ラベル チャーリー・マンガー の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル チャーリー・マンガー の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



2 件のコメント:

<質問> 近年になって金融経済学者が、高収益で質の高い企業はそうでない企業よりも良い投資先であることを再発見しています。彼らはそのアイデアがどこからきたのか見いだそうとしたところ、バフェットにたどりつきました。そしてバフェットの示した人があなたです。しかしあなたは弁護士だった1950年代や1960年代初期に見抜いておられましたが、そのアイデアにはどうやって到達したのですか。当時のあなたは、まだチャーリー・マンガーではなかったのですから(笑)。

<マンガー> 少しでも常識があれば、他社よりもうまくやっている企業があることはだれにだってわかりますよ。ところがそういった企業には資産や利益などと比較して高い値段が付けられているときます。それでむずかしくなるわけです。だから、このゲームが楽しくなっているわけですね。「他社よりも良い会社はどこなのか」、それをみつけるだけならば、おバカさんでも大儲けできるはずです。しかし価格が上昇し続けることで勝率も変化します。




Q (Phil DeMuth): Financial economists in recent years have rediscovered that highly profitable, high quality companies are better investments than other companies. They try to figure out where this idea came from, it takes them back to Buffett, and then Buffett points to Munger. But this is an insight you had in the 1950s, or maybe the early 1960s, when you were an attorney. How did you come upon this idea? You weren't even Charlie Munger then.


Mr. Munger: Everybody with any sense at all knows that some companies are better than others. What makes it difficult is they sell at higher prices in relation to assets, and earnings and so forth, and that takes the fun out of the game. If all you had to do was figure out which companies were better than others, an idiot could make a lot of money. But they keep raising the prices to where the odds change.

I always knew that. They were teaching my colleagues that the stock market was so efficient that nobody could beat it. But I knew people who beat the pari mutuel system in Omaha by knowing more about horses than other people. I knew it was bull. When I was young I never went near a business school so I didn't get polluted by the craziness.


I never believed it. I never believed there was a talking snake in the Garden of Eden. I had a gift for recognizing twaddle, and there's nothing remarkable about it. I don't have any wonderful insights that other people don't have. I just avoided idiocy slightly more consistently than others.

Other people are trying to be smart; all I'm trying to be is non-idiotic. I've found that's all you have to do to get ahead in life, be non-idiotic and live a long time. It's harder to be non-idiotic than most people think.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> 最近のことですが、イーロン・マスク氏のインタビュー映像をYouTubeで観ました。「あなたと昼食を共にした」と彼は言っていました。そのときにあなたは、テスラが失敗するありとあらゆる種類の理由を彼に言ったそうですね(笑)。


<マンガー> 自動車業界は非常に厳しいところですよ。競合が激しく、最高のクルマを作ろうとどの会社も考えています。すでにどの企業も巨大で裕福となっています。だからテスラの商売はし烈だと考えるわけです。イーロン・マスクは天才です。あの仕事をやる人物がだれかと問われれば、たぶん彼こそがその人なのでしょう。



Q: I recently watched an Elon Musk interview on YouTube, in which he said he had lunch with you and you had given him all sorts of reasons why Tesla would fail.


Would you be kind enough to educate us why you thought Tesla would fail, and what BYD [ticker: BYDDF] can learn from this?

Mr. Munger: I think the auto business is very difficult, very competitive, and everybody is going to make wonderful cars. Everybody already has enormous size and wealth. So, I regarded it as a tough business. Elon Musk is a genius, and so if anybody has a chance to do it, he probably is the man.

But we have a saying at Berkshire that when a man with a reputation for genius takes on a business with a reputation for tough operating conditions, it's the reputation of the business that's likely to prevail. Without government help, getting electric cars off the ground is really hard. In China, it works a lot better than it does here, because their air is worse.

What Elon Musk really needs is for the whole country to have a disastrous smog attack that kills a lot of people. Short of something terrible like that, I think it's going to be difficult. He's a genius, but is going to have to be.




2 件のコメント:

<質問> アメリカン・エキスプレスについておうかがいしたいのですが、近年になって同社のmoat[経済的な優位性]が狭まったとお考えですか。

<マンガー> コストコの契約を失ったのはよくなかったと思いますね。資本主義というものがいかに厳しいか、この件ももうひとつの事例です。他のどこかが喜んで安値を提示したにちがいありません。現代の資本主義社会では鉄壁の守りとみられる位置を占めるのがどれだけ厳しいか、まさに示しています。あらゆるものがむずかしくなっていくわけです。


<CEOのジェラルド・ソルツマン氏> はい、そう努めてきました。大変でした。

<マンガー> そうでしょう。それでどうなったかと言えば、縮小しっぱなしです。世の中というのは甘くないですよ。

Q: I'd like to get your thoughts on American Express [AMEX]. Do you think its moat has narrowed recently?

