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<質問42> 倹約家なのはどちらですか?

<バフェット> さて、どっちでしょうね。

<マンガー> 個人的な消費という意味では、ウォーレンのほうが倹しい(つましい)ですね。

<バフェット> なにか例を示してもらえますか?(笑)

<マンガー> 1950年代からずっと同じ家に住んでいるでしょう。

<バフェット> 引っ越したのは1958年です。

<マンガー> 私が引っ越したのはその1年後です。しかも建築士に1900ドル払いました。標準的な料金の30%分でしたが。

<バフェット> 生活に必要と思うものは、何でも持っていますから。生活水準と生活費を結びつけて考えてはいません。それらは相関していても、やがては逆転する地点がくるからです。家が6軒や8軒もあったら、わたしの生活はひどくなりますよ。それらは相関しないので、そんなには持てないのです。たしかに、ある点までは違いが生じます。たとえばxドルあれば、それまでとは違った考えができるようになります。しかしそれが10倍や100倍になったとしても、変わるわけではありません。

<マンガー> バークシャーは倹約によって助けられてきました。こうして聴衆を見渡してみると、身なりも控えめに倹約している様子がわかります。我々はそういう人たちを誘い招いたわけですね。

<バフェット> ですがみなさん、この週末の間は倹約のことは忘れてください。[バークシャー子会社が臨時に開いている出店で]買えば買うほど節約できるわけですから(笑)。

Q42: Station 3, Neal Patel, Chicago. Frugality?

WB: Who is more frugal?

CM: In personal consumption, Warren is more frugal.

WB: Would you care to give example? [laughter]

CM: Same house since 1950s.

WB: I moved in in 1958.

CM: I moved in a year later and paid architect $1900 dollars, 30% of the regular price.

WB: I have everything in life I wanted. Standard of living does not equate with cost of living. There is point where you get inverse correlation. My life would be worse if I had 6 or 8 houses. It doesn't correlate. You can't have more than that. It makes a difference up to a point. You can start thinking differently at x dollars. But it doesn't make a difference at 10x or 1000x.

CM: Frugality has helped Berkshire. I look out at audience, and I see frugal understated people. We collect these people…

WB: But forget that this weekend ‐ the more you buy the more you save this weekend people! [laughter]



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マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、株式市場による評価(つまり株価)の話題です。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







Stock Market Value

Occasionally investors must rely on the public equity and debt markets to provide an approximation of the worth of a security. Sometimes, as in the case of a closed-end mutual fund, this is the only relevant valuation method. Other times, especially if the time frame in which the value must be realized is short, the stock market method may be the best of several poor alternatives.

Consider the valuation of an investment company. In mid-1990 the Schaefer Value Trust, Inc., a closed-end mutual fund, scheduled a vote of its shareholders to consider liquidation. The most relevant measure of the liquidation value of Schaefer was its stock market value, the value that its holdings would bring when sold at once in the stock market. No other valuation method would have been appropriate.

Stock market value applies in other situations as well. In attempting to value a company's interest in an unrelated subsidiary or joint venture, for example, investors would certainly consider the discounted anticipated future cash flow stream (net present value), the valuation of comparable businesses in transactions (private-market value), and the value of tangible assets net of liabilities (liquidation value). Investors would also benefit from considering stock market value, the valuation of comparable businesses in the stock market. While the stock market's vote, especially over the long run, is not necessarily accurate, it does provide an approximate near-term appraisal of value.

I know what you must be thinking. If the prices at which stocks trade in the market is a reasonable approximation of their value, then isn't this an admission that the stock market is efficient, the antithesis of one of the basic tenets of value investing? My answer is decidedly no. The stock market valuation of comparable businesses is but one of several valuation tools and provides a yardstick of what a security, if not a business, might bring if sold tomorrow.

Stock market value has its shortcomings as a valuation tool. You would not use stock market value to appraise each of the companies in an industry. It would be circular reasoning to observe that since newspaper companies tend to trade in the market at, say, eight times pretax cash flow, that is what they must be worth. Knowing the stock market's appraisal for the newspaper industry would be of some use, however, in estimating the near-term trading price of the newspaper subsidiary about to be spun off to the shareholders of a media conglomerate.



