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Another idea that I discovered was encapsulated by that story Dean McCaffery recounted earlier about the rustic who “wanted to know where he was going to die, so he wouldn't go there.” The rustic who had that ridiculous sounding idea had a profound truth in his possession. The way complex adaptive systems work, and the way mental constructs work, problems frequently become easier to solve through “inversion.” If you turn problems around into reverse, you often think better. For instance, if you want to help India, the question you should consider asking is not: "How can I help India?" Instead, you should ask: "How can I hurt India?” You find what will do the worst damage, and then try to avoid it. Perhaps the two approaches seem logically the same thing. But those who have mastered algebra know that inversion will often and easily solve problems that otherwise resist solution. And in life, just as in algebra, inversion will help you solve problems that you can't otherwise handle.

Let me use a little inversion now. What will really fail in life? What do you want to avoid? Some answers are easy. For example, sloth and unreliability will fail. If you're unreliable it doesn't matter what your virtues are, you're going to crater immediately. So, faithfully doing what you've engaged to do should be an automatic part of your conduct. Of course you want to avoid sloth and unreliability.




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機関投資家の手中に資金が流入する限り、四半期ごとの報告利益が安定的に成長しており、ほぼ一貫して株価が上昇している数十の銘柄ばかりを注視した投資が行われるのはまちがいないだろう。しかし実際には、すべりやすくて非常に危険な坂道であるのもたしかだと思われる。以前の株価上昇時に優る理由がないのに株価が上昇するときには、いずれ高く売れるからと考えて買う連中がいる。インターネット株にみられる熱狂を考えてみてほしい。株式分割の単なるうわさがあがると、まったくもって価値とは無関係なのに株価が飛翔しただけでなく、そのグループ全体の株が同調して上昇した。 このような投資のやりかたは、投資候補のファンダメンタルズをみるのではなく、市場が将来どうとらえるかに基づいた購入そのものと言える。価値に基づいてはじめから購入する投資家は、すでに割安な株価がさらに下落すれば購入するし、株価が価値の満額に達すれば売却する。しかしインターネット株を買ったり、非常に優れた会社ながらも非常に割高な株価で買った投資家は、価格が上昇あるいは下落した時にどうすればいいのか判断できない。これは大多数の投資家にはジレンマとなる。しかし、わずかな人にとっては真の機会となるのだ。

History Doesn't Quite Repeat

History never repeats itself exactly. So in 1998 investors urgently seeking liquidity are selling not Washington Post but small-cap and emerging-market equities. Investors tired of underperforming don't sell Dell Computer (no one, it seems, sells Dell), which they love for what it has done for them no matter how expensive it has become. It is so much easier for them to sell whatever has recently disappointed investor expectations, no matter how inexpensive it has become. Mutual-fund managers, desperate to put cash to work, don't buy what is cheap but what is working, since what is cheap by definition hasn't been working.

It seems obvious that so long as there are inflows into the hands of institutional investors, there will be a telescoping of investment into the several dozen names that have reliably reported quarter-by-quarter earnings growth and almost constant share-price appreciation. It seems obvious, but is actually a slippery and very dangerous slope. When stocks are rising for no better reason than that they have risen, the greater fool is at work. Consider the Internet-stock mania, where the mere rumor of a stock split, as irrelevant to value as a rumor could be, sends not only that stock flying but a whole group of stocks rising in sympathy. This is no different from the purchase of any investment based on how the market might possibly regard it in the future rather than on investment fundamentals. An investor who initially purchases based on value knows to buy more when an already undervalued stock falls and to sell when it becomes fully valued. An investor in an Internet stock or in the extraordinarily expensive shares of a very good company has no idea what to do when the price moves up or down. This creates a serious dilemma for the great majority of investors and a real opportunity for a few.



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Even though I was a great poker player when I was young, I wasn't good enough at pretending when I thought I knew more than my supervisors did. And I didn't try as hard at pretending as would have been prudent. So I gave a lot of offense. Now, I'm generally tolerated as a harmless eccentric who will soon be gone. But, coming up, I had a difficult period to go through. My advice to you is to be better than I was at keeping insights hidden. One of my colleagues, who graduated as number one in his class in law school and clerked at the U.S. Supreme Court, tended as a young lawyer to show that he knew a lot. One day the senior partner he was working under called him in and said, "Listen, Chuck, I want to explain something to you. Your duty is to behave in such a way that the client thinks he's the smartest person in the room. If you have any energy or insight available after that, use it to make your senior partner look like the second smartest person in the room. And only after you've satisfied those two obligations, do you want your light to shine at all". Well, that was a good system for rising in many a large law firm. But it wasn't what I did. I usually moved with the drift of my nature, and if some other people didn't like it, well, I didn't need to be adored by everybody.

Let me further develop the idea that a multi-disciplinary attitude is required if maturity is to be effective. Here I'm following a key idea of the greatest lawyer of antiquity, Marcus Tullius Cicero. Cicero is famous for saying that a man who doesn't know what happened before he's born goes through life like a child. That is a very correct idea. Cicero is right to ridicule somebody so foolish as not to know history. But if you generalize Cicero, as I think one should, there are a lot of other things that one should know in addition to history. And those other things are the big ideas in all the other disciplines. And it doesn't help you much just to know something well enough so that on one occasion you can prattle your way to an A in an exam. You have to learn many things in such a way that they're in a mental latticework in your head and you automatically use them the rest of your life. If many of you try that, I solemnly promise that one day most will correctly come to think, “Somehow I've become one of the most effective people in my whole age cohort.” And, in contrast, if no effort is made toward such multidisciplinarity, many of the brightest of you who choose this course will live in the middle ranks, or in the shallows.



