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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2021 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)








U.S. Treasury Bills

Berkshire's balance sheet includes $144 billion of cash and cash equivalents (excluding the holdings of BNSF and BHE). Of this sum, $120 billion is held in U.S. Treasury bills, all maturing in less than a year. That stake leaves Berkshire financing about 1/2 of 1% of the publicly-held national debt.

Charlie and I have pledged that Berkshire (along with our subsidiaries other than BNSF and BHE) will always hold more than $30 billion of cash and equivalents. We want your company to be financially impregnable and never dependent on the kindness of strangers (or even that of friends). Both of us like to sleep soundly, and we want our creditors, insurance claimants and you to do so as well.

But $144 billion?

That imposing sum, I assure you, is not some deranged expression of patriotism. Nor have Charlie and I lost our overwhelming preference for business ownership. Indeed, I first manifested my enthusiasm for that 80 years ago, on March 11, 1942, when I purchased three shares of Cities Services preferred stock. Their cost was $114.75 and required all of my savings. (The Dow Jones Industrial Average that day closed at 99, a fact that should scream to you: Never bet against America.)

After my initial plunge, I always kept at least 80% of my net worth in equities. My favored status throughout that period was 100% - and still is. Berkshire's current 80%-or-so position in businesses is a consequence of my failure to find entire companies or small portions thereof (that is, marketable stocks) which meet our criteria for longterm holding.

Charlie and I have endured similar cash-heavy positions from time to time in the past. These periods are never pleasant; they are also never permanent. And, fortunately, we have had a mildly attractive alternative during 2020 and 2021 for deploying capital. Read on.



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The Definition of a Bubble and a Superbubble

We have defined investment bubbles at GMO for over 20 years now by a statistical measure of extremes - a 2-sigma deviation from trend. For a random, normally distributed series, like the sum of tosses of a fair coin, a 2-sigma event should occur once every 44 trials in each direction. This measure is arbitrary but seems quite reasonable.

In real life, though, humans are not efficient (in the economic sense) but are often quite irrational and can get carried away so that 2-sigma outliers occur more often than random - not every 44 years, but every 35 years. We studied the available data across all asset classes over financial history and found a total of more than 300 2-sigma moves. In developed equity markets, every single example of a 2-sigma equity bubble in the last 100 years has eventually fully deflated with the price moving all the way back to the trend that existed prior to the bubble forming.


もうひとつ、こちらは備考です。本投稿の題名『かいじゅうおどりをはじめよう』は、絵本『かいじゅうたちのいるところ』(神宮輝夫訳)から借りたものです。原文の注釈において、タイトル"LET THE WILD RUMPUS BEGIN"は"Where the Wild Things Are."から引用した旨が記されています。



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Selling Because It's Down

As wrong as it is to sell appreciated assets solely to crystalize gains, it's even worse to sell them just because they're down. Nevertheless, I'm sure many people do it.

While the rule is "buy low, sell high," clearly many people become more motivated to sell assets the more they decline. In fact, just as continued buying of appreciated assets can eventually turn a bull market into a bubble, widespread selling of things that are down has the potential to turn market declines into crashes. Bubbles and crashes do occur, proving that investors contribute to excesses in both directions.

In a movie that plays in my head, the typical investor buys something at $100. If it goes to $120, he says, "I think I'm onto something - I should add," and if it reaches $150, he says, "Now I'm highly confident - I'm going to double up." On the other hand, if it falls to $90, he says, "I'm going to think about increasing my position to reduce my average cost," but at $75, he concludes he should reconfirm his thesis before averaging down further. At $50, he says, "I'd better wait for the dust to settle before buying more." And at $20 he says, "It feels like it's going to zero; get me out!"



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Do investors really make behavioral errors such as those I've described? There's plenty of anecdotal evidence. For example, studies have shown that the average mutual fund investor performs worse than the average mutual fund. How can that be? If she merely held her positions, or if her errors were unsystematic, the average fund investor would, by definition, fare the same as the average fund. For the studies' findings to occur, investors have to on balance reduce the amount of capital they have in funds that subsequently do better and increase their allocation to funds that go on to do worse. Let me put that another way: on average, mutual fund investors tend to sell the funds with the worst recent performance (missing out on their potential recoveries) in order to chase the funds that have done the best (and thus likely participate in their return to earth).



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Selling Out (Oaktree Capital Management)



What are the "sharp bursts" Miller talks about?  On April 11, 2019, The Motley Fool cited data from JP Morgan Asset Management's 2019 Retirement Guide showing that in the 20-year period between 1999 and 2018, the annual return on the S&P 500 was 5.6%, but your return would only have been 2.0% if you had sat out the 10 best days (or roughly 0.4% of the trading days), and you wouldn't have made any money at all if you had missed the 20 best days.  In the past, returns have often been similarly concentrated in a small number of days.  Nevertheless, overactive investors continue to jump in and out of the market, incurring transactions costs and capital gains taxes and running the risk of missing those "sharp bursts."



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<新規購入(New Buy)>



・武田薬品工業(4502); 1年間にわたって都度購入。

・日精エー・エス・ビー機械(6284); 11月に購入。











・iShares シルバー・トラスト(SLV)



・マイクロソフト(MSFT); 夏から秋に売却。ひきつづき、大部分は現状維持。


・モザイク(MOS); 春に売却。