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Why did the range of skill from the best to the worst narrow so much? Two factors can explain a great deal of the phenomenon. When professional baseball began, it drew only white players from the Northeastern part of the U.S. But over time, the league began recruiting players of all races, from all parts of the U.S., and eventually from all around the world. This greatly expanded the pool of talent. Hungry players from the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Japan brought a new level of skill to the game. In addition, training has improved greatly since the 1940s, which has certainly had an effect on this convergence of skills. Combine more access to talented players with sharpened training techniques and you get a higher, and more uniform, level of skill throughout the league.

That the bell curve in the skill jar gets skinnier over time while the bell curve in the luck jar remains the same means that as skill improves for the population, luck becomes more important in determining results. On average, players have greater skill today than they did in years past but their outcomes are more tied to luck. This extends to other realms as well.

A good theory makes predictions that we can test. The paradox of skill says that in fields where there is no offsetting interaction (for example, pitcher versus hitter) and no luck, we should see absolute results improve and relative results cluster. This is precisely what we see in events such as swimming and track and field.

Naturally, human physiology limits absolute performance - a man can run only so fast and a woman can swim only so swiftly. But we see improvement and convergence broadly. For example, the winning time for the men's Olympic marathon dropped by more than 23 minutes from 1932 to 2012. As revealing, the difference between the time for the winner and the man who came in 20th shrunk from 39 minutes to 7.5 minutes over the same period. Luck and interaction can partially obscure the paradox of skill, but the core elements are there in case after case.



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The Jars of Success

Imagine two jars, one representing skill and the other luck, that are each filled with cards with numbers printed on them that comprise a bell curve. Bell curves are defined by a mean, or average, and a standard deviation. From the top of the bell, the curve slopes down the sides symmetrically with an equal number of observations on each side. Standard deviation is a measure of how far the sides of the bell curve are from the average. A skinny bell curve has a small standard deviation and a fat bell curve has a large standard deviation.

So most cards in each jar have values at or near the mean, and a few cards are marked with numbers that have values far from the mean. To determine an outcome, you draw one number from the skill jar, one from the luck jar, and add them. Relating this to batting averages, you could say that a player has a certain amount of hitting skill - the number he drew from that jar - and some luck. A great player can have an unlucky season that results in a batting average below his true skill, or a below-average player can enjoy substantial luck and hit at an average that overstates his skill. Hitting .406 as Williams did requires tremendous skill and terrific luck. He drew numbers from both jars that were far above average.

Let's put some numbers to the averages in each jar. Let's start with the luck jar. While for a season some players will have good luck and others bad luck, we can safely assume that luck is zero on average. That says that the average of the skill jar will approximate the batting average for all of the players combined, which has vacillated around .260-.270 in the last 75 years or so. The reason that average skill hasn't gone up, even though the hitters today are better than in the past, is that batting average represents a duel between pitcher and hitter. If pitchers and hitters improve roughly in lockstep, the overall skill can improve sharply even as the batting average remains steady. The arms war (pun intended) between pitchers and hitters creates the illusion of stability even as the players improve.

Here was Gould's crucial insight: the standard deviation of skill has gone down over time. Imagine the bell curve going from being fat to skinny. The extreme values are closer to the average. So even if the luck distribution doesn't change a bit, you should expect to see the standard deviation of batting averages decline over time. And that is precisely what Gould showed. The standard deviation of batting averages was .0326 in the 1940s, when Williams achieved the feat, and was .0274 in the first decade of the 2000s. In statistical terms, hitting .380 in 2011 is the equivalent to the .406 that Ted Williams hit 70 years earlier.



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以前にご紹介したマイケル・モーブッサン(クレディ・スイスのストラテジスト)が書いた新刊の翻訳を待ちつづけていたものの、どうやら(少なくとも)今年はダメなようです[過去記事]。そこで情報がないかさがしていたところ、同書の宣伝材料的な文章を彼が書いていました(掲載サイト: changethis.com)。短めのものですが、数回に分けて全訳をご紹介します。(日本語は拙訳)

The Paradox of Skill - Why Greater Skill Leads to More Luck (PDFファイル)
(能力のパラドックス: 能力が向上するにつれ、ますます幸運頼みになるのはなぜか)



スティーブン・ジェイ・グールドはハーバード大学の名の知れた進化生物学者だったが、野球に関する文章を書くことを好んでいた。ある最上のエッセイでは、「テッド・ウィリアムズが1941年に4割6厘を記録して以来 、なぜメジャーリーグの選手はシーズンを通して4割以上の打率を維持できないのか」について語られている。まずグールドは、よくある説明を検討してみた。ナイターが増えたとか、移動が多いとか、守備が上手くなったとか、リリーフ投手を以前よりも多用するとか。しかしどれも条件を満たさなかった。



Variation in batting averages must decrease as improving play eliminates the rough edges that great players could exploit, and average performance moves toward the limits of human possibility. - Stephen Jay Gould

Okay, you have gotten the memo on improving skill: 10,000 hours, hard work, deliberate practice, grit, and attentive teacher. We’ve all heard it. you also recognize that in many of life’s activities, the results you achieve combine skill and luck. no debate there. now, what if I told you that in many cases improving skill leads to results that rely more on luck? that’s right. Greater skill doesn’t decrease the dependence on luck, it increases it. If you have an interest in sports, business, or investing, this lesson is for you.

