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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』をご紹介しています。前回につづいて第8章「事業価値の算出という技」(The Art of Business Valuation)から引用します。(日本語は拙訳)







A Range of Value

Businesses, unlike debt instruments, do not have contractual cash flows. As a result, they cannot be as precisely valued as bonds. Benjamin Graham knew how hard it is to pinpoint the value of businesses and thus of equity securities that represent fractional ownership of those businesses. In Security Analysis he and David Dodd discussed the concept of a range of value:

The essential point is that security analysis does not seek to determine exactly what is the intrinsic value of a given security. It needs only to establish that the value is adequate - e.g., to protect a bond or to justify a stock purchase - or else that the value is considerably higher or considerably lower than the market price. For such purposes an indefinite and approximate measure of the intrinsic value may be sufficient.

Indeed, Graham frequently performed a calculation known as net working capital per share, a back-of-the-envelope estimate of a company's liquidation value. His use of this rough approximation was a tacit admission that he was often unable to ascertain a company's value more precisely.
To illustrate the difficulty of accurate business valuation, investors need only consider the wide range of Wall Street estimates that typically are offered whenever a company is put up for sale. In 1989, for example, Campeau Corporation marketed Bloomingdales to prospective buyers; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., held an auction of its Sea World subsidiary; and Hilton Hotels, Inc., offered itself for sale. In each case Wall Street's value estimates ranged widely, with the highest estimate as much as twice the lowest figure. If expert analysts with extensive information cannot gauge the value of high-profile, well-regarded businesses with more certainty than this, investors should not fool themselves into believing they are capable of greater precision when buying marketable securities based only on limited, publicly available information.

Markets exist because of differences of opinion among investors. If securities could be valued precisely, there would be many fewer differences of opinion; market prices would fluctuate less frequently, and trading activity would diminish. To fundamentally oriented investors, the value of a security to the buyer must be greater than the price paid, and the value to the seller must be less, or no transaction would take place. The discrepancy between the buyer's and the seller's perceptions of value can result from such factors as differences in assumptions regarding the future, different intended uses for the asset, and differences in the discount rates applied. Every asset being bought and sold thus has a possible range of values bounded by the value to the buyer and the value to the seller; the actual transaction price will be somewhere in between.

In early 1991, for example, the junk bonds of Tonka Corporation sold at steep discounts to par value, and the stock sold for a few dollars per share. The company was offered for sale by its investment bankers, and Hasbro, Inc., was evidently willing to pay more for Tonka than any other buyer because of economies that could be achieved in combining the two operations. Tonka, in effect, provided appreciably higher cash flows to Hasbro than it would have generated either as a stand-alone business or to most other buyers. There was a sharp difference of opinion between the financial markets and Hasbro regarding the value of Tonka, a disagreement that was resolved with Hasbro's acquisition of the company.



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5) 経済学において、総合がほとんどなされていないこと







5) Too Little Synthesis in Economics

My fifth criticism is there is too little synthesis in economics, not only with matter outside traditional economics, but also within economics. I have posed before two different business school classes the following problem. I say, "You have studied supply and demand curves. You have learned that when you raise the price, ordinarily, the volume you can sell goes down, and when you reduce the price, the volume you can sell goes up. Is that right? That's what you've learned?" They all nod yes. And I say, "Now tell me several instances when, if you want the physical volume to go up, the correct answer is to increase the price." And there's this long and ghastly pause. And finally, in each of the two business schools in which I've tried this, maybe one person in fifty could name one instance. They come up with the idea that, under certain circumstances a higher price acts as a rough indicator of quality and thereby increases sales volumes.

This happened in the case of my friend, Bill Ballhaus. When he was head of Beckman Instruments, it produced some complicated product where, if it failed, it caused enormous damage to the purchaser. It wasn't a pump at the bottom of an oil well, but that's a good mental example. And he realized that the reason this thing was selling so poorly, even though it was better than anybody else's product, was because it was priced lower. It made people think it was a low-quality gizmo. So he raised the price by twenty percent or so, and the volume went way up.

