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<質問者> 累進消費税の政策を支持するとのお話がありました[過去記事]。そのお考えは最善の案だと思いますが、うまくいくのは経済の調子がいいか、あるいは過熱しているときだと思います。もし1981年から82年にあったような厳しい不況の時期だとしたら、どう思われますか。

<バフェット> 累進消費税が制定されれば、法律がいつ施行されようとも、つづく1年間やおそらく2年間は経済が低迷するでしょう。単純にこう考えてみてください。この国で生産された製品の100%を消費していたとします。そこから突如5%を貯蓄しはじめることになれば、すぐには生産が増加しないと仮定すると、まあそうなるでしょうが、消費は95%に落ち込むでしょう。しかし毎月5000ドルを稼いでいる人が、家族のためにもっと貯蓄することに決めれば、その時点では消費を減らします。ですが、後になってから消費を増やすかもしれません、貯蓄した分が投資にまわって、そこから生みだされるものがあるからです。投資をいっそう誘発する消費税はどんな種類のものであっても、つづく1,2年間は経済に悪影響を与えます。だから、この政策は不興を買うわけですね。みなさんの家庭でも同じように、この話は人気がないと思います。つまり「もっと蓄えをして消費を減らそう」と掲げても、必ずしも勝利につながる論拠とはならないのです。しかし長い目でみれば、このやりかたをすれば富を築くことができます。ですから累進消費税がいつ導入されたとしても、しばらくは足をひっぱると思います。



Q. You support a progressive consumption tax policy. I think your idea is the best and works when our economy is booming or overheated. What do you think if our economy is in a severe recession like in 1981-82?

A. A progressive consumption tax, if enacted, would hurt the economy in the following year or maybe a couple of years, regardless of when it was introduced, simply because: If we are consuming 100% of the goods produced in the country and all of the sudden you say we're going to start saving 5%, that would take consumption down to 95%, assuming no immediate increase in output, which there wouldn't be. If you're making $5,000 a month and you decide to save more in your family, you're going to cut consumption at that point. Later on, you may increase consumption because of the product of that investment. Any kind of a consumption tax that induces more investment will hurt the economy in the following year or two, which makes it tough to sell. That makes it tough to sell in your own household, too. If you say we're going to start saving more and consuming less, that's not necessarily a winning argument. But it is the way to build wealth over time. I would say no matter when it was introduced, it would have a bite for a while.

Think back to 1790, when 90% of the people in the country were on farms. If some guy had come along and said we're going to develop tractors, combines, and cultivators that will put 80% of these people out of work so that a small percentage of people will be on farms, people would say, "That's terrifying, you know, we can't have that." Actually, saving and investment frees up people to do all kinds of other things, as you have seen on the long scale of 200 years of this country. It's a terrifying prospect to people in the short run, because they see the unemployment; they don't see those people being freed up to produce all kinds of other things over time. If you could have had a little video tape that you showed all the farmers in the country in 1790, and said, "Use this one tractor instead of needing all of your sons and sons-in-law and everybody else to farm this place, and you will be able to do it yourself. The other eight people will be unemployed," I would have hated to have a referendum on whether people wanted progress, in terms of better farm machinery. That is the problem with increasing the investment rate in the country. And, in a politically charged environment with sound bites on television, I'm not sure it could be sold.

Well, I want to thank you all for coming; it's been a real pleasure to return to the University of Nebraska and I hope we keep our quarterbacks healthy. Thanks.

ちなみに、今日8月30日はウォーレンの誕生日です。84歳になります。現地時間の30日はもう少しあとになりますが、Happy Birthday, Warren!



