ラベル 心理学 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 心理学 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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<質問者> お使いになっているモデルを3つ示して頂きましたが、他のものはどうやって見つけたのでしょうか。心理学の教科書を通読しないでも見つかる簡単な方法をご存知ですか。それを避けたいからではないのですが、かなり時間がかかると思うのでお聞きします。

<マンガー> ちょっとした数の原理、そして少しばかりの本当に重要なアイデア、そういったものを見つけ出すのは相当楽しいことです。さらに自分自身で探しだして描いたほうが、他人の用意したお題目一式を覚えこむよりもずっと心に残りますよ。
















Q: You've given us about three of the models that you use. I wondered where you found the other ones. And, second, do you have an easier way for us to find them than going through a psychology textbook? I'm not averse to doing that, but it takes longer.

There are a relatively small number of disciplines and a relatively small number of truly big ideas. And it's a lot of fun to figure it out. Plus, if you figure it out and do the outlining yourself, the ideas will stick better than if you memorize ‘em using somebody else's cram list.

Even better, the fun never stops. I was miseducated horribly. And I hadn't bothered to pick up what's called modern Darwinism. I do a lot of miscellaneous reading, too. But I just missed it. And in the last year, I suddenly realized I was a total damned fool and hadn't picked it up properly. So I went back. And with the aid of Dawkins - Oxford's great biologist - and others, I picked it up.

Well, it was an absolute circus for me in my seventies to get the modern Darwinian synthesis in my head. It's so awesomely beautiful and so awesomely right. And it's so simple once you get it. So one beauty of my approach is that the fun never stops. I suppose that it does stop eventually when you're drooling in the convalescent home at the end. But, at least, it lasts a long time.

If I were czar of a law school - although, of course, no law school will permit a czar (they don't even want the dean to have much power) - I'd create a course that I'd call "Remedial Worldly Wisdom" that would, among other useful things, include a fair amount of properly taught psychology. And it might last three weeks or a month….

I think you could create a course that was so interesting - with pithy examples and powerful examples and powerful principles - that it would be a total circus. And I think that it would make the whole law school experience work better.

People raise their eyebrows at that idea. "People don't do that kind of thing." They may not like the derision that's implicit in the title: "Remedial Worldly Wisdom." But the title would be my way of announcing, "Everybody ought to know this." And, if you call it remedial, isn't that what you're saying? "This is really basic and everybody has to know it."

Such a course would be a perfect circus. The examples are so legion. I don't see why people don't do it. They may not do it mostly because they don't want to. But also, maybe they don't know how. And maybe they don't know what it is.

But the whole law school experience would be much more fun if the really basic ideas were integrated and pounded in with good examples for a month or so before you got into conventional law school material. I think the whole system of education would work better. But nobody has any interest in doing it.

And when law schools do reach out beyond traditional material, they often do it in what looks to me like a pretty dumb way. If you think psychology is badly taught in America, you should look at corporate finance. Modern portfolio theory? It's demented! It's truly amazing.

I don't know how these things happen. Hard science and engineering tend to be pretty reliably done. But the minute you get outside of those areas, a certain amount of inanity seems to creep into academia - even (in) academia involving people with very high I.Q.'s.

But, boy, what a school would be like that pounded a lot of the silliness out. But the right way to pound it out is not to have some seventy-plus-year-old capitalist come in and tell seniors, "Here's a little remedial worldly wisdom." This is not the way to do it.

On the other hand, a month at the start of law school that really pounded in the basic doctrines…. Many of the legal doctrines are tied to other doctrines. They're joined at the hip. And, yet, they teach you those legal doctrines without pointing out how they're tied to the other important doctrines?! That's insanity - absolute insanity.

Why do we have a rule that judges shouldn't talk about legal issues that aren't before them? In my day, they taught us the rule, but not in a way giving reasons tied to the guts of undergraduate courses. It's crazy that people don't have those reasons. The human mind is not constructed so that it works well without having reasons. You've got to hang reality on a theoretical structure with reasons. That's the way it hangs together in usable form so that you're an effective thinker.

And to teach doctrines - either with no reasons or with poorly explained reasons?! That's wrong!

Another reason why I like the idea of having a course on remedial worldly wisdom is that it would force more sense on the professors. It would be awkward for them to teach something that was contravened by lessons that were obviously correct and emphasized in a course named "Remedial Worldly Wisdom.," Professors doing so would really have to justify themselves.

Is that a totally crazy idea? It may be crazy to expect it to be done. However, if somebody had done it, would you have found it useful?



0 件のコメント:
チャーリー・マンガーが「学際的なやりかた」(Multidisciplinary Approach)を強く勧めていることは、本ブログでもよくとりあげています。今回から始まるこのシリーズでは、学際的能力の重要性や訓練方法などを説いたチャーリーの講演を全訳します。『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に講演その5(Talk Five)として収録されているものです。




1) さまざまな領域で働く専門家には、学際的な能力がさらに必要とされるか。

2) 私たちの受けた教育は十分なほどに学際的だったか。

3) さまざまな分野に関する第一級のソフトサイエンスの世界において、実際的でこの上なく高められた学際的教育を行うのに欠かせない性質とはどのようなものか。

4) この50年間のうちに、叶う限りでの学際性の高みに向かって第一級の学術界はどれだけ近づいたか。

5) [学際性を]もっと迅速に発展させるには、どのような教育的取り組みを行えばよいか。(2014/7/21、この項目のみ改訂)




1) 動機づけによって生じるバイアス。専門家自身にとってよいことは、顧客ひいては社会発展の点でもよいとする方向へ認知がごく自然に曲げられ、結論を下します。

2) 「かなづちしか持たぬ傾向」。この名前は次の警句からとっています。「手持ちの道具がかなづちだけだと、なんでも釘に見えてくる」。[バカの一つ覚え]

「かなづちしか持たぬ傾向」をある程度まで治す方法は、はっきりしています。多岐にわたる学問分野に関する能力を幅広く身につけていれば、定義上は複数の道具を持つことになり、 「かなづちしか持たぬ傾向」から生じる認知上の悪しき影響を制限できるようになります。さらには私のあげた2つの傾向からくる悪い影響、これは自分自身と他人の両側からきますが、生涯を通じてそれらと戦わなければならないという考えを実践的な心理学から吸収できるまでに学際的になっていれば、世知を築く道において堅実に歩んでいることになります。


The Need for More Multidisciplinary Skills from Professionals: Educational Implications
Fiftieth Reunion of Harvard Law School Class of 1948,
April 24, 1998

Today I am going to engage in a game reminding us of our old professors: Socratic solitaire. I will ask and briefly answer five questions:

1) Do broadscale professionals need more multidisciplinary skill?

