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チャーリー・マンガーが会長を務めるウェスコ社(Wesco Financial)の株主総会は、チャーリーの発言がたっぷり聴けることでカルト的な人気を集めていました。しかしウェスコは親会社のバークシャーに完全買収され、チャーリーの独り舞台も終わりました。そして今や注目を集めているのが、同じくチャーリーが会長を務めるデイリー・ジャーナル社の株主総会です。


Charlie Munger And The 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting: A Fan's Notes (Forbes)





If you take the whole history of businesses that make a fair amount of money and have a little surplus but their basic business goes to hell based on technological developments, the results are lousy. The normal result is Kodak (ticker: KODK). Imagine having a business like Kodak and having it go all the way to bankruptcy. That's the normal occurrence: technological obsolescence.

There are few exceptions in the history of the world. One of them is Thompson Reuters (ticker: TRI). They were a newspaper company with a few television stations added and they basically milked them as long as they could, sold them for high prices, and went into a different business - online information - and they successfully made the transition. That is really rare.

The other rare example, of course, is Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire started with three failing companies: a textile business in New England that was totally doomed because textiles are congealed electricity and the power rates were way higher in New England than they were down in TVA country in Georgia. A totally doomed, certain-to-fail business. We had one of four department stores in Baltimore [Hochschild Kohn], absolutely certain to go broke, and of course it did in due course, and a trading stamp company [Blue Chip Stamps] absolutely certain to do nothing which it eventually did. Out of those three failing businesses came Berkshire Hathaway. That's the most successful failing business transaction in the history of the world. We didn't have one failing business - we had three. Out of that little nothing, the excess capital that we took out and put somewhere else did better than anybody's ever done. As a matter of fact, we recently passed General Electric [ticker: GE] in terms of market capitalization, and GE was founded by Thomas Edison himself in 1892, and one of the most powerful companies in the world.

It was a considerable stunt. But the normal result is more like Kodak. Xerox [ticker: XRX] is an interesting case. They went to the brink of extinction and then came back, but they are a pale shadow of their former greatness. They actually invented most of the stuff other people made so much money out of, and they still failed. Bill Gates is a big student of this subject, and he says that the standard result is failure. Imagine General Motors [ticker: GM] who went bankrupt. Can you imagine how they towered over the economy when I was young? It was the biggest, more valuable, most admired company, and it took the shareholders to zero.


1999年度バフェットからの手紙 - バフェットが初めてつまずいた年

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わたしどもの考えでは、これからの10年あるいは20年間のS&P500は、1982年以来の成績水準には到底及ばないと予想しています。これは実質的に確実だと思いますが、わたしどもがバークシャーの成績を極端に楽観しているわけではない理由のひとつです。フォーチュン誌に最近掲載された記事で、なぜそれが不可避なのかを示すわたしの見解が取りあげられていました。その写しを本報告書に同封してあります。 (p.3)

Our gain in net worth during 1999 was $358 million, which increased the per-share book value of both our Class A and Class B stock by 0.5%. Over the last 35 years (that is, since present management took over) per-share book value has grown from $19 to $37,987, a rate of 24.0% compounded annually.*

The numbers on the facing page show just how poor our 1999 record was. We had the worst absolute performance of my tenure and, compared to the S&P, the worst relative performance as well. Relative results are what concern us: Over time, bad relative numbers will produce unsatisfactory absolute results.

Even Inspector Clouseau could find last year's guilty party: your Chairman. My performance reminds me of the quarterback whose report card showed four Fs and a D but who nonetheless had an understanding coach. "Son," he drawled, "I think you're spending too much time on that one subject."

My "one subject" is capital allocation, and my grade for 1999 most assuredly is a D. What most hurt us during the year was the inferior performance of Berkshire's equity portfolio - and responsibility for that portfolio, leaving aside the small piece of it run by Lou Simpson of GEICO, is entirely mine. Several of our largest investees badly lagged the market in 1999 because they've had disappointing operating results. We still like these businesses and are content to have major investments in them. But their stumbles damaged our performance last year, and it's no sure thing that they will quickly regain their stride.

The fallout from our weak results in 1999 was a more-than-commensurate drop in our stock price. In 1998, to go back a bit, the stock outperformed the business. Last year the business did much better than the stock, a divergence that has continued to the date of this letter. Over time, of course, the performance of the stock must roughly match the performance of the business.

Despite our poor showing last year, Charlie Munger, Berkshire's Vice Chairman and my partner, and I expect that the gain in Berkshire's intrinsic value over the next decade will modestly exceed the gain from owning the S&P. We can't guarantee that, of course. But we are willing to back our conviction with our own money. To repeat a fact you've heard before, well over 99% of my net worth resides in Berkshire. Neither my wife nor I have ever sold a share of Berkshire and - unless our checks stop clearing - we have no intention of doing so.

Please note that I spoke of hoping to beat the S&P "modestly." For Berkshire, truly large superiorities over that index are a thing of the past. They existed then because we could buy both businesses and stocks at far more attractive prices than we can now, and also because we then had a much smaller capital base, a situation that allowed us to consider a much wider range of investment opportunities than are available to us today.

