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When everyone believes something is risky, their unwillingness to buy usually reduces its price to the point where it’s not risky at all. Broadly negative opinion can make it the least risky thing, since all optimism has been driven out of its price.



In good times - perhaps emulating Warren Buffett – investors talk about how much they’d like to see the stocks they own decline in price, since it would allow them to add to positions at lower levels. But when prices collapse, the chance to average down is usually a lot less welcome ... and a lot harder to act on.

Investors can be tempted to sell during corrections like this one. Oftentimes emotional behavior is cloaked in intelligent-sounding rationalizations like “it’s important to sell down to your comfort level.” But the valid reasons to sell are principally because you feel fundamentals have deteriorated or because the price has risen enough. Selling to get more comfortable as prices fall (just like buying for that purpose in a rising market) has nothing to do with the relationship between price and value.


It’s desirable that everything in a well-diversified portfolio performs well - The truth is, if all the holdings were to perform well in one scenario, they could all perform poorly in another. That means the benefits of diversification wouldn’t be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be surprising - or totally disappointing - to have some laggards in a portfolio that’s truly well-diversified.



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The second idea that I developed very early is that there's no love that's so right as admiration based love, and such love should include the instructive dead. Somehow I pick up that idea, and I've lived with it all my life. It's been very useful to me. A love like that described by Somerset Maugham in his book, Of Human Bondage, is a sick kind of love. It's a disease, and if you find yourself with a disease like that, you should eliminate it.

Another idea, and this may remind you of Confucius, too, is that the acquisition of wisdom is a moral duty. It's not something you do just to advance in life. And there's a corollary to that idea that is very important. It requires that you're hooked on lifetime learning. Without lifetime learning, you people are not going to do very well. You are not going to get very far in life based on what you already know. You're going to advance in life by what you learn after you leave here.

Consider Berkshire Hathaway, one of the best-regarded corporations in the world. It may have the best long-term, big-assets-involving investment record in the history of civilization. The skill that got Berkshire through one decade would not have sufficed to get it through the next decade, with comparable levels of achievement. Warren Buffett had to be a continuous-learning machine. The same requirement exists in lower walks of life. I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent. But they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were that morning. And boy, does that habit help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you.



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It's Not Easy [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)










The most outstanding characteristic of first-level thinkers - and of the investing herd - is that they like things with obvious appeal. These are the things that are easy to understand and easy to buy. But that's unlikely to be the path to investment success. Here's how I put it in "Everyone Knows" (April 2007):

What's clear to the broad consensus of investors is almost always wrong.

First, most people don't understand the process through which something comes to have outstanding moneymaking potential. And second, the very coalescing of popular opinion behind an investment tends to eliminate its profit potential.

Take, for example, the investment that "everyone" believes to be a great idea. In my view by definition it simply cannot be so.

* If everyone likes it, it's probably because it has been doing well. Most people seem to think outstanding performance to date presages outstanding future performance. Actually, it's more likely that outstanding performance to date has borrowed from the future and thus presages sub-par performance from here on out.

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the price has risen to reflect a level of adulation from which relatively little further appreciation is likely. (Sure it's possible for something to move from "overvalued" to "more overvalued," but I wouldn't want to count on it happening.)

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the area has been mined too thoroughly - and has seen too much capital flow in - for many bargains to remain.

* If everyone likes it, there's significant risk that prices will fall if the crowd changes its collective mind and moves for the exit.

Superior investors know - and buy - when the price of something is lower than it should be. And the price of an investment can be lower than it should be only when most people don't see its merit. Yogi Berra is famous for having said, "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore; it's too crowded." It's just as nonsensical to say, "Everyone realizes that investment's a bargain." If everyone realizes it, they'll have bought, in which case the price will no longer be low.



