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ラベル ウォーレン・バフェット の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> そのような反応は、いささか信じがたく思えるかもしれません。1954年には、以前とは異なる国に変わっていたからです。しかし、だれもがその疑念を抱いていました。実際のところ、「崖の上から、またしても飛び降りるのか」と不安がられるほどでした。なぜなら、1929年に付けた381ドルを超えていたからです。そこで、アーカンソー州選出のビル・フルブライト上院議員は、のちに外交委員会の件でとても有名になる人物ですが、上院銀行委員会の委員長だった彼は特別調査を開始しました。彼は「株式市場調査」と称していたと思いますが、その報告書を読んでみれば、彼が「次なる砂上の楼閣を築いてきたのか否か」という疑念を本当に抱いていたことが読みとれます。ところで、この委員会には興味をひく点があります。委員の一人はプレスコット・ブッシュ、かのジョージ・H・W・ブッシュの父であり、ジョージ・W・ブッシュの祖父に当たる人でした。そのほかにも著名な名前が散見されます。



(Warren Buffett 47:33)

And that seems a little farfetched because it was a different country in 1954, but that was the common question, and it actually achieved such a level of worry about whether we were about to jump off another cliff just because the 381 of 1929 had been exceeded, that they held, Senator Fulbright, Bill Fulbright of Arkansas, who became very famous later in terms of the foreign relations committee, but he headed the Senate Banking Committee, and he called a special per special investigation, and he calls it the, what did he call it? The stock market study, but it really, if you read through it, he really was questioning whether we had built another house of cards again, and on this committee, it's interesting to see the Senate Finance Committee, one of the members was Prescott Bush, the father of George H. W. Bush, and grandfather of George W. Bush, and it had some illustrious names.

(Warren Buffett 48:54)

His committee, in March of 1955, with a Dow of 405, assembled 20 of the best minds in the United States to testify as to whether we were going crazy again, because the market was at 400, the Dow was at 400, and we had gotten in this incredible trouble before, but that was the mindset of the country, it's incredible.

(Warren Buffett 49:24)

We didn't really believe America was what it was, and my was, the reason I'm familiar with this 1000-page book that I have here, I found it last night in the library, was that I was working in New York for one of the 20 people that was called down to testify before Senator Fulbright, and he testified right before Bill Martin, who was running the Federal Reserve, testified, and right after General Wood who was running shares testified, theirs was very, very important then, and Bill Martin of course was the fellow that longest running chairman in the history of the Fed, and he's the one that gave the famous quote about the function of the Fed was to take away the punch balls just when the party started to get really warmed up.

なお、ウォーレンが紹介していた報告書『証券市場調査』のコピーは、Google PlayのBooksで閲覧できます(ただし、ページの端がうまく複写できていない箇所もあります)。

Stock Market Study, Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, First Session, on Factors Affecting the Buying and Selling of Equity Securities



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 1920年や1930年や1929年から1951年までの期間、あるいはわたしが産まれた年からの20年間というのは、この国が始まってから140年ほどしか経っていなかった時期でした。どうぞ、その点をお忘れなきよう。そして、建国以来つづいた目覚ましい231年間[原文ママ]のうちの「20年間」でした。人々はその間、「国富つまりアメリカ企業を全体としてみると、いつまで経っても経済が停滞したままの期間だ」と感じていました。しかし全体としてみれば、実際ははるかにずっと発展していたのです。そうだとしても、20年前にわたしが産まれた時の水準まで株価が戻るには、それだけの時間がかかりました。



(Warren Buffett 44:42)

So take the years from 1920, 1930, or 1929 really into the 1951, or take the year from my birth, 20 years, and bear in mind that the country was only 140 years old when they started, that's 20 years out of this amazing 231-year lifetime of our country, that was flat out a time of for a long time with no economic growth, and no feeling by people in terms about the wealth of the country, about what American economy was worth, about all these corporations that were doing far, far, far better than they were, all in all, but it took all of that time to restore in the market a price level that was equal to what it was when I was born 20 years earlier.

(Warren Buffett 45:51)

So, if you think about the fact that we're enduring a few months, and we'll endure some many more months, and we don't know how it comes out, and people in the '30s didn't know how it was going to come out, but they endured, persevered, prospered, and the American miracle continued. But it's interesting in that I actually don't have a slide for the next one, because last night I was thinking after all the slides had been prepared, I was actually thinking about this a little bit, and I remembered that at the start of 1954 the stock market was ... the Dow was only at about 280, and I remember 1954 because it was the best year I ever had in the stock market.

(Warren Buffett 46:53)

And the Dow went from essentially what? 280 or thereabout at the start of the year, to a little over 400 at the end of the year, and when it went to 400, as soon as it went across 381, that famous figure from 1929, when it went to 400, and this will be hard for some of you to believe, but everybody wondered, " Is this 1929 all over again?"