0 件のコメント:

<質問者> 近年になって会計事務所が顧客から訴えられる例がみられるようになりました。監査業務が期待にこたえていないという理由です。バフェットさんやバークシャー・ハサウェイは外部の監査人に対して何を期待されていますか。

<バフェット> いい質問ですね。何年か前に連邦会計標準委員会(FASB)に言ったことがあります。会計士は訴訟されても仕方がないですよ、と。それというのも、当時の典型的な会計証明は誇張されていたからです。多くの企業において彼らがそのような意見を表明する立場にいたとは思えませんでした。「会計士の意見は立証できない」という事実に対して金銭的な責任を問われたときには、まさしくそのとおりだと思いました。場合によってはやりすぎがあったかもしれませんが、彼らの意見表明は信頼されていたのです。銀行や保険会社などの多くの例で、彼らは証明しようにも単にそうできる立場にいませんでした。さて当社の場合、規模が小さく統制されてもいます。また内部監査の要員もいます。もし外部の監査人が何かしてくれるのならば、税務面で他にいい案を検討してもらったり、管理統制上のシステムについて社内の監査役が指摘できなかった弱点をみつけたり、あるいは明らかなまちがいを指摘するなどをお願いします。これまでにそういったことはなかったですが、彼らにお金を払っているのはそれを期待しているからです。証券取引委員会(SEC)とニューヨーク証券取引所によって義務付けられているので、何はともあれ彼らを使っているという事実は別としてですよ。ちなみに、監査をしたことがないという大きな会社を買収したことがありますが、気になりませんでした。


Q. Mr. Buffett, in recent years, several public accounting firms have been sued by their clients because they have not met their expectations on their auditing services. I was wondering what you and Berkshire Hathaway expect from your external auditors?

A. Well, that's a good question. I said to the Federal Financial Accounting Standards Boards some years ago that I thought accountants deserved to be sued, because I thought the typical accountant certificate in those days was overstated. I did not think they were in a position in many companies to deliver that opinion and when they have been held financially accountable for the fact that they couldn't back up that opinion, I really thought that was appropriate. It may have gone overboard in some cases, but they were stating something there that people relied on. In many cases - take banks or insurance companies - they were simply not in a position to attest as they did. In our own case, we are small and controlled, and we have an internal audit staff. I'm hoping, if an outside auditor comes up with anything, it may be a potential tax idea, or it might be things our internal auditors did not spot in terms of weaknesses in the control system, or they might spot outright fraud of some sort. We haven't had that, but that's what I'm paying them to do, aside from the fact I have to have them anyway because I'm required to by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange. Incidentally, we have bought big firms that never had an audit, and that doesn't bother me.

When I made the deal with Mrs. Blumkin, it was on August 30, 1983. I know that because it was my birthday. I didn't want to tell her that early on, because I thought she might think I was over-eager. I told her afterwards and she said, "You bought an oil well on your birthday!" She had no audit and she just told me she owned all the land, all the buildings, and all the inventory. She told me about what the receivables were, what the business was about, that all the bills were paid, and they didn't owe any money. We never had an audit. We bought that business with a contract that was one page long.

<質問者> ヘルスケア(医療制度)の改革が、経済全般やバークシャー・ハサウェイに対してどのような影響を及ぼすのか、何かご意見や予想されていることがありますか。

<バフェット> 前の質問でも話しましたが、ヘルスケアの話題で6,7年前に総会を一度やりました。たとえばこの国でGDPの14%分を何かのことに費やしているとして、他の国が9%以下で済んでいるとしたら、競争上の位置に影響が出てきます。稼いだお金はなるべく多く自分のものにしたいと感じるものですからね。これは経済の1/7を占める話題で、感情的にもなりやすく、議論がどのような結末をむかえるのか、わたしにはわかりません。医療費の増加率はかなり弱まったと考えていますが、必ずしも恒久的になるとは思いません。数年間は続くかもしれませんが、医療費が全般的なインフレ率を大幅に超えて増加しはじめれば、元に戻ってしまうでしょう。医療制度のことはこれから何度も耳にすると思いますし、ぜひそうするべきだと思います。

Q. Do you have any opinions or predictions on how health care reform is going to affect the economy, in general and Berkshire Hathaway, specifically?

A. Well, as I said earlier, we had our one general meeting on health care about six or seven years ago. When you are spending 14% of the Gross Domestic Product on something that other countries are spending 9% or less, it affects your competitive position. You would like to feel that you are getting a whole lot more for your money. I have no idea how the debate is going to come out because you are talking about one-seventh of the economy and something that is emotionally charged. I do think the rate of increase in health cost has dampened considerable, but I don't think that is necessarily permanent. I think it can last for a few years and it will come back if we start getting increases in health care costs significantly above the general rate of inflation. You are going to hear a lot about health care, again, and you should.





