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Clipper Fundという名のバリュー志向のファンドがあります。一昔前にその動向を追いかけていたのですが、2006年にマネージャーが変更になると公表されてからは遠ざかっていました。最近になって何とはなしにWebサイトにアクセスしたところ、現マネージャーの名前に不意を突かれました。その名もクリストファー・デービス氏、『デービス王朝 知られざる偉大な投資家一族』で取り上げられている一族の3代目でした。




SEMI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2017 (Clipper Fund) [PDF]


- 短期的予測へ応じるのではなく、長期的な観点に立ったポートフォリオを構築すること。今日の市場でみられるリスク要因には、利益率が頂点に達した企業、長期債、割高な配当銘柄がある。-







Investment Outlook

- Avoid reacting to short-term forecasts; instead build a portfolio for the long term. Risks in today’s market include companies with peak profit margins, long-term bonds and overvalued dividend darlings. -

The iconoclastic economist John Kenneth Galbraith famously quipped the “primary function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” By contrasting the predictions of Wall Street’s top strategists for annual stock market returns with what actually happened, the chart below shows the wisdom of Galbraith’s insight. In some years, the predictions proved too optimistic and in others too pessimistic. But at no point, did the forecasts get it right.

The same unpredictability applies to many short-term forecasts including those related to the direction of interest rates, currency moves, economic indicators, and geopolitical events. Instead of reacting to such useless forecasts, successful investors must be prepared for a wide range of possible outcomes. In this way, managing a portfolio for the long term is similar to building a ship for an ocean crossing. Because conditions may be unpredictable, investors must balance the strength needed to endure the inevitable storms with the speed required to reach their destination. By focusing on sensible preparation rather than worthless predictions we have built wealth for our investors over decades.

Since most sectors, economies, markets, and asset classes move through long cycles, the first step for investors is understanding where they are in the cycle. In the most favorable parts of cycles, prices tend toward bubbles as investors become euphoric. In the troughs of cycles, prices move toward bargain levels as investors become pessimistic. For long-term investors, cyclical peaks represent risk and cyclical troughs present opportunities.

Today, on the risk side of the equation, three areas appear to be approaching cyclical peaks. First, following more than eight years of economic expansion, corporate profit margins have reached an all-time high. This trend has provided a wonderful tailwind for the average company’s earnings growth and stock price. The other side of this cycle could lead to lower earnings at many companies with their share prices likely to follow suit. Recognizing this risk, we have focused our Portfolio on carefully selected companies with a favorable outlook for profit margins while avoiding the majority of companies where we believe margin compression is more likely.

Second, despite some uptick over the last year, interest rates remain near 50 year lows. As a result, many investors have come to view bonds as “safe,” forgetting that when interest rates eventually rise, bond prices will fall. In fact, a relatively modest 1% increase in interest rates would lop more than 20% off the price of a long-term bond. As shown in the chart below, bond valuations today reflect considerable euphoria compared to stocks. As a result, stocks are likely to produce far better returns than bonds in the decades ahead.

Third, within the stock market, investors have become infatuated by current dividend yield. As a result many of the so-called dividend darlings seem significantly overvalued. For example, the largest positions in the most widely held dividend mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs) currently trade at a heady 25 times earnings while paying out 83% of earnings to cover their dividends. Shockingly, over the last five years, the revenue at these companies has actually declined at a rate of 1.2% per year. As with profit margins and interest rates, these dividend darlings seem to be approaching a cyclical extreme and therefore represent a risk we are careful to avoid in our Portfolio.



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We typically only chase price when it is falling. Today though, a world awash in capital has found investors willing to pay ever higher prices. We, therefore, prefer to maintain Crescent’s conservative posture.

We believe the best course is to patiently read, speak to business managers, and just think. As Mr. Petty wrote and as we closed exactly a year ago, “The waiting is the hardest part.”


投資の世界では、こんな古いジョークがあります。新しく登場した巨大なビジネスの盛衰過程において、成長が鈍化して楽観的過ぎた見通しが実現不可能だったとわかると、成長株投資家は持ち株をGARP投資家(Growth At a Reasonable Price; 成長株を妥当な金額で買う)へ売却します。つづいてその株はバリュー投資家へ売られ、最終的にはどん底バリューを待ち受けていた連中の手にわたる、という筋書きです。それぞれの段階において買い手となる者は、「失望は一時的にすぎない、あるいは株価が下落したおかげで十分に割安になっている」と評価します。その際に、深刻な問題を抱えた「落下するナイフ」と、一時的に誤解されている割安な証券とを判別できること、それが決め手となります。

There is an old joke in the investment business that in the life cycle of a great new business, as growth slows and overly optimistic projections fail to materialize, growth investors sell to GARP (growth at a reasonable price) buyers, who sell to value investors, with the shares ultimately ending up in the hands of the deep value crowd. At each stage, the new buyers are making the assessment that the disappointment is temporary or that the stock price has declined enough to create a bargain. The trick is to be able to distinguish between the seriously troubled “falling knife” and the temporarily misunderstood undervalued security.



