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My third prescription to you for misery is to go down and stay down when you get your first, second, or third severe reverse in the battle of life. Because there is so much adversity out there, even for the lucky and wise, this will guarantee that, in due course, you will be permanently mired in misery. Ignore at all cost the lesson contained in the accurate epitaph written for himself by Epictetus: "Here lies Epictetus, a slave, maimed in body, the ultimate in poverty, and favored by the gods."

My final prescription to you for a life of fuzzy thinking and infelicity is to ignore a story they told me when I was very young about a rustic who said, "I wish I knew where I was going to die, and then I'd never go there." Most people smile (as you did) at the rustic's ignorance and ignore his basic wisdom. If my experience is any guide, the rustic's approach is to be avoided at all cost by someone bent on misery. To help fail, you should discount as mere quirk, with no useful message, the method of the rustic, which is the same one used in Carson's speech.

What Carson did was to approach the study of how to create X by turning the question backward, that is, by studying how to create non-X. The great algebraist, Jacobi, had exactly the same approach as Carson and was known for his constant repetition of one phrase: "Invert, always invert." It is in the nature of things, as Jacobi knew, that many hard problems are best solved only when they are addressed backward. For instance, when almost everyone else was trying to revise the electromagnetic laws of Maxwell to be consistent with the motion laws of Newton, Einstein discovered special relativity as he made a 180-degree turn and revised Newton's laws to fit Maxwell's.

It is my opinion, as a certified biography nut, that Charles Robert Darwin would have ranked near the middle of the Harvard School graduating class of 1986. Yet he is now famous in the history of science. This is precisely the type of example you should learn nothing from if bent on minimizing your results from your own endowment.

Darwin's result was due in large measure to his working method, which violated all my rules for misery and particularly emphasized a backward twist in that he always gave priority attention to evidence tending to disconfirm whatever cherished and hard-won theory he already had. In contrast, most people early achieve and later intensify a tendency to process new and disconfirming information so that any original conclusion remains intact. They become people of whom Philip Wylie observed: "You couldn't squeeze a dime between what they already know and what they will never learn."

The life of Darwin demonstrates how a turtle may outrun a hare, aided by extreme objectivity, which helps the objective person end up like the only player without a blindfold in a game of Pin the tail on the Donkey.

If you minimize objectivity, you ignore not only a lesson from Darwin but also one from Einstein. Einstein said that his successful theories came from "Curiosity, concentration, perseverance, and self-criticism." And by self-criticism, he meant the testing and destruction of his own well-loved ideas.



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Charlie Munger And The 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part Three (Forbes)

<質問> ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルのジェイソン・ツヴァイクです。[当社を]無料で宣伝してくださり、ありがとうございます[前の質疑応答でWSJ紙の話題あり]。もしお望みでしたら、[社主の]ルパート・マードックにも、デイリー・ジャーナル紙へ返礼をする気はないか訊ねたいと思います。さて本題です。ベン・グレアムが晩年に言った言葉で、「個人的な見解として、適切な思考のできる個人投資家が機関投資家をしのげないと考えるに足る理由はない」とありました。相対的な活動領域が遷移したと思われますか。今日の個人投資家は当時よりも有利なのですか、それとも不利なのでしょうか。

<マンガー> このように広大な市場ですから、自分にとって本当に有利な場所を勇んで探す抜け目ない人であれば、結局はうまい結果を出しますよ。常ならぬ割合で金もうけできる場所、頭のいい人がその場所を見つける方法は、大きな市場には常にいくつかあるものです。彼らは他人よりも賢明かつ熱心に取り組むからです。そういうのは、なくなりませんね。










Q: I'm Jason Zweig from The Wall Street Journal. Thanks for the free ad. If you want I can ask Rupert [Murdoch] if he'd like to reciprocate for the Daily Journal. Late in his life, Ben Graham said that in his opinion there was no reason to imagine that an individual investor who thought appropriately couldn't outperform institutions. Do you think the relative playing field has shifted? Do individuals have a greater or a lesser advantage today?

Munger: In markets as big as this, some shrewd guy who's willing to search out a few places where he has a real advantage will always do well. There are always going to be ways in markets this big for some smart people to figure out something where they'll make money at an unusual rate, just because they're smarter and more diligent. That will never go away.

I don't think there will ever be a universal easy solution where people can do that. The American market is tough now to outperform if you're buying big stocks in big quantities. I think it's a pretty damned efficient market, and I don't say it can't be done, but I just think it's plenty difficult. The evidence is overwhelming that even though there are zillions of people who have tried, the ordinary result is that they don't succeed.

I would hate the job, personally, of investing, say, in positions of a billion dollars each in 200 different stocks in America and outperforming the averages. I would shrink from that with horror. Peter Kaufman said something interesting to me the other day. He runs a very profitable company [Glenair, Inc.] that has very good returns on capital. He said, "You know, if somebody bought my company for three times sales, I wouldn't run it anymore, because I'd have a hard time justifying that price with anything I could do." He's already rich, why should he do something that difficult? He doesn't have to.