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 大恐慌は非常に長期にわたって続きました。しかし実際に影響があった期間よりも、人々の心に残った期間のほうがずっと長く続きました。そして第二次世界大戦がはじまりました。それによって、この国はある種不本意な形でケインズ主義的政策をとることになりました。つまり財政赤字を拡大しはじめたのです。それは甚だしく巨額なものとなり、GDP比でみて過去最悪の債務を追うことになりました。その記録は現在もなお、破られていません。


(Warren Buffett 42:51)

So the great depression went on, and it lasted a very long time, but it lasted a lot longer in the minds of people than it did actually in its effects. World War II came along, and on sort of an involuntary manner we adopted Keynesianism, we started running fiscal deficits, of course, that were absolutely huge, and took our debt up to a percentage of GDP, which we had never reached before, and never have reached since.

(Warren Buffett 43:35)

So we had an enormous economic recovery, but the minds of people had been so scarred, the memories, parents told their children, 1929 became a symbol in people's minds, I mean, if you said 1929 it was like saying 1776, or 1492. I mean, everybody knew exactly what you were talking about, and it affected stock prices in a rather remarkable way to the point, if you'll change to the next slide, it was January 4th of 1951 that the kid who was born on August 30th in 1930 had finished college before the stock market got back to where it was at that earlier time.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 祖父は、まさしくそのとおりに言いました。家族のことは気にかけていたものの、だからといって行き過ぎることはない人でした。また当時を振り返ったときに挙げたいことのひとつとして、経済学者が「頃合い」というものに重きをおきたがらない点があります。もしFDIC[連邦預金保険公社]が10年早くはじまっていたら、それというのもFDICは、ルーズベルトが大統領に就任した後、策定中だった法案を一掃した際にできたもので、1934年1月1日に保険制度が開始されましたが、しかし大恐慌が起こった時点でFDICが存在していれば、当時のわたしたちが経験したことは、まるで違うものになっていたはずです。




(Warren Buffett 39:33)

That was my grandfather's word exactly, he cared about his family but he wasn't going to go crazy, and one of the things as I look back on that period is, and I don't think the economists generally like to give it that much of a point of importance, but if we'd had the FDIC 10 years earlier, the FDIC started on January 1st, 1934, it was part of the sweeping legislation that took place when Roosevelt came in, but if we'd had the FDIC we would have had a much, much different experience, I believe, in the great depression.

(Warren Buffett 40:24)

People blaming on smooth hall here, and they ... I mean, there's all kinds of things, and the margin requirements in '29, and all of those things entered into creating a recession, but if you have over 4,000 banks fail, that's 4,000 local experiences where people save, and save, and save, and put their money away, and then someday they reach for it and it's gone, and that happens in all 48 states, and it happens to your neighbors, and it happens to your relatives, it has to have an effect on the psyche that's incredible.

(Warren Buffett 41:15)

So one very, very, very good thing that came out of the depression, in my view, is the FDIC, and it would have been a somewhat different world, I'm sure, if the bank failures hadn't just rolled across this country, and with people that thought that they were savers find out that they had nothing when they went there and there was a sign that said, "Closed."

(Warren Buffett 41:49)

Incidentally, the FDIC, I think very few people know this, or at least they don't appreciate it, but the FDIC has not cost the American tax payer a dime, I mean its expenses have been paid, its losses have been paid all through assessments on banks, it's been a mutual insurance company of the banks backed by the federal government, and associated with the federal government, but now it holds $100 billion and that consists of premiums that were paid in an investment income on the premiums, plus the expenses, and paying of all the losses, and think of the incredible amount of peace of mind that's given to people that were not similarly situated when the great depression hit.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 株式市場の暴落が続くなか、わたしの誕生から1年間経っていないか、もうすぐ1年になろうとする頃に、わが父は勤め先の銀行へ出向いていきました。その銀行には口座も保有していました。しかし、おもてには「閉店」と掲げられていたのです。仕事をなくした父は、当時2人の子供を抱えていました。ところで彼の父親は、食料や雑貨を扱う店を営んでいました。実はわたしだけでなくチャーリー・マンガーも、わが祖父の店で働いていたことがあります。チャーリーは1940年に、わたしは1941年でしたから、わたしたち両名が知り合わせたことはありませんでした。その祖父が、わが父にこう言いました。「ハワードよ、食べ物や日用品のことは心配するな」と。「ツケ払いにしておいてやるから」。

(Warren Buffett 38:52)

In that intervening period, less than one year after I was born, just slightly less than one year, my dad went to the bank where he worked and had his account, and of course the bank had a sign out of "closed" and so he had no job, and he had two kids at that point, and his father had a grocery store, but Charlie and I both worked for my grandfather. Charlie worked there in 1940, I worked there in 1941, so we didn't know each other but my grandfather said to my father that, "Don't worry about your groceries, Howard," he says, "I'll just let your bill run."


From the Archives: The Oracle & Omaha (Omaha.com)





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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 1930年が株価下落中の年だとは、世間では考えられていませんでした。大恐慌のさなかだとも思われず、過去にも10回は到来したような景気後退にちがいないと考えられていました。しかし株式市場がつねに重要だとは言えないのですが、当時の米国では数々の景気後退があったことで、その事態が通例を逸脱した激烈なものだとはみなされませんでした。しばしの間、すなわちわたしの誕生後10日間ほどは、株価は辛くも1-2%近く上昇しました。しかし、それが最後の日となりました。


(Warren Buffett 36:47)

People did not think in the fall of 1930, they did not think they were in a great depression, they thought it was a recession very much like had occurred at least a dozen times, although not always when stock markets were important, but we'd have many recessions in the United States over that time, and this did not look like it was something dramatically out of the ordinary. For a while, actually for about 10 days after my birth, that'd be [inaudible 00:37:28] and the stock market actually managed to go up all of 1-2% there in those 10 days, but that's the last day.