I regard it as a part of manhood. If you’re going to be in this game for the long haul which is the way to do it. You better be able to handle a 50% decline without fussing too much. Conduct your life so you can handle a 50% decline with aplomb and grace. Don’t try to avoid it. It will come. And if it doesn’t come I’d say your not being aggressive enough”.



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Why Are Stock Market Prices So High? (GMO Quarterly Letter 2Q 2017) [PDF]





PERの遷移を説明するために私たちがとった行動的アプローチは、過去に試みてきた「各種要因のごった煮」よりも単純な公式で済みます。しかし少し前に書いたレター「鳴動ならんや、さめざめと」[原題はNot With A Bang But A Whimper。T.S.エリオットの詩の一部]のパート1やパート2で触れた論議と著しく似ています。どちらのアプローチにおいても支配的なのが、利益率の役割です。利益率が上昇することで利益の額を直接増加させるのみならず、利益額に適用されるPER倍率も上昇させます。同様にインフレも、どちらのアプローチでも2番目に強力な要因です。もちろんながら低インフレは金利を低下させ、「ごった煮」に含まれる重要な要素になると思われます。(PDFファイル10ページ)

In an investing and economic world in which almost everything seems to have changed in the last 20 years, one thing has remained constant: human nature. And, we can more or less prove it. At least in the case of the stock market.

Ben Inker and I designed a simple model 15 years ago to explain the shifts in P/E levels of the S&P 500. Recently we updated it. Our model does not attempt to justify the P/E levels as logical or deserved, nor does it attempt to predict future prices. It just shows what has tended to be the market’s typical response over the years to major market factors. By far, the two most important of these are profit margins, the higher the better, and inflation, where stable and lower is better, except not too low.

Now, cutting across that previous attempt to understand these major changes in our new 20-year era, comes an entirely behavioral approach. Whether sensibly or not, investors love high margins and like stable growth even if it’s modest, and hate inflation. They felt this way from 1925 to 1997 and they felt exactly the same way in our new era of 1997 to 2017. So, behaviorally it is absolutely not a new era. It is precisely - to a 0.90 correlation - the same ole same ole. The peaks of 1929 and 1965 delivered favorable margins and inflation inputs but for a very short while in both cases. In contrast, the period of 1997 to 2017 has delivered to investors their preferred conditions almost the entire time, with only two very quick time-outs for market breaks.

Can the market really be this easy to explain? Well, it has been for 92 years! And what can we investors do with this information? It tells us that if we re-enter a period of old normal profits and old normal inflation, the market’s P/E will indeed mean revert to its old average. And if we don’t re-enter such a period, the P/Es are likely to stay high. It tells us separately that if we expect a market crash, we should also expect to have a crash in margins (as we did in 2008-09) or a truly dramatic rise in sustained inflation (as we did in 1979-81) or some powerful combination. All of which is possible of course, but I think improbable, at least in the near term.

This behavioral approach to explaining shifts in P/Es is certainly a much simpler equation than my previous stew-of-factors approach. But it does have some powerful similarities to my earlier arguments found in Parts 1 and 2 of “Not With A Bang But A Whimper." In both approaches, the role of profit margins is dominant. Improved margins not only move the earnings up directly, but also the P/E multiplier applied to those earnings. Inflation is also a strong secondary factor in both approaches, for low inflation, of course, drives down the interest rates, which appear to be an important ingredient in the stew.




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それが困難であるという意見には賛成です。上昇と下降から成るサイクルでは、たいていはファンダメンタル面の変化が発端となっています。また揺れ動く感情が極端な地点へと押しやります。ファンダメンタルに関する情報や感情面における影響は、だれもが同じように受けます。もしそれらに対して典型的な反応を示せば、その人のとる行動も典型的なものとなります。サイクルに従い、極端に際しては痛ましいあやまちを犯します。それとは反対にうまく対応するには、すなわち逆張りかつサイクルと逆に動くことで成功するには、第一に市場サイクルを理解することが必要です。これは、経験を積むか歴史を学ぶことを通して身に付けられます。第二に、外部からの刺激に対する感情的な反応を統制できることが必要です。これはあきらかに容易なことではありません。平均的な投資家(一例として、サイクルを極端へと駆動する人たち)がそうできれば、そこまで極端な高低には振れないはずです。しかし投資家たるもの、試みるべきです。正真正銘の逆張り派にはなれない、つまり極端に際して逆向きに行動できないのであれば(難しいのは認めますが)、それでは群衆に付き従うのを拒否してみるのはどうでしょうか。(p. 2)

Media Reaction

In working on my new book, I divided the things an investor can do to achieve above average performance into two general categories:

- selection: trying to hold more of the things that will do better and less of the things that will do worse, and

- cycle adjustment: trying to have more risk exposure when markets rise and less when they fall.

