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A) ひとつかふたつの変数を極大化あるいは極小化すること。たとえば、コストコや当社の家具・電化製品店の例があげられます。

B) 成功要因を追加して、より大きな連携をつくることで成功を後押しすること。これは非線形的に進むことがよくあるため、物理学における破断点や臨界といった概念を思い浮かべるかもしれません。そうです、非線形的な結果がしばしばもたらされるのです。もうひと押しすることで、「とびっきりな」結果が得られます。私は生涯を通じて「とびっきりな」結果をさがし求めてきたので、それらがどのように発生するのか説明してくれるモデルには大きな関心を持っています。

C) 多くの要因において、徹底的にすぐれた成績を追求すること。トヨタやレス・シュワブがその例です。

D) ある種の大波をとらえて乗ること。オラクルが例です。なお今日の議事次第の中でオラクルのCFO(ジェフ・ヘンリー)が多くを占めていますが、オラクルのことはそれを知る前から話題にあげようと考えていました。


Well, how did I solve those problems? Obviously I was using a simple search engine in my mind to go through checklist-style, and I was using some rough algorithms that work pretty well in a great many complex systems, and those algorithms run something like this: Extreme success is likely to be caused by some combination of the following factors:

A) Extreme maximization or minimization of one or two variables. Example, Costco or our furniture and appliance store.

B) Adding success factors so that a bigger combination drives success, often in nonlinear fashion, as one is reminded by the concept of breakpoint and the concept of critical mass in physics. Often results are not linear. You get a little bit more mass, and you get a lollapalooza result. And, of course, I've been searching for lollapalooza results all my life, so I'm very interested in models that explain their occurrence.

C) An extreme of good performance over many factors. Example, Toyota or Les Schwab.

D) Catching and riding some sort of big wave. Example, Oracle. By the way, I cited Oracle before I knew that the Oracle CFO (Jeff Henley) was a big part of the proceedings here today.

Generally I recommend and use in problem solving cut-to-the quick algorithms, and I find you have to use them both forward and backward. Let me give you an example. I irritate my family by giving them little puzzles, and one of the puzzles that I gave my family not very long ago was when I said, "There's an activity in America, with one-on-one contests and a national championship. The same person won the championship on two occasions about sixty-five years apart." "Now," I said, "name the activity." (Pause). Again, I don't see a lot of light bulbs going on. And in my family, not a lot of light bulbs were flashing. But I have a physicist son who has been trained more in the type of thinking I like. And he immediately got the right answer, and here's the way he reasoned:




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<質問者> ご自身の人生哲学をかいつまんで教えていただけますか。なぜそうなのか、理由もお願いします。

<ウォーレン> 立派な人生哲学かはなんとも言えませんが、人生を楽しんでいることはたしかです。自分の生き方を気に入っているという点では誰にもひけをとりません。毎日がいとおしいものです。それというのも、わたしは好きな人だけと働いているという幸せ者だからです。そのような立場にいられて非常に幸運だと感じています。仕事をしていてキリキリと締めつけられるようだったり、仕事に行くのが不安だったり、そういったことをかかえているのはそもそもがお金めあてに結婚するようなもので、どんな状況であってもひどい考えだと思います。もうすでに金持ちになっているなら、なおさら正気の沙汰ではありません。非常に幸運なことに、わたしにはなにもストレスがありません。ですから、ミセスBよりも長生きするつもりです。職場にはタップダンスをしながら向かいます。仕事をえらぶなら自分が楽しめることにするべきだ、とわたしは信じています。ハーバードで質問されて、つぎのような助言を一度したことがあります。「だれのもとで働くのがよいでしょうか」。わたしはこう答えました。「自分の尊敬する人と働くのがいいですよ。そのほうがよい結果になるのはまちがいないですから」。数週間後、その大学の学部長から連絡がありました。「あの一団になんとおっしゃったのですか。みんな自営でやりたいと決心しているのですよ」。

Q. In a sentence or less, could you please tell me what is your personal philosophy of life? And then my follow-up question, why?

