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この逸話を振り返るのは重要だ。というのは弱気相場で起こったこと、つまり「けっこう割安なものでさえも、それよりずっと割安になった」事態を強力に思い起こさせるからだ。 またそれは、その知恵を悟った証しでもあり、力を残しておく必要性を示すものでもある。バフェットがワシントン・ポスト社の株式を早い時期にずっと高い値段で買ったせいで、1974年や75年に一時的な損失が出たことを気に病んでいたら、どうなっていただろうか。同社の株を買い増しできなかっただけでなく、ことによればパニックに陥るか、あるいは株価が順調に転落する間に持ち分を処分してしまったかもしれないのだ。しかし彼がそうしなかったことには、ひとりのバリュー投資家が持ち得る正当な信念が反映されている。それは、安値で買うことによって手にできる安全余裕に対する自信である。


Bear Market Memory

Recalling this episode is important because it powerfully evokes the memory of what happens in bear markets: Good bargains become even better bargains. It is also inspirational testimony to the wisdom and necessity of staying power: Had Buffett worried about the interim losses in 1974 or 1975 from his earlier and more expensive purchases of Washington Post shares, he might have not only failed to add to his holdings but, conceivably, might also have panicked or been forced out of his steadily dropping position. That he didn't reflects the well-founded conviction a value investor is able to have, confident in the margin of safety that a bargain purchase is able to confer.

Back in 1974 and 1975, when the shares of Washington Post were declining so sweetly for Buffett, what might his daily experience have been like? As confident as Buffett was back then, projecting out his future wealth from currently depressed point A to future point B, there were almost certainly times that a bit of fear rose in his throat, too. He wouldn't be human or risk-averse if the near-daily markdowns of his bargain purchase didn't create room for reflection.



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Academia has many wonderful values in it. I came across an example not too long ago. In my capacity as a hospital board chairman, I was dealing with a medical school academic named Joseph M. Mirra, M.D. This man, over years of disciplined work, made himself know more about bone tumor pathology than almost anybody else in the world. He wanted to pass this knowledge on to help treat bone cancer. How was he going to do it? Well, he decided to write a textbook, and even though I don't think a textbook like this sells more than a few thousand copies, they do end up in cancer treatment centers all over the world. He took a sabbatical year and sat down in his computer with all his slides, carefully saved and organized. He worked seventeen hours a day, seven days a week, for a year. Some sabbatical. At the end of the year he had created one of the two great bone tumor pathology textbooks in the world. When you're around values like Mirra's, you want to pick up as much as you can.



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Why Value Investors Are Different - Barron's



The most dramatic and valuable lesson from the fabulous (and still counting) 50-plus-year investment career of Warren Buffett is the legendary account of his steadfast conviction amidst the 1973-75 bear market. He had correctly identified by 1973 that the shares of companies such as the Washington Post were selling for but a fraction of the underlying business value represented by those shares. He observed that numerous buyers would readily pay several times the prevailing market price of Washington Post stock to acquire the entire company, but it was controlled by the founding family and not for sale. Buffett could acquire a minority interest in the business at a bargain price, but he could not force the valuation gap to close. For that, he was dependent on the passage of time to result in improved market conditions and/or on the behavior of management to successfully run the business and to act in the best interest of shareholders.

Fortunately for Buffett, the shares of Washington Post and other attractively priced companies failed to rise from 1973 bargain levels and in fact proceeded to relentlessly decline over the next two years, enhancing the opportunity by orders of magnitude. Roger Lowenstein, in his biography Buffett, describes the "impression of Buffett sweeping down the aisles of a giant store [buying stock]... . As the market fell, he raced down the aisles all the faster."



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Alfred North Whitehead correctly said at one time that the rapid advance of civilization came only when man “invented the method of invention." He was referring to the huge growth in GDP per capita and many other good things we now take for granted. Big-time progress started a few hundred years ago. Before that progress per century was almost nil. Just as civilization can progress only when it invents the method of invention, you can progress only when you learn the method of learning.

I was very lucky. I came to law school having learned the method of learning, and nothing has served me better in my long life than continuous learning. Consider Warren Buffett again. If you watched him with a time clock, you'd find that about half of his waking time is spent reading. Then a big chunk of the rest of the time is spent talking one-on-one, either on the telephone or personally, with highly gifted people whom he trusts and who trust him. Viewed up close, Warren looks quite academic as he achieves worldly success.



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When everyone believes something is risky, their unwillingness to buy usually reduces its price to the point where it’s not risky at all. Broadly negative opinion can make it the least risky thing, since all optimism has been driven out of its price.



In good times - perhaps emulating Warren Buffett – investors talk about how much they’d like to see the stocks they own decline in price, since it would allow them to add to positions at lower levels. But when prices collapse, the chance to average down is usually a lot less welcome ... and a lot harder to act on.

Investors can be tempted to sell during corrections like this one. Oftentimes emotional behavior is cloaked in intelligent-sounding rationalizations like “it’s important to sell down to your comfort level.” But the valid reasons to sell are principally because you feel fundamentals have deteriorated or because the price has risen enough. Selling to get more comfortable as prices fall (just like buying for that purpose in a rising market) has nothing to do with the relationship between price and value.


It’s desirable that everything in a well-diversified portfolio performs well - The truth is, if all the holdings were to perform well in one scenario, they could all perform poorly in another. That means the benefits of diversification wouldn’t be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be surprising - or totally disappointing - to have some laggards in a portfolio that’s truly well-diversified.