(Warren Buffett 37:42)

Well, from that point, if you'll turn to the next slide, the stock market went from level of 240 to 241, which was a noticeable decline, because if somebody had given me $1,000 on the day I was born, and I'd bought stocks with it, and bought the Dow Average, my $1,000 would have become $170 in less than two years, and that is something that none of us here have ever experienced that we may have had it with one stock occasionally, but in terms of having a broad range of America mark down 83% in two years, and mark down 89% of the peak, that was in September 3rd, 1929, was extraordinary.



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株価が48%下落する数か月前に、わたしの父たちは町の人々へ株を販売していました。ですから今や街中へ出て、その当人たちと顔を合わせたいとは思わなかったでしょう。それでわが父は「籠城」(shelter in place)を選んだのだろうと思っています。現代風に言えば「巣ごもり」(stay at home)です。我が家にはそれほどモノはありませんでした。小さな庭がありましたが、冬の時期ですから、父はそこでくつろぐわけでもなく、テレビもなかったので、母と仲睦まじく過ごしていました。


(Warren Buffett 35:26)

And when stocks fall 48%, and they were selling them to people a few months ago, you really don't feel like going out and facing those same people, so I think my dad probably liked to do was, they say now, shelter in place, which means stay at home, and there really wasn't that much in our house, we just had a small yard, it was wintertime anyway, my dad wouldn't have been puttering on the yard anyway, and the television wasn't there, and he and my mother got along very well.

(Warren Buffett 36:10)

So under those conditions, if you'll turn to the next slide, I was born about nine months later, but at that time, I was actually born on August 30th, but the stock market was closed that day, and so I'm using the previous day figures, but I didn't notice at the time that the market was closed, but the stock market had actually recovered over 20% during that nine and a half month period or thereabout.



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今回の株主総会が立ち消えになったというか激変してしまったことを、苦々しく感じています。オマハにおける多くの事業者に影響を及ぼしたからです。小規模な事業者はありがたい存在であり、わたしたちは実際に便宜を受けています。バークシャーの株主総会には、数多くの事業者が参画してくれました。将来の総会ではまたそうしてくれると思いますが、しかし今回の件で彼らは打撃を受けています。そういう店のひとつThe Bookworm書店について、ひとこと触れておきます[地元の書店。例年の総会では、ウォーレンやチャーリー・マンガーの推薦する本などを出店にて販売している]。

もしわたしが推薦したことをきっかけに何かの本を買いたいと思ったら、オマハで営業しているThe Bookworm書店に注文してみるのはどうでしょうか。さて、ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイスが書いた『大暴落1929』は、すばらしい本だと思っています。実は、大恐慌には個人的にかかわりがあります。そのため、たいしたことではないのですが、少しばかり身の上話に立ち入りたいと思います。[大恐慌が始まった]1929年には、わたしの父[ハワード・バフェット]は26歳でした。当時は、証券外務員として地元の小さな銀行に雇われていました。彼は株式と債券の両方を販売しましたが、ほとんどは株を売っていました。


(Warren Buffett 34:02)

... a small business in Omaha, and I hate what this is truncating this meeting, or changing can so dramatically has done to many of the businesses in Omaha, because I think small business is beneficial, and we're the beneficiaries of a really ... they got a lot of business with the Berkshire meeting, and they're going to get it in the future, but they suffer during a period like this, and they just had a story about The Bookworm.

(Warren Buffett 34:28)

Well, The Bookworm, if you buy any books that come out of anything I recommend, think about just put in Bookworm in Omaha, and The Great Crash is a wonderful book of mine, John Kenneth Galbraith describes it, but I would like to get into a bit of a personal note which will have some relevance, not too much, but some relevance to the story of the great depression, because in 1929 my dad, who was 26 years of age then, was employed as a security salesman by a local small bank, and he sold stocks and bonds, but mostly he sold stocks.



0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 今度は、別の種類の危機についてお話ししたいと思います。それはもちろん、1929年にこの国を襲った大暴落のことです。そこからさらに世界恐慌へとつながりました。ここではダウ・ジョーンズ工業株価平均を使って説明します。実際のところ、当時はだれもが注目する数字でした。2番目に重要とされていた株価平均は、新聞に載っていたように、ニューヨーク・タイムズ平均でした。ただし今では消滅しています。むろんS&Pはすぐれた指標ですが、ダウ平均も文句なしに適切な指標です。さて1929年9月3日には、ダウ平均の終値が381.17ドルを付けました。人々はとても幸福で、信用取引で株式を買うことが見事にうまくいっていました。

