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Looking for Bubbles Part One: A Statistical Approach [PDF] (GMO's 1Q 2014 Letter)

一月(いちがつ)法則 [=一月効果]









1) 今年は2月1日から10月1日まではむずかしい局面がつづくでしょう。上げ同様に下げもあるでしょうが、おそらく下げのほうが少し大きい[原文はa little more]と思います。

2) しかし10月1日以降には、市場は強気になると思います。特に4月まで、もしくは次の選挙までの18か月間に(もっと長期にわたるひどい可能性もあります)2,250ポイントを超えてくると予想します。おそらく、けっこうな上昇幅になるでしょう。

3) 投票日が近くなるか終わって間もない頃に、バブル相場ははじけるでしょう。いつもバブルがそうなるように、本来のトレンドまで戻すと思います。最高値から半分あるいはもっと下がるかもしれません。それは、FRBが探し出してくる新たな弾薬によります。 (p.9)

The January Rule

Unlike my main thesis this quarter, I do have some support for the bears in the so-called January Rule: that the move in January predicts whether the balance of the year will be strong or weak.

The logic for the January Rule has always been that individuals have an unusual flow of investable funds at the end of the year from tax loss selling and from Christmas bonuses, and also at the end of the year ask themselves what lies ahead and act on that in early January and apparently get it moderately more right than wrong. In any case, the Rule seems to work. By a curious set of events, it turned out that our very first institutional account in late 1978 - a midwestern pension fund - was the only account we ever had that used this approach. It had three components: the Presidential Cycle, the January Rule, and a measure of monetary stimulus. It worked okay for two years, but just as soon as a new pension officer appeared, he fired us for having an approach that to him looked simple-minded and because we were busy doing traditional value stock picking by then, that that was the end of it. I offer this history to make the point that both the Presidential Cycle and the January Rule had excellent records then - 35 years ago - in simply predicting the outcome of each individual year. So when we review the 35 years that followed I find it more of a real-time experiment than data mining. What we found 35 years ago was that the first 5 trading days of each year had a good record of predicting a similar trend for the balance of the year. The same applied to the performance for the whole month of January. Although this rule was old even then, as was the Presidential Cycle, and could be regularly found updated in the annual "Stock Traders' Almanac," what I found that was slightly new was that when the 5 days contradicted the January results, the following 11 months were close to a wash. Our interest, therefore, was in those cases in which the two pieces of data confirmed each other: what I thought of as "up ups" and "down downs." Since 1932 there have been 22 "up up" years. The average gain from February to December those years was 11.6%. Most remarkably, since my birth in 1938, only 1 of the 22 occurrences was below average and that was 1987, a year that spent the first 9 months going up 35%, one of the strongest 9 months ever, before hitting the technical collapse caused, we believe, by the over-enthusiastic use of portfolio insurance.

Almost as remarkable have been the results of the 14 "down downs" since 1932, for which the average balance of the year is a dismal -6.6% with only 1982 showing a pretty big upside move. Remember, too, that even that year went down steadily through August until it hit seven times earnings and staged a late-year rally. It should be mentioned here that 2014 is a year in which both the first five days and the month of January were down - i.e., a "down down" year. It is also, until October 1, the weakest year of the Presidential Cycle, "a year two." (Although the Greenspan gang has had a hard time not stimulating every year, so that 1998 and 2006 were two of the few year twos that had respectable performance as the Fed and the markets got carried away.)

A very interesting question is why these two rules keep on working. Well, for one thing, to arbitrage the difference between a -6% year ("down down") and a +10% year ("up up") would take a lot of money. But more to the point, investors are very reluctant to take these two factors seriously. In fact, the factors are not respectable at all! They felt hokey and insubstantial 35 years ago and another very good 35 years of performance has not changed that. Managers seem embarrassed to talk about these factors and clients (based on our sample) are reluctant to consider them. And this of course is the point: they carry the career risk for professionals as being seen to be trivial, data mined, and just too simple to be true. Individuals, in contrast, probably find these outperformance tendencies to be too mild for their taste. The net effect is that no one (really, including GMO) acts on them and this is precisely why they have continued to work.

In the interest of full disclosure, I must confess that even as I studied these rules for decades I hardly used them at all, even personally, for reasons similar to those described. Today, older and wealthier and not exposed to career risk with my own money, I tilt a minimal amount away from "down down" years and toward year 3. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about anyone else (even GMO) following these two apparently useful rules. Ever.

Best Guesses for the Next Two Years

With the repeated caveat that prudent investors should invest exclusively or nearly exclusively on a multi-year value forecast, my guesses are:

1) That this year should continue to be difficult with the February 1 to October 1 period being just as likely to be down as up, perhaps a little more so.

2) But after October 1, the market is likely to be strong, especially through April and by then or in the following 18 months up to the next election (or, horrible possibility, even longer) will have rallied past 2,250, perhaps by a decent margin.

3) And then around the election or soon after, the market bubble will burst, as bubbles always do, and will revert to its trend value, around half of its peak or worse, depending on what new ammunition the Fed can dig up.