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バフェットが割安に購入した証券から利益が早々に生じることはなかった。彼は市場外で購入しなかったし、それなりの利益が手早く得られる少数売却や相対による売却もしなかった。市場で大量に買い付けたのだ。彼は、市場がまちがっていると単純明快に決めていた。売り手は明瞭に考えていないか、おそらくは明瞭に考えるだけの地位にいない者と見ていた。売り手が売却していた理由は、ワシントン・ポスト社の事業価値とくらべて株価が満額あるいは割高だったからではないのは、ほぼ確かだ。意外に思うだろうが、 この件で彼らとバフェットは同じ意見だったようだ。見解の相違は仮にひとつだけだとすれば、株価が事業価値からどれだけ割り引かれていたか、その差が適切な水準かどうかだった。バフェットはそれを広いものと見ていた。


バフェットはリスクを気にしていなかったのだろうか。もちろん気にかけていたが、短期志向かつ硬直さを強いられた投資家にぴったりのリスクとは違っていた。そのような投資家は株式をバフェットに売るたびに、意図せずして彼をますます裕福にしていたのだ。彼らは短期的な成績を過度に心配し、 顧客も同じように受けとめていると考えていた。今日の大規模な投資信託業者は、まさにそのような投資家と言えるだろう。彼らの世界では相対的に劣った成果をあげることが破滅を意味しており、「長期」という言葉は投資の成果が評価される頻度によって定められている。彼らにとっては「愚か者にみえること」がリスクであって、「実際に愚か者であること」ではない。「だれもが保有している銘柄には大枚払ってもいいところを、保有し損ねること」がリスクであって、「払い過ぎること」ではない。多数の企業を保有する以上、大打撃を受けることよりも、 群衆から離れていくことのほうがますますリスクとなるのだ。

And profiting from his bargain purchases was not an immediate occurrence. Buffett was making no off-market purchase, odd lot or private sale he could immediately flip for sizable gain. He in fact bought very much on the market; he had simply decided that the market was wrong. His view was that the sellers were not thinking clearly, perhaps were not in a position to think clearly. In all probability, they were selling not because they believed the shares were fully priced or overpriced compared with the value of Washington Post as a business. On this they and Buffett may, perhaps surprisingly, have agreed. Their disagreement, if there was one, concerned the level of appropriate discount between share price and business value, a gap that Buffett saw as widening.

It is helpful to note that Buffett did not consider whether Washington Post was a component of a stock-market index, or about to be added to one (ironically, in a sense, since the possible inclusion of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway in the S&P 500 Index is one of the speculative forces lifting that stock today). He did not weigh the market capitalization of the company or its daily trading volume in his purchase decision. He didn't worry about whether the stock was about to split or pay or omit a dividend. He most certainly did not evaluate the stock's beta or use the capital-asset pricing model or consider whether its purchase would move his portfolio to the efficient frontier. He simply valued the business and bought a piece of it at a sizable discount.

Was Buffett not concerned about risk? Of course he was, but not those risks that were most pertinent to the shorter-term-oriented, more rigidly constrained investors who were unwittingly making him wealthier every time they sold him another share. Those investors, quite like today's big mutual-fund complexes, were disproportionately worried about their short-term investment results and their clients' perception of same. In such a world, relative underperformance is a disaster and the longer term is measured by the frequency with which investment results are evaluated. Risk for them is not being stupid but looking stupid. Risk is not overpaying, but failing to overpay for something everyone else holds. Risk is more about standing apart from the crowd than about getting clobbered, as long as you have a lot of company.



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Another idea that was hugely useful to me was one I obtained when I listened in law school when some waggish professor said, "A legal mind is a mind that considers it feasible and useful, when two things are all twisted up together and interacting, to try to think about one thing without considering the other." Well, I could see from that indirectly pejorative sentence that any such “legal” approach was ridiculous. And this pushed me further along in my natural drift, which was toward learning all the big ideas in all the big disciplines, so I wouldn't be a perfect damn fool the professor described. And because the really big ideas carry 95% of the freight, it wasn't at all hard for me to pick up about 95% of what I needed from all the disciplines and to include use of this knowledge as a standard part of my mental routines. Once you have the ideas, of course, you must continuously practice their use. Like a concert pianist, if you don't practice you can't perform well. So I went through life constantly practicing a multi-disciplinary approach.

Well, this habit has done a lot for me. It's made life more fun. It's made me more constructive. It's made me more helpful to others. It's made me richer than can be explained by any genetic gifts. My mental routine, properly practiced, really helps. Now, there are dangers in it, because it works so well. If you use it you will frequently find when you're with some expert from another discipline - maybe even an expert who is your employer with a vast ability to harm you - that you know more than he does about fitting his specialty to the problem at hand. You'll sometimes see the correct answer when he's missed it. That is a very dangerous position to be in. You can cause enormous offense by being right in a way that causes somebody else to lose face in his own discipline or hierarchy. I never found the perfect way to avoid harm from this serious problem.
