


わたしの好きなファンド・マネージャー、ボブ・ロドリゲス氏のFPA Capital Fundが第2四半期の報告書を公開していました。米国でのGDPや企業業績、株価水準にふれた箇所を引用してご紹介します。同氏の慎重な姿勢は前回の第1四半期同様、変わっていません。(日本語は拙訳)

FPA Capital Fund, Inc. Quarterly Commentary (June 30, 2013) (PDFファイル)




この1年間に出席したさまざまな資産運用に関する会合で、ほかの投資家の見解を聞く機会がありました。「利益が成長しないのに株式市場が上昇するのはなぜでしょうか」。判を押したように返ってくるのは、「FRBの金融政策のおかげで、株式市場へ資金が流入している」という答えでした。ノルウェー最大の銀行のグローバル証券部門でトップを務めているマグナス・ピーネ(Magnus Piene)は、顧客に対して次のように警告しています。「この潤沢な資金のおかげで、本来やるべきでないことをしているのが現在の状況です」。(後略) (p.3)

First quarter GDP growth, for example, was recently revised downwards to just 1.8%, and earlier estimates for the second quarter's GDP of as high as 3.0% by some economists now seem highly unlikely. Moreover, applying Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), earnings for the S&P 500, in aggregate, did not grow year-over-year through the month of June. Actually, based on U.S. GAAP, earnings for the S&P 500 declined about a half of one percent over the past year. According to Factset, a financial data firm, 87 companies have thus far issued negative EPS guidance for Q2 2013 versus 21 that have issued positive EPS guidance. In other words, more than 80% of the recent corporate EPS guidance was negative.

But there is no need to worry about increasing GDP; the bureaucrats in Washington are changing how GDP is measured. Starting in July, 2013, the green eyeshade people will include research & development expenses, rights to entertainment programs, and accrual expenditures for defined benefit pension plans in their new statistics for calculating the size of our economy. These one-time adjustments will, voila, boost GDP by roughly $500 billion, or 3%, overnight.

Despite weak GDP growth, a slight decline in GAAP earnings, and negative EPS guidance, the S&P 500 and the Russell 2500 appreciated more than 20% and 25% over the past year and more than 13% and 15%, respectively, year-to-date. According to Standard & Poor's and Barron's, the P/E ratio for the S&P 500 increased from 15.7x to 18.7x, or roughly 20%, over the past year, while earnings were essentially flat. In other words, 100% of the return for the S&P 500 over the past year was due to P/E multiple expansion as opposed to GAAP earnings growth.

While attending various investment conferences over the past year, we have had the opportunity to ask other investors why they think the stock market is going up if earnings are not growing. The consensus answer is that the market is rising because of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy is facilitating capital flows into the equity markets. Magnus Piene, head of global securities for Norway's largest bank, warned his clients that “all this liquidity is pushing people to do things they should not be doing.” (omitted)

現在の状況のように株式市場が割高だと私どもが考える時期が、高値をつけたあとに株式の評価がどのように推移したか、少し前にさかのぼって調べてみました(下図参照)。たとえば2000年の中ごろには、FPA Capitalファンドの評価額は[投資先企業の]純利益の14.7倍でしたが、Russell2500とS&P500はどちらも25倍以上で売買されていました。その後の数年間をかけて、市場は40%以上下落しました。また2008年半ばにはRussell2500は純利益の20倍、S&P500は16倍超で取引されていました。このときも株式市場は翌年に40%以上と大幅に下落しました。ここでご理解いただきたいのは、そういった過去と同じように株式市場が大幅に下落すると予想しているわけではありません。そうではなく私どもの見解、つまり現在のように株式市場が高くなった主たる理由はFRBの政策にあることを、ここでは示しているだけです。(p.4)

We reviewed other contemporary periods of time (see the table below) when equity markets were, in our opinion, expensive - similar to the current environment - and then how equity markets performed subsequent to those high valuation periods. For example, in the middle of 2000 the FPA Capital Fund was trading at just 14.7x earnings. However, the Russell 2500 and S&P 500 were both trading above 25x earnings, and the markets then declined over 40% during the following couple of years. In the middle of 2008 the Russell 2500 was trading at 20x earnings while the S&P 500 was trading at over 16x. Again, the equity markets experienced a sharp decline of greater than 40% the following year. We want to be clear, we are not forecasting a decline in the equity markets of the magnitude exhibited during those two prior periods. We are merely pointing out that the equity markets today are rich and being driven principally by Fed policy, in our opinion.


Briefing: Results of the 2013 NIPA Comprehensive Revision (Bureau of Economic Analysis) (PDFファイル)

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