Mr. Munger: I don't think it was desirable that it lost its contract with Costco [COST]. Again, that's an example of what tough capitalism is. Obviously, other people are willing to do it cheaper. It just shows how tough a position that looks impregnable can be in modern capitalism. It's what makes everything difficult.

To those who already have some money, I think that's just the way it is, and American Express has had a long period of very extreme achievement and prosperity. I think they'll have a lot of prosperity in the future, but it doesn't look quite as easy as it once did. Now, the head guy would say it's always been hard, he's been battling hard, but we paddled hard here too, and what good did it do us in Daily Journal's print business? We paddled like crazy, didn't we Gerry?

Mr. Salzman: We tried. It was hard.

Mr. Munger: Yeah, what happened is you just keep receding and receding. Welcome to adult life.


Costco is replacing American Express with Visa and Citi (Business Insider)



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But the hostility to established professions did not stop with accountants, economists and lawyers. There were many adverse "rub-off" effects on reputations of professionals that had always performed well, like engineers, who did not understand the financial fraud that their country had made a conventional requirement.

In the end, much that was good about the country, and needed for its future felicity, was widely and unwisely hated.

At this point, action came from a Higher Realm. God himself, who reviews all, changed His decision schedule to bring to the fore the sad case of the Great Financial Scandal of 2003. He called in his chief detective and said, "Smith, bring in for harsh but fair judgment the most depraved of those responsible for this horrible outcome."

But when Smith brought in a group of security analysts who had long and uncritically touted the stock of Quant Tech, the Great Judge was displeased. "Smith," he said, "I can't come down hardest on low-level cognitive error, much of it subconsciously caused by the standard incentive systems of the world."

Next, Smith brought in a group of SEC commissioners and powerful politicians. "No, no," said the Great Judge, "These people operate in a virtual maelstrom of regrettable forces and can't reasonably be expected to meet the behavioral standard you seek to impose."

Now the chief detective thought he had gotten the point. He next brought in the corporate officers who had practiced their version of "modern financial engineering" at Quant Tech. "You are getting close," said the Great Judge, "but I told you to bring in the most depraved. These officers will, of course, get strong punishment for their massive fraud and disgusting stewardship of the great engineer's legacy. But I want you to bring in the miscreants who will soon be in the lowest circle in Hell, the ones who so easily could have prevented all this calamity."

At last, the chief detective truly understood. He remembered that the lowest circle of Hell was reserved for traitors. And so he now brought in from Purgatory a group of elderly persons who, in their days on earth, had been prominent partners in major accounting firms. "Here are your traitors," said the chief detective. "They adopted the false accounting convention for employee stock options. They occupied high positions in one of the noblest professions, which, like yours, helps make society work right by laying down the right rules. They were very smart and securely placed, and it is inexcusable that they deliberately caused all this lying and cheating that was so obviously predictable. They well knew what they were doing was disastrously wrong, yet they did it anyway.

Owing to press of business in Your Judicial System, you made a mistake at first in punishing them so lightly. But now you can send them into the lowest circle in Hell."

Startled by the vehemence and presumption, the Great Judge paused. Then He quietly said: "Well done, my good and faithful servant."


This account is not an implied prediction about 2003. It is a work of fiction. Except in the case of Professor Galbraith, any resemblances to real persons or companies is accidental. It was written in an attempt to focus possibly useful attention on certain modern behaviors and belief systems.



3 件のコメント:

<質問> デイリー・ジャーナル社が保有するポスコ社の株式についてどう考えておられるのか、お聞かせください。

<マンガー> 非常に興味深い事例ですよ。世界がいかに厳しいところなのか、実際に現われていますね。ポスコは世界中で最も効率的な製鉄会社です。非常に長い期間にわたって、自国内の市場をほぼ独占してきました。にもかかわらず、世界中のどこも持たない非常に重要な製鉄技術を有するにもかかわらず、ふつうの一般的な製鉄会社と同じようにポスコは製品を販売しているのです。



Q: Would you give us your thoughts on the Posco [PKX] position in the Daily Journal Portfolio?

Mr. Munger: It's a very interesting example, as a matter of fact, that shows how hard the world is. That is the most efficient steel company in the world, and it had pretty close to a local monopoly of a whole country for a long, long time. In spite of that, in spite of having some very important steel technology they have that nobody else in the world has, Posco is selling like an ordinary commoditized steel company.