A. Well, I'm not sure I have any brilliant philosophy of life. I certainly enjoy life. I like my life as much as anybody possibly could. I mean, I love every day and one reason I do is that I am fortunate in that I only work with people I like. I consider myself very lucky to be in that position. If you work in a job where your stomach churns and you find yourself dreading going to work and all that sort of thing, essentially, that is really like marrying for money, which is probably a dumb idea under any circumstances. And, it's absolute madness if you are already rich. I've been very fortunate in that I have no stress whatsoever. I'm going to try and outlive Mrs. B. I mean it. I tap dance on the way to work. I do believe in working at something you enjoy. I gave this advice one time at Harvard when somebody asked me, "Who should I work for?” I said, “Well, go work for somebody you admire. You're bound to get a good result.” A couple of weeks later, I received a call from the Dean, and he said, "What did you tell that group? They've all decided to become self-employed!"



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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介です。今回は価格変動の話題をとりあげた一節を引用します。ひきつづき第7章「バリュー投資思想の本質をなすもの」(At the Root of a Value-Investment Philosophy)からです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







投資家が機会費用を負うべきかどうか決める上でもっとも重要な要因は、ポートフォリオの一部に現金が残されているか否かである。妥当な現金を残しているか、定期的に十分な現金をもたらしてくれる証券を保有していれば、機会を見送ることが少なくなる。ある種の投資先に重きを置くことで、投資家はポートフォリオ・キャッシュフロー(現金の正味流入分のこと)を管理できる。ポートフォリオ・キャッシュフローは、(残存年数の加重平均が)短期間の証券のほうが長期間のものよりも大きくなる。投資対象の内在的価値が一部あるいはすべて満たされたことをきっかけにして、ポートフォリオ・キャッシュフローを増加させることもできる(第10章で紙面をより費やして議論する)。一般に継続企業へ株式投資をすると、 配当金の支払いの形で ごく一部の現金しかもたらしてくれない。それに対して破産したり清算中の企業の証券は、購入後の数年間のうちにポートフォリオへ十分な流動性資産を還元しうる。リスク・アービトラージを狙った投資[買収時のサヤ取り]は概して、ごく短期間つまり何週間や何ヶ月という期間で、たいていは現金や流動性の高い証券あるいはその両方の形で払い戻してくれる。リスク・アービトラージの状況や破産、清算を対象にした投資案件には、初期投資分と利益の両方が現金で戻されるという、もうひとつの魅力がある。


The Relevance of Temporary Price Fluctuations

In addition to the probability of permanent loss attached to an investment, there is also the possibility of interim price fluctuations that are unrelated to underlying value. (Beta fails to distinguish between the two.) Many investors consider price fluctuations to be a significant risk: if the price goes down, the investment is seen as risky regardless of the fundamentals. But are temporary price fluctuations really a risk? Not in the way that permanent value impairments are and then only for certain investors in specific situations.

It is, of course, not always easy for investors to distinguish temporary price volatility, related to the short-term forces of supply and demand, from price movements related to business fundamentals. The reality may only become apparent after the fact. While investors should obviously try to avoid overpaying for investments or buying into businesses that subsequently decline in value due to deteriorating results, it is not possible to avoid random short-term market volatility. Indeed, investors should expect prices to fluctuate and should not invest in securities if they cannot tolerate some volatility.

If you are buying sound value at a discount, do short-term price fluctuations matter? In the long run they do not matter much; value will ultimately be reflected in the price of a security. Indeed, ironically, the long-term investment implication of price fluctuations is in the opposite direction from the near-term market impact. For example, short-term price declines actually enhance the returns of long-term investors. There are, however, several eventualities in which near-term price fluctuations do matter to investors. Security holders who need to sell in a hurry are at the mercy of market prices. The trick of successful investors is to sell when they want to, not when they have to. Investors who may need to sell should not own marketable securities other than U.S. Treasury bills.

Near-term security prices also matter to investors in a troubled company. If a business must raise additional capital in the near term to survive, investors in its securities may have their fate determined, at least in part, by the prevailing market price of the company's stock and bonds. (Chapter 8 contains a more complete discussion of this effect, known as reflexivity.)

The third reason long-term-oriented investors are interested in short-term price fluctuations is that Mr. Market can create very attractive opportunities to buy and sell. If you hold cash, you are able to take advantage of such opportunities. If you are fully invested when the market declines, your portfolio will likely drop in value, depriving you of the benefits arising from the opportunity to buy in at lower levels. This creates an opportunity cost, the necessity to forego future opportunities that arise. If what you hold is illiquid or unmarketable, the opportunity cost increases further; the illiquidity precludes your switching to better bargains.

