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<質問23> おはようございます、バフェットさん...いや、マンガーさん。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 「バフェット」と呼んでくださるとは、これは光栄の至りですね(爆笑)。

<質問者> バークシャーが出した最新の年次報告書では、これまでと同様に簿価の変遷が記されています。52年間で19ドルから17万2千ドルへと増加しており、年率にすると19%の成長になります。それでは、この並外れたパーセントにおける大きな割合が、保険事業によってもたらされたレバレッジによるものなのでしょうか。保険会社を使って投資資産を保有できるおかげで、たとえば14%のリターンをあげることで、簿価の20%増へとつながるのでしょうか。

<チャーリー> バークシャーの数字には、あきらかにレバレッジが若干埋まっていましたね。それを保険事業がいくらか供したのも明白です。だからといって、すっかり埋まっていたわけではなかったですよ。それが役立った年もありましたし、困ってしまうほどの大量の資金をアジート[・ジェイン]がもたらしてくれた年もありました。彼はその資金をウォーレン[・バフェット]へ回し、ウォーレンが20%増やしたという顛末です。ですから、保険事業とバークシャー・ハサウェイの間で目を瞠るような相乗効果の生じた年が、何度かあったわけです。


Question 23: Good morning Mr. Buffett…Mr. Munger.

Charlie: I’m flattered to be called Mr. Buffett. (laughter)

Question 23 Continued: The most recent annual report for Berkshire, as in the past reports, the growth in book value was shown and over the past 52 years it has grown from $19 to $172,000. Which represents a return of 19% a year. Is a large part of that outsized percentage attributable to the leverage inherent in the insurance company, such that you can own an investment in the insurance company which returns say 14% and it becomes 20% to book value?

Charlie: Well obviously there was a little leverage buried in the Berkshire numbers. Obviously the insurance business provided some of that. It’s not over-whelming in its consequences. There were years when it was helping. There were years when Ajit made so much money that it was almost embarrassing. And then he’d give the money to Warren and Warren would make 20% on the money. So there were some years when some remarkable synergies between the insurance business and Berkshire Hathaway.

But basically the insurance business is not some cinch easy way to make money. There’s a lot of danger and trouble in the insurance business and its more and more competitive all the time now as we’re sitting here. Berkshire succeeded because there were very few big errors…there were like no big errors, really big. And there were a considerable number of successes. All of which would have been much harder to get under present conditions than they were at the time we got the results. And there are very few companies that have compounded at 19% per annum for fifty years. It’s (a weird) in net worth. That is very peculiar. I wouldn’t count on that happening again soon. It certainly won’t happen at the Daily Journal.



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<質問19> アジート・ジェインはどのようにしてバークシャーの再保険事業を一から築き上げたのですか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> すごく単純なことですよ。彼は毎週90時間ほど働きましたし、非常に頭が切れて、実に賞賛すべき人物でしたからね。取引においても、すこぶる楽しんでいましたよ。ウォーレン・バフェットとは毎晩話しをしていましたね。そのような人物が他にいるかどうか、探してみたらどうですか。しかしながら、彼も以前ほどの成果は出せないと思います。昔よりもむずかしいゲームになりましたからね。つまりはそういうことですよ。

Question 19: How did Ajit Jain build Berkshire reinsurance from scratch?

Charlie: Well it’s very simple. He worked about 90 hours a week. He was very smart. He’s very honorable. He’s very pleasant to deal with. And he talked every night to Warren Buffett. Just find somebody else like that. But he won’t do as well because the game is harder now than it was then. And that’s my answer to your question.


<質問21> ウォーレン・バフェットは1999年に次のように言っておられました。「自分の運用資金が100万ドルであれば、[年率]50%のリターンをあげられる」と。一方であなたは「現在の投資環境はむずかしい」とおっしゃっていますが、そうであれば彼の言ったリターンは、今日では何%になるとお考えですか。

<チャーリー> 辛抱強い上に積極果敢で非常に聡明な人物が、「売買高の少ない株式」や「珍妙な領域」といった往来の少ない場所を探しだそうとして、労苦を厭わずに働いていると思いますよ。ことごとく抜け目のない人物が少額の資本を運用しているのであれば、現在のような状況であっても高いリターン率をあげられることでしょう。しかし、この問題は現在の私自身には当てはまりません。私にとっては困難な仕事ですし、バークシャーにとっても困難です。デイリー・ジャーナル社にとっても、容易なところは微塵(みじん)もありません。



Question 21: In 1999, Warren Buffett said that he could return 50% if he ran $1 million. Give what you said about the investment landscape today being more difficult, what do you think that number would be today?

Charlie: Well I do think that a very smart man who’s patient and aggressive in combination, is willing to work hard, to root around in untraveled places like thinly traded stocks and other odd places. I do think a person with a lot of shrewdness, working with a small amount of capital, can probably earn high returns on capital even today. However that is not my personal problem at the moment. And for me it’s hard. And for Berkshire it’s hard. And for the Daily Journal we don’t have any cinch either.