Accepting that “there is no better or worse time” simply means giving up on the latter. Whereas Buffett tells us to “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful” - and he’s got a pretty good track record - this commentator seems to be saying we should be equally greedy (and equally fearful) all the time.

I feel strongly that it’s possible to improve investment results by adjusting your positioning to fit the market, and Oaktree was able to do so by turning highly cautious in 2005-06 and highly aggressive in 1990-91, 2001-02 and immediately after the Lehman bankruptcy filing in 2008. This was done on the basis of reasoned judgments concerning:

- how markets have been acting,
- the level of valuations,
- the ease of executing risky financings,
- the status of investor psychology and behavior,
- the presence of greed versus fear, and
- where the markets stand in their usual cycle.

Is this effort in conflict with the tenet of Oaktree’s investment philosophy that says macro-forecasting isn’t key to our investing? My answer is an emphatic “no.” Importantly, assessing these things only requires observations regarding the present, not a single forecast.

As I say regularly, “We may not know where we’re going, but we sure as heck ought to know where we stand.” Observations regarding valuation and investor behavior can’t tell you what’ll happen tomorrow, but they say a lot about where we stand today, and thus about the odds that will govern the intermediate term. They can tell you whether to be more aggressive or more defensive; they just can’t be expected to always be correct, and certainly not correct right away.

The person who said “there is no better or worse time” was on TV with me, giving me a chance to push back. What he meant, he said, was that the vast majority of people lack the ability to discern where we stand in this regard, so they might as well not try.

I agree that it’s hard. Up-and-down cycles are usually triggered by changes in fundamentals and pushed to their extremes by swings in emotion. Everyone is exposed to the same fundamental information and emotional influences, and if you respond to them in a typical fashion, your behavior will be typical: pro-cyclical and painfully wrong at the extremes. To do better - to succeed at being contrarian and anti-cyclical - you have to (a) have an understanding of cycles, which can be gained through either experience or studying history, and (b) be able to control your emotional reaction to external stimuli. Clearly this isn’t easy, and if average investors (i.e., the people who drive cycles to extremes) could do it, the extremes wouldn’t be as high and low as they are. But investors should still try. If they can’t be explicitly contrarian - doing the opposite at the extremes (which admittedly is hard) - how about just refusing to go along with the herd?




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memo from Howard Marks: Yet Again? [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)








先に記したように、現在は注意が必要な時期であって、全面的退避の時期ではありません。暴落を予期する理由はまったくありません。ただし、つらい価格訂正が訪れる可能性はあります。あるいはいつからか長期間にわたって、市場の論理に沿うことで今よりも妥当な水準へと単に下落したり、利益増の業績にもかかわらず現状維持のままであったりするかもしれません(しかしながら、我がパートナーのシェルドン・ストーンが言うように、ほとんどの場合において「風船の空気は抜けるときのほうが速い」ものです)。(p. 9)

The State of the Market

There has been a lot of discussion about how elevated I think the market is. I’ve pushed back strongly against people who describe me as “super-bearish.” In short, as I wrote in the memo, I believe the market is “not a nonsensical bubble - just high and therefore risky.”

I wouldn’t use the word “bubble” to describe today’s general investment environment. It happens that our last two experiences were bubble-crash (1998-2002) and bubble-crash (2005-09). But that doesn’t mean every advance will become a bubble, or that by definition it will be followed by a crash.

- Current psychology cannot be described as “euphoric” or “over-the-moon.” Most people seem to be aware of the uncertainties that are present and of the fact that the good times won’t roll on forever.

- Since there hasn’t been an economic boom in this recovery, there doesn’t have to be a major bust.

- Leverage at the banks is a fraction of the levels reached in 2007, and it was those levels that gave rise to the meltdowns we witnessed.

- Importantly, sub-prime mortgages and sub-prime-based mortgage backed securities were the key ingredient whose failure directly caused the Global Financial Crisis, and I see no analog to them today, either in magnitude or degree of dubiousness.

It’s time for caution, as I wrote in the memo, not a full-scale exodus. There is absolutely no reason to expect a crash. There may be a painful correction, or in theory the markets could simply drift down to more reasonable levels - or stay flat as earnings increase - over a long period (although most of the time, as my partner Sheldon Stone says, “the air goes out of the balloon much faster than it went in”).