Stephen Jay Gould was a renowned evolutionary biologist at harvard university who loved to write about baseball. one of his best essays was about why no player in Major league Baseball had maintained a batting average of more than .400 for a full season since ted Williams hit .406 in 1941. Gould considered several conventional explanations, including more night games, demanding travel, improved fielding, and more extensive use of relief pitching. none checked out.

Maybe Williams was some sort of freak player, Gould thought, better than all of those who came before him as well as all of those who followed. that’s implausible, he concluded, because in every sport where performance is measured versus a clock, including swimming and running, athletes have improved. Baseball players, too, are better than they were in the past: faster, stronger, more fit, and better trained.

So how do we solve the mystery of the vanishing .400 hitter? the best approach is to set up a simple model that explains how greater skill can lead to a greater reliance on luck. We’ll then apply our model to other realms to see if it explains what we see there. In each case, we’ll see that luck has more sway even as participants hone their skill. It’s the paradox of skill.




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<質問者> バフェットさんが今日飛行機で来ることを、チャーリーが認めてくださったのですか。それとも自動車で来ることになったのでしょうか。

<バフェット> この方は、わたしのパートナーでチャーリー・マンガーという人のことを話題にしています。ちなみに彼のおじいさんはリンカーン[講演が行われている街]で連邦裁判所の判事を務めていました。わたしとは違う時期でしたが、実はチャーリーもわたしのおじいさんの店で働いていたことがあります。彼と出会ったのはずっとあとになってからで、その後わたしのパートナーになってくれました。なんやかんやで何十年間もいっしょにビジネスをつづけてきました。わたしたちの間で意見が異なることはありましたが、口論をしたことはありません。極めて良好な関係がつづいています。チャーリーは若いころにベン・フランクリンにのめりこみ過ぎて、「1円使うのは1円なくすのと同じ」という考えをしています。バスに乗る前にお祈りをするタイプの人なのです。ですからわたしは、飛行機を買ったときに彼の耳にいくぶん残るように「チャールズ・T・マンガー号」と名付けようかと考えました。結局、その代わりにつけた名前は「弁明不能号」です。これはある種の降参したオオカミのようなもので、彼が別のオオカミに負けたときに使えるものです。今日ここには飛行機では来ませんでした。しかし毎晩ドラッグストアに行くときになると、飛んでいこうかどうしようか頭を悩ませています。それだけこの飛行機を気にいっています。飛行機に反対するいろんなスピーチをやったのは、若いころのこのわたしです。しかし反黙示録的と言われるでしょうが、いまでは飛行機にぞっこんです。棺桶の中に持っていくつもりです。

Q. Mr. Buffett, I was just wondering if Charlie authorized the flight over today or did you have to drive?

A. This gentleman is referring to the fact that I have a partner named Charlie Munger, whose grandfather was a Federal Judge in Lincoln. Charlie actually worked in my grandfather's store, but not at the same time I did. I met him later in life and he has become my partner. Charlie and I have been partners in business one way or another for decades. We’ve never had an argument. We have different opinions on things, but we get along extremely well. Charlie overdosed on Ben Franklin early in his life, so he thinks that a penny spent is a penny lost, or something like that. This is the guy who, you know, has a prayer session before he takes the bus and, therefore, when I bought a plane, I was going to put his name - "The Charles T. Munger” - on the plane just to stick it in him a little bit. Instead, I just decided to call the plane "The Indefensible.” And that is sort of like the wolf, you know, baring his throat when he is losing to another wolf! So, I did not fly here today. But it is true - that I contemplate flying to the drug store every night! I’m in love with this plane, and I’m the same person who gave all these speeches against planes in earlier years. Then I had this counter-revelation, as they call it, and now I’ve fallen in love with the plane and it’s going to be buried with me!



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私たちの理論は、中国に見られるような収奪的政治制度下の成長は持続的成長をもたらさず、いずれ活力を失うことも示唆している。(下巻 p.247)

こんにちの中国の経済制度が30年前とは比べものにならないほど包括的であるにしても、中国の経験は収奪的政治制度下の成長の例だ。近年、中国ではイノヴェーションとテクノロジーに重点が置かれているものの、成長の基盤は創造的破壊ではなく、既存のテクノロジーの利用と急速な投資だ。(下巻 p.250)