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As I conclude, I want to tell one more story demonstrating how awful it is to get a wrong idea from a limited repertoire and just stick to it. And this is the story of Hyman Liebowitz, who came to America from the old country. In the new country, as in the old, he tried to make his way in the family trade, which was manufacturing nails. And he struggled, and he struggled, and finally, his little nail business got to vast prosperity, and his wife said to him, "You are old, Hyman, it's time to go to Florida and turn the business over to our son."

So down he went to Florida, turning his business over to the son, but he got weekly financial reports. And he hadn't been in Florida very long before they turned sharply negative. In fact, they were terrible. So he got on an airplane, and he went back to New Jersey where the factory was. As he left the airport on the way to the factory, he saw this enormous outdoor advertising sign lighted up. And there was Jesus, spread out on the cross. And under it was a big legend, "They Used Liebowitz's Nails." So he stormed into the factory and said, "You dumb son! What do you think you're doing? It took me fifty years to create this business!" "Papa," he said, "trust me. I will fix it."

So back he went to Florida, and while he was in Florida, he got more reports, and the results kept getting worse. So he got on the airplane again. Left the airport, drove by the sign, looked up at this big lighted sign, and now there's a vacant cross. And, lo and behold, Jesus is crumpled on the ground under the cross, and the sign said, "They Didn't Use Liebowitz's Nails." (Laugher).

Well, you can laugh at that. It is ridiculous, but it's no more ridiculous than the way a lot of people cling to failed ideas. Keynes said, "It's not bringing in the new ideas that's so hard. It's getting rid of the old ones." And Einstein said it better, attributing his mental success to "curiosity, concentration, perseverance, and self-criticism." By self-criticism, he meant becoming good at destroying your own best-loved and hardest-won ideas. If you can get really good at destroying your own wrong ideas, that is a great gift.

Well, it's time to repeat the big lesson in this little talk. What I've urged is the use of a bigger multidisciplinary bag of tricks, mastered to fluency, to help economics and everything else. And I also urged that people not be discouraged by irremovable complexity and paradox. It just adds more fun to the problems. My inspiration again is Keynes: Better roughly right than precisely wrong.

And so, I end by repeating what I said once before on a similar occasion. If you skillfully follow the multidisciplinary path, you will never wish to come back. It would be like cutting off your hands.

Well, that's the end. I'll take questions as long as people can endure me. (Applause)



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Notes from the 2014 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (著者:Peter Boodell氏他、掲載サイト:Scribd)

<質問8> 並外れたリターンをあげる能力によって経営陣の良しあしの度合いがわかると思いますが、会社の規模が大きすぎるともなれば、それはむずかしくなると思います。巨額の設備投資が必要な会社が[子会社として]新たに加わったことで、資本コストはどうなりましたか。

<バフェット> 規模の大きさが業績の足かせになるのは言うまでもありません。それが本当に足を引っ張るところまでわたしたちは進んで、そのことを確かめてみるつもりです。市場価値が3,000億ドルもの資本となると、以前と同じリターンはあげられません。たしかアルキメデスは十分に長いテコがあれば世界を動かせると言ってましたよね。わたしにもそのテコがあればと思います。さて2つの質問に答えますと、資本コストとは何かですが、わたしたちが2番目に優れていると考えるアイデアが生み出すものだと思います。そしていちばんのアイデアとは、それを超えるものを指します。どうやれば資本コストを決められるかは、過去に何度も議論されてきましたが...。

<マンガー> まともなものは、ひとつも聞いたことがないですね。

<バフェット> わたしたちにもわかりませんが、[投資先の企業が]わたしの良しとしない考えであっても賛成票を投じるつもりです。少しは例外があると思いますが[コカ・コーラ社の議決権行使を棄権した最近の話題に引っかけている]。長期的な観点で[資本効率を]まさに確かめるには、留保した資本1ドルが1ドル超の市場価値を生み出しているかをみればよいと思います。何十億ドルと投下したコスト以上に増えていけば、わたしたちはそのままつづけていきます。あるカナダの企業に30億ドル近くの資本を投下しましたが、きっと成功するでしょうし、当時は30億ドルでその投資をするのが最良の選択でした。ところで、CEOが実行したがっている案件に対して「それは資本コストを超えられません」とCFOが反対するような例は、一度も目にしたことがありません。一方わたしたちは事業を評価できると考えていますし、当社の資本の状況もわかっています。資本コストは重要な課題なので、継続的に見定めています。

<マンガー> 「資本コスト」という言いかたを我々はしませんね。ウォーレンの言うところの、つまり「投下した以上に市場価値を増やす」とする定義は、ビジネススクールでは決して教えないでしょう。「留保したものによって、いっそうの価値を生み出す」、これこそ最良の表現です。我々が正しく、連中がまちがっている。それだけですよ。

<バフェット> ほら、彼よりもわたしのほうがまともに見えるでしょう(笑)。(p.5)

Q8: Gregory Warren, Morningstar (GW): The measure of a good management is ability to generate outsized returns, but sheer size makes it hard. What is cost of capital now, with new capex‐heavy firms?

