

2013年度バフェットからの手紙(付録) - 内部留保について

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ウォーレン・バフェットがバークシャー・ハサウェイの株主向けに毎年書いている文章では、本題の範囲を超える話題については深入りせず、年次報告書(Annual Report)の末尾に付録として添付しています。2013年度版の付録には、「本源的価値(Intrinsic Value)」と題する一節がありました。この話題は2010年度にウォーレンが書いた文章ですが、2013年度版にも再掲されています。2010年度版が発表された頃は個人的に職務が極めて多忙だったため(そして大地震がやってきたため)、目を通していませんでした(あるいは読んだことを忘れてしまいました)。今回腰をすえて読んでみたところ、初歩的ながら肝心なことが書かれており、今さらながら感じ入っている次第です。数年前に発表されていた文章なのですでに広く取りあげられているかもしれませんが、ここでは拙訳にてご紹介します。




There is a third, more subjective, element to an intrinsic value calculation that can be either positive or negative: the efficacy with which retained earnings will be deployed in the future. We, as well as many other businesses, are likely to retain earnings over the next decade that will equal, or even exceed, the capital we presently employ. Some companies will turn these retained dollars into fifty-cent pieces, others into two-dollar bills.

This "what-will-they-do-with-the-money" factor must always be evaluated along with the "what-do-we-have-now" calculation in order for us, or anybody, to arrive at a sensible estimate of a company's intrinsic value. That's because an outside investor stands by helplessly as management reinvests his share of the company's earnings. If a CEO can be expected to do this job well, the reinvestment prospects add to the company's current value; if the CEO's talents or motives are suspect, today's value must be discounted. The difference in outcome can be huge. A dollar of then-value in the hands of Sears Roebuck's or Montgomery Ward's CEOs in the late 1960s had a far different destiny than did a dollar entrusted to Sam Walton.



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Many bad effects from vice are clear. You've got the crazy booms and crooked promotions - all you have to do is read the paper over the last six months. There's enough vice to make us all choke. And, by the way, everybody's angry about unfair compensation at the top of American corporations, and people should be. We now face various crazy nostrums invented by lawyers and professors that won't give us a fix for unfair compensation, yet a good partial solution is obvious: If directors were significant shareholders who got a pay of zero, you'd be amazed what would happen to unfair compensation of corporate executives as we dampened effects from reciprocity tendency.

A roughly similar equivalent of this no-pay system has been tried in a strange place. In England, lay magistrates staff the lower criminal courts, which can send you to prison for a year or fine you substantially. You've got three judges sitting up there, and they all get a pay of zero. Their expenses are reimbursed, but not too liberally. And they work about forty half-days a year, as volunteers. It's worked beautifully for about seven hundred years. Able and honest people compete to become magistrates, to perform the duty and get the significance, but no pay.

This is the system Benjamin Franklin, near the end of his life, wanted for U.S. government. He didn't want the high executives of government to be paid, but to be like himself or the entirely unpaid, well-off ministers and rulers of the Mormon Church. And when I see what's happened in California, I'm not sure he wasn't right. At any rate, no one now drifts in Franklin's direction. For one thing, professors - and most of them need money - get appointed directors.

It is not always recognized that, to function best, morality should sometimes appear unfair, like most worldly outcomes. The craving for perfect fairness causes a lot of terrible problems in system function. Some systems should be made deliberately unfair to individuals because they'll be fairer on average for all of us. Thus, there can be virtue in apparent non-fairness. I frequently cite the example of having your career over, in the Navy, if your ship goes aground, even if it wasn't your fault. I say the lack of justice for the one guy that wasn't at fault is way more than made up by a greater justice for everybody when every captain of a ship always sweats blood to make sure the ship doesn't go aground. Tolerating a little unfairness to some to get a greater fairness for all is a model I recommend to all of you. But again, I wouldn't put it in your assigned college work if you want to be graded well, particularly in a modern law school wherein there is usually an over-love of fairness-seeking process.