I think that's what happened in America. People know their own business is lousy. They know another business that is way better. But it's not better if you have to pay thirty times earnings for it. It gets so difficult that it doesn't work. I figured this out, but the consultants and investment bankers keep selling the same nostrum that you can save yourself by paying thirty times earnings for the kind of business you wish you had, instead of the one you've got.

Berkshire has been a huge exception. In this year's annual report Warren intends to deal extensively with: Why did it happen at Berkshire? Will it continue? We've reached a size and the record is interesting enough that those are very important questions. If the rest of the world is as smart as I think it is, it will look at this report with great interest.

Part of what we did should be done by others, but it isn't. There are vast institutional pressures on people to do it differently. Will it continue? I think Berkshire's going to continue way better than most people think. Way better. But there's so much power in what we already have. Part of the reason we have a decent record is that we pick things that are easy. Other people think they're so smart, they can take on things that are really difficult, and that proves to be dangerous.

You have to be very patient, you have to wait until something comes along, which, at the price you're paying, is easy. That's contrary to human nature, just to sit there all day long doing nothing, waiting. It's easy for us, we have a lot of other things to do. But for an ordinary person, can you imagine just sitting for five years doing nothing? You don't feel active, you don't feel useful, so you do something stupid.

You'll find this year's Berkshire annual report very, very interesting. Three failing businesses together created Berkshire Hathaway. There are about the same number of shares outstanding now as they were then. I can't think of anything like it at this scale. You'd think people would be paying more attention to it than they do. I think it looks so peculiar that they can't handle it.

I read an article once by a famous man. I liked it so well (this was twenty-five years ago) that I sent him whatever I could send him without paying gift tax. I sent him $20,000 dollars and said, "I really liked your article, here's a token of my respect." He sent the money back. So, I called him and said, "Why are you sending it back to me. I don't care if you give it to your charwoman or the graduate student who works under you. For God sake's, keep the damn money." Whereby, he took my money and gave it to some graduate student. His basic attitude was, if it was that easy, there must be something wrong with it.

I think that's part of the trouble with Berkshire Hathaway. It looks so damned easy, they think there must be something wrong with it. The people there don't work that hard. They have all these outside interests - Warren's playing bridge twelve hours a week (laughter). They just keep spinning and winning and it just looks too easy. So it's confusing. There must be something wrong with it. (laughter)



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ヘッジファンドのマネージャーであるセス・クラーマンの記事が英経済紙Financial TimesのWebサイトに掲載されていたので、ご紹介します。題名に示したとおり、クラーマン氏がウォーレンから学んだ教えを12項目あげています。特に新しいものはありませんが、二重のフィルターを通過したという点が重要だと思います。(日本語は拙訳)


Seth Klarman: What I've learned from Warren Buffett (CNBC)

1. バリュー投資のやりかたが通用すること。割安なものを買えばよい。

2. 事業や人の資質にこだわること。すぐれた資質の事業であれば、成長して累積的にキャッシュフローをうみだす可能性が高い。質の低い事業は浸食されがちなので、すぐれた経営者、つまり特定したり呼び寄せたり残留させるのが難しい人物がいても、会社を救うには至らないかもしれない。パートナーとしてみつけるべき経営者は有能であることが欠かせず、また彼らの狙いが自分のものと連携できる人物であること。

3. 手広く分散させる必要はないこと。「生涯で使えるパンチカードは1枚かぎり。1件投資すれば穴を1つ開け、その回数は20回まで」のように投資すること。ひろく機会を求めること。それは世界のどこかでみつかるかもしれない。予想外の産業や構成の中にあるかもしれない。

4. 一貫して振る舞うこと、そして辛抱できること。これらは決定的な要素である。ほとんどの投資家にとっての最悪の敵とは、自分自身である。辛抱しつづければ、累積的な効果が得られる。

5. リスクとは、価格変動(ボラティリティー)と同じことではない。リスクとは、払い過ぎたり、企業の将来性を過大評価した時に生じるものである。価格は価値よりも大きく変動するため、価格が変動することで機会が生じ得る。価格下落から身を守るためには、ある程度の価格上昇は犠牲にすること。

6. かつてない出来事は周期的に起こるものだから、それに備えておくこと。

7. 投資で失敗しても、それを糧にできる。

8. 機会がないときに現金のままでいるのは、理にかなっている。

9. 形式ではなく中身を重視すること。投資対象が公開企業か非公開企業かは問題ではない。同じように、保有するのが一部なのか全部なのかは問題ではない。債券、優先株、あるいは普通株、投資先がどれでもかまわない。

