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Grantham dumping stocks (CNBC)


"The U.S. is simply now playing with fire. You might make a lot of money in a really short time but recognize we are skating on very thin ice."

つづいて、MarketWatchからの引用です。 インタビュー映像は記事の末尾のほうにあります。

Stock-market legend who called 3 financial bubbles says this one is the ‘Real McCoy,’ this is ‘crazy stuff’ (MarketWatch)


‘My confidence is rising quite rapidly that this is, in fact, becoming the fourth, real McCoy, bubble of my investment career. The great bubbles can go on a long time and inflict a lot of pain but at least I think we know now that we’re in one. And the chutzpah involved in having a bubble at a time of massive economic and financial uncertainty is substantial.’



Asked what level of exposure investors should have to U.S. equities, Grantham offered an unflinching view that may leave some bulls gobsmacked.

"I think a good number now is zero and less than zero might not be a bad idea if you can stand that."




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(Warren Buffett 01:19:06)

But you can't bet unless you're willing and have an outlook to independently decide that you want to own a cross section of America, because I don't think most people are in a position to pick single stocks; a few may be, but on balance, I think people are much better off buying a cross section of America and just forgetting about it. If you'd done that, if I'd done that when I'd got out of college, it's all I had to do to make 100 for 1 and then collect dividends on top of it, which increased, would increase substantially over time.

(Warren Buffett 01:19:43)

The American tailwind is marvelous. American business represents, and it's going to have interruptions, and you're not going to foresee the interruption, and you don't want to get yourself in a position where those interruptions can affect you either because you're leveraged or because you're psychologically unable to handle looking at a bunch of numbers.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> そこでは莫大なお金が動いています[投資助言、投資信託業界]。だから彼らはこう言います。「大切なことなのですよ。値段の動きについては私たちが考えますから、その考えをしっかり守ってください」。あるいは顧客みずからが「重要なちがいがあるはずだ」と自分に言い聞かせるかもしれません。しかし真実はこうです。もしもウィルスが伝わってくる以前から気に入った企業を保有していたのであれば、株価が変わったところで「売却せよ」と強要してくる人などいません。その企業を本当に気に入っており、経営陣を信頼して会社を任せるのであれば、事業に根本的な変化がないかぎり、株式には著しい強みがあります。そして株式を保有することでアメリカの未来に賭けることができます。もう少し後でバークシャーの業績報告をしますので、その際に事業や環境の変化について少々お話しします。

(Warren Buffett 01:18:11)

There's huge money it. So people tell you that it's important, and they know, and that you should pay a lot of attention to their thoughts about what price changes should be, or you tell yourself that there should be this great difference. But the truth is, if you owned the businesses you liked prior to the virus arriving, it changes prices, and it changes, but nobody's forcing you to sell. And if you really like the business, and you like the management you're in with, and the business hasn't fundamentally changed, and I'll get to that a little when I report on Berkshire, which I will soon, I promise, the stocks have an enormous advantage. And you can bet on America.




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<ウォーレン・バフェット> つまり、農地がもたらしてくれる可能性を考えるわけです。そこへ、隣りの農地を所有するおバカさんがやってきます、彼は、ある種の躁うつ病をかかえた呑み助でもあり、さらには大麻を少しやっているかもしれません。そんな彼があちこちに現れて、売買の呼び値を告げてくれます。ですからここではただ一つ、次のことを覚えておくだけで大丈夫です。「その隣人は私に尽くす人であり、私を導く人ではない」と。「その農地で儲けられる可能性がある」と自分で考えたからこそ、自分で買うのです(笑)。実際のところ、呼び値を出してもらう必要はありません。ジョン・D・ロックフェラーやアンドリュー・カーネギーといった人と取引する際には、呼び値はありませんでした。のちになってから呼び値が出てきましたが、基本的にはその事業を営むために買うわけですから、株式を買うときにも同じようにすればいいのです。しかしその際にさきほど述べた利点があるので、それが活かせます。つまり「こちらは聞く耳を持たないものの、呼び値を毎日提示してくれる隣人」のことです。彼の出す値段には上下動があるでしょう。高騰した[soaring]値段で買おうと言ってくる日もあります。そんなときに売りたいと思えば、そうしてください。


(Warren Buffett 01:16:19)

But you think about the potential of the farm, and now we get this idiot that buys the farm next to you, and on top of that, he's sort of a manic depressive and drinks, maybe smokes a little pot. So his numbers just go all over the place. Now, the only thing you have to do is to remember that this guy next door is there to serve you and not to instruct you. You bought the farm because you thought the farm had the potential. You don't really need a quote on it. If you bought in with John D. Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie, and da, da, da, da, there were never any quotes. Well, there were quotes later on, but basically you bought into the business. And that's what you're doing when you buy stocks. But you get this added advantage that you do have this neighbor who you're not obliged to listen to at all who is going to give you a price every day. And he's going to have his ups and downs. And maybe he'll name a selling price that they'll buy at, and in which case you sell if you want to.

(Warren Buffett 01:17:34)

Or maybe he'll name a very low price, and you'll buy his farm from him. But you don't have to. And you don't want to put yourself in a position to where you have to. So stocks have this enormous inherent advantage of people yelling out prices all the time to you, and many people turn that into a disadvantage. And of course many people can profit in one way or another from telling you that they can tell you what this farmer's going to yell out tomorrow or next... your neighboring farmer's going to yell out tomorrow, or next week, or next month.





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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 今まさに資金を投じて農場を買おうとする瞬間を想像してみてください。このあたりの農地を、たとえば面積が160エーカーの農地を買おうとして、1株いや1エーカーあたりXドルで買ったとします。そのとき、隣接した土地の農夫もまったく同じ160エーカーの農地を所有しているとします。土地の形状も同じで、同じ質つまり土壌の質も同じ、いろいろな点で同一と考えてください。その同じ農地を所有する隣人はひどく変わった性格の持ち主で、毎日こんな風に語りかけてきます。「オレの農地を買わねえか。それとも、アンタの農地を売らねえか」。そして彼は売買ともに同じ値段の言い値を示してきます。



(Warren Buffett 01:14:28)

Imagine for a moment that you decided to invest money now, and you bought a farm. And the farmland around here, let's say you bought 160 acres, and you bought it at x per share, or per acre. And the farmer next to you had 160 identical acres, same contour, same quality, soil quality, so it was identical. And that farmer next door to you was a very peculiar character because every day that farmer with the identical farm said, "I'll sell you my farm, or I'll buy your farm at a certain price," which he would name.

(Warren Buffett 01:15:29)

Now, that's a very obliging neighbor. I mean, that's got to be a plus to have a fellow like that with the next farm. You don't get that with farms, you get it with stocks. You want 100 shares of General Motors, and then on Monday morning, somebody will buy you 100 shares or sell you another 100 shares at exactly the same price. And that goes on, I don't know, five days a week.

(Warren Buffett 01:15:58)

But just imagine if you had a farmer doing that. When you bought the farm, you looked at what the farm would produce. That was what went through your mind. You were saying to yourself, "I'm paying x dollars per acre. I think I'll get so many bushels of corn or soybeans on average, some years good, some years bad. And some years the price will be good. Some years the price will be bad," etc.