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<質問者> そういう科目[前回の質問で登場した世知補習のこと]ができればすばらしいと思います。しかし残念ですが、それができた頃にはわたしたちはもうここにはいません。講義科目として教えるのによいとのご提案ですので、受講する人には取り組みやすいものになると思います。しかしわたしたちにもとっつきやすい別の方法があるでしょうか。これは必須である、というのは除いてですが..。

<マンガー> 容易に学べる方法がないものか。そのような要求をいつも受けます。今日は簡単に学べる方法を少しながら紹介したつもりです。しかし今回のような説明が適切な方法だとは思いません。正しく学ぶ方法とは書物の中にあります。


自分で本を書くことには、あまり興味はありません。その上、私のような人間が70代ともなると、その作業には多大な労力を要します。やりたいことが他にいろいろあるので、本を書くつもりはありません。しかしやる気がある人にとっては、これは見逃すことのできない好機です。適切な本を書こうと考えている人がいて、その人に知恵があり、その仕事を正しく遂行する意思を持っていれば、 私から活動資金を提供したいところです。(この項つづく)

Q: I think it would be a wonderful thing to have. Unfortunately, when it's created, we won't be here anymore. You're proposing that this would be good to teach people in a course form so it would be accessible to them. Is there any way that it could be more accessible to us - other than having to….

I get requests for pointers to easy learning all the time. And I'm trying to provide a little easy learning today. But one talk like that is not the right way to do it. The right way to do it would be in a book.

I hope what I'm saying will help you be more effective and better human beings. And if you don't get rich, that won't bother me. But I'm always asked this question: "Spoon-feed me what you know." And, of course, what they're often saying is, "Teach me now to get rich with soft white hands faster. And not only let me get rich faster, but teach me faster, too."

I don't have much interest in writing a book myself. Plus it would be a lot of work for somebody like me to try and do it in my seventies. And I have plenty else to do in life. So I'm not going to do it. But it's a screaming opportunity for somebody. And I'd provide funds to support the writing of an appropriate book if I found someone with the wisdom and the will to do the job right.



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<質問者> ここ数年になって最も関心が寄せられるようになってきた政治的な問題、特に環境問題についてお聞きしたいと思います。この国や世界中で環境問題に対する懸念が増してきました。一般に環境問題の多くは、企業が環境にあまりやさしくないテクノロジーを採用し、負の方向へと適用した結果だと言われています。産業界におけるリーダーとしては、企業がもっと環境に負荷をかけないテクノロジーを採用するために、どのような基準を定めればいいとお考えですか。

<バフェット> 環境問題についてですが、すでに法規制が実施されており、環境に有害な影響を与えている企業にとっては極めて重荷になっています。すべての詳細は知りませんが、環境保護庁(EPA)からの指示はそれなりに見聞きしているので、少なくともこの国では25年前とくらべて状況は大きく変化したと思います。しかし、他の国が同じようにしているかは別の問題です。世界経済の中でみれば、ある種の規制を設ける以上、つまり児童労働や環境問題や労災について規制していない他の国とくらべると、コスト競争力で不利になります。これは社会として負担すべき代償ですが、費用として現実に発生するものです。



Q. My question concerns something that has come to the forefront in the last couple of years in politics especially - environmental issues. We have seen an increase in the concern of this country, and around the world, with environmental issues. People say a lot of the environmental problems are a result of businesses taking technologies that are not so benign to the environment and applying them in negative ways. In your opinion, as a corporate industrial leader, what would be some criteria that should be established so that corporations could find ways to apply more benign technologies?

A. I would say on environment that we've already got legislation in place which makes it extremely painful for companies who are doing things which are environmentally harmful. I don't know all the details, but I’ve seen enough of the Environmental Protection Agency’s operation that I think that situation has changed dramatically from 25 years ago, at least in this country. What we do about the rest of the world is another question. In a world economy, to the extent that you apply any kind of restrictions, in terms of child labor or environment or workers compensation that other countries don't impose, you have a competitive cost disadvantage. That’s a price that society has to pay here, but it is a real cost.