There are, of course, enormous vice effects in economics. You have these bubbles with so much fraud and folly. The aftermath is frequently very unpleasant, and we've had some of that lately. One of the first big bubbles, of course, was the huge and horrible South Sea bubble in England. And the aftermath was interesting. Many of you probably don't remember what happened after the South Sea Bubble, which caused an enormous financial contraction and a lot of pain. Except in certain rare cases, they banned publicly traded stock in England for decades. Parliament passed a law that said you can have a partnership with a few partners, but you can't have publicly-traded stock. And, by the way, England continued to grow without publicly-traded stock. The people who are in the business of prospering because there's a lot of stock being traded in casino-like frenzy wouldn't like this example if they studied it enough. It didn't ruin England to have a long period when they didn't have publicly-traded shares.

Just as in real estate. We had all the shopping centers and auto dealerships, and so on, we needed for years when we didn't have publicly-traded real estate shares. It's a myth that once you've got some capital market, economic considerations demand that it has to be as fast and efficient as a casino. It doesn't.



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Dare to Be Great II (Oaktree Capital Management) [PDF]


Or as Charlie Munger told me, "It's not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid." In other words, anyone who thinks it can be easy to succeed at investing is being simplistic and superficial, and ignoring investing's complex and competitive nature.

その答えは明白ではないかもしれませんが、必須なことではあります。つまり、他のほとんどの投資家が保有しているポートフォリオとは異なった構成をとらなければならない点です。他人のポートフォリオと同じようであれば、うまくいくかもしれませんし、反対にダメかもしれません。ただし、他人と違う結果を出すことはできません。もし人より優れたいのであれば、人と違っていることが絶対に必要です。最上位の成績をめざすには群衆から離れることが不可欠です。そうするには様々な方法があります。一般的でないニッチな市場で活動するやりかた、他人が見いだせなかったり、好まなかったり、危険なので手を出さないものを買うやりかた、これは見逃せないと群衆が考える人気者から遠ざかるやりかた、逆張りのタイミングで市場に参入するやりかた、とびぬけた成績をあげると予想する少数の銘柄に集中投資するやりかた、などがあります。 (p.2)

The answer may not be obvious, but it's imperative: you have to assemble a portfolio that's different from those held by most other investors. If your portfolio looks like everyone else's, you may do well, or you may do poorly, but you can't do different. And being different is absolutely essential if you want a chance at being superior. In order to get into the top of the performance distribution, you have to escape from the crowd. There are many ways to try. They include being active in unusual market niches; buying things others haven't found, don't like or consider too risky to touch; avoiding market darlings that the crowd thinks can't lose; engaging in contrarian cycle timing; and concentrating heavily in a small number of things you think will deliver exceptional performance.



Most great investments begin in discomfort. The things most people feel good about - investments where the underlying premise is widely accepted, the recent performance has been positive and the outlook is rosy - are unlikely to be available at bargain prices. Rather, bargains are usually found among things that are controversial, that people are pessimistic about, and that have been performing badly of late.

But it isn't easy to do things that entail discomfort. It's no coincidence that distressed debt has been the source of many successful investments for Oaktree; there's no such thing as a distressed company that everyone reveres. In 1988, when Bruce Karsh and I organized our first fund to invest in the debt of companies seemingly at death's door, the very idea made it hard to raise money, and investing required conviction - on the clients' part and our own - that our analysis and approach would mitigate the risk. The same discomfort, however, is what caused distressed debt to be priced cheaper than it should have been, and thus the returns to be consistently high.


In 1936, the economist John Maynard Keynes wrote in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally" [italics added]. For people who measure success in terms of dollars and cents, risk taking can pay off when gains on winners are netted out against losses on losers. But if reputation or job retention is what counts, losers may be all that matter, since winners may be incapable of outweighing them. In that case, success may hinge entirely on the avoidance of unconventional behavior that's unsuccessful.


Alan Greenspan warned of "irrational exuberance" in December 1996, but the stock market continued upward for more than three years. A brilliant manager I know who turned bearish around the same time had to wait until 2000 to be proved correct . . . during which time his investors withdrew much of their capital. He wasn't "wrong," just early. But that didn't make his experience any less painful.



Charlie Munger was right about it not being easy. I'm convinced that everything that's important in investing is counterintuitive, and everything that's obvious is wrong. Staying with counterintuitive, idiosyncratic positions can be extremely difficult for anyone, especially if they look wrong at first. So-called "institutional considerations" can make it doubly hard.

