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「自分を向上させたいのであれば」、とエピクテトス(1世紀のギリシャ人哲学者)がかつて言った。「畑違いのことについては、無知か愚鈍に見えるよう、みずから進んで振る舞うこと」。現代のような相互接続おびただしい24時間休日なしのメディア漬けの世の中では、「私にはわかりません」と答えるのが、我々の取り得る最強の一手だろう。あるいはもっと挑発的に、「それがどうかしましたか」と。もちろん全てというわけではないが、ほとんどはそうだと言える。なぜならば、ほとんどのことは問題とは言えないし、ほとんどのニュースには追いかける価値がないからだ。(強調部は原著者ハワード・マークスによるもの)(p. 11)

First, I had dinner with Warren Buffett about a year ago, and he pointed out that for a piece of information to be worth pursuing, it should be important, and it should be knowable. These days, investors are clamoring more than ever for insights regarding the macro future, because it’s important: it moves markets. But there’ s a hitch: Warren and I both consider these things largely unknowable. He rarely bases his investment actions on them, and neither does Oaktree.

Second, I want to include a final paragraph from the Observer article about the media that I mentioned earlier. I think it’s golden:

“If you wish to improve,” Epictetus [first-century Greek philosopher] once said, “be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.” One of the most powerful things we can do as a human being in our hyperconnected, 24/7 media world is say: “I don’t know.” Or more provocatively, “I don’t care.” Not about everything, of course – just most things. Because most things don’t matter, and most news stories aren’t worth tracking. (Emphasis added)



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不確実なことに対する予測に基づいて大胆な行動に出るのは、単に筋ちがいなだけではなく、危険なやりかたです。マーク・トウェインは次のように言っています。「やっかいごとになるのを知らないのが問題ではない。確信していたのに当たらないのが問題なのだ」。(p. 9)

There are no facts about the future, just opinions. Anyone who asserts with conviction what he thinks will happen in the macro future is overstating his foresight, whether out of ignorance, hubris or dishonesty.

Developments in economies, interest rates, currencies and markets aren’t the result of scientific processes. The involvement in them of people – with their emotions, foibles and biases – renders them highly unpredictable. As physicist Richard Feynman put it, “Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings!”

Taking bold action based on forecasts of things that are uncertain isn’t just misguided; it’s dangerous. As Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. it’s what you know for certain that just ain’t true.”




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Oaktreeのハワード・マークスが1月に書いたレターは、「専門家の見解(Expert Opinion)」と題したものでした。「専門家による予測は、あまり当てにならない」とする主旨が、彼らしい実際的な視点から説明されていました。そのなかで気に入ったいくつかの箇所を、少しずつ引用してご紹介します。原文のリンク先は以下のとおりです。(日本語は拙訳)

memo from Howard Marks: Expert Opinion [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


・それがために、メディアに登場する専門家に耳を傾けるのは、楽しいひとときではあるものの、知性の点からすると時間の無駄と言えるかもしれません。(p. 4)

My son Andrew has helped me dope out the media effects:

- Following events makes people feel they're actively involved in them and well informed.
- People think and act with more confidence when they consider themselves informed.
- But the media pundits often are no more insightful than the rest of us.
- And anyway, people tend to follow media outlets that confirm their beliefs rather than challenge them.
- Thus following the media experts, while entertaining, can be a waste of time intellectually.




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Before we leave this investment section, a few educational words about dividends and taxes: Berkshire, like most corporations, nets considerably more from a dollar of dividends than it reaps from a dollar of capital gains. That will probably surprise those of our shareholders who are accustomed to thinking of capital gains as the route to tax-favored returns.

But here’s the corporate math. Every $1 of capital gains that a corporation realizes carries with it 35 cents of federal income tax (and often state income tax as well). The tax on dividends received from domestic corporations, however, is consistently lower, though rates vary depending on the status of the recipient.

For a non-insurance company - which describes Berkshire Hathaway, the parent - the federal tax rate is effectively 10.5 cents per $1 of dividends received. Furthermore, a non-insurance company that owns more than 20% of an investee owes taxes of only 7 cents per $1 of dividends. That rate applies, for example, to the substantial dividends we receive from our 27% ownership of Kraft Heinz, all of it held by the parent company. (The rationale for the low corporate taxes on dividends is that the dividend-paying investee has already paid its own corporate tax on the earnings being distributed.)

Berkshire’s insurance subsidiaries pay a tax rate on dividends that is somewhat higher than that applying to non-insurance companies, though the rate is still well below the 35% hitting capital gains. Property/casualty companies owe about 14% in taxes on most dividends they receive. Their tax rate falls, though, to about 11% if they own more than 20% of a U.S.-based investee.

And that’s our tax lesson for today.




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Sometimes the comments of shareholders or media imply that we will own certain stocks “forever.” It is true that we own some stocks that I have no intention of selling for as far as the eye can see (and we’re talking 20/20 vision). But we have made no commitment that Berkshire will hold any of its marketable securities forever.

Confusion about this point may have resulted from a too-casual reading of Economic Principle 11 on pages 110 - 111, which has been included in our annual reports since 1983. That principle covers controlled businesses, not marketable securities. This year I’ve added a final sentence to #11 to ensure that our owners understand that we regard any marketable security as available for sale, however unlikely such a sale now seems.