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<質問者> ここ数年になって最も関心が寄せられるようになってきた政治的な問題、特に環境問題についてお聞きしたいと思います。この国や世界中で環境問題に対する懸念が増してきました。一般に環境問題の多くは、企業が環境にあまりやさしくないテクノロジーを採用し、負の方向へと適用した結果だと言われています。産業界におけるリーダーとしては、企業がもっと環境に負荷をかけないテクノロジーを採用するために、どのような基準を定めればいいとお考えですか。

<バフェット> 環境問題についてですが、すでに法規制が実施されており、環境に有害な影響を与えている企業にとっては極めて重荷になっています。すべての詳細は知りませんが、環境保護庁(EPA)からの指示はそれなりに見聞きしているので、少なくともこの国では25年前とくらべて状況は大きく変化したと思います。しかし、他の国が同じようにしているかは別の問題です。世界経済の中でみれば、ある種の規制を設ける以上、つまり児童労働や環境問題や労災について規制していない他の国とくらべると、コスト競争力で不利になります。これは社会として負担すべき代償ですが、費用として現実に発生するものです。



Q. My question concerns something that has come to the forefront in the last couple of years in politics especially - environmental issues. We have seen an increase in the concern of this country, and around the world, with environmental issues. People say a lot of the environmental problems are a result of businesses taking technologies that are not so benign to the environment and applying them in negative ways. In your opinion, as a corporate industrial leader, what would be some criteria that should be established so that corporations could find ways to apply more benign technologies?

A. I would say on environment that we've already got legislation in place which makes it extremely painful for companies who are doing things which are environmentally harmful. I don't know all the details, but I’ve seen enough of the Environmental Protection Agency’s operation that I think that situation has changed dramatically from 25 years ago, at least in this country. What we do about the rest of the world is another question. In a world economy, to the extent that you apply any kind of restrictions, in terms of child labor or environment or workers compensation that other countries don't impose, you have a competitive cost disadvantage. That’s a price that society has to pay here, but it is a real cost.

I personally think that population is probably one of the most important issues the world faces, except for the eventual problem of nuclear proliferation. I don't know how with the proper population of the world should be or will be. I know that number is different from what it would have looked like hundred years ago, and it probably will look different a hundred years from now. But, I do know there is a number and it may be affected by technology and it may be affected by the fact that our resources are greater than we think now. If we in this room were to all embark on a space ship journey some place, which was going to last a hundred years, and they were going to put provisions in the space ship that would be ample for this group, we might not know how many more people we could take on that space ship before we endangered the ability to survive and return in a hundred years. But we would know that the number was finite. And, we would certainly err on the low side. We would not say, “Well let's just take a shot at it and have 500 more join us.” It is a finite world. Man’s imagination is not necessarily finite, and we can do a lot of things that we haven't even thought of with resources. But in the end, there is only so much oil and gas in the ground. We’re dealing with finite resources. They're not known, but they are finite. I would say it is a terrible mistake for the human race to test what the ultimate carrying capacity of this planet is. We had better have a margin of error. I believe that population is a terribly important issue.

Now, one of the problems in society is that the most important issues are often these incremental type things. The world is not going to come to an end because tomorrow there are 200 or 250 thousand more people on the planet than there were today. That’s about the number it grows every day. There is nothing apocalyptic about it. People will go on making apocalyptic projections. But, it is like eating about 300 calories more each day than you burn up; it has no effect on you today. You don't get up from the table and all of a sudden everybody says, “My God, you look fat compared to when you sat down!” But, if you keep doing it over time, the incremental problems are hard to attack because that one extra piece of pie doesn't really seem to make a difference. The 250,000 people tomorrow don’t seem to make any difference, but the cumulative effects of them will make a huge difference over time, just like overeating will make a huge difference over time. The time to attack those problems is early. It's a huge determiner of the kind of environment we have. I think the time to be thinking about those issues is now.