Our optimism about Berkshire's performance is also tempered by the expectation - indeed, in our minds, the virtual certainty - that the S&P will do far less well in the next decade or two than it has done since 1982. A recent article in Fortune expressed my views as to why this is inevitable, and I'm enclosing a copy with this report.



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There is one thing sure about all this complexity, including its touches of behavior lacking the full punctilio of honor. Even when nothing but unleveraged stock picking is involved, the total cost of all the investment management, plus the frictional costs of fairly often getting in and out of many large investment positions, can easily reach three percent of foundation net worth per annum if foundations, urged on by consultants, add new activity, year after year. This full cost doesn't show up in conventional accounting. But that is because accounting has limitations and not because the full cost isn't present.

Next, we come to time for a little arithmetic: It is one thing each year to pay the croupiers three percent of starting wealth when the average foundation is enjoying a real return, say, of seventeen percent before the croupiers' take. But it is not written in the stars that foundations will always gain seventeen percent gross, a common result in recent years. And if the average annual gross real return from indexed investment in equities goes back, say, to five percent over some long future period, and the croupiers' take turns out to remain the waste it has always been, even for the average intelligent player, then the average intelligent foundation will be in a prolonged, uncomfortable, shrinking mode. After all, five percent minus three percent minus five percent in donations leaves an annual shrinkage of three percent.

All the equity investors, in total, will surely bear a performance disadvantage per annum equal to the total croupiers' costs they have jointly elected to bear. This is an inescapable fact of life. And it is also inescapable that exactly half of the investors will get a result below the median result after the croupiers' take, which median result may well be somewhere between unexciting and lousy.

Human nature being what it is, most people assume away worries like those I raise. After all, centuries before Christ, Demosthenes noted, "What a man wishes, he will believe." And in self-appraisals of prospects and talents, it is the norm, as Demosthenes predicted, for people to be ridiculously over-optimistic. For instance, a careful survey in Sweden showed that ninety percent of automobile drivers considered themselves above average. And people who are successfully selling something, as investment counselors do, make Swedish drivers sound like depressives. Virtually every investment expert's public assessment is that he is above average, no matter what is the evidence to the contrary.



2 件のコメント:
本ブログで何度か取り上げているサンリオ鳩山常務の記事が、PHP Business THE 21の最新号(2014年11月号)に掲載されていました。当社に身を転じるきっかけになった辻邦彦副社長(故人)との関わりあいについて、一部分を引用します。



辻副社長は昨年亡くなりましたが、今もどこかで自分を見守ってくれている気がします。今後もいただいたご縁を大切に、この会社をより大きく成長させたいと思っています。 (p.75)



2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(2)

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(*) インフレの可能性に関するわたしの見方は、もっとも評判の高い識者よりも極端です。教義的な見方というものは、立証するのが困難です。というのは、経済学的な訓練や分析に従うよりも、社会的・政治的判断に基づいて結論を下すからです。ですから、長期的なインフレに関して悲観的な結論を出した私の判断には、主観的な側面があることを理解しておいてください。それを踏まえて軌道修正されるのであれば、ぜひ躊躇しないでください。 (p.119)

Deceptive Arithmetic of “Promise Now - Pay Later”

If you promise to pay me $500 per month for life, you have just expended - actuarially but, nevertheless, in a totally tangible sense - about $65,000. If you are financially good for such a lifetime promise, you would be better off (if I have an average expectancy regarding longevity for one my age) handing me a check for $50,000. But it wouldn’t feel the same.

And, if you promise to pay me 1,000 hamburgers a month for life which, superficially, may sound equivalent to the previous proposition (assuming a present hamburger price of 50¢), you have created an obligation which, in an inflationary world, becomes most difficulty to evaluate. This creates a risk we talk of later as an “earthquake risk”. One thing is certain. You won’t find an insurance company willing to take the 1,000-hamburgers-a-month obligation off your hands for $65,000 - or even $130,000. While hamburgers equate to 50¢ now, the promise to pay hamburgers in the future does not equate to the promise to pay fifty-cent pieces in the future.

So, before plans are introduced or amended, the financial consequences (particularly in a world of significant inflation which I believe to be close to a certainty)* should be clearly understood by you. Consulting actuaries are very good at making calculations. They are frequently terrible at making the assumptions upon which the calculations are based. In fact, they well may be peculiarly ill-equipped to make the most important assumptions if the world is one of economic discontinuities. They are trained to be conventional. Their self-interest in obtaining and retaining business would be ill-served if they were to become more than mildly unconventional. And being conventional on the crucial assumptions basically means accepting historical experience adjusted by a moderate nudge from current events. This works fine in forecasting such factors as mortality and morbidity, works reasonably well on items such as employee turnover, and can be a disaster in estimating, the two most important elements of the pension cost equation, which are fund earnings and salary escalation.

[*] My views regarding inflationary possibilities are more extreme than those of most respected observers. It is difficult to substantiate a dogmatic view, since conclusions rest more upon social and political judgments than upon economic training and analysis. You should recognize the subjective nature of the reasoning leading to my pessimistic conclusions regarding inflation over the longer term - and not be reluctant to correct accordingly.