2) Was our education sufficiently multidisciplinary?

3) In elite broadscale soft science, what is the essential nature of practicable best-form multidisciplinary education?

4) In the last fifty years, how far has elite academia progressed toward attainable best-form multidisciplinarity?

5) What educational practices would make progress faster?

We start with the question: Do broadscale professionals need more multidisciplinary skill?

To answer the first question, we must first decide whether more multidisciplinarity will improve professional cognition. And, to decide what will cure bad cognition, it will help to know what causes it. One of Bernard Shaw's characters explained professional defects as follows: "In the last analysis, every profession is a conspiracy against the laity." There is a lot of truth in Shaw's diagnosis, as was early demonstrated when in the sixteenth century, the dominant profession, the clergy, burned William Tyndale at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

But Shaw plainly understates the problem in implying that a conscious, self-interested malevolence is the main culprit. More important, there are frequent, terrible effects in professionals from intertwined subconscious mental tendencies, two of which are exceptionally prone to cause trouble:

1) Incentive-caused bias, a natural cognitive drift toward the conclusion that what is good for the professional is good for the client and the wider civilization; and

2) Man-with-a-hammer tendency, with the name taken from the proverb: "To a man with only a hammer, every problem tends to look pretty much like a nail."

One partial cure for man-with-a-hammer tendency is obvious: If a man has a vast set of skills over multiple disciplines, he, by definition, carries multiple tools and, therefore, will limit bad cognitive effects from man-with-a-hammer tendency. Moreover, when he is multidisciplinary enough to absorb from practical psychology the idea that all his life he must fight bad effects from both the tendencies I mentioned, both within himself and from others, he has taken a constructive step on the road to worldly wisdom.

If "A" is narrow professional doctrine and "B" consists of the big, extra-useful concepts from other disciplines, then, clearly, the professional possessing "A" plus "B" will usually be better off than the poor possessor of "A" alone. How could it be otherwise? And thus, the only rational excuse for not acquiring more "B" is that it is not practical to do so, given the man's need for "A" and the other urgent demands in his life. I will later try to demonstrate that this excuse for unidisciplinarity, at least for our most gifted people, is usually unsound.



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But, instead, you can say to him, "You can't do that without three other people beneath you knowing about it. Therefore, you're making yourself subject to blackmail. You're risking your reputation. You're risking your family, your money, etc."

That is likely to work. And you're telling him something that's true. Do you want to spend a lot of time working for people where you have to use methods like that to get them to behave well? I think the answer is no. But if you're hooked with it, appealing to his interest is likely to work better as a matter of human persuasion than appealing to anything else. That, again, is a powerful psychological principle with deep biological roots.

I saw that psychological principle totally blown at Salomon. Salomon's general counsel knew that the CEO, Gutfreund, should have promptly told the federal authorities all about Salomon's trading improprieties in which Gutfreund didn't participate and which he hadn't caused. And the general counsel urged Gutfreund to do it. He told Gutfreund, in effect, "You're probably not legally required to do that, but it's the right thing to do. You really should."

But it didn't work. The task was easy to put off - because it was unpleasant. So that's what Gutfreund did - he put it off.

And the general counsel had very little constituency within Salomon except for the CEO. If the CEO went down, the general counsel was going down with him. Therefore, his whole career was on the line. So to save his career, he needed to talk the dilatory CEO into doing the right thing.

It would've been child's play to get that job done right. All the general counsel had to do was to tell his boss, "John, this situation could ruin your life. You could lose your wealth. You could lose your reputation." And it would have worked. CEOs don't like the idea of being ruined, disgraced, and fired.

And the ex-general counsel of Salomon is brilliant and generous - and he had the right idea. However, he lost his job because he didn't apply a little elementary psychology. He failed to recognize that what works best in most cases is to appeal to a man's interest.

But you don't have to get similarly lousy results when you face similar situations. Just remember what happened to Gutfreund and his general counsel. The right lessons are easily learned if you'll work at it. And if you do learn them, you can be especially useful at crucial moments when others fail. And to the extent that you do become wise, diligent, objective, and, especially able to persuade in a good cause, then you're adding value.





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<質問者> Outstanding Investors Digest[バリュー投資家に好評のインタビュー誌]に掲載されていたあなたに関する記事のおわりで、資産運用マネージャーの中で付加価値を生み出しているのはごくわずかな人だけだ、とありました。ここで話をお聞きしているのは未来の法律家たちですが、仕事を通じて価値を加えられるようになるにはどうしたらよいか、何か推奨して頂けますか。

<マンガー> 正しく考えられる人ならば、大きな価値を加えられると思います。また勇気を必要とするときに大いなる自信を以って介入することを賢くも学んだとしたら、これも大きな価値をもたらします。はたまた職場や顧客や自分が気にかけている者を破滅に導くバカげたことが起きないように防いだり止めたりできれば、大きな価値を生んだことになります。







Q: At the end of your article in OID, you mentioned that only a select few investment managers actually add value. Since you're speaking to an audience of future lawyers, what would you encourage us to do in order to be able to add value in our profession?

To the extent you become a person who thinks correctly, you can add great value. To the extent you've learned it so well that you have enough confidence to intervene where it takes a little courage, you can add great value. And to the extent that you can prevent or stop some asininity that would otherwise destroy your firm, your client, or something that you care about, you can add great value.

And there are constructive tricks you can use. For example, one reason why my old classmate, Joe Flom of Skadden Arps, has been such a successful lawyer is that he's very good at dreaming up little, vivid examples that serve to pound the point home in a way that really works. It's enormously helpful when you're serving clients or otherwise trying to persuade some in a good cause to come up with a little humorous example.

The ability to do that is a knack. So you could argue that the Joe Floms of the world are almost born with a gift. But he's honed the gift. And to one degree or another, all of you were born with the gift. And you can hone it, too.