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The low fees and expenses that make passive investments attractive mean their organizers have to emphasize scale. To earn higher fees than index funds and achieve profitable scale, ETF sponsors have been turning to "smarter," not-exactly-passive vehicles. Thus ETFs have been organized to meet (or create) demand for funds in specialized areas such as various stock categories (value or growth), stock characteristics (low volatility or high quality), types of companies, or geographies. There are passive ETFs for people who want growth, value, high quality, low volatility and momentum. Going to the extreme, investors now can choose from funds that invest passively in companies that have gender-diverse senior management, practice "biblically responsible investing," or focus on medical marijuana, solutions to obesity, serving millennials, and whiskey and spirits.

But what does "passive" mean when a vehicle's focus is so narrowly defined? Each deviation from the broad indices introduces definitional issues and non-passive, discretionary decisions. Passive funds that emphasize stocks reflecting specific factors are called "smart-beta funds," but who can say the people setting their selection rules are any smarter than the active managers who are so disrespected these days? Bregman calls this "semantic investing," meaning stocks are chosen on the basis of labels, not quantitative analysis. There are no absolute standards for which stocks represent many of the characteristics listed above.

Importantly, organizers wanting their "smart" products to reach commercial scale are likely to rely heavily on the largest-capitalization, most-liquid stocks. For example, having Apple in your ETF allows it to get really big. Thus Apple is included today in ETFs emphasizing tech, growth, value, momentum, large-caps, high quality, low volatility, dividends, and leverage.

Here's what Barron's had to say earlier this month:

With cap-weighted indexes, index buyers have no discretion but to load up on stocks that are already overweight (and often pricey) and neglect those already underweight. That's the opposite of buy low, sell high.

The large positions occupied by the top recent performers - with their swollen market caps - mean that as ETFs attract capital, they have to buy large amounts of these stocks, further fueling their rise. Thus, in the current up-cycle, over-weighted, liquid, large-cap stocks have benefitted from forced buying on the part of passive vehicles, which don't have the option to refrain from buying a stock just because its overpriced.

Like the tech stocks in 2000, this seeming perpetual motion machine is unlikely to work forever. If funds ever flow out of equities and thus ETFs, what has been disproportionately bought will have to be disproportionately sold. It's not clear where index funds and ETFs will find buyers for their over-weighted, highly appreciated holdings if they have to sell in a crunch. In this way, appreciation that was driven by passive buying is likely to eventually turn out to be rotational, not perpetual.

Finally, the systemic risks to the stock market have to be considered. Bregman calls "the index universe a big, crowded momentum trade." A handful of stocks - the FAANGs and a few more - are responsible for a rising percentage of the S&P's gains, meaning the stock market's health may be overstated.

All the above factors raise questions about the likely effectiveness of passive vehicles - and especially smart-beta ETFs.

- Is Apple a safe stock or a stock that has performed well of late? Is anyone thinking about the difference?
- Are investors who invest in a number of passive vehicles described in different ways likely to achieve the diversification, liquidity and safety they expect?
- And what should we think about the willingness of investors to turn over their capital to a process in which neither individual holdings nor portfolio construction is the subject of thoughtful analysis and decision-making, and in which buying takes place regardless of price?



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Passive Investing/ETFs

Fifty years ago, shortly after arriving at the University of Chicago for graduate school, I was taught that thanks to market efficiency, (a) assets are priced to provide fair risk-adjusted returns and (b) no one can consistently find the exceptions. In other words, "you can't beat the market." Our professors even advanced the idea of buying a little bit of each stock as a can't-fail, low-cost way to outperform the stock-pickers.

John Bogle put that suggestion into practice. Having founded Vanguard a year earlier, he launched the First Index Investment Trust in 1975, the first index fund to reach commercial scale. As a vehicle designed to emulate the S&P 500, it was later renamed the Vanguard 500 Index Fund.

The concept of indexation, or passive investing, grew gradually over the next four decades, until it accounted for 20% of equity mutual fund assets in 2014. Given the generally lagging performance of active managers over the last dozen or so years, as well as the creation of ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, which make transacting simpler, the shift from active to passive investing has accelerated. Today it's a powerful movement that has expanded to cover 37% of equity fund assets. In the last ten years, $1.4 trillion has flowed into index mutual funds and ETFs (and $1.2 trillion out of actively managed mutual funds).

Like all investment fashions, passive investing is being warmly embraced for its positives:

- Passive portfolios have outperformed active investing over the last decade or so.
- With passive investing you're guaranteed not to underperform the index.
- Finally, the much lower fees and expenses on passive vehicles are certain to constitute a permanent advantage relative to active management.

Does that mean passive investing, index funds and ETFs are a no-lose proposition? Certainly not:

- While passive investors protect against the risk of underperforming, they also surrender the possibility of outperforming.
- The recent underperformance on the part of active investors may well prove to be cyclical rather than permanent.
- As a product of the last several years, ETFs' promise of liquidity has yet to be tested in a major bear market, particularly in less-liquid fields like high yield bonds.