The most important determinant of whether investors will incur opportunity cost is whether or not part of their portfolios is held in cash. Maintaining moderate cash balances or owning securities that periodically throw off appreciable cash is likely to reduce the number of foregone opportunities. Investors can manage portfolio cash flow (defined as the cash flowing into a portfolio minus outflows) by giving preference to some kinds of investments over others. Portfolio cash flow is greater for securities of shorter duration (weighted average life) than those of longer duration. Portfolio cash flow is also enhanced by investments with catalysts for the partial or complete realization of underlying value (discussed at greater length in chapter 10). Equity investments in ongoing businesses typically throw off only minimal cash through the payment of dividends. The securities of companies in bankruptcy and liquidation, by contrast, can return considerable liquidity to a portfolio within a few years of purchase. Risk-arbitrage investments typically have very short lives, usually turning back into cash, liquid securities, or both in a matter of weeks or months. An added attraction of investing in risk-arbitrage situations, bankruptcies, and liquidations is that not only is one's initial investment returned to cash, one's profits are as well.

Another way to limit opportunity cost is through hedging. A hedge is an investment that is expected to move in a direction opposite that of another holding so as to cushion any price decline. If the hedge becomes valuable, it can be sold, providing funds to take advantage of newly created opportunities. (Hedging is discussed in greater depth in chapter 13.)



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・Windows 8およびSurface(特にRT)の失敗のけりがつかないこと
低迷するPCおよびタブレット市場での巻き返しをねらってこれらの製品は投入されましたが、成功と呼べる水準までは受け入れられていません。特にSurfaceは巨額の在庫評価損を計上しました。この責任を正当に問わなければ、次期大型製品(Windows9など)にむけて本質的な反省ができないと感じます。それは、巻き返しを再度試みるための礎がもろくなることにつながります。消費者向け市場でWindows OSの後退をとめないと、やがては当社の主戦場である企業向け市場を侵食されかねません。






そこでわたしが予想する当社の次期CEOは、スティーブン・エロップ(Stephen Elop)氏です。彼は携帯電話最大手だったノキアでCEOをつとめていますが、その前には当社でバルマーの部下として働いていました。

エロップ氏は不振のノキアのCEOに抜擢されてから、携帯電話のOSとして採用していたシンビアンを脇にやり、当社製OSのWindows Phone(WP)へ移行することを決断しました。そこに陰謀を感じている報道メディアがありますが、エロップ氏をノキアに出したことはただ単に当社の戦略に基づいたものと、個人的にはとらえています。WPを採用することでノキアが成功すればそれに越したことはないですし、失敗しても別の会社のことですから当社における財務面の影響は小さくとどまります。そのため、当社はノキア社を仮想的に一事業部門として位置づけてきたと考えます。そうであれば、エロップ氏が里帰りするシナリオは当初から想定されていてもおかしくありません。エロップ氏自身もマイクロソフトびいきを側近にそろえ、自分の後を継がせる準備をしてきたと予想します。


1. 大企業ノキアのCEOをつとめた経験があること。
2. 消費者向けの最たる製品、スマートフォンの製造販売企業で奮闘した経験があること。
3. 当社Office部門のボスだったため、それら稼ぎ頭の部門に対してにらみがきくこと。
4. 年齢が若く(1963年生まれの49歳)、長期戦を戦い抜けるだけの力を備えていること。
5. 老け顔かつ声域が低く、企業トップとしてのカリスマ性を漂わせていること。


1. バルマーの元部下であるため、彼と同類扱いされる恐れがあること。
2. ノキアであげた業績は華々しいものとはほど遠く、実力が疑問視されること。
3. 当社のOBだが在籍期間が短く、人望を集めていない可能性があること。
4. ノキアが彼を手放したがらない可能性があること。





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Of course, Warren had a professor/mentor - Ben Graham - for whom he had a great affection. Graham was so academic that when he graduated from Columbia, three different academic departments invited him into their Ph.D. programs and asked him to start teaching immediately as part of the Ph.D. program: (those three departments being) literature, Greek and Latin classics, and mathematics.

Graham had a very academic personality. I knew him. He was a lot like Adam Smith - very preoccupied, very brilliant. He even looked like an academic. And he was a good one. And Graham, without ever really trying to maximize the gaining of wealth, died rich - even though he was always generous and spent thirty years teaching at Columbia and authored or coauthored the best textbooks in his field.