It's very hard to avoid being commoditized in high powered competition in the modern world. In places like Dow Chemical [DOW], have all our complex chemical products commoditized in spite of the fact they've got thousands of PhD chemists, and people as talented and brilliant as the people who created Posco just find the markets low and the prices bad and so forth.

It shows how hard and dangerous it is to make money in a commoditized business, and how many businesses that you formerly thought were hugely advantaged can be commoditized. So, you've done a wonderful service to this meeting by raising the case of Posco. Posco's an excellent example for everybody to think about. It really shows how hard it is.





0 件のコメント:

巨大不祥事を招いた専門家らに対して、公衆は激しい反感を抱きました。当然ながら会計業界がもっとも非難されました。会計原則をさだめる団体の略称は、昔から「FASB」[ファズビー]と呼ばれてきました。しかし今やほとんどの人は「いまだにインキチ会計報告(Financial Accounts Still Bogus)」と解釈しています。



There was huge public antipathy to professions following the Great Scandal. The accounting profession, of course, got the most blame. The rule-making body for accountants had long borne the acronym "F.A.S.B." And now, nearly everyone said this stood for "Financial Accounts Still Bogus".

Economics professors, likewise, drew much criticism for failing to blow the whistle on false accounting and for not sufficiently warning about eventual bad macroeconomic effects of widespread false accounting. So great was the disappointment with conventional economists that Harvard's John Kenneth Galbraith received the Nobel Prize in economics. After all, he had once predicted that massive, undetected corporate embezzlement would have a wonderfully stimulating effect on the economy. And people could now see that something very close to what Galbraith had predicted had actually happened in the years preceding 2003 and had thereafter helped create a big, reactive recession.

With Congress and the SEC so heavily peopled by lawyers, and with lawyers having been so heavily involved in drafting financial disclosure documents now seen as bogus, there was a new "lawyer" joke every week. One such was: "The butcher says ‘The reputation of lawyers has fallen dramatically', and the check-out clerk replies, 'How do you fall dramatically off a pancake?'"



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However, all man's desired geometric progressions, if a high rate of growth is chosen, at last come to grief on a finite earth. And the social system for man on earth is fair enough, eventually, that almost all massive cheating ends in disgrace. And in 2003 Quant Tech failed in both ways.

By 2003, Quant Tech's real earning power was growing at only four percent per year after sales growth had slowed to four percent. There was now no way for Quant Tech to escape causing a big disappointment for its shareholders, now largely consisting of institutional investors. This disappointment triggered a shocking decline in the price of Quant Tech stock, which went down suddenly by fifty percent. This price decline, in turn, triggered a careful examination of Quant Tech's financial reporting practices, which, at long last, convinced nearly everyone that a very large majority of Quant Tech's reported earnings had long been phony earnings and that massive and deliberate misreporting had gone on for a great many years. This triggered even more price decline for Quant Tech stock until in mid-2003 the market capitalization of Quant Tech was only $140 billion, down ninety percent from its peak only six months earlier.

A quick ninety percent decline in the price of the stock of such an important company that was previously so widely owned and admired caused immense human suffering, considering the $1.3 trillion in market value that had disappeared. And naturally, with Quant Tech's deserved disgrace, the public and political reaction included intense hatred and revulsion directed at Quant Tech, even though its admirable engineers were still designing the nation's best power plants.

Moreover, the hatred and revulsion did not stop with Quant Tech. It soon spread to other corporations, some of which plainly had undesirable financial cultures different from Quant Tech's only in degree. The public and political hatred, like the behavior that had caused it, soon went to gross excess and fed upon itself. Financial misery spread far beyond investors into a serious recession like that of Japan in the 1990s following the long period of false Japanese accounting.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> 分散型電源によるエネルギー供給は、バークシャーが営む公益事業の脅威となっていくでしょうか。

<バフェット> 分散型電源はバークシャーが注視している分野です。それに対する最大の防御は、エネルギーのコストを非常に低くすることです。[子会社の]ミッドアメリカンはその点ですばらしい仕事をしてきました。太陽エネルギーへ乗り換えたという人の数は微々たるものです。しかし、太陽エネルギーの貯蔵技術が劇的に改善されればちがってくると思います。

<マンガー> 再生可能エネルギーはもっと使われるようになりますよ。化石燃料はいつまでもとれませんから。バークシャーは再生可能エネルギーを強力にすすめており、その分野で非常によい位置に付けています。風力発電で追加収入が得られると、農家は喜んでいます。エネルギー貯蔵の技術がもっと改善される必要はありますが、これまでにも改善されてきました。再生可能エネルギーは人類やバークシャーにとって脅威にはなりません。大きな利益をもたらすものです。化石燃料が尽きたときに再生可能エネルギーがなければ、いったいどうなると思いますか。破壊されるものもあるでしょうが、それ以上の機会がありますよ。

Asked whether distributed energy will be a threat to Berkshire's utilities, Buffett said distributed energy is something Berkshire pays a lot of attention to. The best defense is to have very low cost energy. MidAmerican has done a very good job of that. The figures in terms of people who converted to solar energy are minuscule. Huge improvements in solar storage would make a difference.