Occasionally, you get into borderline stuff. For instance, suppose you've got a client who really wants to commit tax fraud. If he doesn't push the tax law way beyond the line, he can't stand it. He can't shave in the morning if he thinks there's been any cheating he could get by with that he hasn't done. And there are people like that. They just feel they aren't living aggressively enough.

You can approach that situation in either of two ways: (A) You can say, "I just won't work for him," and duck it. Or, (B) you can say, "Well, the circumstances of my life require that I work for him. And what I'm doing for him doesn't involve my cheating. Therefore, I'll do it."

And if you see he wants to do something really stupid, it probably won't work to tell him, "What you're doing is bad. I have better morals than you."

That offends him. You're young. He's old. Therefore, instead of being persuaded, he's more likely to react with, "Who in the hell are you to establish the moral code of the whole world?"



0 件のコメント:

<質問者> 法律に関する実務やビジネスに携わる一員として、ご説明にあったモデルを実践で活かしましたか。またそうであれば、どのように活用しましたか。それはどんな風に機能したのですか。法律事務所がその種のモデルを支持しているようには見えない、とわたしを含めた多くの人が感じていると思います。

<マンガー> たしかにモデルはそこにもあります。しかし学術界で不適切な動機づけがみられるように、法律業界にも同じことが言えます。実際、細かい点では法律事務所のほうが悪い場合もいくつかあります。










Q: As someone who's been in legal practice and business, how did you incorporate, or did you incorporate, these models into your legal practice? And how did it work? I suspect many of us have seen law firms that don't appear to adhere to these kinds of models.

Well, the models are there. But just as there are perverse incentives in academia, there are perverse incentives in law firms. In fact, in some respects, at the law firms, it's much worse.

Here's another model from law practice: When I was very young, my father practiced law. One of his best friends, Grant McFayden - Omaha's Pioneer Ford dealer - was a client. He was a perfectly marvelous man - a self-made Irishman who'd run away uneducated from a farm as a youth because his father beat him. So he made his own way in the world. And he was a brilliant man of enormous charm and integrity - just a wonderful, wonderful man.

In contrast, my father had another client who was a blowhard, overreaching, unfair, pompous, difficult man. And I must have been fourteen years old or thereabouts when I asked, "Dad, why do you do so much work for Mr. X - this overreaching blowhard - instead of working more for wonderful men like Grant McFayden?"

My father said, "Grant McFayden treats his employees right, his customers right, and his problems right. And if he gets involved with a psychotic, he quickly walks over to where the psychotic is and works out an exit as fast as he can. Therefore, Grant McFayden doesn't have enough remunerative law business to keep you in Coca-Cola. But Mr. X is a walking minefield of wonderful legal business."

This case demonstrates one of the troubles with practicing law. To a considerable extent, you're going to be dealing with grossly defective people. They create an enormous amount of the remunerative law business. And even when your own client is a paragon of virtue, you'll often be dealing with gross defectives on the other side or even on the bench. That's partly what drove me out of the profession.

The rest was my own greed, but my success in serving greed partly allowed me to make easier the process of being honorable and sensible. Like Ben Franklin observed, "It's hard for an empty sack to stand upright. "

I'd argue that my father's model when I asked him about the two clients was totally correct didaction. He taught me the right lesson. The lesson? As you go through life, sell your services once in a while to an unreasonable blowhard if that's what you must do to feed your family. But run your own life like Grant McFayden. That was a great lesson.

And he taught it in a very clever way - because instead of just pounding it in, he told it to me in a way that required a slight mental reach. And I had to make the reach myself in order to get the idea that I should behave like Grant McFayden. And because I had to reach for it, he figured I'd hold it better. And, indeed, I've held it all the way through until today - through all of these decades. That's a very clever teaching method.

There, again, we're talking about elementary psychology. It's elementary literature. Good literature makes the reader reach a little for understanding. Then, it works better. You hold it better. It's the commitment and consistency tendency. If you've reached for it, the idea's pounded in better.

As a lawyer or executive, you'll want to teach somebody what my father taught me or maybe you'll want to teach them something else. And you can use lessons like this. Isn't that a great way to teach a child? My father used indirection on purpose. And look at how powerfully it worked - like Captain Cook's wise use of psychology. I've been trying to imitate Grant McFayden ever since - for all my life. I may have had a few lapses. But at least I've been trying.



6 件のコメント:

<質問者> 極端なイデオロギーを持たないことが大切だとのおはなしでした。それではもしあるとすれば、都心部の低開発地域(inner city)において富を増加させるなどを支援するために、企業や法律業界はどのような責務を負っているのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 社会的な問題を解決することには、私は大賛成です。不幸な人たちへ寛大にすることもそうですし、害よりも益を多くもたらす証拠がわずかなりとも大きければ、その行動を起こすのも諸手をあげて賛成です。


<質問者> つまり(あなたが言われているのは)自分が(有益なことを)していることに対して、ちゃんと確信を持てということでしょうか。

<マンガー> 私が言っているのは、確信することはできないということです。






Q: You talked about how important it was not to have an extreme ideology. What responsibility, if any, do you think the business and legal communities have for helping inner-city areas, spreading the wealth and so on?

I'm all for fixing social problems. I'm all for being generous to the less fortunate. And I'm all for doing things where, based on a slight preponderance of the evidence, you guess that it's likely to do more good than harm.

What I'm against is being very confident and feeling that you know, for sure, that your particular intervention will do more good than harm, given that you're dealing with highly complex systems wherein everything is interacting with everything else.

Q: So (what you're saying is to) just make sure that what you're doing (is doing more good)…

You can't make sure. That's my point….

On the other hand, I did recently reverse (the conclusions of) two sets of engineers. How did I have enough confidence in such a complicated field to do that? Well, you might think, "Oh, this guy is just an egomaniac who's made some money and thinks he knows everything."

Well, I may be an egomaniac, but I don't think I know everything. But I saw huge reasons in the circumstances for bias in each set of engineers as each recommended a course of action very advantageous to itself. And what each was saying was so consonant with a natural bias that it made me distrust it. Also, perhaps I knew enough engineering to know that (what they were saying) didn't make sense.

Finally, I found a third engineer who recommended a solution I approved. And, thereafter, the second engineer came to me and said, "Charlie, why didn't I think of that?" - which is to his credit. It was a much better solution, both safer and cheaper.