So I would argue that academia has a lot to teach about worldly wisdom and that the best academic values really work.









You don't have to know it all. Just take in the best big ideas from all these disciplines. And it's not that hard to do.

I might try and demonstrate that point by (using the analog of) the card game of contract bridge. Suppose you want to be good at declarer play in contract bridge. Well, you know the contract - you know what you have to achieve. And you can count up the sure winners you have by laying down your high cards and your invincible trumps.

But if you're a trick or two short, how are you going to get the other needed tricks? Well, there are only six or so different, standard methods. You've got long suit establishment. You've got finesses. You've got throw-in plays. You've got crossruffs. You've got squeezes. And you've got various ways of misleading the defense into making errors. So it's a very limited number of models.

But if you only know one or two of those models, then you're going to be a horse's patoot in declarer play.

Furthermore, these things interact. Therefore, you have to know how the models interact. Otherwise, you can't play the hand right.

Similarly, I've told you to think forward and backward. Well, great declarers in bridge think, "How can I take the necessary winners?" But they think it through backwards, (too. They also think,) "What could possibly go wrong that could cause me to have too many losers? And both methods of thinking are useful. So (to win in) the game of life, get the needed models into your head and think it through forward and backward. What works in bridge will work in life.

That contract bridge is so out of vogue in your generation is a tragedy. China is way smarter than we are about bridge. They're teaching bridge in grade school now. And God knows the Chinese do well enough when introduced to capitalist civilization. If we compete with a bunch of people that really know how to play bridge when our people don't, it'll be just one more disadvantage we don't need.



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The Role of Confidence (Oaktree) (PDFファイル)


If the economy continues to recover and the Fed's bond buying eases off, interest rates are likely to go further on the upside. But given the modest level of confidence at play, the markets should not turn out to be perilous. Most assets are neither dangerously elevated (with the possible exception of long-term Treasury bonds and high grades) nor compellingly cheap. It's easier to know what to do at the extremes than it is in the middle ground, where I believe we are today. As I wrote in my book, when there's nothing clever to do, the mistake lies in trying to be clever. Today it seems the best we can do is invest prudently in the coming months, avoiding aggressiveness and remembering to apply caution.




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Munger Triples Publisher’s Value With Panic-Era Stock Bet (Bloomberg)




Daily Journal Corp. (DJCO), the California publisher that counts Charles Munger as its chairman, more than tripled in value since 2008 after the company jumped into stocks during the financial crisis.

Best known as Warren Buffett's longtime business partner, Munger began accumulating equities in early 2009 at the Daily Journal. The portfolio was worth $112.3 million as of March 31, or about 65 percent of the Los Angeles-based publisher's current market value. Investors who attend the company's annual meetings said he signaled that Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) was among the bets.

"Here's a guy in his mid-80s at the time, sitting around with cash at the Daily Journal for a decade, and all of a sudden hits the bottom perfect," said Steve Check, a Costa Mesa, California-based investment manager who has attended the publisher's meetings since 2004.



Munger's investments were disclosed in a May 2009 filing under the headline, "Liquidity and Capital Resources." The section outlined how the publisher was sitting on about $9 million in gains after spending $15.5 million on common stocks.

The results kept getting better. Three months later, the Daily Journal said the holdings were valued at more than $41 million. By the end of September of that year, they appreciated to almost $48 million.




Buffett told Berkshire shareholders in May that there will be more opportunities for investors. Munger, Berkshire's vice chairman, added a caveat: You need cash to act. Buffett's problem when they met in 1959 was that he had plenty of ideas and not enough money, Munger said.

"Now we're drowning in money," Buffett replied. "And we've got no ideas."



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John mentioned Ben Graham, who was my teacher at Columbia University. When he was twelve years old, he sat down and made a list of the qualities he admired in other people; and he made a list also of the qualities that he found unattractive in other people. He decided that it was just an act of will and then habit to develop those attractive qualities and to get rid of the unattractive qualities. Anybody can show up on time; they cannot claim credit for ideas that are not their own; they cannot cut corners; they can avoid envy. All of those things are doable and they make an enormous difference in how you function, not only in your job but in society subsequently.