Charlie said we will use a lot more renewable energy. Fossil fuels won't last forever. Berkshire is aggressive and very well located in terms of renewable energy. To have 20% of power in Iowa coming from the wind is very desirable. Farmers like the extra income they get from wind power. While we need better storage, the technology has been improving. Renewable energy is not a threat but a huge benefit to humanity and to Berkshire. Charlie asked, "What the hell would we do when the fossil fuels are gone if we didn't have this?" There will be some disruption but more opportunity.



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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 2 (Forbes)

<質問> インドから参りました。この場に臨席できて光栄です。投資によって経済的独立を果たしたいと考える二十歳の人間へ、ご助言をお願いします。

<マンガー> 私の頃には、投資を通じて成功を遂げるのはずいぶん簡単だったのです。合理的かつ規律に従っていれば、そして選び抜いた株式が税引き前で平均年率10%を後押ししてくれれば、です。これはかなりの追い風でしたよ。収入の範囲でやりくりし、節約して貯蓄に励み、賢く取り組むといったことで十分でした。ちょっとした規律に従って資金を蓄え、時が流れゆくうちに、やがてはそうなったものです。



<デイリー・ジャーナル社CEO> あなたは「金持ちになるには、良い取引が来た時に備えて当座預金に1,000万ドルをとっておくこと」と言っておられましたね。

<マンガー> そういえばハワード・アーマンソン[オマハ出身の実業家]も、腹をすかせた学卒の若者たちにそう助言していましたよ(笑)。


Q: I came to be here from India. It is an honor to be here. What is your advice to a 20-year-old individual who wants to achieve financial freedom through investing?

Mr. Munger: Achieving success through investments has been pretty easy in my lifetime. If you were rational and disciplined, and you had a tailwind of a 10 percent per annum on average from carefully selected stocks going for you, pre tax, that was a big tailwind. If you saved your money, and you lived within your means, were shrewd and so forth, that was enough to take care of you. A little discipline in saving, and the passage of time will do it.

Now, if the world is going to get 10 percent out of indexes in the future, and I don't think it will, in real terms, getting more has proven to be quite difficult. Some of you who come along later are finding that if you stay in the big stocks, it's damn near impossible for most people. When things are damn near impossible, maybe you could stop trying.

That was not my system, but I do not recommend my system to everybody. I do, as a way of life, but I don't think all you have to do is read Charlie Munger and you'll get rich. If it were that easy, this place would be a football stadium.


Mr. Salzman, Daily Journal CEO: Charlie says the way to get rich is to keep $10 million in your checking account in case a good deal comes along.

Mr. Munger: By the way, that was the advice of Howard Ahmanson to a young bunch of starving graduates.


Rich people sometimes get a little pompous.



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It was therefore, natural, after the "dollop by dollop system" had been in place for a few years, for Quant Tech's officers to yearn to have Quant Tech's reported earnings per share keep going up at twenty-eight percent per year while cash equivalents grew much faster than they were then growing. This turned out to be a snap. By this time, Quant Tech's stock was selling at a huge multiple of reported earnings, and the officers simply started causing some incremental stock-option exercises that were not matched either by reductions in cash bonuses paid or by repurchases of Quant Tech's stock. This change, the officers easily recognized, was a very helpful revision of their original plan. Not only was detection of the phony element in reported earnings made much more difficult as cash accumulation greatly accelerated, but also a significant amount of Ponzi-scheme or chain-letter effect was being introduced into Quant Tech, with real benefits for present shareholders, including the officers.

At this time the officers also fixed another flaw in their original plan. They saw that as Quant Tech's reported earnings, containing an increasing phony element, kept rising at twenty-eight percent, Quant Tech's income taxes as a percentage of reported pre-tax earnings kept going lower and lower. This plainly increased chances for causing undesired questions and criticism. This problem was soon eliminated. Many power plants in foreign nations were built and owned by governments, and it proved easy to get some foreign governments to raise Quant Tech's design fees, provided that in each case slightly more than the fee increase was paid back in additional income taxes to the foreign government concerned.