Here are a few more things worth thinking about:

Remember, the wisdom of passive investing stems from the belief that the efforts of active investors cause assets to be fairly priced - that's why there are no bargains to find. But what happens when the majority of equity investment comes to be managed passively? Then prices will be freer to diverge from "fair," and bargains (and over-pricings) should become more commonplace. This won't assure success for active managers, but certainly it will satisfy a necessary condition for their efforts to be effective.

One of my clients, the chief investment officer of a pension fund, told me the treasurer had proposed dumping all active managers and putting the whole fund into index funds and ETFs. My response was simple: ask him how much of the fund he's comfortable having in assets no one is analyzing.

As Steven Bregman of Horizon Kinetics puts it, "basket-based mechanistic investing" is blindly moving trillions of dollars. ETFs don't have fundamental analysts, and because they don't question valuations, they don't contribute to price discovery. Not only is the number of active managers' analysts likely to decline if more money is shifted to passive investing, but people should also wonder about who's setting the rules that govern passive funds' portfolio construction.



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The super-stocks that lead a bull market inevitably become priced for perfection. And in many cases the companies' perfection turns out eventually to be either illusory or ephemeral. Some of the "can't lose" companies of the Nifty Fifty were ultimately crippled by massive changes in their markets, including Kodak, Polaroid, Xerox, Sears and Simplicity Pattern (do you see many people sewing their own clothes these days?). Not only did the perfection that investors had paid for evaporate, but even the successful companies' stock prices reverted to more-normal valuation multiples, resulting in sub-par equity returns.

The powerful multiple expansion that makes a small number of stocks the leaders in a bull market is often reversed in the correction that follows, saddling them with the biggest losses. But when the mood is positive and things are going well, the likelihood of such a development is easily overlooked.

Finally, a rationale often arises to the effect that, thanks to market technicals, investors' powerful buying of the leading stocks is sure to continue non-stop, meaning they can't help but remain the best performers. In the tech bubble of the late 1990's, for example, investors concluded that:

- stocks were doing so well that they would continue to attract capital,
- since tech companies and tech stocks were the best performers, they were sure to continue attracting a disproportionate share of the new buying,
- the superior performance of the tech stocks would cause more of them to be added to the stock indices,
- this would require index funds and closet indexers to direct a rising share of their buying to tech stocks,
- in order to keep up with the returns on the indices, benchmark-conscious active managers would have to respond by increasing their tech stock holdings, and,
- thus tech stocks couldn't fail to attract an ever-rising share of buying, and were sure to keep outperforming.

You can call this a virtuous circle or a perpetual motion machine. It's the kind of thing that fires investors' imaginations in a bull market. But the logic that says it will work forever always collapses, sometimes just under its own weight, as was the case in 2000.

Many of the most important considerations in investing are counterintuitive. One of those is the ability to understand that no market, niche or group is likely to outperform the others forever. Given human nature, "the best" will always come eventually to be overpriced, even for their stellar fundamentals. Thus even if the fundamentals hold up, the stocks' performance from those too-high prices will become ordinary. And if they turn out not really to have been the best - or if their business falters - the combination of fundamental decline and multiple contraction can be really painful.

I'm not saying the FAANGs aren't great, or that they'll suffer such a fate. Just that their elevated status today is a sign of the kind of investor optimism for which we must be on the lookout.



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There They Go Again... Again [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)











上の文に出てくる「重要な戦略的パートナー」のうち、現在も意味のある形で存在している企業は何社あると思われますか(重要なのか、あるいは戦略的なのか、という疑問は別として)。正解は0社です(ヤフー社はその条件を満たしていないはずだと考えるのであれば、正解は1社となるでしょう)。この文章は、アマゾン社の1997年度の年次報告書から抜粋したものです。つまるところ、将来とは予測できないものであり、小さな欠陥に無縁なものや企業なぞ存在しないのです。(p. 6)



Bull markets are often marked by the anointment of a single group of stocks as “the greatest,” and the attractive legend surrounding this group is among the factors that support the bull move. When taken to the extreme - as it invariably is - this phenomenon satisfies some of the elements in a boom listed on page four, including:

- trust in a virtuous circle incapable of being interrupted;
- conviction that, given the companies’ fundamental merit, there’s no price too high for their stocks; and
- the willing suspension of disbelief that allows investors to extrapolate thse positive views to infinity.

In the current iteration, these attributes are being applied to a small group of tech-based companies, which are typified by “the FAANGs”: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (now renamed Alphabet). They all sport great business models and unchallenged leadership in their markets. Most importantly, they’re viewed as having captured the future and thus as sure to be winners in the years to come.

