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なお原文は、同校に開設されているThe Ben Graham Centre for Value Investingのサイトに掲載されています。以下のリンク先です。

Notes from the Meeting Dr. George Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Warren Buffett [PDF]

(場所: ネブラスカ州オマハ 、日時: 2015年2月27日 午前10時から12時)

<質問1> どのようにして成功者(ふさわしい人)を選ぶのですか。どうすれば、あなたの会社にとってぴったりな人だとわかるのでしょうか。

<バフェット> 称賛に値する人は常にいるはずだと思いますが、その中から当社にふさわしい人を選ぶのは難仕事です。S&P500指数をまちがいなく上回っていくと思われる人を知っていますが、わたしの娘には絶対結婚してほしくない人物です。ですからいちばん肝心なこととして、その人といると友達や家族と同じように気持ちが安らぐことが必要です。彼らが経営する会社を楽しむことも同じです。彼らに対して安らぎを感じるのは、みなさん自身が称賛する性質をその人が持っているからですし、共に歩みたいと考える方向へと進んでいるからです。その人たちは、みなさんがどのような人間になりたいかを表しています。自分自身よりも優れた人だとさえ感じるかもしれません。彼らの友人でありたいと望むときには、彼らの行動や頭の良さを称賛することもあるとは思いますが、人間としてどうかという点で常に判断するものです。そのような人は、一つのことを依頼すると十のことをしてくれます。期待をはるかに超えるのですね。そういった第一級の人物とやっていきたいはずですよ(たとえばウィリアム・ルーアン[投資家]も、そのような最上の人物でした)。

Notes from the Meeting Dr. George Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Warren Buffett
Omaha, NB, February 27, 2015, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Question #1: How do you pick winners (the right people)? How do you know they are the right fit for your company?

Answer #1: I believe there are always winners but picking the right winner for my company is a challenge. I know an individual who is definitely going to outperform the S&P but he's the last guy on earth I'd want my daughter to marry. So first and foremost, you have to feel good around them, you must enjoy their company, like a friend or a family member. If you feel good around them, it means they have characteristics you admire and are moving in the direction you want to associate with. These people represent who you'd like to be and you may perceive them even as better than yourself. You can admire their behaviour or intellect but always judge them as a human being if you want to be their friend. These people do 10 things for every 1 thing you ask for; they go above and beyond what you expect of them. You want to associate with first-class people (like William Ruane, one of the classiest individuals).



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At the end of the Hall of Greater Fools is a mirror. Buff, unaware of entering the building, actually thinks of himself as a prudent investor. After all, he owns no junk, only the shares of great businesses. And the market's constant vindication of his judgment only reinforces his conviction and self-image. Obviously, selling his best performers to dabble in anything else would be wildly speculative and he has convinced himself that he is a risk-averse investor, even a "value" investor. Buying and holding, using inflows to add to positions, is his watchword.

Occasionally, one of Buff's shooting stars falls to earth; fortunately, his compatriots at other mutual funds probably owned it in about the same proportion. Then he does what you should always do when a stock disappoints and plunges in price: He blows it out. You can't, after all, trust a company that is incapable of massaging earnings into a steady growth pattern; why, the same thing might happen again. And he knows all his compadres are thinking the same thing and blowing it out, too.

Buff has a lot of company. His stocks are going up, not necessarily because they should but because they do. That no one can think of why they wouldn't is taken as evidence that they will rise further.



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今週の日経ビジネス誌(2015年10月12日号 No.1811)で最終ページに掲載されている記事は、同誌ではおなじみの日本電産永守社長が、経営者としての心構えを説いたものでした。モーレツ型の彼らしさが表れたよくある内容ですが、企業や個々人や生物が生存する上での競争優位性の本質を突いており、ある種の清々しさを感じました。その箇所を引用します。




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Another thing to avoid is extremely intense ideology because it cabbages up one's mind. You see a lot of it in the worst of the TV preachers. They have different, intense, inconsistent ideas about technical theology, and a lot of them have minds reduced to cabbage. (Audience laughs) And that can happen with political ideology. And if you're young, it's particularly easy to drift into intense and foolish political ideology and never get out. When you announce that you're a loyal member of some cult-like group and you start shouting out the orthodox ideology, what you're doing is pounding it in, pounding it in, pounding it in. You're ruining your mind, sometimes with startling speed. So you want to be very careful with intense ideology. It presents a big danger for the only mind you're going to have.

There is a warning example I use whenever I feel threatened by drift toward intense political ideology. Some Scandinavian canoeists succeeded in getting through all the rapids of Scandinavia, and they thought they would continue their success by tackling the big whirlpools in northwest America. The death rate was one hundred percent. A big whirlpool is something you want to avoid. And I think the same is true about intense ideology, particularly when your companions are all true believers.

I have what I call an “iron prescription” that helps me keep sane when I drift toward preferring one intense ideology over another. I feel that I'm not entitled to have an opinion unless I can state the arguments against my position better than the people who are in opposition. I think that I am qualified to speak only when I've reached that state. This sounds almost as extreme as the “iron prescription” Dean Acheson was fond of attributing to William the Silent of Orange, who roughly said, “It's not necessary to hope in order to persevere.” That probably is too tough for most people, although I hope it won't ever become too tough for me. My way of avoiding over-intensity in ideology is easier than Acheson's injunction and worth learning. This business of not drifting into extreme ideology is a very, very important in life. If you want to end up wise, heavy ideology is very likely to prevent that outcome.




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Necessary Arrogance

At the root of value investing is the belief, first espoused by Benjamin Graham, that the market is a voting machine and not a weighing machine. Thus an investor must have more confidence in his or her own opinion than in the combined weight of all other opinions. This borders on arrogance, the necessary arrogance that is required to make investment decisions. This arrogance must be tempered with extreme caution, giving due respect to the opinions of others, many of whom are very intelligent and hard working. Their sale of shares to you at a seeming bargain price may be the result of ignorance, emotion or various institutional constraints, or it may be that the apparent bargain is in fact flawed, that it is actually fairly priced or even overvalued and that the sellers know more than you do. This is a serious risk, but one that can be mitigated first by extensive fundamental analysis and second by knowing not only that something is bargain-priced but, as best you can, also why it is so. (You never know for certain why sellers are getting out but you may be able to reasonably surmise a rationale.) This is the position in which investors should, over and over, want to put themselves (and an astonishingly different type of consideration than the great majority of today's investors are bothering to make).

Now consider mega-growth-fund manager Buff T. Warren, who has been racking up year after year of great performance buying and holding the shares of expensive but steadily rising growth companies. Buff has consistently been and remains bullish, since that is what got him where he is today. High stock prices have long since ceased to worry Buff, who is nothing if not flexible. And what choice does he really have, anyway? The fundamentals are excellent as far as the eye can see, so share prices should be high. His portfolio companies are among America's greatest, they are in sync with the times and they beat analysts' earnings expectations every quarter. There is apparently nothing in the great demographic roller coaster to interrupt the steady cash inflows into the stock market. Almost no one, in fact, can even imagine a reason why these large, well-liked companies won't continue to command the greatest share of investor demand.