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マイケル・モーブッシンを以前とりあげたときは「レッグ・メイソンのストラテジスト」とご紹介しましたが、同氏自身のWebサイトによれば、現在はクレディスイスに戻ったとあります。彼の最新作『The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing』が翻訳されるのは年内かと楽しみに待っておりますが、今回は同サイトに載せられている抜粋の一部をご紹介します。同書の冒頭部になります。(日本語は拙訳)









MY CAREER WAS LAUNCHED by a trash can.

Like many seniors in college, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for a living, but I knew that I needed a job. Drexel Burnham Lambert, an investment bank that was hot at the time, came on campus to recruit students for a new training program. My interview went well enough that I was called to the firm's headquarters in New York City. I put on my best suit and tie, polished my shoes, and headed to the Big Apple.

Early the next morning, we candidates gathered in a vast conference room and listened intently as the leader of the program told us what to expect for the day. “You will have full interviews with six members of our staff,” she informed us, “and then each of you will have ten minutes with the senior executive in charge of our division.” When it was clear that she had everyone's attention, she added, “If you want the job, you'll have to shine in that interview.”

My half dozen interviews went as well as could be expected. When they were over, a member of the staff led me down a long corridor to an office paneled in dark wood, with deep wall-to-wall carpeting and a picture window overlooking a panorama of downtown Manhattan. A sharp-eyed administrative assistant ushered me in, and the senior executive greeted me warmly. Then I saw it.

Peeking out from underneath a huge desk was a trash can bearing the logo of the Washington Redskins, a professional football team. As a sports fan who had just spent four years in Washington, D.C., and had attended a game or two, I complimented the executive on his taste in trash cans. He beamed, and that led to a ten- minute interview that stretched to fifteen minutes, during which I listened and nodded intently as he talked about sports, his time in Washington, and the virtues of athletics. His response to my opening was purely emotional. Our discussion was not intellectual. It was about a shared passion.

I got the job. My experience in the training program at Drexel Burnham was critical in setting the trajectory of my career. But after a few months in the program, one of the leaders couldn't resist pulling me aside. “Just to let you know,” he whispered, “on balance, the six interviewers voted against hiring you.” I was stunned. How could I have gotten the job? He went on: “But the head guy overrode their assessment and insisted we bring you in. I don't know what you said to him, but it sure worked.” My career was launched by a trash can. That was pure luck, and I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't benefited from it.

The purpose of this book is to show you how you can understand the relative contributions of skill and luck and how to use that understanding in interpreting past results as well as making better decisions in the future. Ultimately, untangling skill and luck helps with the challenging task of prediction, and better predictions lead to greater success.




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By and large, and it’s interesting to think about, it’s mostly a male game. The nuts who did most of this damage are male. You go into a trading room on Wall Street and you won’t find many women barking into the phones and going to the strip clubs. There is a lot of testosterone in our present troubles, and of course, the people that get promoted logically are sort of like the people that win our athletic contests and get to be captain of the teams. Many of you were in investment management and you know how it works. Everybody wants the guy that everybody else trusts, who can’t stand to lose, that everybody likes, and tends to get things done -- and I just described the captain of the team and so forth. There is a law firm in town, Latham and Watkins, that galloped past everyone else and that is all they would hire with some exceptions. They knew what they wanted and, boy, did it work for them. Of course, if you are in investment management, it’s exactly the wrong personality type. Maybe you want them in the sales department, but you don’t want them managing the money. It’s the cranky peculiar people like those sitting here who will better serve you in making these decisions. That is another problem with life. [The] guy who invented the Peter Principle is right: You know we all get promoted in hierarchies and, of course, half the time some guy gets one category too high and of course half the time you have someone who is utterly unqualified for this spot he is sitting in and yet he has the power. He’s got a big ego and everything else. What do you do about this? This is a serious problem. If you don’t think this is a problem with Wall Street, look at the personality profiles of the people that headed our main investment banks. They were caricatures. Stan O’Neal or whatever his name was at Merrill --

If [Anthony] Trollope invented a character like this, you would say, ‘It’s too extreme. I can’t get by with this one.’ It would be regarded as foolish, not as effective satire. That just happened again and again and again. And you are surprised we have this big mess on our hands. Some very powerful forces have been unleashed here. Some very powerful forces of unreason have been allowed to flourish. Of course we get a big mess. We always were going to have cyclical fluctuations in capitalism. We always [were] going to have cyclical fluctuations in securities markets. But to have them magnified so greatly, and to have such exacerbation of the result by this extremely liberal use of credit -


ピーターの法則 創造的無能のすすめ (著者:ローレンス・J・ピーター)



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セス・クラーマンの『Margin of Safety』をご紹介しています。今回は、第1章「投機家と成功できない投資家」(Speculators and Unsuccessful Investors)から引用します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)


It is vitally important for investors to distinguish stock price fluctuations from underlying business reality. If the general tendency is for buying to beget more buying and selling to precipitate more selling, investors must fight the tendency to capitulate to market forces. You cannot ignore the market - ignoring a source of investment opportunities would obviously be a mistake - but you must think for yourself and not allow the market to direct you. Value in relation to price, not price alone, must determine your investment decisions. If you look to Mr. Market as a creator of investment opportunities (where price departs from underlying value), you have the makings of a value investor. If you insist o looking to Mr. Market for investment guidance, however, you are probably best advised to hire someone else to manage your money.