True as far as it goes … just as it appeared to be true of the Nifty-Fifty in the 1960s, oil stocks in the '70s, disk drive companies in the '80s, and tech/media/telecom in the late '90s. But in each of those cases:

- the environment changed in unforeseen ways,
- it turned out that the newness of the business model had hidden its flaws,
- competition arose,
- excellence in the concept gave rise to weaknesses in execution, and/or
- it was shown that even great fundamentals can become overpriced and thus give way to massive losses.

The FAANGs are truly great companies, growing rapidly and trouncing the competition (where it exists). But some are doing so without much profitability, and for others profits are growing slower than revenues. Some of them doubtless will be the great companies of tomorrow. But will they all? Are they invincible, and is their success truly inevitable?

The prices investors are paying for these stocks generally represent 30 or more years of the companies' current earnings. There are clear reasons to be excited about their growth in the near term, but what about the durability of earnings over the long term, where much of the value in a high-multiple stock necessarily lies? Andrew points out that the iPhone is just ten years old, and twenty years ago the Internet wasn't in widespread use. That raises the question of whether investors in technology can really see the future, and thus how happy they should be paying prices that incorporate optimistic assumptions regarding long-term earnings power. Of course, this may just mean the best is yet to come for these fairly young companies.

Here's a passage from one company's 1997 letter to shareholders:

We established long-term relationships with many important strategic partners, including America Online, Yahoo!, Excite, Netscape, GeoCities, AltaVista, @Home, and Prodigy.

How many of these "important strategic partners" still exist in a meaningful way today (leaving aside the question of whether they're important or strategic)? The answer is zero (unless you believe Yahoo! satisfies the criteria, in which case the answer is one). The source of the citation is Amazon's 1997 annual report, and the bottom line is that the future is unpredictable, and nothing and no company is immune to glitches.



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Two Decades of Winning by Not Losing by Steven Romick [PDFファイル]
















彼らは大きな成功をおさめました。しかし、うらやむほどの成績をあげるために、ある年に最高だった数少ない銘柄を保有していた人は、皆無です。ホームランを打つことではなく、三振をとられないことで彼らは成功したのです。言い換えれば「負けないことで勝った」わけで、これはわたしたちのやりかたを象徴する言葉でもあります。(p. 2)

Fundamentally, passive investment is always going to look great during a long-lasting bull market.

If someone wants market rates of return and can withstand some volatility, then it can also serve as an efficient, low-cost tool. The further you get away from a bear market, the greater the number of people who have convinced themselves they can handle the downside - until the next time, of course

In the interim, if the indices are performing well, then you can bet that many investors - individuals and professionals, alike - are going to feel pressure to do whatever they can to ride the bull.

They fear being different. Tracking error is bad. Owning too many securities in every sector is a sure way to avoid being fired for being different. I’d rather spend my time surfing than to have to invest like that.

Thanks to the accelerated increase of passive investing - now around 40% of the U.S. market - I’m confident that there will be a period when it will look really easy to beat a benchmark - followed by another time when, again, it won’t.

This academic argument against active investment is fundamentally flawed because it’s built on a false premise, which holds that only the best performing stocks will drive returns. The argument doesn’t consider the other side…. A maxim I’ve taken to heart….

If you avoid the worst performing stocks, you can still put up good numbers. (I’ll leave it to you to conclude if I’m just talking my book.)

Further, these critics place too much weight on performance in each year… and ignore performance over a full-market cycle. This leads to short-termism. And short-termism is a breeding ground for all sorts of cognitive dissonance to which smart people fall prey when trying to adapt and join the crowd.

People viewed the internet as a fast-growing disruptive game changer in the late 1990s. And so it was, but as you know, internet stocks of that era were largely priced at wholly illogical levels.

Yet, many smart people couldn’t handle not participating. Maybe they were worried about not making as much as their friends. Or maybe they were worried about being fired. Whatever the reason, if they participated they generally lost badly.

In 2008, we sat on the precipice of a depression and many investors quickly liquidated their stocks and bonds, believing the economy would get worse, and stocks would continue to decline. It appeared correct to do so… for a time.

Some of those who exited the market realized their mistakes and came back to the market… down the road… after the economy found firmer footing… but also after prices had already rebounded.


Patience, a long-term focus, and avoiding the fads are key for successful investing. Some of the most successful stock investors of the last few decades in the United States aren’t known for finding the latest and greatest.

I give you as just a few examples: Warren Buffett, Seth Klarman, Jean-Marie Eveillard, and my former partner of two decades, Bob Rodriguez. Each compiled a long track record respected by investors of all types.

Each had their share of winners, but none created their enviable performance by owning those few golden stocks of a given year. They won by not striking out, rather than by hitting grand slams. In other words, they won by not losing - emblematic of our approach.