「狂騒の20年代」はそのような状況に満足していました。信じがたいかもしれませんが、自家用車が定着し、航空機による旅行の時代が到来し、あらゆる種類の家電やさらには電話も広まるようになりました。これらは、以前にはそれほど普及していなかったものです。映画も登場しました。幸福な時代だったのです。そして次のスライドに進みますと、ダウ平均は9月3日からの数か月間で、ほぼ半値まで下落しました。実に鮮烈なできごとでしたが、今回わたしたちが直面した状況も同様で、もっと短い期間のうちに株価の三分の一を失いました。1929年の大暴落のことを描いた、すばらしい本があります。ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイスの著書『The Great Crash(邦題:大暴落1929)』です。 ここで少しばかり別の話を割り込ませてください。オマハで営業している小さな事業者についてです。

(Warren Buffett 31:46)

So let's move on to another crisis of a different sort, that hit the country, and this of course is the 1929 crash, which led to the Great Depression. Here the Dow Jones average, which we'll use through this. At that time, that's the one everybody paid attention to, actually. The second most important average at that time, if you look at the papers, was the New York Times average, which has disappeared, and of course the Standard and Poor's has probably, regardless is a superior yardstick. But the Dow Jones is a perfectly adequate yardstick. On September 3rd, 1929, the Dow Jones average closed at 381.17, and people were very happy and buying stocks on margin that worked wonderfully.

(Warren Buffett 32:55)

The roaring twenties had a good feeling to it with the auto coming of age and the day of air travel coming along and all kinds of new appliances and the telephone getting wider use, believe it or not. Hadn't really caught on that much prior thereto. But the movies were coming on. It was a happy place. Then, of course, if we go to the next slide, we'll look at what happened in the couple of months after September 3rd and the Dow Jones average almost got cut in half, and that was pretty impressive until we had this recent situation where in a shorter period of time we lost about a third. But the crash, and there's a great book about it called The Great Crash by John Kenneth Galbraith. Let me interject one little plug here. There's a small business in Omaha, and I hate what this-



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> アメリカはその傑出した夢の実現に向けて、前進してはいました。しかし三分の一ほど歩んだ時点で、まさしく決断の時をむかえ、争いに突入することとなりました。これはわたしの推計になりますが、この国の18歳から60歳までの男性のうち、およそ6%が文字どおり命をなくしました。戦争中の死者数は60万人を超えたと、わたしは考えています。また「18歳から60歳の男性が、全人口の断然大きな部分を占めていた」とするのも、妥当な推測だと思います。想像できるでしょうか、一国の労働者の中心的年代にいた男性の6%が、4年の間に消滅したわけです。この国の発展を振り返り、現在抱えているわたしたちの問題を考える際に、このことを念頭においてもらえればと思います。次のスライドでは、その数字を今日の水準に直すとどの程度になるかを示していますが、同じ年齢層の人が400万人消滅することになります。アメリカが築いてきた夢のような業績は、世界的な偉業のひとつに挙げられますし、むしろ多くの面で至高の世界的偉業と言えるでしょう。それほどまでの信じがたい停滞が生じて乗り越えていくなかでも、アメリカン・ドリームは築かれ続けていったのです。

(Warren Buffett 29:37)

So while this marvelous dream was being played out, roughly a third of the way through it, we face this really moment of decision, and we entered into a contest that, if we'll go to the next slide, I made an estimate. That literally killed roughly 6% of the males in the country who were between 18 and 60. I'm assuming that there were more than 600,000 deaths in the war. I think it's a reasonable estimate that that 18 to 60 group, males, were by far the great proportion. So imagine 6% of your working prime age males in a country are wiped out in four years. So when we look at the progress of this country and we think of our own problems now, I just ask you to ponder and we'll move to the next slide. That would be equivalent today to having four million males in that same age group similarly wiped out. So that was one incredible interruption which this country nevertheless worked through while compiling this American dream that is one of the wonders of the world, perhaps the wonder of the world in many senses.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし、夢がかなうのはまだ先の話でした。これは重要なことですが、米国は最初の難所に差しかかったのです。非常に過酷な難所がつづき、それらを越えていく必要がありました。231年間をとおして着実な足どりで前進できたわけではありません。実際のところ、この国は産まれたばかりでした。次のスライドに進みますと、生後72年が経過した1861年には、この国の人口が3,100万人になりました。1960年の統計によると、人口が3,100万人前後で、そのうち400万人が奴隷だったとされています。1789年の妥協[=1790年妥協。南北の政治的取引]に含まれていた非常に多くの問題は未解決のままですが、この件はあとでもう少し触れましょう。しかしこの国が直面したのは、外国ではそれほど起こっていない事件でした。もしも1789年当時の人たちへ次のことを知らせたら、彼らはどう思うでしょうか。72年後には国の一部が分裂し、それがきっかけで合衆国大統領[エイブラハム・リンカーン]がゲティスバーグで次のような発言をするようになると。「人々が[自由を]育み、[平等たらんと]身を尽くしてきたこの国や同様の国家が、長きにわたって存続し得るものか、それが試されているのだ」と。想像してみてください。みずから率いてきたこの国が永続するのだろうかと、合衆国大統領が問い悩むのです。これは[独立後]わずかに72年後、いや74年後のゲティスバーグで起こったできごとでした。

(Warren Buffett 27:31)