Investors who aspire to superior performance have to live with this reality. Unconventional behavior is the only road to superior investment results, but it isn't for everyone. In addition to superior skill, successful investing requires the ability to look wrong for a while and survive some mistakes. Thus each person has to assess whether he's temperamentally equipped to do these things and whether his circumstances - in terms of employers, clients and the impact of other people's opinions - will allow it . . . when the chips are down and the early going makes him look wrong, as it invariably will. Not everyone can answer these questions in the affirmative. It's those who believe they can that should take a chance on being great.



4 件のコメント:

<質問者> あなたはバークシャー・ハサウェイを非常に効率的な組織として運営されています。大きく成長したというのに、どうすればそれほど贅肉が少ないのでしょうか。

<バフェット> いい質問ですね。現在の従業員は[グループ全体で]2万2千名か3千名、もしかしたら2万4千名になっているかもしれません。20年前にはたぶん千名ほどでしたが、今でも本社は10名か11名だけしか雇っていません。なるべく単純にするのが私の信条です。ですから社内には弁護士や広報はいません。守衛もいませんし、カフェテリアもありません。そのように運営するのは、実はすごく簡単です。ずばり言えば、上司に報告するような人の階層がいくつもあるよりもずっと仕事が進むと思います。ほとんどの会社にはムダがたくさんあります。一度ついたムダを取り除くのは非常に大変です。まったくそうしないのはすごく簡単です。相方のチャーリーはこんな言い方をします。「自分が死すべき場所はどこか知りたいね。そこには決して近づかないことにするよ」。巨大な組織というものに対して、わたしはそれと同じように感じています。つまりわたしに関する限りでは、それは事業の死を意味しています。ですから、わたしたちはそこに近づくつもりはありません。人を増やさないのは難しいことではありません。ただ誰も雇用しないだけで、今後もそうするつもりです。株式の売買もすべて自分でやっています。次のような質問を受けることがあります。「業務の上で、あなたに報告する立場にある人は何名いますか」。それが標準的な組織管理のやりかたなのでしょう、彼らは「最適な人数はこうです」といったことを教えてくれます。わたしからの答えは「正しい人を雇っているならば、たくさん人がいるのと同じ」です。その人たちが自分のしていることを理解し、喜んで仕事に臨んでいるのであれば、何十人何百人がいるも同然です。しかしくだらない人を雇ってしまえば、たとえ一人であっても多すぎです。悩みの種となるでしょう。つまり大切なのは「正しい人を雇うこと」です。きわめて有能な人たちといっしょに仕事ができて、わたしたちは非常に幸運でした。


子会社の経営者のうちの4分の3は、経済的に独立した人たちです。何億ドルもの資産を持っている人ばかりで、朝起きて仕事に行く必要はまったくありません。ですからわたしとしては、今日も明日も仕事に行くことが彼らにとってのいちばんの楽しみだ、という雰囲気をつくりだしたり、維持しなければなりません。そこで「自分ならどうすればそう感じるだろうか」と自問してみました。自分自身のショーを自分で運営していると感じられれば、そのひとつと言えると思います。もしわたしに対して一日中とやかく言う人がいたら嫌気がさして、「なぜこんなことをやる必要があるのだろうか」と考えるでしょう。わたしが子会社の経営者に対して後ろ向きなことばかり言ったり、仕事のやり方を指示していたら、 彼らもちょうど同じように感じるでしょう。良き人たちがいれば、わずかの人数でやっていけます。わたしたちのやろうとしているのは、そういうことです。