I'll give one more illustration. Let's just assume when you got out of school, that you won a lottery of some sort and you were entitled to pick one of your classmates, and you got 10% of the earnings of that classmate for the rest of his or her life. You had about an hour to make up your mind. Now we'll leave out picking the son or daughter of the richest person around or something of the sort; let's say we're all starting from scratch. Now, who would you pick? Just think about that for a moment. You wouldn't give them an IQ test. You probably wouldn't look at their grades. You'd probably think, who's going to function best when they get out there? If they had a 300 horsepower motor, who's going to get 300 horsepower out of it instead of 150 or 100? You'd look for who is going to function best. And, you would look for people with those qualities that you admire, but which are also attainable by you and which become a matter of habit after time.

Somebody said that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken. It's absolutely true that the habits of behavior you start out with will follow you the rest of your life. And, as you think about that person whom you would like to buy the 10% of, the person whom you find admirable or attractive, the answer is that if you want to sit down and do it yourself, you can be the one that you would buy 10% of. It is not that difficult. One friend of mine said that in hiring they look for three things: intelligence, energy, and character. If they don't have the last one, the first two will kill you because, it's true, if you are going to hire somebody that doesn't have character, you had really better hope they are dumb and lazy, because, if they are smart and energetic, they'll get you in all kinds of trouble. Well, that's enough of the advice.

Let's tackle the questions that you are interested in. Make them as tough and impertinent as you like because it makes it more interesting for me and it probably makes it more interesting for the audience. So, feel free to throw your hard one.




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Mohnish Pabrai: What I've Learned From Warren and Charlie (Fool.com)




Then Rick Guerin pretty much disappeared off the map. I've met Rick recently, but he disappeared off the map, so I asked Warren, are you in touch with Rick, and what happened to Rick? And Warren said, yes, he's very much in touch with him. And he said, Charlie and I always knew that you would become incredibly wealthy. And he said, we were not in a hurry to get wealthy; we knew it would happen. He said, Rick was just as smart as us, but he was in a hurry. And so actually what happened -- some of this is public -- was that in the '73, '74 downturn, Rick was levered with margin loans. And the stock market went down almost 70% in those two years, and so he got margin calls out the yin-yang, and he sold his Berkshire stock to Warren. Warren actually said, I bought Rick's Berkshire stock at under $40 apiece, and so Rick was forced to sell shares at ... $40 apiece because he was levered.

And then Warren went a step further. He said that if you're even a slightly above-average investor who spends less than they earn, over a lifetime you cannot help but get rich if you are patient. And so the lesson. My question was, what happened to Rick? The lesson was, don't use leverage, right? And be patient. These are attributes he's talked about plenty, but I would say that it got seared in pretty solidly after hearing the format in which he put it.





三つめに彼が言ったことは「スピンオフ銘柄をじっくり研究せよ」です。スピンオフについてはジョエル・グリーンブラットも一冊つかって書いています。『You Can Be a Stock Market Genius』[邦訳:グリーンブラット投資法]です。それら3つの特性に焦点をしぼった投資をすればよりよい成績をおさめられるといった類のことをチャーリーが話すのを聞いて、これは興味ぶかいことだと感じました。

And with Charlie, I think he's also been a tremendous -- I would just say clarity of thought. I think one time I was having dinner with Charlie, and he mentioned that if an investor did just three things -- and I don't think Charlie's talked about this publicly -- but he said if an investor just did three things, the end results would be vastly better than the rest. And he said one is carefully look at what the other great investors have done. So, in fact, Charlie was endorsing copying off the 13Fs, right? So he said look at what other great minds are doing.

And the second thing he said is, look at the cannibals. And what he meant by "look at the cannibals" is, look carefully at the businesses that are buying back huge amounts of their stock. Because they're eating themselves away, so he called them the cannibals.

And the third is, he said, carefully study spinoffs. Of course, you know Joel Greenblatt has a whole book on spinoffs: You Can Be a Stock Market Genius Too. And so I found it interesting that Charlie basically said that investment operation that focused on these three attributes would do exceedingly well.




