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Warren Buffett's secret to staying young: "I eat like a six-year-old." (Fortune)


"If I eat 2700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it everyday."


One 12-ounce can of Coke contains 140 calories. Typically, Buffett says, "I have three Cokes during the day and two at night."

朝食にポテト・スティック? 「そうですよ、この缶にUTZと書いてますね」[UTZ社は製造元の会社]


potato sticks? "I have a can right here," he says. "U-T-Z"

"This morning, I had a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream,"



"I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among six-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a six-year-old."

"It's the safest course I can take."



2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(14)終

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[***] 過去において、組合での制度に対する拠出をシフト当たりや時間当たりへと制限することで、経営者はいかなる水準の給付であれ、年金基金の管理業務と同じようにその責任から解放されたようにみえました。しかし、この「不干渉」の位置を守る盾は浸食されつつあります。当初の段階では、定められた拠出だけすればよいと考えていました。しかし、それらの制度で約束した給付に対する責任をいつの日か引き受けたほうがよい、そう認めるべきだと思います。将来的には、この領域が投資している年金資金に対して、少なくとも部分的には統制したいと考えるようになるかもしれません。


(1) 経済の世界で2ケタのインフレが継続することになれば、私設の年金制度は大虐殺の目にあいます。おそらくそうはならないと思われますが、考えられないわけでもありません。その惨事を変えたくても、年金基金の投資プロセスではほとんど打つ手はありません。望みがあると思われるのは、尽力によってこれまでの約束が果たされてきたことと、そしてある経済的特性をもった事業を所有している点です。その特性によって、現在かかっているすべてのコストと同じように、過去に生じた労務コストの大部分も価格に転嫁することができます。

(2) より穏やかな世界であれば、約束が明文化されているように留意することは今後も重要ですが、しかしその程度はインフレが和らいでいる時期のように縮小しています。伝統的な資産運用のやりかたをとる場合、平均以上の成績は期待すべきではありません。しかし低インフレ下の環境では、平均点でも問題なく受け入れられることでしょう。

(3) ほどほどに非伝統的なやりかたで投資する場合、つまり事業で行われるやりかたを銘柄選択にも徹底することですが、それに応じて投資上のリスクが増すわけではなく、長期的にみた成績は平均を少し上回る可能性があります。


Pension Asset Management in the Scale of Business Priorities

Of course, the desirability of even considering something non-conventional (not to be equated with more risk; the exclusive benefit provision of ERISA requires fiduciaries to discharge their duties "solely in the interests of the participants and beneficiaries") relates to the relative impact pension results can have on overall earnings. One of my friends always reminds me: "If a thing's not worth doing at all, it's not worth doing well." If our pension assets were $1 million and likely to grow only a few hundred thousand dollars a year, it would be ridiculous to think of any activity that might incur even unwarranted criticism, let alone litigation. On the other hand, if we had U. S. Steel's pension situation, we might want to make a truly top priority project out of pension asset management (as they have), even if we might slightly increase personal risks to directors by so doing.

We fall in between although, if you look through to the plans to which we contribute but don't manage (Guild, mechanical, etc.)[***] we are moving more in the direction of U. S. Steel. It is likely that within ten years we will have $40 million in our direct pension "division" and further substantial sums in other plans presently on an indirect basis. Earnings of businesses purchased through this "division" should run at least $5 million per year.

[***] In prior years it was felt that by limiting contributions to union plans to so much per shift, or per hour, management was relieved of responsibility for any specific level of benefits, as well as pension fund administration. The shield of this "hands off" position is eroding and we should recognize that we may well have responsibility at some future date for benefits promised under these plans, which we originally thought involved only defined contributions. With this in prospect, we may wish to gain at least partial command over fund investments in this area.

Summing up:

(1) If the economic world turns out to be one of sustained double-digit inflation - probably still unlikely but not unthinkable - among the carnage will be private pension plans. The investment process can do little to modify that disaster. Hope lies mainly in the care with which past promises have been made, and the ownership of a business whose economic characteristics allow pass-through pricing which includes a large part of past labor costs, as well as full current costs.

(2) In a more orderly world, the care with which promises have been worded remains important, but on a scale that diminishes as inflation moderates. Conventional approaches to money management should not be expected to produce above average results. But average will be perfectly acceptable at low inflation rates.

(3) A mildly non-conventional investment approach, emphasizing a business approach to security selection, gives some opportunity for long-term results slightly above average without corresponding increase in investment risk.

Warren E. Buffett
October 14, 1975



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Charlie Munger and the 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part Four (Forbes)

<質問者> どのような日常的な習慣を身につけて実践するのがよいとお考えですか。

<マンガー> あまり興味のないことで大きな成功をおさめたことは一度もないですね。「これが大好きだ」というのがなければ、かなり頭のいい人でも大成功はできないですよ。なにかに対して深く興味を持つこと自体が、ゲームの一部だと思います。興味の対象が中国の書道だけだとしたら、その道を進むべきです。書道しか興味がないのに、天体物理学で成功できるとは思えませんよ。

Q: What daily habits would you recommend practicing?