But it was not done, and this is important, because we've now hit a bump in the road. It was not done without some very, very serious bumps in the road. It was not 231 years of steady progress. In matter of fact, we had been in the birth of this country. We'd been into it, what? 72 years and if we go to the next slide, 1861 we now had about 31 million people. The 1960 cents to showed around 31 million people or thereabouts in the country and four million of them were slaves, and we had never really resolved the very much unfinished business of what was involved in compromises in 1789, and we'll have more to say about that later. But we had something that not too many countries experienced, and if you had told people in 1789 that in 72 years, you were going to have a division that causes the President of the United States at Gettysburg to say that testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. Imagine the President of the United States wondering aloud whether the country that he was presiding over could long endure, only 72 years or 74 years at Gettysburg, had taken place.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 2枚目のスライドに進みますと、ここでは1790年の米国人口を見積もってみましたが、390万人になりました。これには、ちょっとした裏話があります。統計上の数字をさがしてみたところ、1921年に商務省の建屋で大火事が発生して、多くの記録が失われていたのです。そのため、欠落をいくつか含んだ統計となっています。それはともかく、米国の人口は390万人でした。また当時奴隷だった人たちの人数ですが、実のところ60万人、というより70万人に近い数字でした。そして390万人という数は、当時の地球上の人口の0.5%に過ぎませんでした。


(Warren Buffett 16:54)

If we go to slide two, I've tried to estimate... Well, let's go back. Stay with slide two, but the population in 1790, and we had 3.9 million people here. It's funny, when you look up census figures, you find out that they had a big fire and the Department of Commerce building in 1921, so they lost a lot of the census records. So there's some things where there's a few gaps, but there were 3.9 million people in the United States. Actually, I've got .6 million. It's closer to .7 million. There were 700,000 of those people were slaves at the time. But those 3.9 million people were one half of 1% of the population of the planet.

(Warren Buffett 17:57)

If you'd asked any of those 3.9 million people, any of them to imagine what life would be like 231 years later, even the most optimistic person; they could have been drinking heavily and even had a little pot, and they still could not in their wildest dreams have thought that in three lifetimes, Charlie's mine, and Greg's, that in that period you would be looking at a country with 280 million vehicles shuffling around its roads. Airplanes, maybe not today so much, but they'll be back again. They were flying people at 40,000 feet coast to coast, five hours. That great universities would exist in one state after another, and great hospitals systems, and entertainment would be delivered to people in a way nobody could have dreamt of in 1790s. This country in 231 years has exceeded anybody's dreams.



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<ウォーレン> それではここからは、基本的にはわたしに関わるちょっとした歴史話をご紹介したいと思います。もしも自分が産まれる年代や場所を好きに選べるとしたら、どうするでしょうか。ただし性別の指定はできず、頭の良さも選べないとします。また特別な能力や弱みの有無も選べません。そのような選択が1回できるとしたら、西暦1720年は選ばないでしょう。1820年も違いますし、1920年も選びません。選ぶ時代は「現在」で、選ぶ場所はアメリカでしょう。もちろんですがこの質問がおもしろいのは、1789年にアメリカが独立してジョージ・ワシントンが政府で宣誓をしてからこのかた、人々が「現在のここ」を選んできた点です。想像できますか。「現在のここ」を望む人たちが、231年間にわたって必ずいたのです。


(Warren Buffett 14:39)

I would like to take you through a little history to essentially my case that if you were to pick one time to be born and one place to be born, and you didn't know what your sex was going to be, you didn't know what your intelligence would be. You didn't know what your special talents or special deficiencies would be. That if you could do that one time, he would not pick 1720, you would not pick 1820, you would not pick 1920. You'd pick today, and you would pick America, and of course the interesting thing about it is that ever since America was organized in 1789 when George Washington took the oath of office, people have wanted to come here. Can you imagine that? For 231 years, there's always been people that have wanted to come here.

(Warren Buffett 15:52)

My friend, I think I just jumped the gun just a shade. I'm putting up slide on. But I'm going to call from some slides as we go along. But the interesting thing about this country is what is on slide one? Let's put it up. This is an extraordinarily young country. Now I'm comparing it to a couple of guys that are pretty old, but when you think about the fact that my age, Charlie's age, our life experience, and then we'll throw in this young guy over here, Greg Abel, and if our life experiences combined exceed the life of the United States, we are a very, very young country. But what we've accomplished is miraculous. Now just think of this. This little spot in history.



2 件のコメント:

総会の模様はYahoo Financeがストリーミング中継をしましたが、そのアーカイブ映像は以下の2つのサイトでも公開されています。今回からご紹介するシリーズでは、トランスクリプトが付けられている前者のサイトから原文を引用させていただきます。

Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Event 2020 (rev.com) (トランスクリプト付き)

2020 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting - Part 1 (CNBC) (映像拡大表示可)



<ウォーレン> これからバークシャ・ハサウェイの年次総会を始めます。とても年次総会にはみえないと思います。なおさら年次総会に感じられないのは、60年来のわがパートナーであるチャーリー・マンガーが列席していないからでしょう。この総会に参列されるみなさんは、実のところチャーリーの話を聞きたくて集まっている人ばかりだと思います。しかしながら、ご安心ください。96歳になったチャーリーは元気にやっております。知性のほうも以前と変わらず明敏です。強い声音もそのままです。しかし、この総会のために彼をオマハに呼ぶのが妙案だとは思えませんでした。実のところ今回の件で、彼は新しい生活を始めています。日々の作業にZoom[によるオンライン会合]を加えたのです。彼は毎日さまざまな人と会合をしています。ですから、わたしからすれば彼という存在をテクノロジー的に飛ばした形になります。これは、それほど大したことではありません。いわば、ピーナッツなどを踏まないようにして歩くようなものです(笑)。それはともかく、チャーリーが元気なことはたしかです。来年には、ここに戻ってきます。来年は例年どおりにすべてが開催できるよう、準備を進めていきます。