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Bonus section: I’ve been collecting (and recycling) quotations for almost forty years, more of them concerning forecasts than anything else. Here are five of the very best. Together they say virtually everything that has to be said on the subject:

We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don’t know – and those who don’t know they don’t know.
– John Kenneth Galbraith

No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all of your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future.
– Ian Wilson (former GE executive)

Forecasts create the mirage that the future is knowable.
– Peter Bernstein

Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future.
– Warren Buffett

I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.
– Albert Einstein



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「自分を向上させたいのであれば」、とエピクテトス(1世紀のギリシャ人哲学者)がかつて言った。「畑違いのことについては、無知か愚鈍に見えるよう、みずから進んで振る舞うこと」。現代のような相互接続おびただしい24時間休日なしのメディア漬けの世の中では、「私にはわかりません」と答えるのが、我々の取り得る最強の一手だろう。あるいはもっと挑発的に、「それがどうかしましたか」と。もちろん全てというわけではないが、ほとんどはそうだと言える。なぜならば、ほとんどのことは問題とは言えないし、ほとんどのニュースには追いかける価値がないからだ。(強調部は原著者ハワード・マークスによるもの)(p. 11)

First, I had dinner with Warren Buffett about a year ago, and he pointed out that for a piece of information to be worth pursuing, it should be important, and it should be knowable. These days, investors are clamoring more than ever for insights regarding the macro future, because it’s important: it moves markets. But there’ s a hitch: Warren and I both consider these things largely unknowable. He rarely bases his investment actions on them, and neither does Oaktree.

Second, I want to include a final paragraph from the Observer article about the media that I mentioned earlier. I think it’s golden:

“If you wish to improve,” Epictetus [first-century Greek philosopher] once said, “be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.” One of the most powerful things we can do as a human being in our hyperconnected, 24/7 media world is say: “I don’t know.” Or more provocatively, “I don’t care.” Not about everything, of course – just most things. Because most things don’t matter, and most news stories aren’t worth tracking. (Emphasis added)



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不確実なことに対する予測に基づいて大胆な行動に出るのは、単に筋ちがいなだけではなく、危険なやりかたです。マーク・トウェインは次のように言っています。「やっかいごとになるのを知らないのが問題ではない。確信していたのに当たらないのが問題なのだ」。(p. 9)

There are no facts about the future, just opinions. Anyone who asserts with conviction what he thinks will happen in the macro future is overstating his foresight, whether out of ignorance, hubris or dishonesty.

Developments in economies, interest rates, currencies and markets aren’t the result of scientific processes. The involvement in them of people – with their emotions, foibles and biases – renders them highly unpredictable. As physicist Richard Feynman put it, “Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings!”

Taking bold action based on forecasts of things that are uncertain isn’t just misguided; it’s dangerous. As Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. it’s what you know for certain that just ain’t true.”




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Oaktreeのハワード・マークスが1月に書いたレターは、「専門家の見解(Expert Opinion)」と題したものでした。「専門家による予測は、あまり当てにならない」とする主旨が、彼らしい実際的な視点から説明されていました。そのなかで気に入ったいくつかの箇所を、少しずつ引用してご紹介します。原文のリンク先は以下のとおりです。(日本語は拙訳)

memo from Howard Marks: Expert Opinion [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


・それがために、メディアに登場する専門家に耳を傾けるのは、楽しいひとときではあるものの、知性の点からすると時間の無駄と言えるかもしれません。(p. 4)

My son Andrew has helped me dope out the media effects:

- Following events makes people feel they're actively involved in them and well informed.
- People think and act with more confidence when they consider themselves informed.
- But the media pundits often are no more insightful than the rest of us.
- And anyway, people tend to follow media outlets that confirm their beliefs rather than challenge them.
- Thus following the media experts, while entertaining, can be a waste of time intellectually.




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<クラーマン> いつの日か自分の後継者となる人物の職務責任をウォーレン・バフェットが書きくだした際に、その人物に望む条件のひとつとして彼はこう述べています。「かつて起きたことのない事態に対処でき、さらにはその事態さえも予期できること」と。これは予言的な言葉でしたし、投資家にとっては実に重要なことだと思います。(p.5)

Klarman: When Warren Buffett put out his job description for who would replace him some day, he said that one of the criteria he was looking for was somebody who could deal with and even anticipate things that had never happened before. Well, that was prophetic - and incredibly important for investors.



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GMO Quarterly Letter 4Q 2015 - Part II: 2015 and 2016, U.S. Equity Bubble Update, and Yet More on Oil [PDF] (GMO)


The most important missing ingredient is a fully-fledged blow-off. This should come complete with crazy speculative anecdotes for your grandchildren, massive enthusiasm from individual investors, an overwrought, overcapacity economy, and, at minimum, a 2-sigma S&P 500 at 2300. Lacking all of this, I still believe it is "likely" that we will reach Election Day more or less intact. I will, though, admit to my definition of "likely" being beaten down by the negative factors listed earlier to something just over 50%. The wild card, as usual these days, is China. The market is discounting lower growth. (I believe 4% a year for the next 10 years would be a reasonable target.) But a deep entry into negative GDP numbers might ruin my relatively positive case for global growth.



