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And the reason why is that the perceptual apparatus of man has shortcuts in it. The brain cannot have unlimited circuitry. So someone who knows how to take advantage of those shortcuts and cause the brain to miscalculate in certain ways can cause you to see things that aren't there.

Now you get into the cognitive function as distinguished from the perceptual function. And there, you are equally - more than equally in fact - likely to be misled. Again, your brain has a shortage of circuitry and so forth - and it's taking all kinds of little automatic shortcuts.

So when circumstances combine in certain ways - or more commonly your fellow man starts acting like the magician and manipulates you on purpose by causing you cognitive dysfunction - you're a patsy.

And so just as a man working with a tool has to know its limitations, a man working with his cognitive apparatus has to know its limitations. And this knowledge, by the way, can be used to control and motivate other people.

So the most useful and practical part of psychology - which I personally think can be taught to any intelligent person in a week - is ungodly important. And nobody taught it to me, by the way, I had to learn it later in life, one piece at a time. And it was fairly laborious. It's so elementary though that, when it was all over, I just felt like a total horse's ass.

And yeah, I'd been educated at Caltech and the Harvard Law School and so forth. So very eminent places miseducated people like you and me.

The elementary part of psychology - the psychology of misjudgment, as I call it - is a terribly important thing to learn. There are about twenty little principles.

And they interact, so it gets slightly complicated. But the guts of it is unbelievably important.



3 件のコメント:
少し古い本ですが『企業戦略論 競争優位の構築と持続』(3分冊)を読んでいます。邦訳では副題にまわっていますが、原書のほうのタイトルは『Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage』と投資家好みの直球です。また原書は第4版まで改訂されていますが、かなりいい値段がついています。





  • 歴史的経路依存性
  • 因果関係不明性
  • 社会的複雑性




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Q19 - Carol Loomis: Buffett Rule, he suspects 95% of people in arena believe stock undervalued. If not undervalued by Buffett rule, then why?

WB: Over 45 years, there have been several times when stock significantly undervalued, and at times it cut in half over fairly short time frames. Tom Murphy ran one of most successful companies ever, in early 1970s selling for 1/3rd the price of selling the properties. Berkshire in 2001 was selling at a very low price. The beauty of stocks is that they sell at silly prices from time to time. That is how we got rich. Chapter 8 and Chapter 20 in Security Analysis is all you need. In the stock market you have partner named Mr. Market, and he is a psychotic drunk, and he is there to serve you not to advise you. There are thousands of prices - and he is making lots of mistakes every day. Occasionally you have to oblige him. So it is built into the system that stocks get mispriced. Generally speaking Berkshire has come close to selling at intrinsic more than most companies over 40 years. Our stock fluctuates somewhat less than most. Berkshire will be significantly overvalued and sometimes undervalued. I don’t know in which order and times. But make decisions based on what business worth. Stick with businesses that you can value, you will do well in stocks. Stock market is most obliging place to make money because you don’t have to do anything. It is a marvelous game and rules stacked in your favor as long as you don’t start behaving like drunken psychotic.

CM: We bought businesses to hold instead of resell. It is an enormously constructive life. The faster you can work yourself into our position the better you’ll be. [laughter]



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Q16 - Andrew Serwer: How are you feeling?

WB: I feel terrific. I always feel terrific. I love what I do. I work with people I love. It is more fun every day. I have a good immune system. My diet is such, as any fool can see, I am eating properly. [laughter] I have four doctors. A few own Berkshire Hathaway. My wife and my daughter and I listened to four of them two weeks ago. They described various alternatives - the ones they recommend - not a day of hospitalization, not a day off from work, survival numbers are 99.5% in 10 yrs. Maybe I’ll get shot by a jealous husband. This is a really minor event.

CM: I resent all this attention and sympathy Warren is getting. I probably have more prostate cancer than he does. I don’t know because I don’t let them test for it. At any rate, I want the sympathy.



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前回に続いて、今回はセス・クラーマンによる「売り時」についてです。著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介します。一節を丸ごと引用しているので、少し長めです。(日本語は拙訳)







Many investors are able to spot a bargain but have a harder time knowing when to sell. One reason is the difficulty of knowing precisely what an investment is worth. An investor buys with a range of value in mind at a price that provides a considerable margin of safety. As the market price appreciates, however, that safety margin decreases; the potential return diminishes and the downside risk increases. Not knowing the exact value of the investment, it is understandable that an investor cannot be as confident in the sell decision as he or she was in the purchase decision.

To deal with the difficulty of knowing when to sell, some investors create rules for selling based on specific price-to-book value or price-to-earnings multiples. Others have rules based on percentage gain thresholds; once they have made X percent, they sell. Still others set sale price targets as the time of purchase, as if nothing that took place in the interim could influence the decision to sell. None of these rules makes good sense. Indeed, there is only one valid rule for selling: all investments are for sale at the right price.

Decisions to sell, like decisions to buy, must be based upon underlying business value. Exactly when to sell - or buy - depends on the alternative opportunities that are available. Should you hold for partial or complete value realization, for example? It would be foolish to hold out for an extra fraction of a point of gain in a stock selling just below underlying value when the market offers many bargains. By contrast, you would not want to sell a stock at a gain (and pay taxes on it) if it were still significantly undervalued and if there were no better bargains available.

Some investors place stop-loss orders to sell securities at specific prices, usually marginally below their cost. If prices rise, the orders are not executed. If the prices decline a bit, presumably on the way to a steeper fall, the stop-loss orders are executed. Although this strategy may seem an effective way to limit downside risk, it is, in fact, crazy. Instead of taking advantage of market dips to increase one's holdings, a user of this technique acts as if the market knows the merits of a particular investment better than he or she does.

Liquidity considerations are also important in the decision to sell. For many securities the depth of the market as well as the quoted price is an important consideration. You cannot sell, after all, in the absence of a willing buyer; the likely presence of a buyer must therefore be a factor in the decision to sell. As the president of a small firm specializing in trading illiquid over-the-counter (pink-sheet) stocks once told me: “You have to feed the birdies when they are hungry.”

if selling still seems difficult for investors who follow a value-investment philosophy, I offer the following rhetorical questions: If you haven't bought based upon underlying value, how do you decide when to sell? If you are speculating in securities trading above underlying value, when do you take a profit or cut your losses? Do you have any guide other than “how they are acting,” which is really no guide at all?