You must have the confidence to override people with more credentials than you whose cognition is impaired by incentive-caused bias or some similar psychological force that is obviously present. But there are also cases where you have to recognize that you have no wisdom to add - and that your best course is to trust some expert.

In effect, you've got to know what you know and what you don't know. What could possibly be more useful in life than that?




0 件のコメント:

<質問者> この強気相場がまだつづくとお考えですか。

<マンガー> 今から25年後にアメリカ企業全体でみた資産価値が相当大きくなっていないとしたら、それは驚くでしょうね。これからもずっと[株式という]紙切れを交換しあう取引をみんなでやっていけば、資産運用という業界は運用する側にとってすばらしい商売でありつづけるでしょう。しかし我々自身の資金と呼べるものを除けば、実際のところ我々はその業界には何も投じていません。

<質問者> あなたの投資戦略が進化して、最初に始めたときはベン・グレアム式のやりかただったのがバークシャー・ハサウェイ式に変わったことに関心があります。そのモデルを投資の初心者に対して推奨しますか。たとえば資金のすべてあるいはほとんどをこれはすごいと思えるただひとつのチャンスへつぎこみ、その後は何十年と放置しておくやりかたです。それとも、その戦略はもっと成熟した投資家向けでしょうか。

<マンガー> 投資というゲームに参加する際にはだれであろうと、自らの限界効用をよく考え、また自らの心理面を考慮したやりかたをとるべきです[限界効用に関する参考記事;第3原理]。実際ある程度の損失は不可避なのですが、それでも損失が出ると気に病んでしまう人は、非常に保守的な形態の投資を利用し、まるごと安心できる毎日を選ぶほうが賢明かもしれません。つまり、自分自身の気質や能力に合うように戦略を調整しなければならないわけです。「これさえあればだれでも使える投資戦略」などを私から差し出すことはできません。


<質問者> バークシャーの株価は割高なので買いを勧めていない、とバフェットさんだけでなくあなたもおっしゃっていますが。

<マンガー> そうは言ってませんね(割高だと思うとは)。我々なら買わないねとか、当時の値段で我々の友人が買おうとしているのに対して勧めないよ、と言っただけです。しかしそれは当時のバークシャーの本源的価値に対する話です。

<質問者> もし資金があれば、わたしなら買います。バークシャーのリターンは下がっていくとあなたが言いつづけて、もう20年間になるのですから。

<マンガー> その楽観的な見方が正しかったとなるように、お祈りしますよ。しかし私は意見を変えるつもりはありません。結局、今の我々は未知の領域へと達してしまいました。友人にはこう話しています。「できる限りのことはしているが、もうこんな齢になってしまったよ。こんなことは初めてだから、うまくいくかどうかはわからんさ」。


Q: Do you expect this (bull) run to continue?

Well, I'd be amazed if the capitalized value of all American business weren't considerably higher twenty-five years from now. And if people continue to trade with one another and shuffle these pieces of paper around, then money management may continue to be a marvelous business for the managers. But except for what might be called our own money, we're really not in it.

Q: I was interested in the evolution of your investment strategy from when you first began - using the Ben Graham model - to the Berkshire Hathaway model. Would you recommend that model to a beginning investor - i.e., dumping most of it or all of it into one opportunity we think is a great one and leaving it there for decades? Or is that strategy really for a more mature investor?

Each person has to play the game given his own marginal utility considerations and in a way that takes into account his own psychology. If losses are going to make you miserable - and some losses are inevitable - you might be wise to utilize a very conservative pattern of investment and saving all your life. So you have to adapt your strategy to your own nature and your own talents. I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all investment strategy that I can give you.

Mine works for me. But, in part, that's because I'm good at taking losses. I can take ‘em psychologically. And, besides, I have very few. The combination works fine.

Q: You and Buffett have said that Berkshire's stock is overvalued and you wouldn't recommend buying it.

We didn't say (we thought it was overvalued). We just said that we wouldn't buy it or recommend that our friends buy it at the prices then prevailing. But that just related to Berkshire's intrinsic value as it was at that time.

Q: If I had the money, I would buy it - because you've been saying that your returns will go down for twenty years….

Well, I hope that your optimism is justified. But I do not change my opinion. After all, today we're in uncharted territory. I sometimes tell my friends, "I'm doing the best I can. But I've never grown old before. I'm doing it for the first time. And I'm not sure that I'll do it right."

Warren and I have never been in this kind of territory - with high valuations and a huge amount of capital. We've never done it before. So we're learning.



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多くのことに時間を割く必要のある彼は、それでもハーバードでAをとろうと経済学部を選びました。フランス詩学でも選んだのでは、と思ったでしょう。しかしこの大将はチェッカーのチャンピオン級だったことを忘れてはなりません。ハーバードの経済学部より賢く立ち回ってみせる、と彼は考えたのですね。そしてそのとおりになりました。自分たちがやらなければ教授へ回る退屈な仕事のほとんどを院生たちが担当していることに、彼は気がついていました。ハーバードの大学院生になるのは大変なことで、多大なる労苦を教授から感謝されるほど彼らはとても聡明で協調でき、また一生懸命に取り組みました。 ニーダーホッファーにはそれもわかっていました。

そういうわけでまさに上級の大学院コースを教える教授は、習慣としてあるいは返報的傾向と呼ばれる心理的な力から予想されるように[参考記事]、常にAの成績を授けていたのです。そこでヴィクター・ニーダーホッファーは、ハーバードの経済学部でもっとも上級の大学院コースばかり履修しました。講義にはほとんど参加しなかった彼がとった成績は、もちろんAまたAの連続でした。やがてハーバードでは「あらたな天才がうちに登場したのかな」と感じた人がいたかもしれません。なんとも滑稽な話ですが、このやりかたは今でも使えるでしょう。ニーダーホッファーは有名になり、彼のやり方は「ニーダーホッファー式履修法」(Niederhoffering the curriculum)と呼ばれています(笑)。

There was a wonderful example of gaming a human system in the career of Victor Niederhoffer in the Economics Department of Harvard. Victor Niederhoffer was the son of a police lieutenant, and he needed to get A's at Harvard. But he didn't want to do any serious work at Harvard because what he really liked doing was, one, playing world-class checkers; two, gambling in high-stakes card games, at which he was very good, all hours of the day and night; three, being the squash champion of the United States, which he was for years; and, four, being about as good a tennis player as a part-time tennis player could be.

