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20. バークシャーが特別配当を出す可能性は「非常に低い」

<ウォーレン・バフェット> グレッグさん、次をお願いします。

<グレッグ・ウォーレン> この質問も、ウォーレンがもっと最近発言された内容に対してです。そのため、「こちらの質問のほうが、くみしやすい」とは言いかねます(バフェットが軽く笑う)。





<ウォーレン> そうですね、もし資本を効率的に使えないと考えるようになれば、株主に資本を返す最良の方法をさがすように努めると思います。そしておそらくは、そうするために特別配当を使う可能性は低いと思います。













<チャーリー・マンガー> 既存のシステムがうまく機能し続けているときに、それを変えねばいけないのは何故ですかね。それこそ大多数の株主が、そのやりかたに慣れ親しんでおり、そのやりかたでうまくいっているわけですから。ただし状況が変われば、心を変える準備はできていますよ。事実が変化すればのことですが。

<ウォーレン> そうです。過去にも何度かそうしてきました。

<チャーリー> そのとおり。

<ウォーレン> そうですよ。

<チャーリー> ただし、「少しばかり難儀だった」とは言い添えておきますよ(笑)。

<ウォーレン> いつも彼はそうやって、わたしを引きおろすわけです。

20. “Very unlikely” Berkshire would pay a special dividend

WARREN BUFFETT: OK, Gregg. (Laughter)

GREGG WARREN: Warren, this question’s also based on something you said more recently, so I can’t guarantee it’s going to be any easier. (Buffett laughs)

You recently noted that you prefer share repurchases over dividends as a means for returning capital to shareholders should Berkshire’s cash balances continue to rise and hit the $150 billion threshold you noted as being difficult to defend to shareholders at last year’s annual meeting.

While I understand the rationale for not establishing a regular dividend, a one-time special dividend could be a useful option for returning a larger chunk of Berkshire’s excess capital to shareholders without the implied promise to keep paying a regular dividend forever.

The drawback with the special dividend, though, is that it would lead to an immediate decline in book value and book value per share. Whereas a larger share repurchase effort, while depressing book value, would reduce Berkshire’s share count, limiting the impact on book value per share.

If we do happen to get a few years out and Berkshire does hit that $150 billion threshold, because valuations continue to be too high, both for acquisitions and for the repurchase of company stock, would you consider a one-time special dividend as a means for returning capital to shareholders?

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, if we thought we couldn’t use capital effectively, we would figure - we would try to figure out the most effective way of returning capital to shareholders. And - you could - I would have probably - I think it’d be unlikely we’d do it by a special dividend.

I think it’d be more likely we’d do it by a repurchase, if the repurchase didn’t result in us paying a price above intrinsic value per share. We’re never going to do anything that we think is harmful to continuing shareholders.

So if we think the stock is intrinsically worth X, and we would have to pay some modest multiple even above that to repurchase shares, we wouldn’t do it because we would be hurting continuing shareholders to the benefit of the people who are getting out.

But we will try and do whatever makes the most sense, but not with the idea that we have to do something every day because we simply can’t find something that day.

We had a vote as you know - I don’t know, a few years back - on whether people wanted a dividend. And - the B shares - so I’m not talking my shares or Charlie’s or anything - but the B shares voted 47 to one against it.

So I think through self-selection of who become shareholders - I don’t think shareholders world - or countrywide - on all stocks would vote 47 to one at all.

But we get self-selection in terms of who joins us. And I think they expect us to do whatever we think makes sense for all shareholders. And obviously, if we really thought we never could use the money effectively in the business, we should get it out, one way or another. And -

You’ve got a bunch of directors who own significant - very significant - amounts of stock themselves. And you can expect them to think like owners. It’s the reason they’re on the board.

And you can expect the management to think like owners and - owners will return money to all of the owners if they think it makes more sense than continuing to look for things to do.

But we invested in the first quarter, maybe - have to look it up on the - well, certainly through April - probably close to 15 billion or something like that, net, so -

And we won’t always be in a world of very low interest rates - or high private market prices.