Munger: I have never succeeded very much in anything in which I was not very interested. If you can't somehow find yourself very interested in something, I don't think you'll succeed very much, even if you're fairly smart. I think that having this deep interest in something is part of the game. If your only interest is Chinese calligraphy I think that's what you're going to have to do. I don't see how you can succeed in astrophysics if you're only interested in calligraphy.

<質問者> もうひとつのバークシャーを始めるとしたら、どのような形態や構成をとりますか。パートナーシップ[=組合]ですか、それともCコーポレーション[=課税対象となる一般的な会社]ですか。

<マンガー> 非常に賢明な質問ですね。実はバークシャーでやっていくことになったのは、たまたまだったのです。会社は大量の市場流通証券を抱えていたので、売却すれば利益の35%が税金ですよ。投資用のヴィークルとして、それを選ぶ理由はないですね。とんでもない話ですが、我々はそこに入り込んでしまったわけです。しかしそれでやってきましたが、相当不利でしたね。「奇妙なことが起こるものだ」、それを示した例でした。飛んでいられないはずのマルハナバチが、実際は飛び続けていられるのと同じですね。



Q: If you were to start another Berkshire, in what form or structure would establish this. A partnership or a C-corp?

Munger: That's a very intelligent question. Berkshire happened by accident. Having a lot of marketable securities inside a corporation with 35% taxes on every gain: No investment vehicle chooses that. It's insane. We just stumbled into it. Now we made it work, but it's a huge disadvantage. It just shows that odd things can happen. The bumble bee shouldn't have been able to fly as well as it did, but it did.

We bought a lot of things that we just held, including a whole lot of private companies, so no capital gains taxes there. No dividend taxes. And, buying so many marketable securities that we just sat on. Not that we don't pay a lot of taxes, but we have a lot of capital gains taxes that are accrued but not paid on the balance sheet.

We made it work, but is it an intelligent system? No, it's insane. The correct system is to have a partnership. That is such an easy question, I'm surprised you asked it. Maybe you're promoting private partnerships and you knew what my answer would be. (laughter)


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(13)

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(5) 最後の選択肢はわたしが頼みとしているやりかたです。ただし折衷案などではなく、そこそこ非伝統的なやりかたなので、取締役に対してある程度の法的リスクが生じます[**]。ほかの通常の株式投資方式とは見た目以上にその姿勢が異なっていると言えますし、結果のほうもそうなります。ポートフォリオを管理する際には、事業買収に際して経営者が意思決定をするのとよく似た形で判断をくだすことになります。

[**] このメモでは、法的な検討はほとんど行っていません。文章の長さの都合もありますが、そもそもわたしの専門領域ではないからです。一般的には、大多数のやりかたと同じようにするのがもっとも安全です。大規模で一流とみられている旧来からの組織が述べる専門的な意見を信じるわけです。その一方で、好財務で堅牢なビジネスを純利益や資産面からみて妥当な金額で購入し、そういった企業へと分散投資することはまちがいなく守備的だと考えています。ただし、無条件に守備的となるわけではありませんが。












(5) My final option - and the one to which I lean, although not at anything like a 45-degree angle - is mildly unconventional, thereby causing somewhat more legal risk for directors.[**] It may differ from other common stock programs, more in attitude than in appearance, or even results. It involves treating portfolio management decisions much like business acquisition decisions by corporate managers.

[**] I am leaving most of the legal discussion out of this memo - partly due to space considerations and partly because it is not my field. In general, the safest course is to behave as most others are behaving - and to trust in the expertise of large, well-regarded conventional organizations. I also believe it is defensible - although not as automatically defensible - to diversify among a group of well-financed entrenched businesses purchased at reasonable valuations of earnings and assets.

The directors and officers of the company consider themselves to be quite capable of making business decisions, including decisions regarding the long-term attractiveness of specific business operations purchased at specific prices. We have made decisions to purchase several television businesses, a newspaper business, etc. And in other relationships we have made such judgments covering a much wider spectrum of business operations.

Negotiated prices for such purchases of entire businesses often are dramatically higher than stock market valuations attributable to well-managed similar operations. Longer term, rewards to owners in both cases will flow from such investments proportional to the economic results of the business. By buying small pieces of businesses through the stock market rather than entire businesses through negotiation, several disadvantages occur: (a) the right to manage, or select managers, is forfeited; (b) the right to determine dividend policy or direct the areas of internal reinvestment is absent; (c) ability to borrow long-term against the business assets (versus against the stock position) is greatly reduced; and (d) the opportunity to sell the business on a full-value, private-owner basis is forfeited.

These are important negative factors but, if a group of investments are carefully chosen at a bargain price, it can minimize the impact of a single bad experience in, say, the management area, which cannot be corrected. And occasionally there is an offsetting advantage which can be of very substantial value - but for which nothing should be paid at the time of purchase. That relates to the periodic tendency of stock markets to experience excesses which cause businesses - when changing hands in small pieces through stock transactions - to sell at prices significantly above privately-determined negotiated values. At such times, holdings may be liquidated at better prices than if the whole business were owned - and, due to the impersonal nature of securities markets, no moral stigma need be attached to dealing with such unwitting buyers.