(Warren Buffett 00:06)

This is the annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway. It doesn't look like an annual meeting. It doesn't feel exactly like an annual meeting, and it particularly doesn't feel like an annual meeting because my partner of 60 years, Charlie Munger, is not sitting up here. I think most of the people that come to our meeting really come to listen to Charlie. But I want to assure you, charlie at 96 is in fine shape. His mind is as good as ever. His voice is as strong as ever, but it just didn't seem like a good idea to have him make the trip to Omaha for this meeting. Charlie, Charlie is really taking to this new life. He's added Zoom to his repertoire. So has meetings every day with various people, and he's just skipped right by me technologically. But that really isn't such a huge achievement. It's more like, kind of like stepping over a peanut or something. But nevertheless, I want you to assure you, Charlie is in fine shape, and he'll be back next year. We'll try to have everything in the show that we normally have next year.

(Warren Buffett 01:26)

Ajit Jain also, who is the vice chairman in charge of insurance, is safely in New York. Again, it just did not seem worthwhile for him to travel to Omaha for this meeting. But on my left we do have Greg Abel, and Greg is the vice chairman in charge of all operations except insurance. So Greg manages a business that has more than 150 billion in revenues and crosses across dozens of industries and has more than 300,000 employees. He's been at that job a couple of years, and frankly, I don't know what I'd be doing today if I didn't have Ajit and Greg handling the duties that I was doing only about a quarter as well a couple of years ago. So I owe a lot of thanks to Greg, and you'll get exposed to him more as this meeting goes along.



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Forecasting interest rates has never been our game, and Charlie and I have no idea what rates will average over the next year, or ten or thirty years. Our perhaps jaundiced view is that the pundits who opine on these subjects reveal, by that very behavior, far more about themselves than they reveal about the future.

What we can say is that if something close to current rates should prevail over the coming decades and if corporate tax rates also remain near the low level businesses now enjoy, it is almost certain that equities will over time perform far better than long-term, fixed-rate debt instruments.

That rosy prediction comes with a warning: Anything can happen to stock prices tomorrow. Occasionally, there will be major drops in the market, perhaps of 50% magnitude or even greater. But the combination of The American Tailwind, about which I wrote last year, and the compounding wonders described by Mr. Smith, will make equities the much better long-term choice for the individual who does not use borrowed money and who can control his or her emotions. Others? Beware!





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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2019 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)




1924年のことでした。まだ無名だった経済学者かつファイナンシャル・アドバイザーのエドガー・ローレンス・スミス氏が、薄い1冊の本『長期投資先としての普通株式(原題: Common Stocks as Long Term Investments、未訳)』を上梓しました。そして、この本が投資の世界を一変させることになりました。しかし本を書いたことで、実のところスミス氏自身が変化を遂げました。みずからが抱いていた投資に対する信念を見直さざるを得なくなったのです。








Charlie and I urge you to focus on operating earnings - which were little changed in 2019 - and to ignore both quarterly and annual gains or losses from investments, whether these are realized or unrealized.

Our advising that in no way diminishes the importance of these investments to Berkshire. Over time, Charlie and I expect our equity holdings - as a group - to deliver major gains, albeit in an unpredictable and highly irregular manner. To see why we are optimistic, move on to the next discussion.

The Power of Retained Earnings

In 1924, Edgar Lawrence Smith, an obscure economist and financial advisor, wrote Common Stocks as Long Term Investments, a slim book that changed the investment world. Indeed, writing the book changed Smith himself, forcing him to reassess his own investment beliefs.

Going in, he planned to argue that stocks would perform better than bonds during inflationary periods and that bonds would deliver superior returns during deflationary times. That seemed sensible enough. But Smith was in for a shock.

His book began, therefore, with a confession: “These studies are the record of a failure - the failure of facts to sustain a preconceived theory.” Luckily for investors, that failure led Smith to think more deeply about how stocks should be evaluated.

For the crux of Smith’s insight, I will quote an early reviewer of his book, none other than John Maynard Keynes: “I have kept until last what is perhaps Mr. Smith’s most important, and is certainly his most novel, point. Well-managed industrial companies do not, as a rule, distribute to the shareholders the whole of their earned profits. In good years, if not in all years, they retain a part of their profits and put them back into the business. Thus there is an element of compound interest (Keynes’ italics) operating in favour of a sound industrial investment. Over a period of years, the real value of the property of a sound industrial is increasing at compound interest, quite apart from the dividends paid out to the shareholders.”

And with that sprinkling of holy water, Smith was no longer obscure.

