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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし利益がある程度減少したとしても、それらの事業は基本的に現金を生み出してくれます。そして2枚目のスライドに進みますが、バークシャーではきわめて強固な基盤を維持しています。これからも常にそれを守っていきますが、当社は単にそれを基本な方針としています。当社では一般の人たちと保険契約を結んでいます。ある程度は専門に特化しており、業界のリーダーでもあります。主たる事業ではないものの、定期金賠償商品も販売しています。たとえばだれかがひどい事故に遭ったとき、たいていは自動車事故ですが、10年から50年間などの期間にわたって援助が必要になります。それがこの商品です。




(Warrren Buffett 01:28:13)

But basically these businesses will produce cash even though their earnings decline somewhat. And if we'll go to part two, at Berkshire, we keep ourselves in an extraordinary strong position. We'll always do that - that's just fundamental. We insure people. We're a specialist to some extent and a leader. It's not our main business, but we sell structured settlements. That means somebody gets in a terrible accident, usually an auto accident, and they're going to require care for 10, 30, 50 years.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:03)

And their family or their lawyer is wise enough, in our view, to rather than take some big cash settlement to essentially arrange to have money paid over the lifetime of the individual to take care of their medical wills, bills, or whatever it may be. And we're large. We've got many, many, many people that in effect have staked their well-being on the promises of Berkshire to take care of them for, like I say, I mean, 50 years or longer into the future.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:42)

And, now, I would never take real chances with money, of other people's money under any circumstances. Both Charlie and I come from a background where we ran partnerships. I started mine in 1956 for really seven either actual family members or the equivalent. And Charlie did the same thing six years later. And we never, neither one of us, I think, I know I didn't, and I'm virtually certain the same is true of Charlie, neither one of us ever had a single institution investment with us.

(Warren Buffett 01:30:23)

I mean, every single bit of money we managed for other people was from individuals, people with faces attached to them, or entities, or money with faces attached to them. So we've always felt that our job is basically that of a trustee, and hopefully a reasonably smart trustee in terms of what we were trying to accomplish. But the trustee aspect has been very important. And it's true for the people with the structured settlements. It's true for up and down the line. But it's true for the owners very much too. So we always operate from a position of strength.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> それではざっと見ていきましょう。ここにベッキー[・クイック。ウォーレンご指名の有名ニュースキャスター]の電子メール・アドレスがありますので、わたしが話したことなどについてご質問のある方は、電子メールでお知らせください。ベッキーは受け取った質問の山と格闘した末に、いくつかを選び出して順番を決めてくれるはずです。今回わたしが話したことであれば長くてもかまいませんので、遠慮なしに彼女へ送ってください。本総会が公式の部へ進行した間にも、彼女の電子メールアドレスは掲げておきます。





(Warrren Buffett 01:25:20)

So we will just now take a quick look. And I see we've got the Becky's email address. So if you have questions on what I've said or other things, you can email these questions. And she is back there probably sort of a madhouse trying to handle questions coming in and pick out the ones she's going to prioritize. But feel free to, anything I've talked about so far, to send a long to her, and we'll keep her address up when I later hold the formal part of the meeting too.

(Warrren Buffett 01:26:03)

Very briefly in terms of Berkshire, in the first quarter, if you'll put up... Do we have the slides on that? There we are. Our operating earnings were... And there's much more about this in the 10-Q, and it's really not worth spending any real time on. But the operating earnings for the first quarter have no meaning whatsoever in terms of forecasting what's going to happen the next year.

(Warrren Buffett 01:26:34)

And I don't know the consequences of shutting down the American economy. I know eventually it will work, whatever we do. We may make mistakes. We will make mistakes, and during this talk and later on, I'm not going to be second- guessing people on this because nobody knows for sure what any alternative action would produce or anything short.

(Warrren Buffett 01:27:06)

But what we do know is that for some period, certainly during the balance of the year, but it could go on a considerable period of time, who knows, but our operating earnings will be less, considerably less than if the virus hadn't come along. I mean, that's just it. It hurts some of our businesses a lot. I mean, you shut down. Some of our businesses effectively have been shut down.

(Warrren Buffett 01:27:41)

It affects others much less. Our three major businesses of insurance and the BNSF railroad, railroad and our energy business, those are our three largest by some margin. They're in a reasonably decent position. They will spend more than their depreciation. So some of the earnings will go, along with depreciation, will go toward increasing fixed assets.