WB: There is no question that size is an anchor to performance. We intend to prove that up to the point it starts really biting. We can't have same returns on capital base, market cap of $300bil. Archimedes, didn't he say he could move the world if he had a long enough lever, and wish I had that lever. We'll answer two questions. Cost of capital is what can be produced by our second best idea. Our best idea has to exceed that. We've heard so many discussions on how to figure out the cost of capital…

CM: I've never heard an intelligent one.

WB: We don't know, I probably vote if I don't like it but some exceptions to that. The real test over time is that the capital we retain produces more than a dollar of market value over time. If we keep putting billions in, and adding more than their cost, we'll keep doing it. We are spending close to $3bil on a Canadian company, and we will be better off and that was best thing to do that day with that $3bil. I've never seen a CEO wanting to do a deal and a CFO say it didn't exceed cost of capital. We think we can evaluate businesses, we know our capital. We are constantly measuring that opportunity cost, it is an important subject.

CM: A phrase like "cost of capital" we just don't use it. Warren's definition of adding more in market value than we put in will never be taught in business school - the phrase to retain to create more value, is the best description. It's simple: we're right, and they are wrong.

WB: I look good compared to him, don't I? [laughter]




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そして最後は、すべての場合に、完全な枚挙と全体にわたる見直しをして、なにも見落とさなかったと確信すること。[参考記事1][参考記事2] (p.28)



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<質問者> 法律に関する実務やビジネスに携わる一員として、ご説明にあったモデルを実践で活かしましたか。またそうであれば、どのように活用しましたか。それはどんな風に機能したのですか。法律事務所がその種のモデルを支持しているようには見えない、とわたしを含めた多くの人が感じていると思います。

<マンガー> たしかにモデルはそこにもあります。しかし学術界で不適切な動機づけがみられるように、法律業界にも同じことが言えます。実際、細かい点では法律事務所のほうが悪い場合もいくつかあります。










Q: As someone who's been in legal practice and business, how did you incorporate, or did you incorporate, these models into your legal practice? And how did it work? I suspect many of us have seen law firms that don't appear to adhere to these kinds of models.

Well, the models are there. But just as there are perverse incentives in academia, there are perverse incentives in law firms. In fact, in some respects, at the law firms, it's much worse.

Here's another model from law practice: When I was very young, my father practiced law. One of his best friends, Grant McFayden - Omaha's Pioneer Ford dealer - was a client. He was a perfectly marvelous man - a self-made Irishman who'd run away uneducated from a farm as a youth because his father beat him. So he made his own way in the world. And he was a brilliant man of enormous charm and integrity - just a wonderful, wonderful man.

In contrast, my father had another client who was a blowhard, overreaching, unfair, pompous, difficult man. And I must have been fourteen years old or thereabouts when I asked, "Dad, why do you do so much work for Mr. X - this overreaching blowhard - instead of working more for wonderful men like Grant McFayden?"

My father said, "Grant McFayden treats his employees right, his customers right, and his problems right. And if he gets involved with a psychotic, he quickly walks over to where the psychotic is and works out an exit as fast as he can. Therefore, Grant McFayden doesn't have enough remunerative law business to keep you in Coca-Cola. But Mr. X is a walking minefield of wonderful legal business."

This case demonstrates one of the troubles with practicing law. To a considerable extent, you're going to be dealing with grossly defective people. They create an enormous amount of the remunerative law business. And even when your own client is a paragon of virtue, you'll often be dealing with gross defectives on the other side or even on the bench. That's partly what drove me out of the profession.

The rest was my own greed, but my success in serving greed partly allowed me to make easier the process of being honorable and sensible. Like Ben Franklin observed, "It's hard for an empty sack to stand upright. "

I'd argue that my father's model when I asked him about the two clients was totally correct didaction. He taught me the right lesson. The lesson? As you go through life, sell your services once in a while to an unreasonable blowhard if that's what you must do to feed your family. But run your own life like Grant McFayden. That was a great lesson.

And he taught it in a very clever way - because instead of just pounding it in, he told it to me in a way that required a slight mental reach. And I had to make the reach myself in order to get the idea that I should behave like Grant McFayden. And because I had to reach for it, he figured I'd hold it better. And, indeed, I've held it all the way through until today - through all of these decades. That's a very clever teaching method.

There, again, we're talking about elementary psychology. It's elementary literature. Good literature makes the reader reach a little for understanding. Then, it works better. You hold it better. It's the commitment and consistency tendency. If you've reached for it, the idea's pounded in better.

As a lawyer or executive, you'll want to teach somebody what my father taught me or maybe you'll want to teach them something else. And you can use lessons like this. Isn't that a great way to teach a child? My father used indirection on purpose. And look at how powerfully it worked - like Captain Cook's wise use of psychology. I've been trying to imitate Grant McFayden ever since - for all my life. I may have had a few lapses. But at least I've been trying.