Many unsuccessful investors regard the stock market as a way to make money without working rather than as a way to invest capital in order to earn a decent return. Anyone would enjoy a quick and easy profit, and the prospect of an effortless gain incites greed in investors. Greed leads many investors to seek shortcuts to investment success. Rather than allowing returns to compound over time, they attempt to turn quick profits by acting on hot tips. They do not stop to consider how the tipster could possibly be in possession of valuable information that is not illegally obtained or why, if it is so valuable, it is being made available to them. Greed also manifests itself as undue optimism or, more subtly, as complacency in the face of bad news. Finally greed can cause investors to shift their focus away from the achievement of long-term investment goals in favor of short-term speculation.



There is the old story about the market craze in sardine trading when the sardines disappeared from their traditional waters in Monterey, California. The commodity traders bid them up and the price of a can of sardines soared. One day a buyer decided to treat himself to an expensive meal and actually opened a can and started eating. He immediately became ill and told the seller the sardines were no good. The seller said. "You don't understand. These are not eating sardines, they are trading sardines."



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The logistics and the distribution strategy of our business will be simple. There are only two practical ways to sell our beverage: (1) as syrup to fountains and restaurants and (2) as a complete carbonated-water product in containers. Wanting lollapalooza results, we will naturally do it both ways. And, wanting huge Pavlovian and social-proof effects, we will always spend on advertising and sales promotion, per serving, over forty percent of the fountain price for syrup needed to make the serving.

A few syrup-making plants can serve the world. However, to avoid needless shipping of mere space and water, we will need many bottling plants scattered over the world. We will maximize profits if (like early General Electric with light bulbs) we always set the first-sale price, either (1) for fountain syrup or (2) for any container of our complete product. The best way to arrange this desirable profit-maximizing control is to make any independent bottler we need a subcontractor, not a vendee of syrup, and certainly not a vendee of syrup under a perpetual franchise specifying a syrup price frozen forever at its starting level.

Being unable to get a patent or copyright on our superimportant flavor, we will work obsessively to keep our formula secret. We will make a big hoopla over our secrecy, which will enhance Pavlovian effects. Eventually, food-chemical engineering will advance so that our flavor can be copied with near exactitude. But, by that time, we will be so far ahead, with such strong trademarks and complete, “always available” worldwide distribution, that good flavor copying won’t bar us from our objective. Moreover, the advances in food chemistry that help competitors will almost surely be accompanied by technological advances that will help us, including refrigeration, better transportation, and, for dieters, ability to insert a sugar taste without inserting sugar’s calories. Also, there will be related beverage opportunities we will seize.



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The Outlook for Equities (Oaktree Capital Management)








In the mid-1970s I was fortunate to happen upon one of the first of the time-worn pearls of wisdom that contributed so much to my education as an investor. It described the three stages of a bull market:

・the first, when a few forward-looking people begin to believe things will get better,
・the second, when most investors realize improvement is actually underway, and
・the third, when everyone's sure things will get better forever.

In “The Tide Goes Out,” written in March 2008, several months before the lows of the financial crisis, I applied the same thinking to the converse - the three stages of a bear market:

・the first, when just a few prudent investors recognize that, despite the prevailing bullishness, things won't always be rosy,
・the second, when most investors recognize things are deteriorating, and
・the third, when everyone's convinced things can only get worse.

Hindsight always makes it clear what was going on at a particular point in time. It's a snap now to say the second quarter of 2007 marked the third stage of a bull market: no one could think of a way to lose money. And in the fourth quarter of 2008 (for credit) and the first quarter of 2009 (for equities), we were certainly in the third stage of a bear market: most people thought the financial system was about to collapse, and securities that had halved in price could do nothing but halve again.

But the study of market history only makes us better investors if it teaches us how to assess conditions as they are, rather than in retrospect. When I wrote “Deja Vu All Over Again” a year ago, it was my feeling that equities were in the first stage of a bull market. Experience had been so bad for so long - and the level of disinterest was so high - that only a few investors thought equities could ever catch on again. Those low expectations, when combined with modest fundamental and psychological improvement, gave the S&P 500 a return of about 13% over the year since that memo was written.

So now we have a somewhat improved fundamental environment, a generally more optimistic group of investors, and stock prices that are a fair bit higher. No one should say the likelihood of improvement is entirely unrecognized today, as would have to be the case for this to still be stage one. I think the existence of improvement is generally accepted, but that acceptance is neither extremely widespread nor terribly overdone. Thus I'd say we're somewhere in the first half of stage two. Pessimist no longer control market prices, but certainly neither have carefree optimists taken over.