So we will do what makes the most sense. But I can’t see us ever making a special - almost - it’s very unlikely we would just pay out a big, special dividend. I think that if we put that to the vote of the shareholders, and Charlie and I did not vote, I think we would get a big negative vote. And I’d be willing to - be willing to make a bet on that one.


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, as long as the existing system continues to work as well as it has, why would we change it? We’ve got a whole lot of people that are accustomed to it, have done well under it. And if conditions change, why, we’re capable of changing our minds, if the facts change.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, and we’ve done that several times.



CHARLIE MUNGER: Although, I must say, it’s a little hard. (Laughter)

WARREN BUFFETT: He always brings me back to earth.



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<質問者> かつてあなたは「誤った現象ばかりに投資家は目を向けている」とおっしゃいました。そのことについて、どう考えるべきなのでしょうか。真実とはどこにあるのでしょうか。真実にたどりつくにはどうすればいいのでしょうか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 「市場には真実がある」と考える人が数多くいますね。「値段が動くことで、まさしく市場はなにかを訴えたがっている」と。しかし、バークシャー・ハサウェイやチャーリー・マンガーという人間は、資金を投じる際にそんな風には考えませんよ。我々が思い描くのは、その本源的価値がどれぐらいかであり、なにが取引にあがっているかです。そして「支払う金額以上に価値がある」と思えるときだけ買います。ですから我々は、割安になるのを待ちつづけ、そうなったときに買うことで、長期的な投資ができるように心がけているわけです。市場にいるあらゆるギャンブラー諸氏の様子に、目をやることもありません。私からすれば、彼らは泡沫にまみれていますね。そんな風にして金持ちになろうとするのは、愚かな時間の使いかたですよ。

<リー・ルー> 「真実とは、企業自体が持つ本来の価値である」と彼は答えました。これを理解することによってのみ、本当の儲けをあげることができます。価格の上下動だけを気にかけ、それらの変動に基づいて関連の投資をして儲けをあげるのは、非常に愚かな行動だというわけです。

<質問者> 中国では多くの投資家が、あなたやバフェットさんやリー・ルーさんを崇拝しています。それでは、まだ30年間の歴史しかない中国の資本市場が、御三方のような投資の達人を「生みだす」までに、どれほど時間がかかり、どのような条件が必要とされるでしょうか。

<チャーリー> 中国の市場は、投資で成功する者を数多く生みだしていくと思いますよ。中国人に満ちた香港は、投資家秩序に基づいた優れた証券市場と調和してきました。そのありようは今後何十年にもわたって中国本土全体にも広がり、信認の度合いを深め、規模を増大させていくでしょう。中国の証券市場や投資の取り組みは、長期間にわたって改善されていくと思いますね。当然ながら変動はあるでしょうが、しかし長期的な趨勢としては、ますます発展し、信頼を集め、価格も上昇していくことでしょう。

<リー・ルー> そちらの質問そのものに対する答えではないですが、「投資の達人は必ずや現れる」と彼はおっしゃっています。中国市場が、少しずつ良くなっていくだろうとも。

<チャーリー> 香港の中国人はこの50年間で金持ちになりましたね。彼らは短期志向の投機家やギャンブラーではなく、長期のうまい投資先をさがし求めた長期志向の投資家でした。投資先を手放さずに長期にわたって頑として保有しつづけました。香港在住の中国人を評したように、中国本土に対しても一言申し上げたいですね。成功するのは短期志向のギャンブラーではないと。長期で投資できるうまい対象を見出し、堅持しつづけることです。長期間にわたって、ですよ。

<リー・ルー> 香港における例は、中国の未来もうまく描いているかもしれません。大儲けできる人とは、当然ながら長期志向の投資家であり、短期志向のトレーダーではないでしょう。


Question: You said before most of what investors see are false phenomena. How should we think about that? Where is the truth then? How can we get to the truth?