This did not leave much time for getting A's at Harvard, so he went into the Economics Department. You'd think he would have chosen French poetry. But remember, this was a guy who could play championship checkers. He thought he was up to outsmarting the Harvard Economics Department. And he was. He noticed that the graduate students did most of the boring work that would otherwise go to the professors, and he noticed that because it was so hard to get to be a graduate student at Harvard, they were all very brilliant and organized and hard working, as well as much needed by grateful professors.

And therefore, by custom, and as would be predicted from the psychological force called "reciprocity tendency", in a really advanced graduate course, the professors always gave an A. So Victor Niederhoffer signed up for nothing but the most advanced graduate courses in the Harvard Economics Department, and, of course, he got A, after A, after A, after A, and was hardly ever near a class. And for a while, some people at Harvard may have thought it had a new prodigy on its hands. That's a ridiculous story, but the scheme will work still. And Niederhoffer is famous: They call his style "Niederhoffering the curriculum." (Laughter).



0 件のコメント:

<質問者> 「バークシャーが航空業界に投資したのはやってはならない好例だ」、とウォーレン・バフェットが言っていました。まちがった決定をくだしたのは、どのように考えを連ねた結果なのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 「普通株に投資して儲かること請け合い」とする理屈でUSエアー社の株を買ったわけではありません。株主に報いるという点では、航空業界の歴史はひどいものですからね。義務償還条項付きの優先株を買ったのです。これは事実上、USエアーへの貸し出しです。そして普通株への転換請求権がついていました。

株主にとってすばらしい投資先だとは考えていませんでした。支払い条件、つまり固定利率の配当と義務償還に対して十分な利益をあげられると考えていたのです。事業が悪化して信用不安に陥り、我々が享受していた高利率が脅かされるとは予想していませんでした。そうです、まさに破産寸前までいきました。もう数か月でおしまいのところでした。しかし、そこから立ち直りました。我々の投資はたぶん全額返ってきて、クーポンも満額受け取れると思います。しかし、この件は失敗でしたね。(編注: バークシャーは結局、USエアーに対する投資の全額を回収できた)




Q: Warren Buffet has said that the investment Berkshire made in an airline was a good example of what not to do. What chain of thinking led to that wrong decision?

We were not buying stock in USAir on the theory that the common shareholders were certain to prosper - because the history of the airline business in terms of taking care of shareholders has been terrible. It was a preferred stock with a mandatory redemption. In effect, we were loaning money to USAir, and we had this equity kicker.

We weren't guessing whether it would be a great place for the shareholders. We were guessing whether it would remain prosperous enough to pay off a credit instrument - carrying a fixed dividend and a mandatory redemption. And we guessed that the business would not get so bad that we'd have a credit threat for which we were not being adequately compensated by the high rate we were getting. At it happened, USAir went right to the brink of going broke. It was hanging by a thread for several months. It's since come back. And we'll probably get all our money back plus the whole coupon. But it was a mistake. (Editor's note: Berkshire did indeed come out whole on its USAir investment.)

I don't want you to think we have any way of learning or behaving so you won't make a lot of mistakes. I'm just saying that you can learn to make fewer mistakes than other people - and how to fix your mistakes faster when you do make them. But there's no way that you can live an adequate life without (making) many mistakes.

In fact, one trick in life is to get so you can handle mistakes. Failure to handle psychological denial is a common way for people to go broke. You've made an enormous commitment to something. You've poured effort and money in. And the more you put in, the more that the whole consistency principle makes you think, "Now it has to work. If I put in just a little more, then it'll work."

And deprival super-reaction syndrome also comes in: You're going to lose the whole thing if you don't put in a little more. People go broke that way - because they can't stop, rethink, and say, "I can afford to write this one off and live to fight again. I don't have to pursue this thing as an obsession - in a way that will break me."



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Anyway, as the Medicare example showed, all human systems are gamed, for reasons rooted deeply in psychology, and great skill is displayed in the gaming because game theory has so much potential. That's what's wrong with the workers' comp system in California. Gaming has been raised to an art form. In the course of gaming the system, people learn to be crooked. Is this good for civilization? Is it good for economic performance? Hell, no. The people who design easily gameable systems belong in the lowest circle of hell.

I've got a friend whose family controls about eight percent of the truck trailer market. He just closed his last factory in California, and he had one in Texas that was even worse. The workers' comp cost in his Texas plant got to be double-digit percentages of payroll. Well, there's no such profit in making truck trailers. He closed his plant and moved it to Ogden, Utah, where a bunch of believing Mormons are raising big families and don't game the workers' comp system. The workers' comp expense is two percent of payroll.

Are the Latinos who were peopling his plant in Texas intrinsically dishonest or bad compared to the Mormons? No. It's just the incentive structure that so rewards all this fraud is put in place by these ignorant legislatures, many members of which have been to law school, and they just don't think about what terrible things they're doing to the civilization because they don't take into account the second-order effects and the third-order effects in lying and cheating. So, this happens everywhere, and when economics is full of it, it is just like the rest of life.



0 件のコメント:

<質問者> あなたのもとで働く人たちに対して、ご自身が実行しているとおっしゃっていたのと同じことができるような雰囲気をうまく醸し出せたことはありますか。たとえば、確約や一貫性を示す傾向についてどうでしょうか[参考記事]。

<マンガー> ひどいまちがいの場合がほとんどですが、それがためにせざるを得なかったことがあります。

<質問者> そういった傾向をみんなが捨て去り、安心してあやまちを認められる環境を作り上げるにはどうされたのでしょうか。


<マンガー> インテルの人々は最先端の科学によって困難な課題をチームで解決するという、首尾一貫した文化を築いています。それはバークシャー・ハサウェイとは根本的に違うものです。バークシャーは持ち株会社なので、本社の仕事としてやるべき資本配分を行う以外には、あらゆる権限を委譲してきました。




Q: Have you been successful in creating an atmosphere where people below you can do the same things you're talking about doing yourself? For example, you talked about the tendency towards commitment and consistency….

Mostly about the terrible mistakes it causes you to make.

Q: How have you created an atmosphere comfortable (enough) for people to abandon that tendency and admit that they've made a mistake?