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Is there some wave that Schwab could have caught? The minute you ask the question, the answer pops in. The Japanese had a zero position in tires, and they got big. So this guy must have ridden that wave some in the early times. Then, the slow following success has to have some other causes. And what probably happened here, obviously, is this guy did one hell of a lot of things right. And among the things that he must have done right is he must have harnessed what Mankiw calls the superpower of incentives. He must have a very clever incentive structure driving his people. And a clever personnel selection system, etc. And he must be pretty good at advertising. Which he is. He's an artist. So, he had to get a wave in Japanese tire invasion, the Japanese being as successful as they were. And then a talented fanatic had to get a hell of a lot of things right and keep them right with clever systems. Again, not that hard of an answer. But what else would be a likely cause of the peculiar success?

We hire business school graduates, and they're no better at these problems than you were. Maybe that's the reason we hire so few of them.





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Now I'll give you a harder problem. There's a tire store chain in the Northwest that has slowly succeeded over fifty years, the Les Schwab tire store chain. It just ground ahead. It started competing with the stores that were owned by the big tire companies that made all the tires, the Goodyears and so forth. And, of course, the manufacturers favored their own stores. Their “tied stores” had a big cost advantage. Later, Les Schwab rose in competition with the huge price discounters like Costco and Sam's Club and before that Sears, Roebuck and so forth. And yet, here is Schwab now, with hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. And here's Les Schwab in his eighties, with no education, having done the whole thing. How did he do it? (Pause). I don't see a whole lot of people looking like a light bulb has come on. Well, let's think about it with some microeconomic fluency.



0 件のコメント:
ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介です。今回はリスクについて、ひきつづき第7章「バリュー投資思想の本質をなすもの」(At the Root of a Value-Investment Philosophy)から引用します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)








The Nature of Risk

The risk of an investment is described by both the probability and the potential amount of loss. The risk of an investment - the probability of an adverse outcome - is partly inherent in its very nature. A dollar spent on biotechnology research is a riskier investment than a dollar used to purchase utility equipment. The former has both a greater probability of loss and a greater percentage of the investment at stake.

In the financial markets, however, the connection between a marketable security and the underlying business is not as clear-cut. For investors in a marketable security the gain or loss associated with the various outcomes is not totally inherent in the underlying business; it also depends on the price paid, which is established by the marketplace. The view that risk is dependent on both the nature of investments and on their market price is very different from that described by beta (which is considered in the next section).

While security analysts attempt to determine with precision the risk and return of investments, events alone accomplish that. For most investments the amount of profit earned can be known only after maturity or sale. Only for the safest of investments is return knowable at the time of purchase: a one-year 6 percent T-bill returns 6 percent at the end of one year. For riskier investments the outcome must be known before the return can be calculated. If you buy one hundred shares of Chrysler Corporation, for example, your return depends almost entirely on the price at which it is trading when you sell. Only then can the return be calculated.

Unlike return, however, risk is no more quantifiable at the end of an investment than it was at its beginning. Risk simply cannot be described by a single number. Intuitively we understand that risk varies from investment to investment: a government bond is not as risky as the stock of a high-technology company. But investments do not provide information about their risks the way food packages provide nutritional data.

Rather, risk is a perception in each investor's mind that results from analysis of the probability and amount of potential loss from an investment. If an exploratory oil well proves to be a dry hole, it is called risky. If a bond defaults or a stock plunges in price, they are called risky. But if the well is a gusher, the bond matures on schedule, and the stock rallies strongly, can we say they weren't risky when the investment was made? Not at all. The point is, in most cases no more is known about the risk of an investment after it is concluded than was known when it was made.

There are only a few things investors can do to counteract risk: diversify adequately, hedge when appropriate, and invest with a margin of safety. It is precisely because we do not and cannot know all the risks of an investment that we strive to invest at a discount. The bargain element helps to provide a cushion for when things go wrong.



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チャーリー・マンガーの「砂金掘り」に関連する話題で、先日読んだ本に興味をひいた箇所がひとつあったので、引用してご紹介します。本の題名は『とんでもなく面白い 仕事に役立つ数学』です。








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わたしの好きなファンド・マネージャー、ボブ・ロドリゲス氏のFPA Capital Fundが第2四半期の報告書を公開していました。米国でのGDPや企業業績、株価水準にふれた箇所を引用してご紹介します。同氏の慎重な姿勢は前回の第1四半期同様、変わっていません。(日本語は拙訳)

FPA Capital Fund, Inc. Quarterly Commentary (June 30, 2013) (PDFファイル)