Munger: A lot of people think there is such a thing it’s the truth in the market. And market tells you something just by bouncing around. That is not the way Berkshire Hathaway or Charlie Munger invests money. We have a view as to what the intrinsic value is and what is being traded. And we only buy it when we think it’s worth more than we are paying. So we are trying to make a long-term investment by waiting for something to be underpriced and then buying it. And we don’t give a damn about all those gamblers in the market. To me they are so much froth. It’s a foolish way to spend your time if you want to get rich that way.

Li Lu: He answered what the truth is - it’s the real value of the company itself. Only by understanding this can we really make money. For those who only care about price fluctuations and make relevant investments based on such fluctuations, making money this way is a very stupid action.

Question: In China, many investors regard you, Mr. Buffett and Mr. Li Lu, as their idols. Could you talk about how much time it would take the Chinese capital market, which only has 30 years of history, and under what conditions would the Chinese capital market “produce” investment masters like you three.

Munger: Well the Chinese market is going to create a lot of successful investors. If you look at Hong Kong, which has been full of Chinese people, meshed in a capitalist order with good securities market. That is going to spread all over China and increase in respectability and size for decades ahead. I anticipate the Chinese securities market and investing practices will get better and better for a long, long time. There will be fluctuations to be sure, but the long-term trend will be toward more achievement and more respectability and higher prices.

Li Lu: He didn’t answer your question directly, but he’s saying some investment masters will definitely appear. The Chinese market will get better step by step.

Munger: The Chinese, who’ve got rich in Hong Kong over the last 50 years, are not the short-term traders and gamblers. These have been the long-term investors who’ve sought out good long-term investment and stubbornly held them for a long period of time. And just as I said words for the Chinese in Hong Kong, a little words for the Chinese on the mainland. It’s not the short-term gambler that’s good. It’s identifying the good long-term investment and sticking with it. For a long term.

Li Lu: The example of Hong Kong can also reflect well the future of China. Those who will make big money undoubtedly will be the long-term investors, rather than short-term traders.



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物理学で予測をするときは、50パーセントの可能性ではなく、95パーセントの可能性で考えるのが標準となる。ゴットの論法はそのまま使えるが、数字が少し変わる。自分が何かの事物を見ていることに特別のことがない場合、その事物はその時点での年齢の39分の1から39倍の間続く可能性が95パーセントある。(p. 276)

デルタt論法を使ってコンクリートの壁や人間関係の寿命を推定するのは楽しいが、それはもっとゆゆきしきことの推定にも使える。ホモ・サピエンスの余命だ。人類は誕生して17万5000年ほど。ゴットの規則を適用すると、人類の残りの寿命はおよそ4500年から680万年である可能性が95パーセント。それからすると、人類の寿命は18万年ないし700万年程度ということになる(哺乳類に属する種の平均寿命は200万年ほどと言われる。いちばん近い近縁種のネアンデルタール人は20万年だったらしい。やはりヒト科に属し、人類の直接の祖先かもしれないホモ・エレクトゥスは、140万年続いたかもしれない。するとゴットの推定は、種の寿命についても、確かにおおよそは正しいと言える)。(p. 278)




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Rare Charlie Munger and Li Lu Interview - Part I (GuruFocus, Grahamites氏の記事)

<質問者> 最初の話題として、プロの投資家はどのようにすれば適切な投資哲学を持てるかについてお聞きしたいと思います。「投資とは良き機会を見つけることにあり、その上で我慢強く長期間保有すべし」とはあなたが主張なさっている言葉ですが、中国にも「十年一剣を磨く」[唐代の詩人、賈島]という言葉があります。その原則を承知しているプロの投資家は大勢いるものの、辛抱が長い期間にわたって続くことはなく、ひいては実入りの少ない投資へと陥っています。そこでお聞きしたいのは、ご自身の見解に従って、どのようにみずからを処しておられるのでしょうか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> それは、もしカジノでギャンブルに興じるかのように投資をするのだとしたら、良い結果はまるで残せないでしょうね。いちばん成功できるのは長期投資ですよ。しかし投資という活動を好きこのむのであれば、つまりカジノでギャンブルをするかのように、ときには儲けてときには損をするといったやりかたをするような人たちは、我が慈しむ人ではないですね。私の好みは長期投資家ですよ。長い期間をかけて物事が成しとげられていくことを理解している人たちです。中国人は賭けごとを減らしてもっと長期にわたって辛抱強く投資すれば、優れた成果を早々にあげられるようになりますよ。