2 件のコメント:

<質問者> 世間一般より裕福な人は社会に借りがあるとのおはなしでした。これは尊敬に値するお考えだと思いますが、それではバフェットさんにとっての借りとはいったい何でしょうか。

<バフェット> 正直なところわたしの考えでは、有形の財という意味でそのほとんどは、結局は社会に属するものだと思います。たまたまこの社会でうまくやれたからといって、わたし一人で全部消費したり、一族で営々と狂ったように消費しつづけるのは節度を欠いています。この話の興味深い点は、わたしたちが市場社会で生きているということです。3割7分5厘の打率を残せたり、ゴルフをアンダーパーで回れたり、わたしのやっていることと同じようにできたり、あるいはある種の才能を持っていれば、市場はそれらの才能に対してたっぷりと支払ってくれます。ところが25年前の野球選手はそこまでもらっていませんでした。球場には5万人しか入らなかったからです。しかしテレビやケーブルがでてきたことで、2億5千万の人が球場の様子を観戦できるようになり、がらりと経済性が変わりました。この市場システムでは、ある種の才能を持つ人には報酬が浴びせられます。ところが、社会にとって重要な才能、たぶんずっと重要な才能を持った人たちが報酬をたっぷり受けることはありません。傑出した教師やすばらしい看護師・研究者がおどろくほどの報酬をもらっているとは思えません。たぶん、ダメな人とくらべても金額は多くないでしょう。しかしずば抜けたヘビー級チャンピオンやみごとな中堅手、株式選定で突出した成績をあげる人などは、びっくりするほどたくさん稼いでいます。市場システムがそのように働いているという理由によってです。


Q. Mr. Buffett, you said that people who are better off than society have a debt to society. I find this respectable. I just am wondering, what's your debt?

A. Well, I really think in terms of material goods that overwhelmingly eventually belong to society. I think it would be obscene if I tried to consume them all myself or have my family consuming like crazy forever just because I happen to be well-adjusted to this society. The interesting thing is that we live in a market society. If you can bat .375, if you can shoot sub-par golf, if you can do what I do, if you have certain kinds of talents, the market will pay enormously for those talents. Now, it didn't pay that well for ballplayers 25 years ago because the stadiums only held 50,000 people, but television and cable have made it possible for the stadiums to hold 250 million people and that changes the economics dramatically. This market system showers rewards on people with certain types of talents. Yet it does not shower rewards on other people with talents just as important to society; maybe more important to society. An outstanding teacher, outstanding nurse or researcher may not be paid dramatically more and maybe no more than the mediocre one. But the outstanding heavyweight fighter, or the outstanding center fielder, or the outstanding stock picker, or whoever, gets incredibly more because of the way the market system works.

It has been a great system for causing an outpouring of goods and services that people want. The market system works terrifically that way. I don't think it works terrifically in terms of distribution of the rewards. And, I think you solve that in two ways. One way is you solve it through your tax system and the other way is you solve it through philanthropy. You might call this a self-imposed tax. I think you could probably find 300 public school teachers in Omaha who have contributed absolutely as much to society as some fellow like myself or somebody that bats .350, or some guy that has won the light-heavyweight boxing championship. The teachers are never going to get paid properly. Society will not reward them that way. I don't see any way for society to do that. I don't have anything in mind about some "comparable worth" type of arrangement. I think the market system is the best system far delivering goods, but then I think in terms of distributing these goods and services produced by that market system. Both philanthropy and a progressive tax system of some sort are the appropriate methods.



0 件のコメント:

<質問者> 学費を得るにはどのような方法がもっともよいとお考えですか。

<バフェット> いちばんいいのは誰かからもらうことです。実のところわたしも大学の学費は自分では払いませんでした。両親が出してくれたのです。[ネブラスカ大学の]リンカーン・ジャーナル誌のマーク・シークレストさんの元で働いていたのですが、稼いだお金は全部貯金し、証券を買うのに使いました。みなさんにも自分のやれる方法があると思います。親御さんが出してくれるのもいいですし、奨学金を出してくれる先がみつかれば、それもよいでしょう。しかし自分で稼ぐしかないのであれば、そうせざるを得ないと思います。

Q. What do you feel is the best way to get money to pay for college?

A. The best way is to have somebody give it to you. Actually, my parents paid for my college education, so I did not. I worked for Mark Seacrest at the Lincoln Journal, but I took all that money and saved it to buy securities. You do it any way you can. If you've got a parent to give it to you, terrific. If you've got somebody that will give a scholarship to you, terrific. And, if you have to work for it, you know, that's what you have to do.