Stock market prices may bounce wildly and irrationally but, if decisions regarding internal rates of return of the business are reasonably correct - and a small portion of the business is bought at a fraction of its private-owner value - a good return for the fund should be assured over the time span against which pension fund results should be measured.

It might be asked what the difference is between this approach and simply picking stocks a la Morgan, Scudder, Stevens, etc. It is, in large part, a matter of attitude, whereby the results of the business become the standard against which measurements are made rather than quarterly stock prices. It embodies a long time span for judgment confirmation, just as does an investment by a corporation in a major new division, plant or product. It treats stock ownership as business ownership with the corresponding adjustment in mental set. And it demands an excess of value over price paid, not merely a favorable short-term earnings or stock market outlook. General stock market considerations simply don't enter into the purchase decision.

Finally, it rests on a belief, which both seems logical and which has been borne out historically in securities markets, that intrinsic business value is the eventual prime determinant of stock prices. In the words of my former boss: "In the short run the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine."

Specifically, it probably is possible to invest the $12 million in our pension fund in a dozen businesses (maybe more; ERISA emphasizes diversification) with current intrinsic value (measured by private-owner valuations and transactions) attributable to our investment of, say, $20 million and current earnings of at least $1.5 million. The portion of such earnings paid out to us clearly is worth 100 cents on the dollar, and a reasonable batting average by the managements of companies in which we invest should result in the portion reinvested having similar value. If this is the case, such a "pension division" operation will produce better returns than bond investment at current rates.

The main long-term risk would be that future returns on capital obtained by our "division managers" would turn sour. In some individual case that undoubtedly would prove true. It might well be that there also would be a favorable surprise or two. That is true of any acquisition program. The one substantial advantage that this "division" would have would be attractive purchase prices - far below those available for purchasers of entire businesses. If purchases could not be made on such a "bargain" basis, we simply would wait until they could. A second advantage would be the flexibility provided by a public stock market, allowing portions of business operations to be acquired or divested much more easily than entire operating businesses.

It must be emphasized that measurement of this program would have to be based on the progress in our share of earnings and assets of the constituent companies - not short-term market movements. We would expect substantial increases in earnings, dividends and asset values over, say, a decade just as we expect with our operating divisions at Washington Post. We would, in mental approach, have created a new diversified division, currently capitalized at about $12 million, which is expected to earn a better-than-bond rate with which to eventually pay retired employees. In a sense, this is what was done in the profit-sharing fund when it accumulated Washington Post stock throughout earlier years - basically a wise decision because the business earned very well internally and thereby grew in value at a substantial rate. It was an attractive partially-owned business, acquired at an attractive price. Until market prices were introduced, which complicated things, the funds built up through this self-owning division were significantly larger than would have been achieved by buying bonds or the general run of common stocks.

If it should be decided to implement such a policy, recommendations should be obtained from qualified analysts who clearly understand our rather unusual selection criteria. This could be handled on a quite infrequent basis.

As mentioned earlier, a policy also could be followed combining more than one option. Most combinations have been (1) and (3), or (1) and (4), but (4) and (5) could well be more logical.




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今回から始まるこのシリーズでは、『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に収録されている講演その8(Talk Eight)を全訳でご紹介します。いつもとは少し違う雰囲気の話です。(日本語は拙訳)








Talk Eight

The Great Financial Scandal of 2003
An Account by Charles T. Munger, Summer 2000

The great financial scandal erupted in 2003 with the sudden, deserved disgrace of Quant Technical Corporation, always called "Quant Tech". By this time, Quant Tech was the country's largest pure engineering firm, having become so as a consequence of the contributions of its legendary founder, engineer Albert Berzog Quant.

After 2003, people came to see the Quant Tech story as a sort of morality play, divided into two acts. Act One, the era of the great founding engineer, was seen as a golden age of sound values. Act Two, the era of the founder's immediate successors, was seen as the age of false values with Quant Tech becoming, in the end, a sort of latter-day Sodom or Gomorrah.

In fact, as this account will make clear, the change from good to evil did not occur all at once when Quant Tech's founder died in 1982. Much good continued after 1982, and serious evil had existed for many years prior to 1982 in the financial culture in which Quant Tech had to operate.

The Quant Tech story is best understood as a classic sort of tragedy in which a single flaw is inexorably punished by remorseless Fate. The flaw was the country's amazingly peculiar accounting treatment for employee stock options. The victims were Quant Tech and its country. The history of the Great Financial Scandal, as it actually happened, could have been written by Sophocles.

As his life ended in 1982, Albert Berzog Quant delivered to his successors and his Maker a wonderfully prosperous and useful company. The sole business of Quant Tech was designing, for fees, all over the world, a novel type of superclean and superefficient small power plant that improved electricity generation.