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9) 善行や悪徳がもたらす影響に対する低い関心



9) Not Enough Attention to Virtue and Vice Effects

Okay, my ninth objection: not enough attention to virtue and vice effects in economics. It has been plain to me since early life that there are enormous virtue effects in economics and also enormous vice effects. But economists get very uncomfortable when you talk about virtue and vice. It doesn't lend itself to a lot of columns of numbers. But I would argue that there are big virtue effects in economics. I would say that the spreading of double-entry bookkeeping by the monk, Fra Luca de Pacioli, was a big virtue effect in economics. It made business more controllable, and it made it more honest. Then, the cash register. The cash register did more for human morality than the Congregational Church. It was a really powerful phenomenon to make an economic system work better, just as, in reverse, a system that can be easily defrauded ruins a civilization. A system that's very hard to defraud, like a cash register-based system, helps the economic performance of a civilization by reducing vice, but very few people within economics talk about it in those terms.

I'll go further: I say economic systems work better when there's an extreme reliability ethos. And the traditional way to get a reliability ethos, at least in past generations in America, was through religion. The religions instilled guilt. We have a charming Irish Catholic priest in our neighborhood and he loves to say, "Those old Jews may have invented guilt, but we perfected it." (Laughter). And this guilt, derived from religion, has been a huge driver of a reliability ethos, which has been very helpful to economic outcomes for man.



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Bottom-Up Investing with an Absolute-Value Focus [PDF] (原文はThe Wall Street Transcript)

<質問者> あなたが設立したセンチュリー・マネジメント[ファンド]の歴史を読者に対してお話しください。

<ヴァンデンバーグ> 私が投資の仕事に就いて投資信託を売り始めたのは1968年で、ちょうど市場が頂点に達した頃でした。投資信託こそ資産を築くのに役立つ究極の方法だと信念を持っていました。そこから株式市場は大恐慌以来最悪の下落をむかえ、ほとんどの投資信託は個別銘柄と同じように値下がりしました。このことは市場や資産運用ビジネスに対する私の信念を揺らがせることとなりました。



TWST: Introduce our readers to the firm by telling us about Century Management's history.

Mr. Van Den Berg: I began my investment career in 1968, right at the top of the market, selling mutual funds. I had put my faith in mutual funds as the ultimate way to help people make money. Then as the stock market began what would eventually be its worst decline since the Great Depression, most mutual funds went down as much as individual stocks. This really shook my faith in the market and money management business.

I could not help thinking that maybe the best way to be successful in the investment industry would be to start my own firm, so I spent the next several years studying Wall Street, the market and various investment philosophies. I noticed there were fund managers and investment professionals who had weathered the storm fairly well, and they all came from the Benjamin Graham school of thought, which is the value-investing approach. I concluded that managers who used a value-based investment strategy protected their clients' capital better and provided more consistent investment results than managers using other investment strategies.

I started Century Management in September of 1974, because I believed I had found the investment approach that could do well even in bad market environments. At this time, the market was nearing the bottom of what would be a 45% decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and a 75% decline in the average stock. As a result, very few people were interested in investing. Also, there were so many articles talking about how it was the end of the world. Yet, I reasoned that either the world was going to end, or I was going to make a lot of money for my clients - here we are, almost 40 years later.







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<質問者> 私は[芸術学部]音楽スクールの博士課程に在籍していますので、質問内容も芸術に対する資金提供の話題になります。芸術活動へ資金を出す責任はどこにあるとお考えですか。政府の政策としてか、企業なのか、それとも個人が出すものでしょうか。

<バフェット> 政府の政策か個人によるものだと思います。つまり、その2つの組み合わせになるでしょう。50年とか75年前は完全に個人が出していた時代でした。しかしさまざまな活動があるので、政府や個人のどちらにも資金を提供する場があると思います。