<質問者> バークシャー・ハサウェイには「バフェット・プレミアム」が上乗せされていると聞いたことがあります。それがどのようなものか、またなぜ存在しているのかご意見をお聞かせください。

<バフェット> これまでと同じように、将来もわたしたちがうまくやるだろうと考えている人がおられます。こう考えてみるとどうでしょう。競馬場に出向いて、過去にすばらしい成績をあげた13歳の馬に賭けるというのは。この例では過去から将来を推定していますが、果たしてそれほどのプレミアムがあるとはわたしには思えません。もちろん単なる個人的な意見ですが。

Q. I've heard the existence of a Buffett premium in regards to Berkshire Hathaway. Could you explain what that is and maybe comment on the reason for its existence.

A. Some people think we will do as well in the future as we have in the past. And, you can compare that to going out to the race track and betting on a 13-year-old horse that had a great record up to then. It's an extrapolation of the past and I don't think there is that much of a premium in it anyway, but that's just my own opinion.

<質問者> 私はカリフォルニアのロサンゼルスに住んでいます。生活するという意味ではかなりひどい場所だと一般的には考えられています。しかしオマハの祖母を訪ねたところ、一人あたりの犯罪発生数はロサンゼルスよりも悪いことがわかりました。50年代や60年代にそこまで犯罪の中心だったかは知りません。しかしバフェットさんは政治的にあるいは資産家として、経済上の取り組みへと立ち返らせたり、スーパーへ買い物を行く途中に殺されないようにするには、どうすればいいと思われますか。

<バフェット> その前提を是が非でも受け入れたいとは思いませんが、かといって無視しているわけでもありません。ある地域社会の犯罪率をよそと比べる際には、かなり微妙なところがあります。たとえば市街地を測定対象にした、ということがあるからです。特にSMSA (標準大都市統計地域; Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area)による人口統計が関係しているとすれば、SMSAは市の中心街を対象にしているのです。さて、犯罪に関する問題がどんなものであっても、わたしには妙案や即効薬を示すことはできません。しかし社会として取り組めるもっとも大切なことは、優れた公立学校体制を維持することだと考えています。いちど失ってしまえば、取り戻すのはとてもむずかしいことですが。だれもがなるべく同じ出発点からスタートできるように、社会として力を尽くすことが不可欠だと思います。

しかし現状はそうなっていません。収入が少ない人の子供とくらべると、わたしの子供のほうがあらゆる優位を手にできる状況です。ここには大きな格差があります。もちろん、持って生まれた能力にも格差はありますし、育った環境でも格差は生じます。しかし、社会から提供される教育に格差があってはならないと思います。都市、特に大都市が次々と優れた公立学校体制を失っていけば、それも大きな一因となってさまざまな社会的問題を将来生み出すことになると思います。もしわたしがなにかひとつやれるとすれば、つまり魔法の杖を振るうことができれば、優れた公立学校体制を築く方法を知りたいものです。宗教的な理由を除けば、自分の子供を私立の学校にやりたいとは誰も考えなくなる仕組みです。良き教育を受けさせたいために私立の学校に通わせる必要がなくなるでしょう。しかしロサンゼルスの公立学校体制は、少なくみても多くの点ですでに崩壊しています。ロサンゼルスに住む友人は公立学校の体制が整っているとは建前として言うものの、自分の子供は私立の学校に行かせています。ワシントンDCで政治家がやっていることとちょうど同じです。連邦の議員で子供を公立校へやっている人は、基本的にはいないと思います。40年前にワシントンDCにいたときにはわたしは公立の学校へ通いましたが、すばらしい学校でした。その学校には上下院の議員の子供が6人かそれ以上いました。現在のワシントンでは、二級とされている体制に入ることをひとたび余儀なくされると 公立校の生徒には同じ機会が回ってこなくなります。この問題を解決する妙案は、わたしには思いつきません。