For example, someone here earlier this year from Intel talked about problems that occurred with their Pentium chip. One of the most difficult things for them to do was to realize they'd been going about it the wrong way and turn course. And it's very difficult to do that in a complex structure. How do you foster that?

Intel and its ilk create a coherent culture where teams solve difficult problems on the cutting edge of science. That's radically different from Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire is a holding company. We've decentralized all the power except for natural headquarters-type capital allocation.

By and large, we've chosen people we admire enormously to have the power beneath us. It's easy for us to get along with them on average because we love and admire them. And they create the culture for whatever invention and reality recognition is going on in their businesses. And included in that reality recognition is the recognition that previous conclusions were incorrect.

But we're a totally different kind of company. It's not at all clear to me that Warren or I would be that good at doing what Andy Grove does. We don't have special competence in that field. We are fairly good at relating to brilliant people we love. But we have defects. For example, some regard me as absent-minded and opinionated. I might be a mess at Intel.

However, both Warren and I are very good at changing our prior conclusions. We work at developing that facility because, without it, disaster often comes.



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In this vein, I next want to mention a strange Latin American case of a dysfunctional economy that got fixed. In this little subdivision of Latin America, a culture had arisen wherein everybody stole everything. They embezzled from the company, they stole everything that was loose in the community. And of course, the economy came practically to a halt. And this thing got fixed. Now where did I read about this case? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't in the annals of economics. I found this case in the annals of psychology. Clever people went down and used a bunch of psychological tricks. And they fixed it.

Well, I think there's no excuse if you're an economist, when there are wonderful cases like that of the dysfunctional economy becoming fixed, and these simple tricks that solve so many problems, and you don't know how to do the fixes and understand the problems. Why be so ignorant about psychology that you don't even know psychology's tricks that will fix your own dysfunctional economic systems?

Here I want to give you an extreme injunction. This is even tougher than the fundamental organizing ethos of hard science. This has been attributed to Samuel Johnson. He said in substance that if an academic maintains in place an ignorance that can be easily removed with a little work, the conduct of the academic amounts to treachery. That was his word, "treachery." You can see why I love this stuff. He says you have a duty if you're an academic to be as little of a klutz as you can possibly be, and therefore you have got to keep grinding out of your system as much removable ignorance as you can remove.



4 件のコメント:

その台が他とちがうのは、現代的な電子工学によって高い割合でニアミスするように設定されている点です。普通の台とくらべて「BAR = BAR = レモン」や「BAR = BAR = グレープフルーツ」といった目がよく揃うようにしたわけです。これが頻繁にプレイされている原因です。この答えをどうやって求めたかは、心理的な要因を考えれば簡単明白ですね。その台は、打ち手の基本的な心理的反応を呼び起こしているわけです。


What’s different about that machine is people have used modern electronics to give a higher ratio of near misses. That machine is going bar, bar, lemon, bar, bar, grapefruit, way more often than normal machines, and that will cause heavier play. How do you get an answer like that? Easy. Obviously, there’s a psychological cause: That machine is doing something to trigger some basic psychological response.

If you know the psychological factors, if you've got them on a checklist in your head, you just run down the factors, and, boom!, you get to one that must explain this occurrence. There isn't any other way to do it effectively. These answers are not going to come to people who don’t learn these mental tricks. If you want to go through life like a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest, why be my guest. But if you want to succeed, like a strong man with two legs, you have to pick up these tricks, including doing economics while knowing psychology.



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Take the workers' compensation system in California. Stress is real. And its misery can be real. So you want to compensate people for their stress in the workplace. It seems like a noble thing to do.

But the trouble with such a compensation practice is that it's practically impossible to delete huge cheating. And once you reward cheating, you get crooked lawyers, crooked doctors, crooked unions, etc., participating in referral schemes. You get a total miasma of disastrous behavior. And the behavior makes all the people doing it worse as they do it. So you were trying to help your civilization. But what you did was create enormous damage, net.

So it's much better to let some things go uncompensated - to let life be hard - than to create systems that are easy to cheat.

Let me give you an example: I have a friend who made an industrial product at a plant in Texas not far from the border. He was in a low-margin, tough business. He got massive fraud in the workers' compensation system - to the point that his premiums reached double-digit percentages of payroll. And it was not that dangerous to produce his product. It's not like he was a demolition contractor or something.

So he pleaded with the union, "You've got to stop this. There's not enough money in making this product to cover all of this fraud."

But, by then, everyone's used to it. "It's extra income. It's extra money. Everybody does it. It can't be that wrong. Eminent lawyers, eminent doctors, eminent chiropractors - if there are any such things - are cheating."

And no one could tell them, "You can't do it anymore." Incidentally, that's Pavlovian mere association, too. When people get bad news, they hate the messenger. Therefore, it was very hard for the union representative to tell all of these people that the easy money was about to stop. That is not the way to advance as a union representative.

So my friend closed his plant and moved the work to Utah among a community of believing Mormons. Well, the Mormons aren't into workers' compensation fraud - at least they aren't in my friend's plant. And guess what his workers' compensation expense is today? It's two percent of payroll [-- down from double-digits.]

This sort of tragedy is caused by letting the slop run. You must stop slop early. It's very hard to stop slop and moral failure if you let it run for a while.




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Worldly wisdom is mostly very, very simple. And what I'm urging on you is not that hard to do if you have the will to plow through and do it. And the rewards are awesome - absolutely awesome.

But maybe you aren't interested in awesome rewards or avoiding a lot of misery or being more able to serve everything you love in life. And, if that's your attitude, then don't pay attention to what I've been trying to tell you - because you're already on the right track.

It can't be emphasized too much that issues of morality are deeply entwined with worldly wisdom considerations involving psychology. For example, take the issue of stealing. A very significant fraction of the people in the world will steal if (A) it's very easy to do and (B) there's practically no chance of being caught.

And once they start stealing, the consistency principle - which is a big part of human psychology - will soon combine with operant conditioning to make stealing habitual. So if you run a business where it's easy to steal because of your methods, you're working a great moral injury on the people who work for you.

Again, that's obvious. It's very, very important to create human systems that are hard to cheat. Otherwise, you're ruining your civilization because these big incentives will create incentive-caused bias and people will rationalize that bad behavior is OK.

Then, if somebody else does it, now you've got at least two psychological principles: incentive-caused bias plus social proof. Not only that, but you get Serpico effects: If enough people are profiting in a general social climate of doing wrong, then they'll turn on you and become dangerous enemies if you try and blow the whistle.

