Bottom-Up Investing with an Absolute-Value Focus [PDF] (原文はThe Wall Street Transcript)
<質問者> あなたが設立したセンチュリー・マネジメント[ファンド]の歴史を読者に対してお話しください。
<ヴァンデンバーグ> 私が投資の仕事に就いて投資信託を売り始めたのは1968年で、ちょうど市場が頂点に達した頃でした。投資信託こそ資産を築くのに役立つ究極の方法だと信念を持っていました。そこから株式市場は大恐慌以来最悪の下落をむかえ、ほとんどの投資信託は個別銘柄と同じように値下がりしました。このことは市場や資産運用ビジネスに対する私の信念を揺らがせることとなりました。
TWST: Introduce our readers to the firm by telling us about Century Management's history.
Mr. Van Den Berg: I began my investment career in 1968, right at the top of the market, selling mutual funds. I had put my faith in mutual funds as the ultimate way to help people make money. Then as the stock market began what would eventually be its worst decline since the Great Depression, most mutual funds went down as much as individual stocks. This really shook my faith in the market and money management business.
I could not help thinking that maybe the best way to be successful in the investment industry would be to start my own firm, so I spent the next several years studying Wall Street, the market and various investment philosophies. I noticed there were fund managers and investment professionals who had weathered the storm fairly well, and they all came from the Benjamin Graham school of thought, which is the value-investing approach. I concluded that managers who used a value-based investment strategy protected their clients' capital better and provided more consistent investment results than managers using other investment strategies.
I started Century Management in September of 1974, because I believed I had found the investment approach that could do well even in bad market environments. At this time, the market was nearing the bottom of what would be a 45% decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and a 75% decline in the average stock. As a result, very few people were interested in investing. Also, there were so many articles talking about how it was the end of the world. Yet, I reasoned that either the world was going to end, or I was going to make a lot of money for my clients - here we are, almost 40 years later.
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