10. すなおに振舞えること。あやまちをみとめて、きっぱりと行動に移すこと。そして、あやまちから教訓を得ること。上手な文章を書くことは思考を明瞭にしてくれる。それは自分だけでなく、僚友たる株主にとっても同じである。

11. (運用者や投資家が)短期的な成績を求める圧力に縛られないために、見解を同じくする株主をみつけて維持するように努めること。

12. 道は好む所によって安し。[好きなことを仕事にすれば、苦役と感じることはない]

1. Value investing works. Buy bargains.

2. Quality matters, in businesses and in people. Better quality businesses are more likely to grow and compound cash flow; low quality businesses often erode and even superior managers, who are difficult to identify, attract, and retain, may not be enough to save them. Always partner with highly capable managers whose interests are aligned with yours.

3. There is no need to overly diversify. Invest like you have a single, lifetime "punch card" with only 20 punches, so make each one count. Look broadly for opportunity, which can be found globally and in unexpected industries and structures.

4. Consistency and patience are crucial. Most investors are their own worst enemies. Endurance enables compounding.

5. Risk is not the same as volatility; risk results from overpaying or overestimating a company's prospects. Prices fluctuate more than value; price volatility can drive opportunity. Sacrifice some upside as necessary to protect on the downside.

6. Unprecedented events occur with some regularity, so be prepared.

7. You can make some investment mistakes and still thrive.

8. Holding cash in the absence of opportunity makes sense.

9. Favour substance over form. It doesn't matter if an investment is public or private, fractional or full ownership, or in debt, preferred shares, or common equity.

10. Candour is essential. It's important to acknowledge mistakes, act decisively, and learn from them. Good writing clarifies your own thinking and that of your fellow shareholders.

11. To the extent possible, find and retain like-minded shareholders (and for investment managers, investors) to liberate yourself from short-term performance pressures.

12. Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(10)

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Illustrations of Reality in Pension Fund Investment Management

I recently received some interesting figures from a pension fund involving about $250 million of assets. The 9-1/2 year record through June 30, 1975 of the three major banks involved (managing $20 - $50 million per bank) follows, compared to "average" as defined in two ways, the S & P 500 and the D-J Industrials:

Annual Compounded Rate of Return (including Dividends)
Dow-Jones Industrials+2.8%
S & P 500+3.8%
Continental Illinois+1.8%
First National City+1.0%
Morgan Guaranty+3.4%

Until recently, Chase had managed a comparable segment of the funds but was terminated because of poor performance - probably worse than the other banks shown above. Each percentage point plus or minus affected this fund by about $2 to $4 million over the time period measured.

A further interesting calculation was made. On June 30, of the portfolio held by Continental, 64% of the securities held, measured by market value, also were in the Morgan portfolio and 44% were duplicated in the First National City portfolio. Similar overlap was demonstrated in other ways.

I am familiar enough with the record of this fund to state that no unusual constraints have been placed on the managers, and no special factors have to be recognized to interpret the numbers. I believe that Morgan's above-average record here, compared to that of other large banks, is typical of its relative performance at other pension funds. I also feel the predictive value of that relative standing to be low.

Pensions & Investments magazine recently rated the 35 largest banks for which five-year performance records of commingled equity funds were available. Ten did as well as or better than the S &P, consistent with what might be expected according to probability theory if everyone were operating solely according to chance and there was a modest drag on performance caused by transaction costs. More importantly, I know of no set of statistics which would demonstrate any opposite view relating to managers handling large amounts of money.

The evidence all seems to confirm that it is unwise to expect above-average investment results from a corporate pension plan, conventionally managed.



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My second prescription for misery is to learn everything you possibly can from your own experience, minimizing what you learn vicariously from the good and bad experience of others, living and dead. This prescription is a sure-shot producer of misery and second-rate achievement.

You can see the results of not learning from others' mistakes by simply looking about you. How little originality there is in the common disasters of mankind - drunk driving deaths, reckless driving maimings, incurable venereal disease, conversion of bright college students into brainwashed zombies as members of destructive cults, business failures through repetition of obvious mistakes made by predecessors, various forms of crowd folly, and so on. I recommend as a memory clue to finding the way to real trouble from heedless, unoriginal error the modern saying: "If at first you don't succeed, well, so much for hang gliding."

The other aspect of avoiding vicarious wisdom is the rule for not learning from the best work done before yours. The prescription is to become as non-educated as you reasonably can.

Perhaps you will better see the type of nonmiserable result you can thus avoid if I render a short historical account. There once was a man who assiduously mastered the work of his best predecessors, despite a poor start and very tough time in analytical geometry. Eventually, his own work attracted wide attention, and he said of his work:

"If I have seen a little farther than other men, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."

The bones of that man lie buried now, in Westminster Abbey, under an unusual inscription:

"Here lie the remains of all that was mortal in Sir Isaac Newton."