It's very dangerous to ignore these principles and let slop creep in. Powerful psychological forces are at work for evil.

How does this relate to the law business? Well, people graduate from places like Stanford Law School and go into the legislatures of our nation and, with the best of motives, pass laws that are easily used by people to cheat. Well, there could hardly be a worse thing you could do.

Let's say you have a desire to do public service. As a natural part of your planning, you think in reverse and ask, "What can I do to ruin our civilization?" That's easy. If what you want to do is to ruin your civilization, just go to the legislature and pass laws that create systems wherein people can easily cheat. It will work perfectly.

参考までに、チャーリー・マンガーは大学を卒業せずにハーバード・ロースクールへ入学しています(過去記事)。また、同僚とともに立ち上げた法律事務所Munger, Tolles & Olsonは、今ではアメリカでも指折りの事務所として評価されています(英文Wikipedia)。



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Let me give you an example of that - of wise psychology of yore. In Captain Cook's day, he took these long voyages. At the time, scurvy was the dread of the long voyage. And in scurvy, your living gums putrefy in your mouth - after which the disease gets unpleasant and kills you.

And being on a primitive sailing ship with a bunch of dying sailors is a very awkward business. So everybody was terribly interested in scurvy, but they didn't know about vitamin C. Well, Captain Cook, being a smart man with a multiple-model kind of approach, noticed that Dutch ships had less curvy than English ships on long voyages. So he said, "What are the Dutch doing that's different?"

And he noticed they had all these barrels of sauerkraut. So he thought, "I'm going on these long voyages. And it's very dangerous. Sauerkraut may help." So he laid in all this sauerkraut, which, incidentally, happens to contain a trace of vitamin C.

Well, Cook didn't want to tell 'em that he was doing it in the hope it would prevent scurvy - because they might mutiny and take over the ship if they thought that he was taking them on a voyage so long that scurvy was likely.

So here's what he did: Officers ate at one place where the men could observe them. And for a long time, he served sauerkraut to the officers, but not to the men. And, then, finally, Captain Cook said, "Well, the men can have it one day a week."

In due course, he had the whole crew eating sauerkraut. I regard that as a very constructive use of elementary psychology. It may have saved God knows how many lives and caused God knows how much achievement. However, if you don't know the right techniques, you can't use them.



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So you can't learn psychology the way your professors teach it. You've got to learn everything they teach. But you've got to learn a lot more that they don't teach - because they don't handle their own subject correctly.

Psychology to me, as currently organized, is like electromagnetism after Faraday, but before Maxwell - a lot has been discovered, but no one mind has put it all together in proper form. And it should be done because it wouldn't be that hard to do - and it's enormously important.

Just open a psychology text, turn to the index, and look up envy. Well, envy made it into one or two or three of the Ten Commandments. Moses knew all about envy. The old Jews, when they were herding sheep, knew all about envy. It's just that psychology professors don't know about envy.

Books that thick are teaching a psychology course without envy?! And with no simple psychological denial?! And no incentive-caused bias?!

And psychological texts don't deal adequately with combinations of factors. I told you earlier to be aware of the lollapalooza effect when two or three or more forces are operating in the same direction.

Well, the single most publicized psychology experiment ever done is the Milgram experiment - where they asked people to apply what they had every reason to believe was heavy electrical torture on innocent fellow human beings. And they manipulated most of these decent volunteers into doing the torture.

Milgram performed the experiment right after Hitler had gotten a bunch of believing Lutherans, Catholics, and so forth to perform unholy acts they should have known were wrong. He was trying to find out how much authority could be used to manipulate high-grade people into doing things that were clearly and grossly wrong.

And he got a very dramatic effect. He managed to get high-grade people to do many awful things.

But for years, it was in the psychology books as a demonstration of authority - how authority could be used to persuade people to do awful things.

Of course, that's mere first-conclusion bias. That's not the complete and correct explanation. Authority is part of it. However, there were also quite a few other psychological principles, all operating in the same direction, that achieved that lollapalooza effect precisely because they acted in combination toward the same end.

People have gradually figured that out. And if you read the recent psychology texts at a place like Stanford, you'll see that they've now managed to get it about two-thirds right. However, here's the main experiment in all of psychology. And even at Stanford, they still leave out some of the important causes of Milgram's results.

How can smart people be so wrong? Well, the answer is that they don't do what I'm telling you to do - which is to take all the main models from psychology and use them as a checklist in reviewing outcomes in complex systems.

No pilot takes off without going through his checklist: A, B, C, D.... And no bridge player who needs two extra tricks plays a hand without going down his checklist and figuring out how to do it.

But these psychology professors think they're so smart that they don't need a checklist. But they aren't that smart. Almost nobody is. Or, maybe, nobody is.

If they used a checklist, they'd realize the Milgram experiment harnesses six psychological principles, at least - not three. All they'd have to do is to go down the checklist to see the ones that they missed.

Similarly, without this system of getting the main models and using them together in a multi modular way, you'll screw up time after time after time, too.





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How Many 'Greater Fools' Does It Take to Make a Bubble? (WSJ)












The latest findings suggest, however, that bubbles might be caused not by traders who lack information but by those who have too much.


In the experiment, Caltech students had their brains scanned while they viewed a stock being traded in a laboratory game. In that experimental market, the fundamental value of the stock was based on its payments of dividend income and declined almost to zero by the last round.

In half the sessions, the participants viewed trading that hadn't resulted in a bubble, with prices that quickly converged on fundamental value. In the other half, traders had driven the stock to multiples of two, three and four times fundamental value, creating bubbles that then burst - wiping many of them out.

But the participants didn't just watch the trades of others; several times during each round of the game, they got the chance to trade at the latest market prices.

Later, the researchers tested how accurately the participants could infer what is on another person's mind based on a photograph of his or her eyes.

Those who scored high on this test showed greater "activation," while they were trading, in a region of the brain associated with imagining what others are feeling - especially during bubble markets. In normal markets, activation in that part of their brain, called the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, was unrelated to their trading performance.

That suggests that traders pay more attention to what others are doing in the midst of a bubble than they do in placid markets.

Furthermore, those with the worst tendency to "ride the bubble" - buying more enthusiastically as prices soared away from fundamental value - paid particularly close attention to other traders' actions.

