンテーションや評価をしている途中で、その一部がフィルターのどれかにひっかかった場合には、投資に踏み切ることはありません(過去記事)。チャーリーも似たようなフィルターを使っています。案じていることがたくさんあるわけではありません。自分たちが得意とする領域内で、いくつかの点が正しければよいだけです。みなさんが午前中に訪問したネブラスカ・ファニチャー・マートがその好例です。[バークシャーによって買収される際に]ミセスBは現金を受け取ることにしました。株式のことは理解していなかったからですね。大切なのは、自分が何をできるのかを知ることです。今後5年間のうちに自動車業界で支配的な地位を占めるのはどの会社でしょうか。わたしにはわからないので、株を買いません。それよりも、自分の得意領域における単純な物事のほうがいいです。良い意思決定をすれば、自分に怒鳴りかけてくれます。たとえば2008年には、単に資産価格が安かったという理由を恐れるべきではありませんでした。みなさんがおくる投資人生の間に同じようなことが起こって、「金銀小判の雨あられ」となる機会が6回あるかもしれません。


Question#3 How do you develop conviction for contrarian ideas? How do you perceive risk?

Answer#3: At Berkshire we have certain filters that have been developed. If in the course of a presentation or evaluation part of a proposal or of an idea hits a filter then there is no way I will invest. Charlie has similar filters. We don't worry about a lot of things as we only have to be right about a certain number of things - things that are within our circle of competence. A great example is the Nebraska Furniture Mart that you visited this morning. Mrs. B took cash because she didn't understand stocks. It is important to know what I can do. I have no idea which company will dominate in the auto industry in the next 5 years so I don't pick. I prefer simple things in my circle of competence. Good decisions scream at you. For example in 2008 you shouldn't have been afraid just because assets were cheap. In your entire investment lifetime you may have 6 times when this happens and it is 'raining gold'.

With regards to risk, the Berkshire portfolio suffered a 2% loss once and had 1% losses twice in our history. This was all in 1974 and 1975 when we sold assets cheap to buy other assets cheaper. Stocks are riskless if held over a long time frame as you are simply giving up purchasing power now for later. Cash is the risky asset. Risk in stocks is not what the companies will do. Traditional finance teaches that Beta is a measure of risk but volatility isn't risk. Risk is loss of purchasing power. Volatility declines over a long enough timeframe. It is individuals that make investments risky. In our report that is due out tomorrow I talk about how risk needs to be rethought. People think stocks are riskier than bonds, which is not true for a long time horizon.