企業経営や投資のことはこれまで長くやってきましたから 、いろいろわかっています。しかし、だからといって今日の社会的な問題に対してすばらしい洞察を生み出せるわけではありません。ここに慈善における問題のひとつがあります。わたしの資産をもとにした財団の理事もこの問題を抱えることになると思います。ビジネスでは簡単な問題を解決すればよく、絶好球を待つことができます。1,000社もの企業から選ぶ必要はなく、今後もコーラが飲まれ続けるか判断するだけです。そして製造・流通させるために、多額の費用が使われるわけです。慈善や社会的な状況となると、それがちょうど反対になります。あらゆる御しがたい問題、つまり解決するのが実にむずかしかったり、何十年とかかる問題が自分に渡されます。政界で働く人はきわめてむずかしい問題に取り組んでいますが、どんな気持ちなのかよくわかります。彼らが取り組んでいるのは、昨年や一昨年、あるいはそれ以前からずっと解決できずにきた問題なのですから。


Q. Mr. Buffett, I live in Los Angeles, California, which is generally regarded as being a horrible place to live anymore, but visiting my grandmother in Omaha, I find that the crime rate per capita is, I believe, worse than in Los Angeles. I don't know in the 50's and the 60's if crime was not such a forefront thing, but I'm wondering if you either politically or with your own personal fortune have any ideas on how to get us focused back on economic issues and not getting murdered on the way to the supermarket.

A. I don't necessarily want to accept the premise, and I'm not denying the premise. I just think when you compare the crime statistics of one community verses another, that can become quite tricky, because to some extent they are measuring the city, for example. Specifically, you become involved in how much of the population of the SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) is metropolitan in that city. I have no great answer or fast answers to any crime problems. I think the most important single thing society can do something about - although it gets very tough if you've lost it - is to maintain an outstanding public school system. I think it's essential that everyone comes as close to starting at the same starting point as possible in society.

Now, it isn't going to happen, because my kids are going to have all kinds of advantages that some low income person's kids aren't going to have. And, there is a huge disparity. There is also a disparity in the talents they are born with. There is a disparity in the environment they have. But, there shouldn't be a disparity in the education they receive from society. I think to the extent that one city after another - particularly the large ones - have lost a good public school system, that is a big contributing factor to a lot of social problems that follow. If I could do one thing, if I had a magic wand, I would try to figure out a way to have an outstanding public school system where there was no reason for anybody to send their kids, except for religious reasons, to private schools. Private schools wouldn't be needed in order to get a good education. But I know Los Angeles's public school system, at least in many parts, has deteriorated. I have friends out there and they will pay lip service to a good public school system, but they will send their kids to private school, just like our legislators do in Washington, D.C. Essentially, I don't think there is anybody in Congress who sends their kids to the public schools. I went to public school in Washington, D.C. 40 years ago, and it was first class. We had half a dozen or more kids of Senators or Congressmen at that school. Today in Washington, public school students are not getting the same shot at the opportunities in America, if they have been forced into a system that is second class. I don't have great solutions to this problem.

I know something about running business and investing, because I've been doing it for a long time. But, that does not give me great insight into a lot of the social problems of the day. One of the problems with philanthropy - and my foundation's board will have this problem with my funds - is that in business, I get to solve the easy problems. I get to wait for fat pitches. I don't have to make a choice among 1,000 different companies. All I have to do is decide people are going to keep drinking Coke. And, there is a lot of money to be made in manufacturing and distributing it. In philanthropy and in social situations, it's just the reverse. All of the intractable problems - the ones that are really tough to solve, the ones that take decades - are the ones that get thrown at you. That's why I do feel empathy for people in politics, because they are dealing with the toughest problems. They are dealing with problems that people couldn't solve last year, or the year before, or the year before that.

Regarding philanthropy, after I die, the Buffett Foundation will be tackling problems that are terribly important, but also terribly difficult to solve, and I wish them well. And I'll understand how important the requests are that they'll receive, and how terribly difficult it will be to solve, to make decisions, and I wish them well. But I'll understand; wherever I am I'll understand, if they have difficulty accomplishing that.


College-Ready Education (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)