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ラベル ベン・グレアム の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 株式というのは興味深いものです..、わたしどもは株式を事業の一部として常にとらえています。つまり「株式はある企業の小さな一部」という意味です。もし1789年に、そうするのは容易ではなかったと思いますが、少しばかりの貯蓄があれば小ぢんまりとした住宅を買えたかもしれません。




(Warren Buffett 01:12:03)

It's interesting that stocks offer, which, and stocks are a... We always look at stocks as just being a part of a business. I mean, stocks are a small part of a business. If in 1789 you'd saved a small amount of money and it wasn't easy to save, you might've bought with those savings, you might've bought a tiny, tiny plot of property.

(Warren Buffett 01:12:39)

Maybe you bought a house that could be rented to somebody, but you didn't really have the chance to buy in with 10 different people who were developing businesses, and who were presumably putting their own money in, and that would have the American tailwind behind. And of the 10, a reasonably high percentage would succeed in a way and earn decent returns, but those are the choices. You might have had to do with savings.

(Warren Buffett 01:13:23)

And they started offering bonds originally. And there again you got a limited return. But the return in those days may have been 5% or 6% or something of the sort. But you can't buy risk-free bonds. I mean, the yardstick for me is always the U.S. Treasury. And when somebody offers you quite a bit more than the U.S. Treasury, there's usually a reason. There's much more risk.

(Warren Buffett 01:13:50)

But going back to stocks, people bring the attitude to them too often that because they are liquid and quoted minute by minute that it's an important that you develop an opinion on them minute by minute. Now, that's really foolish when you think about. And that's something Graham taught me in 1949, I mean, that single thought, that stocks were parts of businesses and not just little things that moved around on charts or... Charts were very popular in those days, and whatever it may be.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 上司だったベン・グレアムは、知りたい情報がいくつかあったので、ニューヨークの図書館へわたしを調べにやらせました。今となれば、彼自身がコンピューターを使って5分で入手できる程度の情報です。わたしがその情報をひっぱり出してくると、参考人だった彼は答弁に向かいました。この報告書の全部に目を通す必要はなかったのですが、今日お話しするくだりが545ページ目のどこに載っているか、覚えています。ベン・グレアムは、かつてわたしが出会った人の中で、もっとも頭の良かった三本指に入る人物です。彼は証券業界の中で大御所とみなされていました。1934年には、古典として知られている『証券分析』を書き著しました。そして1949年には、わたしの人生を変えた一冊『賢明なる投資家』を執筆しました。彼は驚異的な才人でした。


(Warren Buffett 50:17)

But Ben Graham, my boss, sent me over to the public library in New York to gather some information for him, something he could do in five minutes with a computer now, and I dug out something, and he went to testify, and on page 545 of this book, I knew where to look, I didn't have to go through it all, but the quote which I remember, and I remember because Ben Graham was one of the three smartest people I've met in my life, and he was the dean of people in securities business, he wrote the classic Security Analysis book in 1934, he wrote the book that changed my life, Intelligent Investor in 1949, he was unbelievably smart.

(Warren Buffett 51:09)

And when he testified, with the Dow at 404, he had one line in there right toward the start in his written testimony, and he said, "The stock market is high, looks high, it is high, but it's not as high as it looks." But he said, "It is high." And since that time, if we'll turn to the next slide, of course, we felt the American tailwind at full force, and the Dow, well let's see, when the Dow was ... it went down on Friday, but when we made the slide it was about 24,000 so you're looking at a market today that has produced $100 for every dollar, all you did was you had to believe in American just by a cross-section of America, you didn't have to read the Wall Street Journal, you didn't have to look up the price of your stock, you didn't have to pay a lot of money in fees to anybody, you just had to believe that the American miracle was intact.



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The second basic approach is the one that Ben Graham used - much admired by Warren and me. As one factor, Graham had this concept of value to a private owner - what the whole enterprise would sell for if it were available. And that was calculable in many cases.

Then, if you could take the stock price and multiply it by the number of shares and get something that was one-third or less of sellout value, he would say that you've got a lot of edge going for you. Even with an elderly alcoholic running a stodgy business, this significant excess of real value per share working for you means that all kinds of good things can happen to you. You had a huge margin of safety - as he put it - by having this big excess value going for you.

But he was, by and large, operating when the world was in shell-shock from the 1930s - which was the worst contraction in the English-speaking world in about 600 years. Wheat in Liverpool, I believe, got down to something like a 600-year low, adjusted for inflation. People were so shell-shocked for a long time thereafter that Ben Graham could run his Geiger counter over this detritus from the collapse of the 1930s and find things selling below their working capital per share and so on.

And in those days, working capital actually belonged to the shareholders. If the employees were no longer useful, you just sacked them all, took the working capital, and stuck it in the owners' pockets. That was the way capitalism then worked.



At any rate, the trouble with what I call the classic Ben Graham concept is that gradually the world wised up, and those real obvious bargains disappeared. You could run your Geiger counter over the rubble, and it wouldn't click.

But such is the nature of people who have a hammer - to whom, as I mentioned, every problem looks like a nail - that the Ben Graham followers responded by changing the calibration on their Geiger counters. In effects, they started defining a bargain in a different way. And they kept changing the definition so that they could keep doing what they'd always done. And it still worked pretty well. So the Ben Graham intellectual system was a very good one.



However, if we'd stayed with classic Graham the way Ben Graham did it, we would never have had the record we have. And that's because Graham wasn't trying to do what we did.

For example, Graham didn't want to ever talk to management. And his reason was that, like the best sort of professor aiming his teaching at a mass audience, he was trying to invest a system that anybody could use. And he didn't feel that the man in the street could run around and talk to management and learn things. He also had a concept that management would often couch the information very shrewdly to mislead. Therefore, it was very difficult. And that is still true, of course - human nature being what it is.