<質問者> あなたは、「辛抱とは投資に不可欠なものであり、持って生まれた性質である」とも発言されています。それはつまり、辛抱強く生まれなかった人は投資をすべきではないということでしょうか。

<チャーリー> この世には愚かしいギャンブラーばかりいますが、彼らが辛抱強い投資家のような結果をあげることはないでしょうね。「辛抱」とは学んで身につく部分もあれば、生まれつきの部分もあります。米国には「集中力持続」という言葉があります。その力を持つ者は、答えを出すまでに長期間かかるゲームや行動において、精神を集中させることができます。中国人も集中力を保ってものごとを進めていますね。それは並はずれて好ましい性質ですよ。というのは、長い時間をかけて物事を深くかつ厳しく考えるほどに、正しい答えへ到達できるからです。そのように集中力をうまく持続させられる人たちが、賭け事にのめりこむのは奇妙なことですね。実に非生産的ですよ。


Question: Let’s start with how professional investors set up the right investment philosophy. You have emphasized that investment depends on finding good opportunities and holding for the long term with patience. In a Chinese saying: It takes 10 years’ time to sharpen one's sword. Although many professional investors know this principle, they fail in being patient in spending long time. This leads to fruitless investment. So how do you make your actions be in accordance with your notions?

Munger: Yes, well if you invests the way people gamble in casinos, you are not gonna do very well. So it’s the long-term investment that works the best. But if you like the action of investing, sometimes winning some losing, just like the action when they gamble in the casino. Those people are not my people. I like the long-term investors who figure out something is going to work over the long term. The sooner the Chinese people gamble less and invest patiently for the long term more, the sooner they will do better.

Question: You also mentioned that patience is necessary for investment and patience is a born characteristic. Does that mean if a person is not born with patience, he or she shouldn’t be investing?

Munger: The world is full of foolish gamblers. They will not do as well as the patient investors. I think patience can be learned to some extent and to some extent you are born with it. There’s a saying in American they call a long attention span. They can keep their mind on a game or an activity for a long time until they’ve solved it. And the Chinese do have a long attention span, and that is hugely desirable quality because you are more likely to get the right answer if you think deeply and hard about the subject for a long time. And it’s odd that people who are so good at having a long attention span like to gamble so much, which is quite counterproductive.



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And you need to do two things under those circumstances, if you have that situation. You know what’s good for the country. So, you have to be very good at explaining how it does really hurt, in a real way, somebody that works in a textile mill, like we had in New Bedford, where you only spoke Portuguese - half our workers only spoke Portuguese. And suddenly, they have no job. And they’ve been doing their job well for years.

You’ve got to do two things. You can - you’ll have to - you have to understand that that’s the price individuals pay for what’s good for the collective good.

And secondly, you’ve got to take care of the people that are - that - where retraining is a joke because of their age, or whatever it may be. And you’ve got to take care of the people that become the roadkill in something that is collectively good for us as a country. And -

That takes society acting through its representatives to develop the policies that will get us the right collective result, and not kill too many people economically in the process. And you know, we’ve done that in various arenas over the years.

The people in their productive years do help take care of the people that are too old, and too young. I mean, every time a baby is born in the United States, you know, we take on an obligation of educating them for 12 years. It’ll cost $150,000 now, you know? It -

We have a system that has a bond between the people in their productive years and the ones in the young and old. And it gets better over time. It’s far from perfect now. But it has gotten better over time.

And I believe that trade, properly explained, and with policies that take care of the people that are roadkill, is good for our country and can be explained.

But I think it’s a tough - it’s been a tough, tough sell to a guy that made shoes in Dexter, Maine or worked on a loom in New Bedford, Mass, or works in the steel mill in Youngstown, Ohio. (Applause)