Finally, for 2002, Quant Tech reported $16 billion in earnings on $47 billion of revenues that now included a lot more revenue from interest on cash equivalents than would have been present without net issuances of new stock over the years. Cash equivalents on hand now amounted to an astounding $85 billion, and somehow it didn't seem impossible to most investors that a company virtually drowning in so much cash could be earning the $16 billion it was reporting. The market capitalization of Quant Tech at its peak early in 2003 became $1.4 trillion, about ninety times earnings reported for 2002.



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First, they wanted to be able to continue their "dollop by dollop system" without major discontinuities for twenty years.

Second, they wanted Quant Tech's reported earnings to go up by roughly the same percentage each year throughout the whole twenty years because they believed that financial analysts, representing institutional investors, would value Quant Tech's stock higher if reported annual earnings growth never significantly varied.

Third, to protect credibility for reported earnings, they never wanted to strain credulity of investors by reporting, even in their twentieth year, that Quant Tech was earning more than forty percent of revenues from designing power plants.

With these requirements, the math was easy, given the officers' assumption that Quant Tech's non-phony earnings and revenues were both going to grow at twenty percent per year for twenty years. The officers quickly decided to use their "dollop by dollop system" to make Quant Tech's reported earnings increase by twenty-eight percent per year instead of the twenty percent that would have been reported by the founder.

And so, the great scheme of "modern financial engineering" went forward toward tragedy at Quant Tech. And few disreputable schemes of man have ever worked better in achieving what was attempted. Quant Tech's reported earnings, certified by its accountants, increased regularly at twenty-eight percent per year. No one criticized Quant Tech's financial reporting except a few people widely regarded as impractical, overly theoretical, misanthropic cranks. It turned out that the founder's policy of never paying dividends, which was continued, greatly helped in preserving credibility for Quant Tech's reports that its earnings were rising steadily at twenty-eight percent per year. With cash equivalents on hand so remarkably high, the Pavlovian mere-association effects that so often impair reality recognition served well to prevent detection of the phony element in reported earnings.



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また速報形式の文章は、Wall Street Journalなどで公開されています。

Recap: The 2015 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (WSJ)

<質問4> IBMからは手を引くように、とウォーレンに話しましたか。

<マンガー> していません。IBMは非常に興味深い企業ですよ。すごい適応力があります。あの会社はパンチカードの商売を席巻していましたが、やがてPCのビジネスも手がけました。非常に信頼できる会社です。強大で称賛に足る企業ですね。一時的な逆風下にあったので、十分納得できる値段で買いましたよ。

<バフェット> (IBMに対する二人の)投票結果は2対0です。手の内は明かさないほうがうまくいきます。わたしどもや同社がこれからも株を買うでしょうから、値段は安いほうがうれしいです。手の内を明かすのであれば、持ち株上位4社については悲観的な話をしたいところです。自分の売買状況を語りたがる人は理解に苦しみますね。

<マンガー> ウォーレン、そのとおり。世間がちょくちょくまちがってくれなかったら、我々はそれほどの金持ちにはなれなかったね。(笑)

Q4: Question for Charlie. Did you try to talk Warren out of IBM?

CM: I did not. I think IBM is a very interesting corporation, very adaptable. They dominated the punch card business but it has been a mixed bag with the PC business. I think IBM is a very creditable company, an enormous enterprise, and an admirable enterprise. They were undergoing a temporary reversal and we bought at a very reasonable price.

WB: It was a two to nothing vote [on IBM]. [We are] better off not talking our book. Either we or the company will be buying back stock in the future and we'd like the price to be lower. If we were to [talk our book], we would rather say pessimistic things about all four of our biggest holdings. I am not sure why people keep talking their book.

CM: Warren, if people weren't so often wrong, we wouldn't be so rich. [Laughter]


Watson enormously valuable future: Buffett (Yahoo! Finance; CNBC video)



4 件のコメント:

<質問者> 技術やその発展によって職場が奪われていく社会的変化を、どのようにお考えですか。

<マンガー> それこそ、ここで話題にしている事例ですよ。自由貿易を進めるなかで、良好なコミュニケーションやより効率的なコンテナ船などがあれば、新たな競争が生まれます。政府のおろかなシステムやマルサスの罠によって抑圧されていた非常に有能な人たちが、突如解放されたからですね。もちろん競争のせいで傷つく人もいます。かつてはその特権的な地位を占めていた人たちです。しかしそれはFRBが正しく行動しなかったせいではないです。政治家が不公平だったせいでも、金持ちが貧乏人を適切に遇しなかったせいでもないです。世界が変化したからです。自由貿易や現代技術を手放さなかったり、あるいは極貧にあえぐ農民を解放することをあきらめない以上は、当然ながら限られた教育しか受けていない勤勉な人たちの将来を害することにはなるものの、世界は変化していきます。それをとどめるのは非常にむずかしいことです。





Q: What do you think about societal change, because of the labor displacement by technology and the accelerating of that.