I personally think that population is probably one of the most important issues the world faces, except for the eventual problem of nuclear proliferation. I don't know how with the proper population of the world should be or will be. I know that number is different from what it would have looked like hundred years ago, and it probably will look different a hundred years from now. But, I do know there is a number and it may be affected by technology and it may be affected by the fact that our resources are greater than we think now. If we in this room were to all embark on a space ship journey some place, which was going to last a hundred years, and they were going to put provisions in the space ship that would be ample for this group, we might not know how many more people we could take on that space ship before we endangered the ability to survive and return in a hundred years. But we would know that the number was finite. And, we would certainly err on the low side. We would not say, “Well let's just take a shot at it and have 500 more join us.” It is a finite world. Man’s imagination is not necessarily finite, and we can do a lot of things that we haven't even thought of with resources. But in the end, there is only so much oil and gas in the ground. We’re dealing with finite resources. They're not known, but they are finite. I would say it is a terrible mistake for the human race to test what the ultimate carrying capacity of this planet is. We had better have a margin of error. I believe that population is a terribly important issue.

Now, one of the problems in society is that the most important issues are often these incremental type things. The world is not going to come to an end because tomorrow there are 200 or 250 thousand more people on the planet than there were today. That’s about the number it grows every day. There is nothing apocalyptic about it. People will go on making apocalyptic projections. But, it is like eating about 300 calories more each day than you burn up; it has no effect on you today. You don't get up from the table and all of a sudden everybody says, “My God, you look fat compared to when you sat down!” But, if you keep doing it over time, the incremental problems are hard to attack because that one extra piece of pie doesn't really seem to make a difference. The 250,000 people tomorrow don’t seem to make any difference, but the cumulative effects of them will make a huge difference over time, just like overeating will make a huge difference over time. The time to attack those problems is early. It's a huge determiner of the kind of environment we have. I think the time to be thinking about those issues is now.




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Which brings us to our fourth question: Judged with reference to an optimized feasible multidisciplinary goal, how much has elite soft-science education been corrected after we left?

The answer is that many things have been tried as corrections in the direction of better multidisciplinarity. And, after allowing for some counterproductive results, there has been some considerable improvement, net. But much desirable correction is still undone and lies far ahead.

For instance, soft-science academia has increasingly found it helpful when professors from different disciplines collaborate or when a professor has been credentialed in more than one discipline. But a different sort of correction has usually worked best, namely augmentation, or "take what you wish" practice that encourages any discipline to simply assimilate whatever it chooses from other disciplines. Perhaps it has worked best because it bypassed academic squabbles rooted in the tradition and territoriality that had caused the unidisciplinary folly for which correction was now sought.

In any event, through increased use of "take what you wish," many soft-science disciplines reduced folly from man-with-a-hammer tendency. For instance, led by our classmate Roger Fisher, the law schools brought in negotiation, drawing on other disciplines. Over three million copies of Roger's wise and ethical negotiation book have now been sold, and his life's achievement may well be the best, ever, from our whole class. The law schools also brought in a lot of sound and useful economics, even some good game theory to enlighten antitrust law by better explaining how competition really works.

Economics, in turn, took in from a biologist the "tragedy of the commons" model, thus correctly finding a wicked "invisible foot" in coexistence with Adam Smith's angelic "invisible hand." These days, there is even some "behavioral economics," wisely seeking aid from psychology.

However, an extremely permissive practice like "take what you wish" was not destined to have one-hundred-percent-admirable results in soft science. Indeed, in some of its worst outcomes, it helped changes like (1) assimilation of Freudianism in some literature departments; (2) importation into many places of extremist political ideologies of the left or right that had, for their possessors, made regain of objectivity almost as unlikely as regain of virginity; and (3) importation into many law and business schools of hard-form, effcient-market theory by misguided would-be experts in corporate finance, one of whom kept explaining Berkshire Hathaway's investing success by adding standard deviations of luck until, at six standard deviations, he encountered enough derision to force a change in explanation.

Moreover, even when it avoided such lunacies, "take what you wish" had some serious defects. For instance, takings from more fundamental disciplines were often done without attribution, sometimes under new names, with little attention given to rank in a fundamentalness order for absorbed concepts. Such practices (1) act like a lousy filing system that must impair successful use and synthesis of absorbed knowledge and (2) do not maximize in soft science the equivalent of Linus Pauling's systematic mining of physics to improve chemistry. There must be a better way.

備考です。文中に登場するロジャー・フィッシャーの著書は『ハーバード流交渉術』(原題: Getting To Yes)のはずです。わたしも10年以上前に読んだことがありますが、当時は日本語版の題名にあまり好印象を抱いておらず、腰が引けた姿勢で読んでしまいました。しかし内容は王道と言えるもので、厳しい交渉の場で闘っている方は本書のことはご存知でしょうし、これからそのような立場につく方にはお勧めできる本です。