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Here is my solution, my pitch to Glotz, using only the helpful notions and what every bright college sophomore should know.

Well, Glotz, the big “no-brainer” decisions that, to simplify our problem, should be made first are as follows: First, we are never going to create something worth $2 trillion by selling some generic beverage. Therefore, we must make your name, “Coca-Cola,” into a strong, legally protected trademark. Second, we can get to $2 trillion only by starting in Atlanta, then succeeding in the rest of the United States, then rapidly succeeding with our new beverage all over the world. This will require developing a product having universal appeal because it harnesses powerful elemental forces. And the right place to find such powerful elemental forces is in the subject matter of elementary academic courses.

We will next use numerical fluency to ascertain what our target implies. We can guess reasonably that by 2034 there will be about eight billion beverage consumers in the world. On average, each of these consumers will be much more prosperous in real terms than the average consumer of 1884. Each consumer is composed mostly of water and must ingest about sixty-four ounces of water per day. This is eight, eight-ounce serving. Thus, if our new beverage, and other imitative beverages in our new market, can flavor and otherwise improve only twenty-five percent of ingested water worldwide, and we can occupy half of the new world market, we can sell 2.92 trillion eight-ounce serving in 2034. And if we can then net four cents per serving, we will earn $117 billion. This will be enough, if our business is still growing at a good rate, to make it easily worth $2trillion.

A big question, of course, is whether four cents per serving is a reasonable profit target for 2034. And the answer is yes if we can create a beverage with strong universal appeal. One hundred fifty years is a long time. The dollar, like the Roman drachma, will almost surely suffer monetary depreciation. Concurrently, real purchasing power of the average beverage consumer in the world will go way up. His proclivity to inexpensively improve his experience while ingesting water will go up considerably faster. Meanwhile, as technology improves, the cost of our simple product, in units of constant purchasing power, will go down. All four factors will work together in favor of our four-cents-per-serving profit target. Worldwide beverage-purchasing power in dollars will probably multiply by a factor of at least forty over 150 years. Thinking in reverse, this makes our profit-per-serving target, under 1884 conditions, a mere one fortieth of four cents or one tenth of a cent per serving. This is an easy-to-exceed target as we start out if our new product has universal appeal.



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Walter Schloss Returns (Mr. Market Blog)






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At any rate, these ridiculous ideas came out of academia. This wasn’t true in engineering and arts and science by the way. The idiotic ideas are all from the social science department and I would put economics in the social sciences department although it has some tinges of reality that remind you of arts and science.

In economics textbooks they teach you Gresham’s Law: Bad money drives out good. But we don’t have any bad money that amounts to anything. We don’t have any coins that are worth a lot, that have precious metals that you can melt down. Nobody cares what the melt-down value of the quarter is in relationship to the dime, so Gresham’s Law is a non-starter in the modern world. Bad money drives out good. But the new form of Gresham’s Law is ungodly important. The new form of Gresham’s Law is brought into play - in economic thought, anyway - in the savings and loans crisis, when it was perfectly obvious that bad lending drives out good. Think of how powerful that model is. Think of the disaster that it creates for everybody. You sit there in your little institution. All of the builders [are not good credits anymore], and you are in the business of lending money to builders. Unless you do the same idiotic thing [as] Joe Blow is doing down the street. Pete Johnson up the street wants to do something a little dumber and the thing just goes to a mighty tide. You’ve got to shrink the business that you love and maybe lay off the employees who have trusted you their careers and so forth or [make] a lot of dumb loans. At Berkshire Hathaway we try and let the place shrink. We never fire anybody, we tell them to go out and play golf. We sure as hell don’t want to make any dumb loans. But that is very hard to do if you sit in a leadership position in society with people you helped recruit, you meet their wives and children and so forth. The bad loans drive out the good.