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それでは、PERが30台前半になるように入力値を調節した上で、割引キャッシュフロー・モデルを使って検討してみよう。 以下に、用語の定義と初期条件を記しておく。






NOPAT(税引後営業利益)の増加率: 10%
ROIIC(増分投下資本利益率): 20%
資本コスト: 6.7%

PER: 32.3


NOPATの増加率: 15%
ROIIC: 20%
資本コスト: 6.7%

PER: 52.2



The Math

We start by calibrating our discounted cash flow model with inputs that yield a P/E multiple in the low 30s. Here are the definitions and the initial assumptions:

- We assume net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) will grow 10 percent per annum. NOPAT represents the cash profits a company would earn if it had no financial leverage.

- We assume a return on incremental invested capital (ROIIC) of 20 percent. ROIIC is defined as the change in NOPAT from this year to next year divided by this year’s investment. For example, if NOPAT grows by $10 next year and the company invests $50 this year, the ROIIC is 20 percent (10/50). Note that it does not matter if the investment is expensed or capitalized, save for some effect on taxes.

- We assume the cost of equity capital to be 6.7 percent, which was Aswath Damodaran’s estimate as of February 1, 2020. The cost of equity measures the return an investor expects to earn given the assumed risk. As such, the figure is the sum of the risk-free rate of 1.5 percent and an estimated equity risk premium of 5.2 percent. We assume the company is financed solely with equity for simplicity. Adding debt makes the calculations slightly more cumbersome but does not change the story.

- The model values explicit cash flows for 15 years after which it uses a perpetuity to estimate the residual value. Specifically, the model takes NOPAT in year 16, which reflects the benefit of the investment made in year 15, and capitalizes it by the cost of equity. That figure is then discounted to a present value.

Here’s a summary of the inputs and the output:

NOPAT growth: 10%
ROIIC: 20%
Cost of capital: 6.7%
→ P/E: 32.3

If we increase the growth rate to 15 percent and hold everything else constant, we get this result:

NOPAT growth: 15%
ROIIC: 20%
Cost of capital: 6.7%
→ P/E: 52.2

We will now change these assumptions to see what the impact is on the P/E multiple. Because most investors who use multiples do not contemplate foundational assumptions, the changes are larger than they generally expect.


One-year return on incremental invested capital (ROIIC)




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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかしわたしの考えでは、普通株に取り組む場合にだけ根本的に有利な点があります。わたしは残りの人生をアメリカに賭けるつもりですし、バークシャーを引き継いでくれる人にもそうしてほしいと願っています。わたしどもは2つの異なるやりかたをとっています。ある企業全体を買収するやりかたと、企業の一部を買うやりかたです。




(Warren Buffett 01:22:44)

But you are dealing with something fundamentally advantageous, in my view, in only common stocks. I will bet on America the rest of my life. And I hope my successors at Berkshire do it. Now, we do it in two different ways. We do it by buying entire businesses, and we buy parts of businesses.

(Warren Buffett 01:23:09)

And I would like to emphasize that... Well, I'd like to give you a few figures that will tie in from our activities in the first quarter and also what we've done in April. We are not right about... We do try to pick the businesses that we think we understand. We don't buy the S&P 500. And we like to buy the entire businesses when we buy them, but we don't get a chance to do that very often. Most of the best businesses are not available for sale in their entirety.

(Warren Buffett 01:23:53)

But we don't mind in the least buying partial interest in businesses. And we would rather own 6% or 7% or 8% of a wonderful company and regard it as a partnership interest, essentially, in that company. And then we get an opportunity to do that through marketable securities. And sometimes we get more opportunities than others.

(Warren Buffett 01:24:24)

And with that, I hope I've convinced you to bet on America. Not saying that this is the right time to buy stocks if you mean by "right," that they're going to go up instead of down. I don't know where they're going to go in the next day, or week, or month, or year. But I hope I know enough to know, well, I think I can buy a cross section and do fine over 20 or 30 years. And you may think that's kind of, for a guy, 89, that that's kind of an optimistic viewpoint. But I hope that really everybody would buy stocks with the idea that they're buying partnerships in businesses and they wouldn't look at them as chips to move around, up or down.