この1年間に出席したさまざまな資産運用に関する会合で、ほかの投資家の見解を聞く機会がありました。「利益が成長しないのに株式市場が上昇するのはなぜでしょうか」。判を押したように返ってくるのは、「FRBの金融政策のおかげで、株式市場へ資金が流入している」という答えでした。ノルウェー最大の銀行のグローバル証券部門でトップを務めているマグナス・ピーネ(Magnus Piene)は、顧客に対して次のように警告しています。「この潤沢な資金のおかげで、本来やるべきでないことをしているのが現在の状況です」。(後略) (p.3)

First quarter GDP growth, for example, was recently revised downwards to just 1.8%, and earlier estimates for the second quarter's GDP of as high as 3.0% by some economists now seem highly unlikely. Moreover, applying Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), earnings for the S&P 500, in aggregate, did not grow year-over-year through the month of June. Actually, based on U.S. GAAP, earnings for the S&P 500 declined about a half of one percent over the past year. According to Factset, a financial data firm, 87 companies have thus far issued negative EPS guidance for Q2 2013 versus 21 that have issued positive EPS guidance. In other words, more than 80% of the recent corporate EPS guidance was negative.

But there is no need to worry about increasing GDP; the bureaucrats in Washington are changing how GDP is measured. Starting in July, 2013, the green eyeshade people will include research & development expenses, rights to entertainment programs, and accrual expenditures for defined benefit pension plans in their new statistics for calculating the size of our economy. These one-time adjustments will, voila, boost GDP by roughly $500 billion, or 3%, overnight.

Despite weak GDP growth, a slight decline in GAAP earnings, and negative EPS guidance, the S&P 500 and the Russell 2500 appreciated more than 20% and 25% over the past year and more than 13% and 15%, respectively, year-to-date. According to Standard & Poor's and Barron's, the P/E ratio for the S&P 500 increased from 15.7x to 18.7x, or roughly 20%, over the past year, while earnings were essentially flat. In other words, 100% of the return for the S&P 500 over the past year was due to P/E multiple expansion as opposed to GAAP earnings growth.

While attending various investment conferences over the past year, we have had the opportunity to ask other investors why they think the stock market is going up if earnings are not growing. The consensus answer is that the market is rising because of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy is facilitating capital flows into the equity markets. Magnus Piene, head of global securities for Norway's largest bank, warned his clients that “all this liquidity is pushing people to do things they should not be doing.” (omitted)

現在の状況のように株式市場が割高だと私どもが考える時期が、高値をつけたあとに株式の評価がどのように推移したか、少し前にさかのぼって調べてみました(下図参照)。たとえば2000年の中ごろには、FPA Capitalファンドの評価額は[投資先企業の]純利益の14.7倍でしたが、Russell2500とS&P500はどちらも25倍以上で売買されていました。その後の数年間をかけて、市場は40%以上下落しました。また2008年半ばにはRussell2500は純利益の20倍、S&P500は16倍超で取引されていました。このときも株式市場は翌年に40%以上と大幅に下落しました。ここでご理解いただきたいのは、そういった過去と同じように株式市場が大幅に下落すると予想しているわけではありません。そうではなく私どもの見解、つまり現在のように株式市場が高くなった主たる理由はFRBの政策にあることを、ここでは示しているだけです。(p.4)

We reviewed other contemporary periods of time (see the table below) when equity markets were, in our opinion, expensive - similar to the current environment - and then how equity markets performed subsequent to those high valuation periods. For example, in the middle of 2000 the FPA Capital Fund was trading at just 14.7x earnings. However, the Russell 2500 and S&P 500 were both trading above 25x earnings, and the markets then declined over 40% during the following couple of years. In the middle of 2008 the Russell 2500 was trading at 20x earnings while the S&P 500 was trading at over 16x. Again, the equity markets experienced a sharp decline of greater than 40% the following year. We want to be clear, we are not forecasting a decline in the equity markets of the magnitude exhibited during those two prior periods. We are merely pointing out that the equity markets today are rich and being driven principally by Fed policy, in our opinion.