Mr. Munger: That's an example of what I'm talking about. If you're going to have free trade and better communication, more efficient container ships and so forth, and there's all this new competition from very talented people who've been held down by stupid governmental systems and Malthusian traps and they're suddenly unleashed, of course that competition hurts the people who formerly were in the privileged position. It isn't because the Federal Reserve didn't do something right, or the politicians are unfair, or the rich people are mistreating the poor. The world has changed. Unless you're going to do away with free trade and modern technology and the liberation of these people who were working in penury on agriculture, of course that's going to hurt the prospects of hard working people with limited education, and it has. It's very hard to fix.

The people are still going, "All you have to do is tinker with the politics and you can fix it." That's what they tried to do in Greece. The Greek solution is idiocy. If we're going to prosper, we have to work. We have to have people subject to carrots and sticks. If you take away the stick the whole system won't work.

You can't vote yourself rich. It's an idiotic idea. Of course, the successful civilizations, they all have a social safety net. Look what happened in Japan. They were the export powerhouse of Asia. Up rose China and Korea, and Germany got way better. All of a sudden they're the export powerhouse.

When you have a wonderful monopolistic position, and then some more talented people work harder, of course you're less rich. These damned economists keep looking for ways to handle the federal reserve system in Japan or something. Think how stupid that is. The solution is really obvious of why they lost. They got huge competition they didn't formerly have when they were the export powerhouse. Japanese were better at quality control and so forth. Then other people learned to play the same game.

Koreans came up from nothing in the auto business. They worked 84 hours a week with no overtime for more than a decade. At the same time every little Korean came home from grade school, and worked with a tutor for four full hours in the afternoon and the evening, driven by these Tiger Moms. Are you surprised when you lose to people like that? Only if you're a total idiot.





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Plainly, the new officers saw, it would be prudent to shift bonus payments to employee stock option exercise profits in only a moderate amount per year over many years ahead. They privately called the prudent plan they adopted their "dollop by dollop system," which they believed had four obvious advantages:

First, a moderate dollop of phony earnings in any single year would be less likely to be noticed than a large dollop.

Second, the large long-term effect from accumulating many moderate dollops of phony earnings over the years would also tend to be obscured in the "dollop by dollop system." As the CFO pithily and privately said: "If we mix only a moderate minority share of turds with the raisins each year, probably no one will recognize what will ultimately become a very large collection of turds."

Third, the outside accountants, once they had blessed a few financial statements containing earnings increases, only a minority share of which were phony, would probably find it unendurably embarrassing not to bless new financial statements containing only the same phony proportion of reported earnings increase.

Fourth, the "dollop by dollop system" would tend to prevent disgrace, or something more seriously harmful, for Quant Tech's officers. With virtually all corporations except Quant Tech having ever-more-liberal stock option plans, the officers could always explain that a moderate dollop of shift toward compensation in option-exercise form was needed to help attract or retain employees. Indeed, given corporate culture and stock market enthusiasm likely to exist as a consequence of the strange accounting convention for stock options, this claim would often be true.

With these four advantages, the "dollop by dollop system" seemed so clearly desirable that it only remained for Quant Tech's officers to decide how big to make their annual dollops of phony earnings. This decision, too, turned out to be easy. The officers first decided upon three reasonable conditions they wanted satisfied:



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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 4 (Forbes)

<質問者> ビジネスに関するMoatの中で、ほとんど取りあげられなかったり、もっとも誤解されているものには、どんなMoatがあるとお考えですか。

<マンガー> 誤解されたMoatを見出したいとは、実にだれもが考えていることです。そういった人の中でも、あなたは最高に欲ばりですね。(笑)






Q: What do you think is the least talked about or most misunderstood moat around a business ?

Mr. Munger: Everybody would really like to have a misunderstood moat. You're the greediest fellow that's spoken.


All you want to know is if I have a moat that you can understand that other people don't. A modest wish.


You're going to ask a 91-year-old man how to do it? Reminds me of one of my favorite stories. A young man comes to Mozart and says, "With your help I want to compose symphonies."

Mozart says, "You're too young to be composing symphonies."

He says, "Look, you were doing symphonies when you were 10 years of age. I'm 21."

Mozart says, "Yes, but I wasn't running around asking other people how to do it."




