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わたしの友人であるビル・ゲイツも、数年前にTED Talkに出演して同じ警告を出していました。彼の映像はたくさんの人が閲覧しています。しかしそこで語られていたのは、思いもよらないことが起こるだろうという現実についてでした。その手のことを論文で読むこともできますし、どういう事態になるのか議論するのも良いでしょう。そういえば、かつてソロモン[・ブラザーズ]の人たちがわたしにこんなことを言いました。「25シグマ[標準偏差]級の事象がなにか起こるようなものです。それが起こる確率は、宇宙が誕生して以来、一度きりの計算になります」と。ところが彼らの身のうえに、そのような出来事が1か月のうちに数回起こり、彼らは破産してしまいました。[LTCMの破綻のこと。ソロモン時代の参考記事はこちら]

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates (TED)



(Warren Buffett 01:10:14)

Now, my friend Bill Gates was delivering the same warning at a TED Talk some years back. And he's gotten a lot more views. But it just says something about the fact that you're going to get both from the blue, and you can read papers about them, and you can talk about what'll happen if some, as they used to, the fellows would say, Salomon used to tell me, some 25-sigma event comes along, and they'll then say that that'll happen once in the life of the universe. And then it happens to them a couple times in a month, and they go broke.

(Warren Buffett 01:10:52)

You just don't know what's going to happen. You know, at least in my view, you know that America's tailwind is not exhausted. You're going to get a fine result if you own equities over a long period of time. And the idea that equities will not produce better results than the 30-year Treasury bond, which yields one and a quarter percent now, it's taxable income. It's the aim of the Federal Reserve to have 2% a year inflation. Equities are going to outperform that bond. They're going to outperform Treasury bills. They're going to outperform that money you've stuck under your mattress.

(Warren Buffett 01:11:41)

I mean, they are a enormously sound investment as long as they're an investment and they're not a gambling device or something that you think you can safely buy on margin or whatever it may be.



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The Math of Value and Growth [PDF] (Morgan Stanley)





Understanding the magnitude and return on investments is crucial. Investments have traditionally been in the form of tangible assets that show up on the balance sheet. Examples include increases in working capital or capital expenditures. But in recent decades investments have shifted in form to intangible assets, which are expensed on the income statement and are typically absent on the balance sheet (except for when one company acquires another).3

This is important because companies that invest heavily in intangible assets and have high returns on those investments often produce poor profits, or may even lose money. As an investor, you want that kind of company to invest as much as it can. The income statement looks bad, the balance sheet looks better, and the value creation looks great.

Contrast this to generations past when tangible investments were captured on the balance sheet. In those days, the income statement looked good but the balance sheet looked bad.

Saying this differently, two companies can have the same level of investment and return on investment but very different financial statements based on where accountants record investments. Free cash flow, the number we care about, may be the same but the path to get there is different.

この件は、わたし自身もときおり考えていました。たとえば、機械設備等の固定資産に資本投下する場合と、開発に携わる要員に人件費を払う場合を対比させて、その優劣を想像してみることがありました。また「悪く見える損益計算書」の点では、ウォーレン・バフェットが何度か触れていた「のれん償却費」を適宜調べるようにしています。 参考記事の一例を以下にあげておきます。

2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - 無形資産の償却費について




2020年バークシャー株主総会(22)世界衛生安全保障指標(Global Health Security Index)

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<ウォーレン・バフェット> ここで話題に挙げておきたいことがあります。きょう持参してきた分厚い300ページのこの本は、2019年の10月に出版されたものです。ジョンズ・ホプキンズの..


2019 Global Health Security Index [PDF] (NTI)

サム[・ナン]がアーニーと連れだって、11月にわたしのところへ来てくれました。アーニーは少し前の連邦政府エネルギー省長官だった人物で、今はNTIのCEOを務めています。またサムとアーニーは共同会長でもあります。この報告書をまとめるのに尽力したベス・キャメロンも、わたしのところへ来ました。たしか去年の11月だったはずですが、この評価報告書を頂きました。ページをめくると、次のような書き出しがあります。300ページになる大著のはじめの一文です。「どの国から生じる生物的脅威であっても、自然的・作為的・偶発的を問わず、世界的な衛生や、国際的な安全保障や、世界中の経済に対してリスクとなり得る」 。



(Warren Buffett 01:07:42)

Now, I can't resist pointing out that in October of 2019, a large 300-page, I've got it right here, a book was brought out, and Johns Hopkins ...

(Warren Buffett 01:08:03)

And Johns Hopkins, one of the most respected institutions, country, Nuclear Threat Initiative, NTI, and the Intelligence Group at The Economist collaborated to evaluate the problems of the worldwide preparedness for pandemics, essentially.