It’s difficult to understand why retained earnings were unappreciated by investors before Smith’s book was published. After all, it was no secret that mind-boggling wealth had earlier been amassed by such titans as Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford, all of whom had retained a huge portion of their business earnings to fund growth and produce ever-greater profits. Throughout America, also, there had long been small-time capitalists who became rich following the same playbook.

Nevertheless, when business ownership was sliced into small pieces - “stocks” - buyers in the pre-Smith years usually thought of their shares as a short-term gamble on market movements. Even at their best, stocks were considered speculations. Gentlemen preferred bonds.

Though investors were slow to wise up, the math of retaining and reinvesting earnings is now well understood. Today, school children learn what Keynes termed “novel”: combining savings with compound interest works wonders.



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実際のところバークシャーは、Fortune 500社のなかで月次の売上報告書や貸借対照表を作成していない、おそらく唯一の企業だと思います[Fortune 500最新の順位では、バークシャーは第3位]。もちろんですが、ほとんどの子会社が出してくれる月次の財務報告を、わたしは都度確認しています。しかしバークシャー全体としての収益や財務状況は、チャーリーもわたしも四半期ごとにしか把握していません。




Repurchases and Reporting

Earlier I mentioned that Berkshire will from time to time be repurchasing its own stock. Assuming that we buy at a discount to Berkshire’s intrinsic value – which certainly will be our intention – repurchases will benefit both those shareholders leaving the company and those who stay.

True, the upside from repurchases is very slight for those who are leaving. That’s because careful buying by us will minimize any impact on Berkshire’s stock price. Nevertheless, there is some benefit to sellers in having an extra buyer in the market.

For continuing shareholders, the advantage is obvious: If the market prices a departing partner’s interest at, say, 90¢ on the dollar, continuing shareholders reap an increase in per-share intrinsic value with every repurchase by the company. Obviously, repurchases should be price-sensitive: Blindly buying an overpriced stock is value-destructive, a fact lost on many promotional or ever-optimistic CEOs.

When a company says that it contemplates repurchases, it’s vital that all shareholder-partners be given the information they need to make an intelligent estimate of value. Providing that information is what Charlie and I try to do in this report. We do not want a partner to sell shares back to the company because he or she has been misled or inadequately informed.

Some sellers, however, may disagree with our calculation of value and others may have found investments that they consider more attractive than Berkshire shares. Some of that second group will be right: There are unquestionably many stocks that will deliver far greater gains than ours.

In addition, certain shareholders will simply decide it’s time for them or their families to become net consumers rather than continuing to build capital. Charlie and I have no current interest in joining that group. Perhaps we will become big spenders in our old age.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

For 54 years our managerial decisions at Berkshire have been made from the viewpoint of the shareholders who are staying, not those who are leaving. Consequently, Charlie and I have never focused on current-quarter results.

Berkshire, in fact, may be the only company in the Fortune 500 that does not prepare monthly earnings reports or balance sheets. I, of course, regularly view the monthly financial reports of most subsidiaries. But Charlie and I learn of Berkshire’s overall earnings and financial position only on a quarterly basis.

Furthermore, Berkshire has no company-wide budget (though many of our subsidiaries find one useful). Our lack of such an instrument means that the parent company has never had a quarterly “number” to hit. Shunning the use of this bogey sends an important message to our many managers, reinforcing the culture we prize.

Over the years, Charlie and I have seen all sorts of bad corporate behavior, both accounting and operational, induced by the desire of management to meet Wall Street expectations. What starts as an “innocent” fudge in order to not disappoint “the Street” – say, trade-loading at quarter-end, turning a blind eye to rising insurance losses, or drawing down a “cookie-jar” reserve – can become the first step toward full-fledged fraud. Playing with the numbers “just this
once” may well be the CEO’s intent; it’s seldom the end result. And if it’s okay for the boss to cheat a little, it’s easy for subordinates to rationalize similar behavior.

At Berkshire, our audience is neither analysts nor commentators: Charlie and I are working for our shareholder-partners. The numbers that flow up to us will be the ones we send on to you.



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Those who regularly preach doom because of government budget deficits (as I regularly did myself for many years) might note that our country’s national debt has increased roughly 400-fold during the last of my 77-year periods. That’s 40,000%! Suppose you had foreseen this increase and panicked at the prospect of runaway deficits and a worthless currency. To “protect” yourself, you might have eschewed stocks and opted instead to buy 3 1⁄4 ounces of gold with your $114.75.

And what would that supposed protection have delivered? You would now have an asset worth about $4,200, less than 1% of what would have been realized from a simple unmanaged investment in American business. The magical metal was no match for the American mettle.

Our country’s almost unbelievable prosperity has been gained in a bipartisan manner. Since 1942, we have had seven Republican presidents and seven Democrats. In the years they served, the country contended at various times with a long period of viral inflation, a 21% prime rate, several controversial and costly wars, the resignation of a president, a pervasive collapse in home values, a paralyzing financial panic and a host of other problems. All engendered scary headlines; all are now history.

Christopher Wren, architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral, lies buried within that London church. Near his tomb are posted these words of description (translated from Latin): “If you would seek my monument, look around you.” Those skeptical of America’s economic playbook should heed his message.