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Quant Tech's new officers, financially shrewd as they were, could see at a glance that, given the amazingly peculiar accounting convention and the sound income tax rules in place, Quant Tech had a breathtakingly large opportunity to increase its reported profits by taking very simple action. The fact that so large a share of Quant Tech's annual expense was incentive bonus expense provided a "modern financial engineering" opportunity second to none.

For instance, it was mere child's play for the executives to realize that if in 1982 Quant Tech had substituted employee stock option exercise profits for all its incentive bonus expense of $400 million while using bonus money saved plus option prices paid to buy back all shares issued in option exercises and keeping all else the same, the result would have been to drive Quant Tech 1982 reported earnings up by 400 percent to $500 million from $100 million while shares outstanding remained exactly the same! And so it seemed that the obviously correct ploy for the officers was to start substituting employee stock option exercise profits for incentive bonuses. Why should a group of numerate engineers care whether their bonuses were in cash or virtually perfect equivalents of cash? Arranging such substitutions, on any schedule desired, seemed like no difficult chore.

However, it was also mere child's play for the new officers to realize that a certain amount of caution and restraint would be desirable in pushing their new ploy. Obviously, if they pushed their new ploy too hard in any single year, there might be rebellion from Quant Tech's accountants or undesirable hostility from other sources. This, in turn, would risk killing a goose with a vast ability to deliver golden eggs, at least to the officers. After all, it was quite clear that their ploy would be increasing reported earnings only by adding to real earnings an element of phony earnings - phony in the sense that Quant Tech would enjoy no true favorable economic effect (except temporary fraud-type effect similar to that from overcounting closing inventory) from that part of reported earnings increases attributable to use of the ploy. The new CEO privately called the desirable, cautious approach "wisely restrained falsehood".



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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 1 (Forbes)

<質問者> 米国のバランスシートは2007年には9,000億ドルでしたが、今では6兆ドルほどになっています[原文ママ。おそらくFRBのことで、後者の数字も4兆ドル強と思われる]。このような信用経済の下で、この会場にいるだれかが生きている間に9,000億ドルに戻ると考えられますか。







Q: The U.S. had a $0.9 trillion balance sheet in 2007. Now it's about six trillion. In anyone's lifetime in this room, will it ever go back to $0.9 trillion under the credit economy?

Mr. Munger: Of course, I'm so old I remember coffee at five cents, and all-you-can-eat cafeterias at 25 cents, and brand new automobiles for $600. Over a span of many decades you can count on democracy to cause the money to deteriorate. That will continue because of human nature. It may even accelerate eventually.

Considering the experiences in places like Italy and Argentina and Brazil, I have been pleasantly surprised after the many bouts of inflation we went through. I anticipated more trouble than we actually had.

In my lifetime, over the past 50 years, the common stock averages (including their dividends) produced about 10 percent per annum pre-tax. I don't know what percent of that is real gain, and how much is inflation. Let's say it's seven percent real gain and three percent inflation. I work out those figures as unbelievably good.

Somebody my age has lived through the best and easiest period that ever happened in the history of the world, with the lowest death rates, the highest investment production, the biggest increases per annum that most people's standard of living ever got. The net death rate from war, from everything is better. Steven Pinker is right. It's the most fabulous period that ever happened.

If you're unhappy with what you've had over the last 50 years, you have an unfortunate misappraisal of life. It's as good as it gets, and it's very likely to get worse. It's always wise to be prepared for it getting worse. Favorable surprises are easy to handle. It's the unfavorable surprises that cause the trouble.

In terms of monetary authorities, you can count on the purchasing power of money to go down over time. You can almost count on the fact that you'll have way more trouble in the next 50 years than we had in the last. The technology is changing, so that a few nutcases could make the World Trade Center look like a picnic. We should all be prepared to adjust to a world that is harder.



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The newly installed Quant Tech officers quickly realized that the company could not wisely either drive its revenues up at an annual rate higher than the rate in place or increase Quant Tech profit margin. The founder had plainly achieved an optimum in each case. Nor did the new officers dare tinker with an engineering culture that was working so well. Therefore, the new officers were attracted to employing what they called "modern financial engineering" which required prompt use of any and all arguably lawful methods for driving up reported earnings, with big, simple changes to be made first.