Q. You keep a very lean machine going at Berkshire Hathaway. How do you keep it so lean when it grows so much?

A. Well, that's a good question, because now we have 22,000 employees or maybe 23,000 or even 24,000, I guess. We probably had 1,000 twenty years ago but we've still got 10 or 11 people in headquarters. I really believe in keeping things simple. We have no inside counsel. We have no public relations people. We have no guards. We have no cafeteria. And, it's a lot easier to run that way. Frankly, I think way more gets done than if you have floor after floor of people that are reporting to people on the floor above them. I see so much waste in most companies and once it gets there, it is very hard to get rid of. It's much easier never to get there. My pal Charlie says that, "All I want to know is where I'm going to die, so I'll never go there." And, that's the way I feel about a large organization. I mean, that would be business death as far as I'm concerned; so we're not going to get there. It's not a problem keeping it down. We just don't hire anybody and we won't. I buy and sell all the stocks myself. Some people say, "How many people can you have reporting to you in a business?" That's standard organizational management stuff. They say, "The optimum number is this" or something like that. The answer is, if you've got the right kind of people, you can have tons of people. You can have dozens and dozens and dozens of people, if they know what they are doing and they like their jobs. But if you have somebody who's a clown, one is too many. They will drive you crazy. The trick is having the right people. We have been very fortunate in getting in with people who are extremely able at doing their jobs.

We bought H. H. Brown, which is a work shoe company, three years ago. It has probably 4,000 employees, and two hundred and fifty million dollars in sales. I've never been to one of their plants. No one ever has. Maybe they don't even exist. I mean, maybe those guys sit there every month and say, "What figures should we send Warren this month? $2.8 million, will he like that? Yeah, he'll probably like that; let's mail it to him." I've got the right kind of people. If you've got the Blumkins running the Furniture Mart or something, what can I do, you know? Should I go out there and tell them we should price this stuff at $498 retail instead of $398? I don't know anything about it.

Three quarters of our managers are independently wealthy. They don't need to get up and go to work at all. Most of them have tens and tens of millions of dollars. So, I've got to create or I've got to maintain an environment where the thing they want to do most in the world is to go to work that day and the next day. And, I say to myself, "What would make me feel that way?" One way is to feel you are running your own show. If I had people second-guessing me all day, I would get sick of it. I would say, ‘What the hell do I need this for?" And, that's exactly the way our managers would feel if I went around second-guessing them or telling them how to run their business. So, you can get by with very few people if they are good people. That's what we try to do.




6 件のコメント:

<質問者> 極端なイデオロギーを持たないことが大切だとのおはなしでした。それではもしあるとすれば、都心部の低開発地域(inner city)において富を増加させるなどを支援するために、企業や法律業界はどのような責務を負っているのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 社会的な問題を解決することには、私は大賛成です。不幸な人たちへ寛大にすることもそうですし、害よりも益を多くもたらす証拠がわずかなりとも大きければ、その行動を起こすのも諸手をあげて賛成です。


<質問者> つまり(あなたが言われているのは)自分が(有益なことを)していることに対して、ちゃんと確信を持てということでしょうか。

<マンガー> 私が言っているのは、確信することはできないということです。






Q: You talked about how important it was not to have an extreme ideology. What responsibility, if any, do you think the business and legal communities have for helping inner-city areas, spreading the wealth and so on?

I'm all for fixing social problems. I'm all for being generous to the less fortunate. And I'm all for doing things where, based on a slight preponderance of the evidence, you guess that it's likely to do more good than harm.

What I'm against is being very confident and feeling that you know, for sure, that your particular intervention will do more good than harm, given that you're dealing with highly complex systems wherein everything is interacting with everything else.

Q: So (what you're saying is to) just make sure that what you're doing (is doing more good)…

You can't make sure. That's my point….

On the other hand, I did recently reverse (the conclusions of) two sets of engineers. How did I have enough confidence in such a complicated field to do that? Well, you might think, "Oh, this guy is just an egomaniac who's made some money and thinks he knows everything."

Well, I may be an egomaniac, but I don't think I know everything. But I saw huge reasons in the circumstances for bias in each set of engineers as each recommended a course of action very advantageous to itself. And what each was saying was so consonant with a natural bias that it made me distrust it. Also, perhaps I knew enough engineering to know that (what they were saying) didn't make sense.

Finally, I found a third engineer who recommended a solution I approved. And, thereafter, the second engineer came to me and said, "Charlie, why didn't I think of that?" - which is to his credit. It was a much better solution, both safer and cheaper.

You must have the confidence to override people with more credentials than you whose cognition is impaired by incentive-caused bias or some similar psychological force that is obviously present. But there are also cases where you have to recognize that you have no wisdom to add - and that your best course is to trust some expert.

In effect, you've got to know what you know and what you don't know. What could possibly be more useful in life than that?
