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We, like all public companies, are required by the SEC to annually catalog "risk factors" in our 10-K. I can't remember, however, an instance when reading a 10-K's "risk" section has helped me in evaluating a business. That's not because the identified risks aren't real. The truly important risks, however, are usually well known. Beyond that, a 10-K's catalog of risks is seldom of aid in assessing: (1) the probability of the threatening event actually occurring; (2) the range of costs if it does occur; and (3) the timing of the possible loss. A threat that will only surface 50 years from now may be a problem for society, but it is not a financial problem for today's investor.

Berkshire operates in more industries than any company I know of. Each of our pursuits has its own array of possible problems and opportunities. Those are easy to list but hard to evaluate: Charlie, I and our various CEOs often differ in a very major way in our calculation of the likelihood, the timing and the cost (or benefit) that may result from these possibilities.

Let me mention just a few examples. To begin with an obvious threat, BNSF, along with other railroads, is certain to lose significant coal volume over the next decade. At some point in the future - though not, in my view, for a long time - GEICO's premium volume may shrink because of driverless cars. This development could hurt our auto dealerships as well. Circulation of our print newspapers will continue to fall, a certainty we allowed for when purchasing them. To date, renewables have helped our utility operation but that could change, particularly if storage capabilities for electricity materially improve. Online retailing threatens the business model of our retailers and certain of our consumer brands. These potentialities are just a few of the negative possibilities facing us - but even the most casual follower of business news has long been aware of them.

None of these problems, however, is crucial to Berkshire's long-term well-being. When we took over the company in 1965, its risks could have been encapsulated in a single sentence: "The northern textile business in which all of our capital resides is destined for recurring losses and will eventually disappear." That development, however, was no death knell. We simply adapted. And we will continue to do so.



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A long-employed worker faces a different equation. When innovation and the market system interact to produce efficiencies, many workers may be rendered unnecessary, their talents obsolete. Some can find decent employment elsewhere; for others, that is not an option.

When low-cost competition drove shoe production to Asia, our once-prosperous Dexter operation folded, putting 1,600 employees in a small Maine town out of work. Many were past the point in life at which they could learn another trade. We lost our entire investment, which we could afford, but many workers lost a livelihood they could not replace. The same scenario unfolded in slow-motion at our original New England textile operation, which struggled for 20 years before expiring. Many older workers at our New Bedford plant, as a poignant example, spoke Portuguese and knew little, if any, English. They had no Plan B.

The answer in such disruptions is not the restraining or outlawing of actions that increase productivity. Americans would not be living nearly as well as we do if we had mandated that 11 million people should forever be employed in farming.

The solution, rather, is a variety of safety nets aimed at providing a decent life for those who are willing to work but find their specific talents judged of small value because of market forces. (I personally favor a reformed and expanded Earned Income Tax Credit that would try to make sure America works for those willing to work.) The price of achieving ever-increasing prosperity for the great majority of Americans should not be penury for the unfortunate.



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(非公開企業の個人オーナーであろうと一般投資家の集団であろうと)、資本家のことを憐れむ必要はありません。自分の面倒は自分でみる責任があるからです。優れた判断をすることで投資家が大きな報酬を得られるのであれば、彼らが誤った選択をしたときに生じる損失を救うべきではありません。その上、投資先銘柄に広く分散してじっと握りしめたまま待ちつづければ、儲かるのは確実なのですから。米国では成功した投資から得られる利益は、ドジを踏んだほうの損失を必ずや埋め合わせる以上になります。(その種のインデックスファンドたるダウ工業平均は、20世紀の間に66から11,497ポイントに上昇しました。さらに同指数を構成する各企業は、増加をつづける配当をその間ずっと支払ってくれたのです) (PDFファイル22ページ目)


The productivity gains that I've just spelled out - and countless others that have been achieved in America - have delivered awesome benefits to society. That's the reason our citizens, as a whole, have enjoyed - and will continue to enjoy - major gains in the goods and services they receive.

To this thought there are offsets. First, the productivity gains achieved in recent years have largely benefitted the wealthy. Second, productivity gains frequently cause upheaval: Both capital and labor can pay a terrible price when innovation or new efficiencies upend their worlds.

We need shed no tears for the capitalists (whether they be private owners or an army of public shareholders). It's their job to take care of themselves. When large rewards can flow to investors from good decisions, these parties should not be spared the losses produced by wrong choices. Moreover, investors who diversify widely and simply sit tight with their holdings are certain to prosper: In America, gains from winning investments have always far more than offset the losses from clunkers. (During the 20th Century, the Dow Jones Industrial Average - an index fund of sorts - soared from 66 to 11,497, with its component companies all the while paying ever-increasing dividends.)



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ここに至って、わたしとチャーリーは21世紀に足を踏み入れることを決心しました。今年の株主総会は、全編通して全世界向けにウェブ中継します。総会を視聴するには4月30日土曜日の午前9時(中部夏時間)に、次のURLにアクセスしてください(Berkshire Hathaway 2016 Annual Shareholders Meeting Livestream)。Yahoo!によって流される中継は、30分間にわたる各社経営陣や取締役陣や株主諸氏へのインタビューから始まります。そのあと9時30分から、わたしとチャーリーが質疑応答を開催します。




Charlie and I have finally decided to enter the 21st Century. Our annual meeting this year will be webcast worldwide in its entirety. To view the meeting, simply go to https://finance.yahoo.com/brklivestream at 9 a.m. Central Daylight Time on Saturday, April 30th. The Yahoo! webcast will begin with a half hour of interviews with managers, directors and shareholders. Then, at 9:30, Charlie and I will commence answering questions.

This new arrangement will serve two purposes. First, it may level off or modestly decrease attendance at the meeting. Last year's record of more than 40,000 attendees strained our capacity. In addition to quickly filling the CenturyLink Center's main arena, we packed its overflow rooms and then spilled into two large meeting rooms at the adjoining Omaha Hilton. All major hotels were sold out notwithstanding Airbnb's stepped-up presence. Airbnb was especially helpful for those visitors on limited budgets.

Our second reason for initiating a webcast is more important. Charlie is 92, and I am 85. If we were partners with you in a small business, and were charged with running the place, you would want to look in occasionally to make sure we hadn't drifted off into la-la land. Shareholders, in contrast, should not need to come to Omaha to monitor how we look and sound. (In making your evaluation, be kind: Allow for the fact that we didn't look that impressive when we were at our best.)

Viewers can also observe our life-prolonging diet. During the meeting, Charlie and I will each consume enough Coke, See's fudge and See's peanut brittle to satisfy the weekly caloric needs of an NFL lineman. Long ago we discovered a fundamental truth: There's nothing like eating carrots and broccoli when you're really hungry - and want to stay that way.



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Considering this favorable tailwind, Berkshire (and, to be sure, a great many other businesses) will almost certainly prosper. The managers who succeed Charlie and me will build Berkshire's per-share intrinsic value by following our simple blueprint of: (1) constantly improving the basic earning power of our many subsidiaries; (2) further increasing their earnings through bolt-on acquisitions; (3) benefiting from the growth of our investees; (4) repurchasing Berkshire shares when they are available at a meaningful discount from intrinsic value; and (5) making an occasional large acquisition. Management will also try to maximize results for you by rarely, if ever, issuing Berkshire shares.