Briefing: Results of the 2013 NIPA Comprehensive Revision (Bureau of Economic Analysis) (PDFファイル)



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引用元はいつもの『Poor Charlie's Almanack』です。本講演については、編集者のピーター・カウフマン氏(Peter Kaufman)が他講演と重複する内容を適宜編集しています。






A Lesson on Elementary, Worldly Wisdom, Revisited
Stanford Law School
April 19, 1996

What I'm going to try to do today is to extend the remarks I made two years ago at the U.S.C. Business School.... You were assigned a transcript of my U.S.C talk. And there's nothing I said then that I wouldn't repeat today. But I want to amplify what I said then.

[It's] perfectly clear … that if Warren Buffett had never learned anything new after graduating from the Columbia Business School, Berkshire would be a pale shadow of its present self. Warren would have gotten rich - because what he learned from Ben Graham at Columbia was enough to make anybody rich. But he wouldn't have the kind of enterprise Berkshire Hathaway is if he hadn't kept learning.

How do you get worldly wisdom? What system do you use to rise into the tiny top percentage of the world in terms of having sort of an elementary practical wisdom?

I've long believed that a certain system - which almost any intelligent person can learn - works way better than the systems that most people use. As I said at the U.S.C. Business School, what you need is a latticework of mental models in your head. And you hang your actual experience and your vicarious experience (that you get from reading and so forth) on this latticework of powerful models. And, with that system, things gradually get to fit together in a way that enhances cognition.



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Most businesses do not require somebody with a staggering IQ. I wasn't looking for Forrest Gump, either. But, the dozen or so had all the IQ necessary; they had all the drive necessary. These are people who were used to working twelve hour days and had lots of push. So, it was not a question of energy. It was a question of who, in my view, with both of those qualities already a given, really was the highest quality individual. It was the person who would not stick a gun to my head after he took the job, because I couldn't afford to fire whoever came in and I couldn't afford to have him quit on me when the going got tough a week or two weeks or month later, because with one more event like that, it would have been curtains. So, I really had to be sure of the steadfastness of the individual. I had to be sure he was up to it temperamentally, because the pressures would be enormous.

The person I decided on never asked me then; he never asked me a week later; he never asked me a month later, what the pay was. Basically, he was a battlefield promotion and he behaved like he was a battlefield promotion. He could have come to me and said, "Look, I could go over to Goldman Sachs and make 'X' this year and this is going to be much tougher so I want 150% of 'X' from you". He never said a word about that. As a matter a fact, in the first year, just to set an example, he reduced his pay, running the whole place for less than he had made running the Tokyo office the year before. He never asked me to indemnify him against the lawsuits that would be forthcoming if the place failed. If things had gone bad, and you couldn't tell whether they would or not, we were going to get sued by everybody in the world. And, if Salomon had gone under, its indemnification would have been no good.

So, it would have been perfectly reasonable for this person to say, “Well look, I'll take this job but who knows what's going to happen and if it happens, Salomon isn't going to be good for it. So why doesn't Berkshire Hathaway or why don't you personally indemnify me against the lawsuits I'll be facing the rest of my life if this goes sour?" He never said a word about it. It wasn't because he was dumb and didn't know enough to ask that. He just felt it was not the right thing to do under those circumstances. So, in the end, I picked out individual there who I felt was an outstanding human being. He never let me down. He took on that job the next day. We came out of a directors' meeting at three in the afternoon. And, there were these twelve people out there and I just walked up to him and said to him, "You're it, pal". And, we went right from there down the elevator to meet a couple hundred reporters who had come in on a Sunday afternoon and who were plenty hostile in some ways. He set up there on the stage with me and answered questions for three hours. And, I knew then I had made the right choice.

Now, the interesting thing about that choice is that the qualities that attracted me to him were not impossible for anyone to achieve. He didn't have to be able to jump seven feet. He didn't have to be able to throw a football sixty yard. He didn't have to be able to remember every bridge hand he played the previous year or something of the sort. There was no feat of intellect or something like that. What he did was bring qualities like steadfastness and honesty. I knew he would tell me the bad news. I always worry about that with people who work for me. They don't need to tell me the good news. I just want to hear the bad news. I knew he would not get his ego involved in decisions. I knew he would not be envious or greedy or all of those things that make people unattractive. And, the truth is, that anybody can have those same qualities that Deryck Maughan, the fellow I picked, exhibited. They are not feats that are beyond anyone. They are simply a matter of deciding what you are going to do and what kind of person you are going to make out of yourself, and than doing it.


(オリジナル写真の出所: Corbis)