(Warren Buffett 01:08:31)

And I think in November, Sam came out to see me with Ernie, more recent former Secretary of Energy who now is the CEO of NTI. He and Sam are co-chairmen, and Beth Cameron who did a lot of work on this report came out to see me. And they gave me in November I believe of last year, they gave me this appraisal. And the opening line, if you'll turn the page, this is the opening line of this 300-page tome: "Biological threats - natural, intentional, or accidental - in any country can pose risks to global health, international security, and the worldwide economy."

(Warren Buffett 01:09:24)

And this book was prepared in order to evaluate the preparedness of the various countries and rank them. We ranked pretty well, but all of us got a failing... All of the countries got a failing grade, basically.

(Warren Buffett 01:09:39)

Now, you would think with the prestige of Johns Hopkins and The Economist, along with people like Sam and Ernie, etc., that this would've gotten some attention. And, again, Sam... Turn to the next page. Sam and the others went on YouTube on October 24, 2019, and they have racked up, as of a couple days ago, 1,498 views.




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<ウォーレン・バフェット> わたしたちは、まさしく最悪の事態が起こることを想定しながら、バークシャーを経営してきました。問題がひとつ発生する場合だけでなく、複数の問題が同時に起こることも考えてきました。その際に、1件目の問題がつづきを引き起こすこともありますが、1件目とは独立して発生することも考えられます。みなさんは学校でゼロ(零)のかけ算を習ったはずです。何年生のときだったか覚えていませんが、おそらくわたしが通っていた時代よりも学習時期が早くなっているかと思いますが、5,6年生でしょうか。「いくつかの数字をかけ合わせるときに、ゼロを一つかけるだけで、解はゼロになる」という教えです。アメリカに吹く追い風をつかめるわけですから、借入金を使う理由はありません。しかし、その風に乗るための理由は、他にいくらでもあるはずです。

(Warren Buffett 01:06:58)

And we run Berkshire that way, we run it so that we literally try to think of the worst case of not only just one thing going wrong, but other things going wrong at the same time, maybe partly caused by the first, but maybe independent even of the first. You learned in, I don't know what grade now, probably earlier than when I went to school, but in fifth or sixth grade, that you can have any series of numbers times zero, and you just need one zero in there and the answer is zero, and there's no reason to use borrowed money to participate in the American tailwind, but there's every other reason to participate.



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バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、 今回はパンデミックなどの危機管理の重要性を啓蒙してきた人物の話題です。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> つづいて最近のニュースのなかから、みなさんがどこか興味を持つかもしれない話題を取り上げます。YouTubeに投稿された、ある映像の話です。投稿日が2015年6月17日付と、4年以上前のものです。サム・ナン氏という人物による映像です。彼は、米国に限らず世界的にみてもわたしがもっとも称賛してやまない人物の一人です。米国に対してかぎりないほどの献身をしてくれた、途方もない上院議員でした。議員を引退してからは報われぬ仕事に打ち込み、「核脅威イニシアティブ」(the Nuclear Threat Initiative)と呼ばれる団体を設立して率いてきました。ほとんどの方がその団体を知らないとは思います。実はわたしも少しだけ関わってきました。


(Warren Buffett 01:03:16)

I would like to context to the present news, point out something you may find kind of interesting. If you go to YouTube, you'll find on June 17th, of 2015, four-plus years ago, you'll find Sam Nunn, that was one of the people I admire the most in the United States and in the world, enormous patriot and tremendous senator, and he's carried on thankless work since leaving the Senate, and heading something called the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which most of you haven't heard of, but I've been slightly involved in it, Sam Nunn founded that.

(Warren Buffett 01:04:12)

And, the Nuclear Threat Initiative is simply organizations that are devoted to trying to reduce the chances of something of a nuclear chemical, biological, and now cyber nature, from either malevolent or accidental or whatever may be, from causing deaths to millions of Americans, and among the things that Sam co-founded it, but he's been the heart and soul of the organization subsequently, and he's talked about, worried about pandemics along with the nuclear threat for decades, and he's participated in war games where they play out various scenarios, including malevolent pandemics that could be started by the same kind of nut that sent the anthrax letters around the 9/11, a little after. Sam paired down this YouTube presentation, and I'm sure he's been on many others I just happened to look this one up, and talked about the dangers of a pandemic, and anybody should listen to Sam Nunn anytime he talks. So he said at that time, "Germs don't have borders," which we certainly learned in the last couple of months, and when I clicked on YouTube, if you'll go to the next, I found out that basically it had 831 views, and this was only a few days ago, I looked it up, but I don't know whether most of those views have just been the last few days or the last few months, I shouldn't say, because of the interest in pandemics, but it is hard to think about things that haven't happened yet. So we can experience, and when something like the current pandemic happens, it's hard to factor that in, and that's why you never want to use borrowed money, at least in my view, and then buy into investments.

Innovating an End to Pandemics (NTI)