In 1788 – to go back to our starting point – there really wasn’t much here except for a small band of ambitious people and an embryonic governing framework aimed at turning their dreams into reality. Today, the Federal Reserve estimates our household wealth at $108 trillion, an amount almost impossible to comprehend.

Remember, earlier in this letter, how I described retained earnings as having been the key to Berkshire’s prosperity? So it has been with America. In the nation’s accounting, the comparable item is labeled “savings.” And save we have. If our forefathers had instead consumed all they produced, there would have been no investment, no productivity gains and no leap in living standards.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Charlie and I happily acknowledge that much of Berkshire’s success has simply been a product of what I think should be called The American Tailwind. It is beyond arrogance for American businesses or individuals to boast that they have “done it alone.” The tidy rows of simple white crosses at Normandy should shame those who make such claims.

There are also many other countries around the world that have bright futures. About that, we should rejoice: Americans will be both more prosperous and safer if all nations thrive. At Berkshire, we hope to invest significant sums across borders.

Over the next 77 years, however, the major source of our gains will almost certainly be provided by The American Tailwind. We are lucky – gloriously lucky – to have that force at our back.




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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2018 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)











The American Tailwind

On March 11th, it will be 77 years since I first invested in an American business. The year was 1942, I was 11, and I went all in, investing $114.75 I had begun accumulating at age six. What I bought was three shares of Cities Service preferred stock. I had become a capitalist, and it felt good.

Let’s now travel back through the two 77-year periods that preceded my purchase. That leaves us starting in 1788, a year prior to George Washington’s installation as our first president. Could anyone then have imagined what their new country would accomplish in only three 77-year lifetimes?

During the two 77-year periods prior to 1942, the United States had grown from four million people – about 1⁄2 of 1% of the world’s population – into the most powerful country on earth. In that spring of 1942, though, it faced a crisis: The U.S. and its allies were suffering heavy losses in a war that we had entered only three months earlier. Bad news arrived daily.

Despite the alarming headlines, almost all Americans believed on that March 11th that the war would be won. Nor was their optimism limited to that victory. Leaving aside congenital pessimists, Americans believed that their children and generations beyond would live far better lives than they themselves had led.

The nation’s citizens understood, of course, that the road ahead would not be a smooth ride. It never had been. Early in its history our country was tested by a Civil War that killed 4% of all American males and led President Lincoln to openly ponder whether “a nation so conceived and so dedicated could long endure.” In the 1930s, America suffered through the Great Depression, a punishing period of massive unemployment.

Nevertheless, in 1942, when I made my purchase, the nation expected post-war growth, a belief that proved to be well-founded. In fact, the nation’s achievements can best be described as breathtaking.

Let’s put numbers to that claim: If my $114.75 had been invested in a no-fee S&P 500 index fund, and all dividends had been reinvested, my stake would have grown to be worth (pre-taxes) $606,811 on January 31, 2019 (the latest data available before the printing of this letter). That is a gain of 5,288 for 1. Meanwhile, a $1 million investment by a tax-free institution of that time – say, a pension fund or college endowment – would have grown to about $5.3 Billion.

Let me add one additional calculation that I believe will shock you: If that hypothetical institution had paid only 1% of assets annually to various “helpers,” such as investment managers and consultants, its gain would have been cut in half, to $2.65 billion. That’s what happens over 77 years when the 11.8% annual return actually achieved by the S&P 500 is recalculated at a 10.8% rate.


ゲティスバーグ演説 (1863年)|About THE USA|アメリカンセンターJAPAN (米国大使館の広報・文化交流部)



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<チャーリー・マンガー> それは、本社の要員が30名で、その半数が社内監査役とくれば、米国の大企業を経営するふつうのやりかたとは言えないでしょうな。




<ウォーレン> そのとおりです。当社はさしずめ「ゼロベース未満予算」と言えると思います(笑)。


<チャーリー> これは単なる費用削減の話ではないですよ。官僚主義を消滅させることで、より良い意思決定がくだせるようになるわけです。

<ウォーレン> まさしくそのとおりです。

<チャーリー> 官僚主義とは、さながら癌だと言えますね。その振る舞いも、まさしく癌のようです(拍手)。


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, if you’ve got 30 people at headquarters and half of those are internal auditors, that is not the normal way of running a big company in America.

And what’s interesting about it is, obviously, we lose some advantages from big size. But we also lose certain disadvantages from having a big bureaucracy with endless meeting after meeting after meeting around headquarters.

And net, I think we’ve been way ahead with our low overhead, diversified method. And also, it makes our company attractive to very able, honorable people who have companies.

So generally speaking, the existing system has worked wonderfully for us. I don’t think we have the employment that could be cut effectively that a lot of other places have. And I think our methods have worked so well that we’d be very unlikely to change them.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. I think if some - at headquarters, you could say we have kind of subzero-based budgeting. (Laughter)

And we hope that the example of headquarters is, to a great extent, emulated by our -

CHARLIE MUNGER: But it isn’t just the cost reduction. I think the decisions get made better if you eliminate the bureaucracy.


CHARLIE MUNGER: I think a bureaucracy is sort of like a cancer. And it functions sort of like a cancer. (Applause)

And so, we’re very anti-bureaucracy. And I think it’s done us a lot of good. In that case, we’re quite different from, say, Anheuser-Busch at its peak.