"People seem to be buying," Prof. Camerer says, "because they think they can sell to somebody else who isn't able to control himself as well as they can or isn't as prescient as they are."

In other words, as prices rise and you intensify your search for that "greater fool" you can sell to, you may get distracted from noticing that the greatest fool of all is you.



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And now I want to turn to something even more extreme and peculiar than the talk I've already given you. Of all the models that people ought to have in useful form and don't, perhaps the most important lie in the area of psychology....

I recently had an instructive experience: I just returns from Hong Kong. I have a pal there who's a headmaster of one of the leading schools. He gave me this book called The Language Instinct, written by Steven Pinker. Well, Pinker is a semanticist professor who rose in the shadow of Noam Chomsky - Linguistics Institute Professor at M.IT. - who is probably the greatest semanticist who ever lived.

And Pinker says that human language ability is not just learned - it's deeply buried, to a considerable extent, in the genome. It's not in the genome of the other animals, including the chimpanzee, to any really useful extent. It's a gift that came to humans. And Pinker proves his point pretty well.

Of course, Chomsky's already proven it. You have to be pretty ignorant not to realize that a good deal of language ability is right there in the human genome. And even though you have to work like hell to improve it through education, you start with a big leg up in your genes.

Pinker can't understand why Chomsky - who, again, is such a genius - takes the position that the jury's still out about why this ability is in the human genome. Pinker, in effect, says: "Like hell, the jury is still out! The language instinct got into humans in exactly the same way that everything else got there - through Darwinian natural selection."

Well, the junior professor is clearly right - and Chomsky's hesitation is a little daft.

But if the junior professor and I are right, how has a genius like Chomsky made an obvious misjudgment? The answer's quite clear to me - Chomsky is passionately ideological. He is an extreme egalitarian leftist who happens to be a genius. And he's so smart that he realized that if he concedes this particular Darwinian point, the implications threaten his leftist ideology. So he naturally has his conclusion affected by his ideological bias.

And that gets into another lesson in worldly wisdom: If ideology can screw up the head of Chomsky, imagine what it does to people like you and me.

Heavy ideology is one of the most extreme distorters of human cognition. Look at these Islamic fundamentalists who just gunned down a bunch of Greek tourists shouting, "God's work!"

Ideology does some strange things and distorts cognition terribly. If you get a lot of heavy ideology young - and then you start expressing it - you are really locking your brain into a very unfortunate pattern. And you are going to distort your general cognition.

There's a very interesting history if you take Warren Buffett as an example of worldly wisdom: Warren adored his father - who was a wonderful man. But Warren's father was a very heavy ideologue (right wing, it happened to be), who hung around with other very heavy ideologues (right wing, naturally).

Warren observed this as a kid. And he decided that ideology was dangerous - and that he was going to stay a long way away from it. And he has throughout his whole life. That has enormously helped the accuracy of his cognition.

I learned the same lesson in a different way. My father hated ideology. Therefore, all I had to do was imitate my father and, thereby, stay on what I regard as the right path. People like Dornan on the right or Nader on the left have obviously gone a little daft. They're extreme examples of what ideology will do to you - particularly violently expressed ideology. Since it pounds ideas in better than it convinces out, it's a very dangerous thing to do.

Therefore, in a system of multiple models across multiple disciplines, I should add as an extra rule that you should be very wary of heavy ideology.

You can have heavy ideology in favor of accuracy, diligence, and objectivity. But a heavy ideology that makes you absolutely sure that the minimum wage should be raised or that it shouldn't - and it's kind of a holy construct where you know you're right - makes you a bit nuts.

This is a very complicated system. And life is one damn relatedness after another. It's all right to think that, on balance, you suspect that civilization is better if it lowers the minimum wage or raises it. Either position is OK. But being totally sure on issues like that with a strong, violent ideology, in my opinion, turns you into a lousy thinker. So beware of ideology-based mental misfunctions.



0 件のコメント:


<12:30> ここからローレンが登場します。それまでは司会役からの紹介です。


<24:50> だんだんエンジンがかかってきて、話しぶりが生き生きとしてきます。

<27:35> 心理学的な話題です。ジョンは心理的バイアスを完全に理解していた、と話しています。

<28:10> 行動ファイナンスの話題の中で、ジェレミー・グランサムのファンドGMOに在籍するジェームズ・モンティエ氏の著書『The Little Book of Behavioral Investing』が紹介されています。わたしは未読ですが、amazon.comのレビューでは好評ですね。

<29:15> 人間がもつ2種類の認知のしかたについて。この話題は本ブログでも取りあげてきましたが(過去記事など)、彼女も重視しているようです。反応がファストな「扁桃体」と、スローで合理的な「前頭葉」を説明しています。

<34:15> バリュー投資家が注目すべき2つの機会をあげています。ひとつは「不人気銘柄」、もうひとつは「悲観のどん底で行動にでること」です。

<35:30> ブラックマンデーのその日、ジョンがスタッフと交わした会話を再現しています。参考になります。

<41:00> 機会を活かすには「ただただ備えること」。「買いたい銘柄一覧」を用意しておくことをすすめています。

<43:25> ジョンにとって、遠く離れたバハマで投資に専念したことが、投資上の成績を高めたとの話題です。ウォーレン・バフェットがオマハに在住していることにも、ふれています。

<48:40> パット・ドーシー氏の意見を引用しながら、バリュー投資家にとって非常に重要なこととして「人間がとる行動をうまく利用する」こともあげています。「これは、もっとも一貫性があることなので」と強調していたのが印象に残りました。たしかに人間は簡単には変われないものですね。

なお、パット・ドーシーについては以前の投稿で取り上げています。またローレンが引用した話題は、「Dorsey: Three Sources of Alpha」(映像)などで説明されているものです。

<50:00> 2005年に発表された、ジョンによる最後のメモの話題です。彼女は一読することを勧めていますが、たしかにそのとおりで、鋭い洞察です。たとえば以下のサイトに文章が掲載されています。

Sir John Templeton's Last Testament: Financial Chaos Will Last Many Years (newsmax)

<51:00> これから将来のことを考えると、何に投資したらよいのか。ジョンから聞いた話を語ってくれます。その答えは、ぜひ映像をごらんになってください。(あるいは、上述のメモの文末でも同じです)