By a strange irony of fate, the accounting convention for stock options that had so displeased Quant Tech's founder now made the new officers' job very easy and would ultimately ruin Quant Tech's reputation. There was now an accounting convention in the United States that, provided employees were first given options, required that when easily marketable stock was issued to employees at a below-market price, the bargain element for the employees, although roughly equivalent to cash, could not count as compensation expense in determining a company's reported profits. This amazingly peculiar accounting convention had been selected by the accounting profession, over the objection of some of its wisest and most ethical members, because corporate managers, by and large, preferred that their gains from exercising options covering their employers' stock not be counted as expense in determining their employers' earnings. The accounting profession, in making its amazingly peculiar decision, had simply followed the injunction so often followed by persons quite different from prosperous, entrenched accountants. The injunction was that normally followed by insecure and powerless people: "Whose bread I eat, his song I sing." Fortunately, the income tax authorities did not have the same amazingly peculiar accounting idea as the accounting profession. Elementary common sense prevailed, and the bargain element in stock option exercises was treated as an obvious compensation expense, deductible in determining income for tax purposes.



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Possessing a strong balance sheet and a productive culture and also holding a critical mass of expertise in a rapidly changing and rapidly growing business, Quant Tech, using the old man's methods, by 1982 was destined for twenty years ahead to maintain profits at ten percent of revenues while revenues increased at twenty percent per year. After this twenty years, commencing in 2003, Quant Tech's profit margin would hold for a very long time at ten percent while revenue growth would slow down to four percnt per year. But no one at Quant Tech knew precisely when its inevitable period of slow revenue growth would begin.

The old man's dividend policy for Quant Tech was simplicity itself: He never paid a dividend. Instead, all earnings simply piled up in cash equivalents.

Every truly sophisticated investor in common stocks could see that the stock of cash-rich Quant Tech provided a splendid investment opportunity in 1982 when it sold at a mere fifteen times earnings and, despite its brilliant prospects, had a market capitalization of only $1.5 billion. This low market capitalization, despite brilliant prospects, existed in 1982 because other wonderful common stocks were also then selling at fifteen times earnings, or less, as a natural consequence of high interest rates then prevailing plus disappointing investment returns that had occurred over many previous years for holders of typical diversified portfolios of common stocks.

One result of Quant Tech's low market capitalization in 1982 was that it made Quant Tech's directors uneasy and dissatisfied right after the old man's death. A wiser board would then have bought in Quant Tech's stock very aggressively, using up all cash on hand and also borrowing funds to use in the same way. However, such a decision was not in accord with conventional corporate wisdom in 1982. And so the directors made a conventional decision. They recruited a new CEO and CFO from outside Quant Tech, in particular from a company that then had a conventional stock option plan for employees and also possessed a market capitalization at twenty times reported earnings, even though its balance sheet was weaker than Quant Tech's and its earnings were growing more slowly than earnings at Quant Tech. Incident to the recruitment of the new executives, it was made plain that Quant Tech's directors wanted a higher market capitalization, as soon as feasible.



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Charlie Munger Daily Journal 2015 Meeting [FULL NOTES] (Value Walk)


<質問> たいへんな読書量ですが、たくさんのお子さんがおられますので、どうやってバランスをとっていますか。

<マンガー> 読み物をしたいときは、他のことはすべて遠ざけます。大量に読まないのに知恵が深い人など、知りませんね。同時並行で作業をする人は、高くついていると思いますよ。物事を深く考えられないわけですから、他人をわざわざ有利にしてあげているわけです。私なら、そのやりかたではうまくいかないですね。私が人生を通じて成功できたのは頭脳の明晰さではなく、集中して考える時間を長く持ったからです。(2ページ目)

How did you balance reading that much and having so many children?

When I want to read something I tune everything else down. I don't know a wise person who doesn't read a lot. I think that people who multitask pay a huge price - they can't think of anything deeply, giving the world an advantage, which they shouldn't give. I wouldn't succeed doing it. I did not succeed in life by intelligence - I succeeded because I have a long attention span.

<マンガー> ウェルズ・ファーゴを買ったのは8ドルのころでした。そのような好機がもう一度来るとは思えませんね。(3ページ目)

We bought Wells Fargo stock when it was at $8, and I don't think we will have another opportunity like that.

<質問> 投資によって金銭的自由を獲得したいと考える人に対して、なにかご助言をお願いします。

<マンガー> 私の時代には、投資で成功するのはもっと簡単でした。合理的かつ規律に従って行動すれば、年率10%の追い風を受けられたのです。しかし今では、世の中全体が10%を得られるとは思いません。昔と違ってむずかしくなるでしょうし、大型株を保有したままでは不可能な数字です。(3ページ目)

What is your advice for people who try to achieve financial freedom through investing?

In my life time success in investing was easier. If you were rational and disciplined you had a tailwind of 10% per annum. Now, I doubt that the world will be able to get 10%, so it will be more difficult; and it is impossible if you are staying in big stocks.