But only one in fifty can come up with this sole instance in a modern business school - one of the business schools being Stanford, which is hard to get into. And nobody has yet come up with the main answer that I like. Suppose you raise that price and use the extra money to bribe the other guy's purchasing agent? (Laughter). Is that going to work? And are there functional equivalents in economics - microeconomics - of raising the price and using the extra sales proceeds to drive sales higher? And, of course, there are a zillion, once you've made that mental jump. It's so simple.

One of the most extreme examples is in the investment management field. Suppose you're the manager of a mutual fund, and you want to sell more. People commonly come to the following answer: You raise the commissions, which, of course, reduces the number of units of real investments delivered to the ultimate buyer, so you're increasing the price per unit of real investment that you're selling the ultimate customer. And you're using that extra commission to bribe the customer's purchasing agent. You're bribing the broker to betray his client and put the client's money into the high-commission product. This has worked to produce at least a trillion dollars of mutual fund sales.

This tactic is not an attractive part of human nature, and I want to tell you that I pretty completely avoided it in my life. I don't think it's necessary to spend your life selling what you would never buy. Even though it's legal, I don't think it's a good idea. But you shouldn't accept all my notions because you'll risk becoming unemployable. You shouldn't take my notions unless you're willing to risk being unemployable by all but a few.

I think my experience with my simple question is an example of how little synthesis people get, even in advanced academic settings, considering economic questions. Obvious questions, with such obvious answers. Yet, people take four courses in economics, go to business school, have all these I.Q. points, and write all these essays, but they can't synthesize worth a damn. This failure is not because the professors know all this stuff and they're deliberately withholding it from the students. This failure happens because the professors aren't all that good at this kind of synthesis. They were trained in a different way. I can't remember if it was Keynes or Galbraith who said that economics professors are most economical with ideas. They make a few they learned in graduate school last a lifetime. (Laughter).



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人間と大型の捕食動物の歴史の大半において、わたしたちは間違いなく獲物であり、そのことが数百万年前に進化した脳内の恐怖モジュールを持続させ、人類が進化するにつれてそれはより精巧なものになっていった。わたしたちの系統に捕食者を見つけようとするなら、4本の足とトカゲのような尻尾を持ち、体が鱗に覆われていた時代にさかのぼらなければならないだろう。当時でさえわたしたちは、捕食者であると同時に被食者であったはずだ。3億年にわたってわたしたちは「やめて! 食べないで!」と叫ぶ動物だったのだ。






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ミルボルドがそのことで惑わされるのはちがうと思います。彼のようにものごとを正確に考える必要がでてくるずっと以前は、我々の祖先はいわゆる「適応度地形」(fitness landscape)によって、槍を投げたり、駆け回ったり、角を曲がったりといったやりかたを覚えるように強いられてきたのです。ですから、彼はそんなにおどろくべきではありません。しかし、その隔たりはずいぶんと極端なので、不条理だと感じているのは理解できます。





My friend, Dr. Nat Myhrvold, who's the chief technology officer at Microsoft, is bothered by this. He's a Ph.D. physicist and knows a lot of math. And it disturbs him that biology could create a neural apparatus that could do automatic differential equations at fast speed - and, yet, everywhere he looks, people are total klutzes at dealing with ordinary probabilities and ordinary numbers.

By the way, I think Myhrvold's wrong to be amazed by that. The so-called fitness landscape of our ancestors forced them to know how to throw spears, run around, turn corners, and what have you long before they had to think correctly like Myhrvold. So I don't think he should be so surprised. However, the difference is so extreme that I can understand how he finds it incongruous.

At any rate, mankind invented a system to cope with the fact that we are so intrinsically lousy at manipulating numbers. It's called the graph. Oddly enough, it came out of the Middle Ages. And it's the only intellectual invention of the monks during the Middle Ages I know of that's worth a damn. The graph puts numbers in a form that looks like motion. So it's using some of this primitive neural stuff in your system in a way that helps you understand it. So the Value Line graphs are very useful.

The graph I've distributed is on log paper - which is based on the natural table of logarithms. And that's based on the elementary mathematics of compound interest - which is one of the most important models there is on earth. So there's a reason why that graph is in that form.

And if you draw a straight line through data points on a graph on log paper, it will tell you the rate at which compound interest is working for you. So these graphs are marvelously useful....