It isn’t just bad loans. Bad morals drive out the good. If you want to run a check-cashing agency in [a] downtown big city, more than 100 percent of all the profit you could possibly earn can only be earned by flim-flamming people on the finance contracts. So if you aren’t willing to cheat people - basically minorities - more than 100 percent of the profit can’t be earned. Well, if you inherited the business or your idiot son-in-law is in it, you don’t know what else to do. This is what I would call an adult problem and most people solve it in the adult fashion: They learn to tolerate the cheating. But that is not the right answer to people who want to live a larger and better life. But it is a form of Greshem’s Law, the new Gresham’s Law. One that is not taught in economics courses and should be. It is a really serious problem and, of course, it relates deeply to what happened to create the economic crisis. All kinds of people who you would be glad to have marry into your family compared to what you are otherwise going to get did things that were very regrettable under these pressures from the new Gresham’s Law.



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Best Ideas 2013: Yacktman Favors Cash Cows Like P&G And Contrarian Picks Too (Forbes 2012/11/26)







Going forward, investors should expect Yacktman to stick to his plan, as well as some mediocre years. Like this one. The Yacktman Fund this year is up only 9.3%, and Yacktman Focused has gained 8.6%. By contrast, the broader market is up 14.3%. Some 90% of peers are beating Yacktman. Understandably, he's not worried. He prefers a 10-year horizon when assessing performance - both when looking at his own and when considering whether to buy a stock.

"Most people just aren't that patient. That's one of the challenges in the investment business today," he says. "The average stock market fluctuates about 50% from low to high in 12 months, and lower and lower transaction costs encourage speculation."

Yacktman looks for stocks with high returns on assets. This means businesses with low capital requirements, large market share and an ability to keep up in any market. So, Yacktman will opt for a more predictable business than a bright star that might fade soon. "In the short term, someone like Apple can shoot the lights out, but I can't tell you in 10 years what my cell phone will look like."

A decade from now, though, Yacktman says, most of America will probably still buying Tide detergent. That makes Procter & Gamble, the $87 billion (by sales) conglomerate with pantry staples like Pampers diapers and Iams pet chow, a buy, Yacktman says. Plus, P&G throws off enormous amounts of cash and has $4.4 billion in cash on the balance sheet, a sign P&G can reinvest in its businesses and also share by buying stock or paying dividends.

Yield is a major factor in Yacktman's picks. P&G pays 3.3%, for example, nearly double what the benchmark 10-year U.S. treasury yields. "We are in an environment where PepsiCo and Procter are like AAA bonds, and the world is not rewarding you enough to go to actual AAA or AA bonds." Even with this focus on yield, little attention goes toward real estate, industrials or utilities. And when asked about AT&T, a popular stock this year because of a $1.76 annual dividend, Yacktman demurred. "We're not enamored with a business that has enormous amounts of fixed capital."

Of course, what Yacktman enjoys - and excels - most at is scooping up unloved stocks, ones offering plentiful upside potential. This has included some contrarian choices of Avon and CH Robinson, as well as Hewlett-Packard and Research In Motion. "What we try to do is to find the ideal business, which is like a beachball being pushed under the water, and the water is rising. Then, all you have to do is have patience. Eventually the pressure will come off, but the longer it takes, the bigger the pop when it finally does happen."




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It is now time to present my practical problem. And here is the problem:

It is 1884 in Atlanta. You are brought, along with twenty others like you, before a rich and eccentric Atlanta citizen named Glotz. Both you and Glotz share two characteristics: First, you routinely use in problem solving the five helpful notions, and, second, you know all the elementary ideas in all the basic college courses, as taught in 1996. however, all discoverers and all examples demonstrating these elementary ideas come from dates before 1884. Neither you nor Glotz knows anything about anything that has happened after 1884.

Glotz offers to invest two million 1884 dollars, yet take only half the equity, for a Glotz Charitable Foundation, in a new corporation organized to go into the non-alcoholic beverage business and remain in that business only, forever. Glotz wants to use a name that has somehow charmed him: Coca-Cola.

The other half of the new corporation's equity will go to the man who most plausibly demonstrates that his business plan will cause Glotz's foundation to be more a trillion dollars 150 years later, in the money of that later time, 2034, despite paying out a large part of its earnings each year as a dividend. This will make the whole new corporation worth $2 trillion, even after paying out many billions of dollars in dividends.

You have fifteen minutes to make your pitch. What do you say to Glotz?