<質問者> お子さんに対して金銭的に支援なさっていないと聞いていますが、本当でしょうか。反対に、ご両親から金銭的に受けたものは何でしたか。

<バフェット> そうですね、あらゆる良いことを授かりました。ただし、お金はもらいませんでした。実際のところ、わたし自身が望んでいなかったですし、もっといい両親の子供だったらなどと考えたこともありませんでした。これはきわめて大切なことです。子供を裕福にしてあげることは、わたしの信ずるところではありません。社会全体としてみれば、それはまちがっているとさえ思います。貧困者に対してフードスタンプ[生活保護用の金券]を配ることは[自立心を]弱らせることにつながる、と説く人たちがいます。「フードスタンプを付与された人はそれに依存するようになり、次の世代はさらに多くのフードスタンプを求めるようになる」といった話でした。それではそのような人たちと、生まれてから遺産を相続するまでずっとフードスタンプをもらえる子女とでは、どんな違いがあると言えるでしょう。彼らが受けとるフードスタンプには株式や債券という名前がついており、世話をしてくれる福祉担当者も実は信託担当者です。そのような巨大な信託がどれだけ自立心を低下させるのか、彼らが見たこともないほどでしょう。基本的にわたしはこう考えています。金持ちが自分の子供に対して残したりあげたりするときは、何かをするのに十分な程度にして、何もしなくていいほどたっぷりにしてはなりません。それが理に適っていると思います。一文無しの家に生まれたかのようにすべきとは思いませんが、何もせずにぬくぬく暮らせるのはよくないと思います。山のようなフードスタンプを受けとるというスネかじりを原則的につづける生き方です。これはわたし個人としての哲学です。

Q. I'm a doctoral student in the School of Music, and my question has to do with arts funding. I'm wondering where you think the responsibility for funding for arts programs would lie. Would that be with governmental programs or with businesses or private individuals?

A. I think it's with government programs and private individuals. I mean, I think it's probably a combination needed on that. If you go back 50 or 75 years, it was entirely private. But, I think, in terms of a lot of activities like that, there is a place for both the government and for private funding.

Q. I've heard that you refuse to assist your children financially. Is this true? And, what did you get from your parents financially?

A. Well, I got all kinds of good things. But, I didn't get money. And, I really didn't want it actually. I don't think I could have been raised with a better pair of parents. That was enormously important. I don't believe in making kids rich. I just think it's wrong in terms of society. I hear these people who lecture about the debilitating effects of food stamps on the poor. They say, "You know, you give them food stamps, and they get dependent, and then the next generation wants more food stamps," and all that sort of thing. What is the difference between that and some kid who gets a lifetime supply of food stamps at birth through inheritance, you know, except the food stamps are called stocks and bonds and the welfare officer is called a trust officer? They never seem to see the debilitating effects of having some big trust for themselves. I basically believe that if you are rich, you should leave your kids or give them enough so they can do anything but not enough so they can do nothing. I just think that makes sense. I don't think it should be like they were born into total poverty, and I don't think they should be entitled to live a life of doing nothing, essentially living off this stored-up supply of food stamps which somebody handed them. So, that is my own personal philosophy on it.



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<質問者> あなたやバフェットさんが言われることは、ことごとく筋が通っていると思います。ですが、30年前にベン・グレアムが使った言葉とそっくり同じようにも聞こえます。彼は、株価[S&P]が900ドルのときに割高だと発言していました。

<マンガー> 我々がグレアムと同意見だとは思いませんね。彼は人間としてはすばらしい人物でしたが、株式市場全体の行く末を予想するという点ではネジがゆるんでいました。それとは違って、市場に対する私やウォーレンの見方は不可知論者であることがほとんどです。


<質問者> バークシャーが公表した年次報告書に対して、報道の多くが悲観的な見方を示し、会社がどんどん大きくなるにつれて残された機会が少なくなっていくことを危惧しています。10年後にはどうなっているのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 我々は「バークシャーの規模が業績の足をひっぱって、株主の富が今後増加する率は以前とくらべて下がっていくだろう」とたびたび繰り返してきました。これは見解ではなくて確約です、と何度も言いました。



Q: Everything you and Buffett say seems logical. But it sounds like exactly the same language that Ben Graham was using thirty years ago when he was saying the stock market was overvalued - when it was at 900.

Oh, I don't think that we share that with him. Graham, great though he was as a man, had a screw loose as he tried to predict outcomes for the stock market as a whole. In contrast, Warren and I are almost always agnostic about the market.

On the other hand, we have said that common stocks generally have generated returns of ten to eleven percent after inflation for many years and that those returns can't continue for a very long period. And they can't. It's simply impossible. The wealth of the world will compound at no such rate. Whatever experience Stanford has had in its portfolio for the last fifteen years, its future experience is virtually certain to be worse. It may still be okay. But it's been a hog heaven period for investors over the last fifteen years. Bonanza effects of such scale can't last forever.

Q: Berkshire's annual report got a lot of press for being pessimistic and for expressing concern about the shrinking pool of opportunities as the company gets bigger and bigger. Where does that leave you ten years from now?

We've said over and over that our future rate of compounding our shareholders' wealth is going to go down compared to our past - and that our size will be an anchor dragging on performance. And we've said over and over again that this is not an opinion, but a promise.

However, let's suppose that we were able to compound our present book value at fifteen percent per annum from this point. That would not be so bad and would work out okay for our long-term shareholder. I'm just saying that we could afford to slow down some, as we surely will, and still do okay for the long-term shareholder.

By the way, I'm not promising that we will compound our present book value at fifteen percent per annum.