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<クラーマン> みずからの投資プロセスをコントロールすることにおいて、そういった点は絶対的に重要です。ソシエテ・ジェネラル社のストラテジストであるジェームズ・モンティエ[現在はGMOに所属]は、少し前に書いた文章で次のように指摘していました。「北京オリンピックで競技が始まる直前に、どんなことを心に抱いていたか」、運動選手たちに対してそう質問したところ、返事はどれも同じように、選手がひたすら考えていたのは結果ではなくプロセスのほうだったとのことでした。プロセスに集中することが、最善の結果を達成する術だったのです。


Klarman: This point about controlling your process is absolutely crucial. James Montier, SocGen's market strategist, pointed out in a recent piece that when athletes were asked what went through their minds just before competing in the Beijing Olympics, the response again and again was that the competitor was focused on the process, not on the outcome. The way to maximize outcome is to concentrate on the process.

Montier points out that psychologists have long been aware of a phenomenon known as "outcome bias". This is the tendency to judge a decision differently based on its outcome. For example, if a doctor performs an operation and a patient survives, the decision is rated as significantly better than if the same operation fails and the patient dies. According to Montier, during periods of poor performance, the pressure builds to change your process. But so long as the process is sound, this would be exactly the wrong thing to do.



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<クラーマン> 経験とはたいていは良きものですが、時には経験という罠にいざなわれて、早すぎる行動を起こしたり、間違いを犯してしまうこともあります。それを承知で私の経験を申し上げれば、世の人たちが本意ではなしに止むを得ずめちゃくちゃな値段で手放し始めたら、そのときが買いに出る好機だと言えます。(p.4)

Klarman: So my experience - and experience is usually a good thing, but occasionally it can lure you into being too early or doing the wrong things - is that when people start to give something away at a ridiculous price because they have to, not because they want to, that's a good time to buy.



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<クラーマン> 短期的な成績を追求する投資ビジネスに固有の圧力に抵抗でき、狙いを定め続けられるバリュー投資家は、むずかしい時期でさえも利益を上げることのできる多面的で柔軟な各種の道具を備えています。第一に、バリュー投資家はおのれの原則を守って良い時も悪い時も辛抱し続けられるので、割安な銘柄を保有できます。これは根底にある価値よりも割安に買った証券なので、安全余裕を授けられています。ただし保有銘柄の株価が下落しないとか下落などありえない、という意味ではありません。株価が下落すれば買い増しを検討したくなるような、より好ましいバーゲン銘柄になるという意味です。高い割合で借り入れをしている企業の株式や問題を抱えた金融会社、いつまで経っても大きくなれない事業やリスクの大きいジャンク債、そのような証券には手を出さないとする規律を厳格に守ってきたバリュー投資家は、むずかしい時期にはまちがいなく恩恵を受けます。それらの投機的な銘柄を保有している人は、市場が下落するとみずからの選択を早々に後悔することになるでしょう。(p. 2)

Klarman: Value investors who are able to maintain their focus and resist the pressures inherent in the investment business to pursue short-term results have a multifaceted and adaptable tool kit that should allow them to prosper even in difficult times. First, by maintaining their discipline and by remaining patient in good times and bad, value investors own bargains - securities trading at a discount to underlying value which confer a margin of safety. This doesn't mean those holdings can't or won't drop in price; it means that when they decline, they'll be an even better bargain to which you are likely to seek to add. In difficult times, value investors certainly benefit from their relentlessly-kept discipline by having avoided highly-leveraged stocks, troubled financials, perpetually marginal businesses, and risky junk bonds. When the market drops, holders of such speculations quickly regret their choices.



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Klarman: When a value investor is tempted to become something other than what he or she is, I find it best to recall the wisdom of Graham and Dodd. Graham and Dodd have provided us with a remarkable road map that has been carried on some of the world's most successful investment journeys for 75 years - a road map that allows us to navigate through difficult, even uncharted, territory and come out ahead.

In a market like we've been experiencing, most investors lose their rudders. They become incapacitated, unable to navigate amidst extreme turmoil, declining corporate results, and a litany of economic woes and mounting losses. They become unwilling to part with their cash - afraid of possible redemptions, and afraid of adding to their losses. Investors today, who are tempted to pull out of the market and wait for some kind of "all clear" signal before recommitting, would be well advised to remember the counsel of Graham and Dodd who wrote in 1934: "While we were writing, we had to combat a widespread conviction that financial debacle was to be the permanent order." If they could say that then, I must restate it now.