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What are the core ideas that have helped me? Well, luckily I had the idea at a very early age that the safest way to try to get what you want is to try to deserve what you want. It's such a simple idea. It's the golden rule. You want to deliver to the world what you would buy if you were on the other end. There is no ethos in my opinion that is better for any lawyer or any other person to have. By and large, the people who've had this ethos win in life, and they don't win just money and honors. They win the respect, the deserved trust of the people they deal with. And there is huge pleasure in life to be obtained from getting deserved trust.

Now, occasionally, you will find a perfect rogue of a person who dies rich and widely known. But mostly these people are fully understood as despicable by the surrounding civilization. If the Cathedral is full of people at the funeral ceremony, most of them are there to celebrate the fact that the person is dead. That reminds me of the story of the time when one of these people died, and the Minister said, "It's now time to say something nice about the deceased". And nobody came forward, and nobody came forward, and nobody came forward. And finally one man came up and said, "Well, his brother was worse". (Audience laughs.) That is not where you want to go. A life ending in such a funeral is not the life you want to have.



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マイケル・モーブッシンは以前に何度かとりあげました。クレディ・スイスにもどってさらに昇進したようですが、おもしろそうな文章をひきつづき発表しているようです。今回はそのひとつ、"IQ versus RQ"というレポートの一部を引用します。(日本語は拙訳)

IQ versus RQ - Differentiating Smarts from Decision-Making Skills [PDF] (Credit Suisse)









スタノヴィッチ教授による心理学の研究は、バフェットの見解を支持している。RQを測定する包括的なテストはまだ存在しない。教授は目下開発中だが、我々は較正(キャリブレーション)を使っていこうと考えている。これは合理性における重要な側面のひとつである。本研究の一部でもあるように、我々は何千名もの較正を計測した。おもしろいことに、あなたもこの演習に参加することができる。そして、他人とどう違うのかくらべることができるのだ。 (p.2)


Keith Stanovich, a professor of applied psychology at the University of Toronto, distinguishes between intelligence quotient (IQ) and rationality quotient (RQ). Psychologists measure IQ through specific tests, including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and it correlates highly with standardized tests such as the SAT.

IQ measures something real, and it is associated with certain outcomes. For example, thirteen-year-old children who scored in the top decile of the top percent (99.9th percentile) on the math section of the SAT were eighteen times more likely to earn a doctorate degree in math or science than children who scored in the bottom decile of the top percent (99.1st percentile).

RQ is the ability to think rationally and, as a consequence, to make good decisions. Whereas we generally think of intelligence and rationality as going together, Stanovich's work shows that the correlation coefficient between IQ and RQ is relatively low at .20 to .35. IQ tests are not designed to capture the thinking that leads to judicious decisions.

Stanovich laments that almost all societies are focused on intelligence when the costs of irrational behavior are so high. But you can pick out the signatures of rational thinking if you are alert to them. According to Stanovich, they include adaptive behavioral acts, efficient behavioral regulation, sensible goal prioritization, reflectivity, and the proper treatment of evidence.

Your SAT scores shed little light on any of these qualities. So the first lesson in assessing your own decisions or those of others is to consider IQ and RQ separately. Warren Buffett, chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Berkshire Hathaway, equates IQ to the horsepower of an engine and RQ to the output. We all know people who are high on IQ but average or low on RQ. Their efficiency is poor. There are others without dazzling IQs but who consistently make sound decisions. They are highly efficient.

Warren Buffett has plenty of horsepower and output. But when asked about his success, Buffett emphasized that it was RQ that made the big difference, not IQ:

How I got here is pretty simple in my case. It's not IQ, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear. The big thing is rationality. I always look at IQ and talent as representing the horsepower of the motor, but that the output - the efficiency with which that motor works - depends on rationality. A lot of people start out with 400-horsepower motors but only get a hundred horsepower of output. It's way better to have a 200-horsepower motor and get it all into output.

Stanovich's psychological research supports Buffett's observation. While there is not yet a comprehensive test to measure RQ - Stanovich is working on it - we will look at calibration, one of the important facets of rationality. As part of this research, we measured the calibration of thousands of people. And part of the fun is that you, too, can participate in the exercise and see how you stack up versus others.