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ラベル ハワード・マークスのメモ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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The Outlook for Equities (Oaktree Capital Management)








In the mid-1970s I was fortunate to happen upon one of the first of the time-worn pearls of wisdom that contributed so much to my education as an investor. It described the three stages of a bull market:

・the first, when a few forward-looking people begin to believe things will get better,
・the second, when most investors realize improvement is actually underway, and
・the third, when everyone's sure things will get better forever.

In “The Tide Goes Out,” written in March 2008, several months before the lows of the financial crisis, I applied the same thinking to the converse - the three stages of a bear market:

・the first, when just a few prudent investors recognize that, despite the prevailing bullishness, things won't always be rosy,
・the second, when most investors recognize things are deteriorating, and
・the third, when everyone's convinced things can only get worse.

Hindsight always makes it clear what was going on at a particular point in time. It's a snap now to say the second quarter of 2007 marked the third stage of a bull market: no one could think of a way to lose money. And in the fourth quarter of 2008 (for credit) and the first quarter of 2009 (for equities), we were certainly in the third stage of a bear market: most people thought the financial system was about to collapse, and securities that had halved in price could do nothing but halve again.

But the study of market history only makes us better investors if it teaches us how to assess conditions as they are, rather than in retrospect. When I wrote “Deja Vu All Over Again” a year ago, it was my feeling that equities were in the first stage of a bull market. Experience had been so bad for so long - and the level of disinterest was so high - that only a few investors thought equities could ever catch on again. Those low expectations, when combined with modest fundamental and psychological improvement, gave the S&P 500 a return of about 13% over the year since that memo was written.

So now we have a somewhat improved fundamental environment, a generally more optimistic group of investors, and stock prices that are a fair bit higher. No one should say the likelihood of improvement is entirely unrecognized today, as would have to be the case for this to still be stage one. I think the existence of improvement is generally accepted, but that acceptance is neither extremely widespread nor terribly overdone. Thus I'd say we're somewhere in the first half of stage two. Pessimist no longer control market prices, but certainly neither have carefree optimists taken over.



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Arguably the eight pages of this memo leading up to this point are there for the sole purpose of establishing that when investors are sanguine risk is high, and when investors are afraid risk is low. Today there's no question about it: investors are highly aware of the uncertainties attaching to the sluggish recovery, fiscal imbalance and political dysfunction in the U.S.; the same or worse in Europe; lack of growth in Japan; slowdown in China; resulting problems in the emerging markets; and geopolitical tensions. If the global crisis was largely the product of obliviousness to risk - as I'm sure it was - it's reassuring that there is little risk obliviousness today.

Sober attitudes on the part of investors should be a source of comfort, since in normal times we would expect them to bring down asset prices to the point where they're attractive. The problem, however, is that while few people are thinking bullish today, many are acting bullish. Their pro-risk behavior is having its normal dangerous impact on the markets, even in the absence of pro-risk thinking. I've become increasingly conscious of this inconsistency in recent months, and I think it is the most important issue that today's investors have to confront.

What's the reason for this seeming inconsistency between thoughts and actions? The answer is simple. These people aren't buying because they want to, but because the feel they have to. In the past I've referred to them as "handcuff volunteers."



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少し前に取り上げたOaktreeの会長ハワード・マークスが、新しいメモOn Uncertain Ground(PDFファイル)を公開していました。先行きが見通せない最近の状況を概括していますが、唯一安心できる材料として投資家の心理が悲観的なことを挙げています。しかし、だからといって行き過ぎた行動を取らないように、今回ご紹介する文章では基本を忘れないよう戒めています。(日本語は拙訳)



The expected value from any activity is the product of the gains available from doing it right multiplied by the probability of doing it right, minus the potential cost of failing in the attempt multiplied by the probability of failing. Investors are often blinded by the potential gains from a tactic and thus don't think much about the likelihood they can get it right. Because I think so little of the ability to make correct forecasts - and especially of the ability to get the timing right - I dismiss attempts to benefit from short-term macro judgments.

The best response when seas are choppy is to focus on completing the long-term voyage and not think about whether the next wave is going to push the nose of the boat up or down. Our investment destination is best reached by accurately valuing assets, assessing the relationship between price and that value, and acting resolutely and unemotionally when mispricings are detected. That's still the best - I think the only - reliable path to investment success. Nothing about the current environment alters that one bit.




4 件のコメント:
ハワード・マークス氏(Howard Marks)というマネー・マネージャーのことを最近知りました。彼が立ち上げて会長を務めているOaktree Capital Managementは、預かり資産5兆円超のオルタナティブ・ファンドです。顧客向けに書いたメモが一般にも公開されており、これが話題となっていたのに目がとまった次第です。

ウォーレン・バフェットも彼の文章を読んでいるようですが、実はそれだけの関係ではありませんでした。本ブログでよくとりあげる『Poor Charlie's Almanack』のWebサイトに同氏の著作『The Most Important Thing』が並んでいたのです。

今回ご紹介するのは、少し前のメモWhat Can We Do For You?からの引用です。なお、Oaktreeの主な投資先はDistressed Debt(「債務不履行債券」あたりが近い訳)などの債券ですが、彼の見識は株式投資にもそのまま通じるものと感じています。(日本語は拙訳)


In any endeavor involving uncertainty, not knowing what lies ahead isn't nearly as bad as thinking you know if you don't. If you're setting out for a drive and recognize that you don't know the way, you're likely to check a map, follow your GPS, ask directions and drive slowly, watching for indications you've gone off course. But if you're sure you know the way, you're more likely to skip these things, and if it turns out you didn't know, that'll make it much harder to reach your destination.



The difference in behavior between those who think they can know the future and those who don't is potentially enormous. It's essential to be on the right side of this choice because, as Mark Twain said, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." That's an essential component of the formula for investment survival.



we can't know what the economics of the world will do,
we can't know whether markets will go up or down, and by how much and when,
we can't know which market or sub-market will do best, and
we can't know which securities in a given market will be the top performers.