I don't use Value Line's predictions because our system works better for us than theirs - in fact, a lot better. But I can't imagine not having their graphs and their data. It's a marvelous, marvelous product....



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<質問者> 将来を占うとしたら、これから数年間はどのセクターの株に着目していきますか。どういった種類の株が流行ると思いますか。

<ウォーレン> ずいぶん学術的な質問ですね。少しばかり仮想的なところがありますね。

<質問者> 1日をどのように過ごされているのですか。

<ウォーレン> 核心をついてきますね。そうですね、文章を読むのに大量の時間をあてています。最低でも6時間ですが、まあそれ以上でしょう。そのほかに、1,2時間は電話で話します。あとは考えています。そんなところでしょうか。バークシャーには会議というものがありません。したことがないのです。全国にビジネスを展開しているので従業員は約2万名になっていますが、[子会社の]マネージャーとの会議に出たのはこの20数年で一度だけです。健康保険の話題をしたきりです。ですが、彼らがオマハに来たことはありません。プレゼンもしないのでプロジェクターなどは一切不要です。取締役会は1年間に一度、年次株主総会の直後にやります。昼食をとりながらで、それでおわりです。ずばり言いますと、会議がきらいなのです。これまで自分が楽しめるようなものごとを築いてきました。たくさん読むのが好きですし、いろいろ考えることもそうです。自分でビジネスを大きくしたり、ビジネスを始めるのでしたら、自分が楽しめないものを築き上げるのは、わたしからすればなにかおかしい感じがします。絵を描くのと同じです。完成したときに作品をながめて、よろこびを感じるような絵を描くべきですね。



Q. If you could look in your crystal ball, what kind of sector stocks would you look into in the next few years? What kind of stocks do you think will boom?

A. That's an academic question if I ever heard one. Just a little theoretical.

Q. What exactly do you do all day?

A. Getting right to the core here, aren't you? I spend an inordinate amount of time reading. I probably read at least six hours a day, maybe more. And I spend an hour or two on the telephone. And I think. That's about it. We have no meetings at Berkshire. We've never had. We have businesses around the country; we have some 20,000 employees, but we've only had one meeting of our managers in the twenty-some years I've been there, to talk about health care - one time. But, they never come to Omaha. We never have presentations. We don't have a slide projector. We don't do any of that sort of thing. Our board of directors meets once a year, right after the annual meeting. We have lunch and that's it, because I hate meetings, frankly. I have created something that I enjoy: I happen to enjoy reading a lot, and I happen to enjoy thinking about things. It is a little crazy, it seems to me, it you are building a business and creating a business, not to create something you are going to enjoy when you get through. It's like painting a painting. I mean, you ought to paint something you are going to enjoy looking at when you get through.

Now, I know I'm avoiding your first question about what I should buy this afternoon. I don't think much about that. I don't think at all about what the stack market will do or what given stocks will do in the very short term. We do try to own, and to look at stocks, as pieces of businesses. And, that is crucial in my view to the investing process; that is, to not think about a stock as a little ticker symbol or something that goes up or down, or something of the sort, but to think about the business that you own.... Some way if you were deciding on a business to buy in Lincoln. You might think about buying a dry cleaning store or a grocery store or whatever. You wouldn't think about what this business is going to be selling for tomorrow or next week or anything. You would think about whether it's going be a good business over a long period of time. And that's what we try and do. So, if you look at the portfolio of Berkshire, you will see the kind of businesses that we like to own.

Our biggest single holding is Coca-Cola. We own a lot of Gillette. Those are two of the most dominant companies in the world in their field, And they are also companies that are not subject to a lot of change. We don't want to own things where the world is going to change rapidly because I don't think I can see change that well or any better than the next fellow. So, I really want something that I think is going to be quite stable, that has very good economics going for it. Coca-Cola sells 47% at all the soft drinks in the world. That is seven hundred and fifty million eight-ounce servings a day around the world. That means if you increase the price of Coke one penny, you would add two and a half billion dollars pre-tax to the earnings. So, that's the kind of thing I can figure out. And, Gillette, I mean Gillette is marvelous. Gillette supplies over 60% of the dollar value of razor blades in the world. When I go to bed at night and think of all those billions of males sitting there with hair growing on their faces while I sleep, that can put you to sleep very comfortably.