It’s disadvantageous to have securities in a corporate vehicle like the Daily Journal Corporation. It’s an accident that we have them there. We have them there because that’s where the money was. The way it’s worked out, it’s not desirable if you’re a shareholder and you have a layer of corporate taxes between you and your securities that are indirectly owned. And once you get public securities held in a public corporation taxable under sub-Chapter C of the internal revenue code, all kinds of factors, including income taxes affect your investment decisions. And it’s much easier to invest in charitable endowment or your personal pension plan.

Generally speaking, I would say, if you’re shrewd enough with small sums of money, I think you can compound pretty well. The minute you get bigger sums, I think it starts getting difficult. It’s way more difficult for all you people sitting here than it was for me when I was in your position. But I’m about to die and you have a lot of years ahead. (laughter) You would not want to trade your position for mine.



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<質問17> GDP比でみた連邦政府の債務水準が上昇しており、同時に景気循環の終盤にあって巨額の財政赤字に陥っています。そういったあらゆる現状を憂慮されていますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 連邦政府の債務水準が上昇していることは、もちろん不安視していますよ。この国にとって新たな領域に突入しており、新たな領域というものはたぶんに危機が待ち受けているものです。その一方で、程度はともあれこの世界がそれなりにうまく進行する可能性もあります。政府のとる行動パターンが、「歴史に照らして信頼できるものだ」とみなさんや私が考えるものとは大きく異なっているとしてもです。もちろん、この100年間でインフレーションを避けてきた時期には、当時の政府は物価の安定を目標に掲げていました。一方、今の政府の目標は2%のインフレです。さあ、一体どうなることでしょうか。「だれにもわからない」というのが答えです。しかし、「長期的なインフレ率が2%を大きく超える」とする側に賭けるのが筋ではないですかね。私ならそちらに賭けますよ。ただし我々は過去の経験から、「マクロ経済という代物は実に奇異なもので、物理学のようには動かない」ことを学んでいます。今後10年間における[経済]システムは、過去10年間に存在したシステムとは別のものです。異なるシステムには異なる公式が当てはまります。しかしシステムがいつ変化したのか、そして公式がいつ変化すべきなのかは、だれも教えてくれません。



Question 17: Are you concerned at all about the rising level of government debt to GDP at the same time that we’re running large deficits late in the economic cycle.

Charlie: Of course I’m concerned about the rising level of government debt. This is new territory for us, and new territories probably has some danger in it. On the other hand, it is possible that the world will function more or less pretty well, even with a very different pattern of government behavior than you and I would have considered responsible based on history to date. Of course if you look at the inflation we got out of the last hundred years when the announced objective of government was to keep prices stable. Now the announced objective is 2% inflation. Well what the hell’s going to happen? Well the answer is, we don’t know. But isn’t the way to bet that it’s going to be…inflation over the long-term is way higher than 2%? I think the answer is yes. But I think that we have learned from what has happened in the past that macro-economics is a very peculiar subject and it doesn’t work like physics. The system is different in one decade, than the system that was present in the last decade. Different systems have different formulas, but they don’t tell you when systems have changed, and when the formulas have to change.

So I don’t expect the world to go totally to hell because…well, look at what happened in Germany after World War I. They had a hyper-inflation when the currency basically went to zero in value. They really screwed up big time. And what happened?…Well what happened was they recovered from it pretty quick. And they did it by creating a new Reichsmark backed by the mortgages which they put back on the houses and properties of the people who had unfairly gotten rid of their mortgages at no cost. And that new Reichsmark was working pretty well and Germany had pretty well recovered from that catastrophe and then along came the Great Depression. And the combination of the Great Depression and the Weimar inflation really brought in Hitler. Without the Great Depression I don’t think he would have come into power.

What happened…now you’ve got…by the late 30’s, what was the leading economic power in Europe? It was Germany. Cause Hitler in his crazy desire for vengeance and so on, bought a lot of munitions and trained a lot of soldiers and so forth. And the accidental Keyensianism of Germany under Hitler caused this vast prosperity. So Germany was the most prosperous place in Europe in 1939. So all that catastrophe, they recovered from. So I don’t think you should be too discouraged by the idea that the world might have some convulsions. Because there’s a way of recovering. Now I’m not advocating the German system (laughter), but I do think knowing these historical examples creates what I call “mental ploys.” And you’d think that a country that destroyed (itself) in a silly war, destruction of your own currency, great depression, and by 1939 it’s the most prosperous country in Europe. It’s encouraging. I hope you feel better. (laughter)



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That’s not to say what we did and the attitudes that we had are obsolete or won’t be useful, it’s just that their prospects are worse. There’s a rule of fishing that’s a very good rule. The first rule of fishing is “fish where the fish are”, and the second rule of fishing is “don’t forget rule number one.” And in investing it’s the same thing. Some places have lots of fish and you don’t have to be that good a fisherman to do pretty well. Other places are so heavily fished that no matter how good a fisherman you are, you aren’t going to do very well. And in the world we’re living in now, an awful lot of places are in the second category.

I don’t think that should discourage anyone. I mean life’s a long game, and there are easy stretches and hard stretches and good opportunities and bad opportunities. The right way to go at life is to take it as it comes and do the best you can. And if you live to an old age, you’ll get your share of good opportunities. It may be two to a lifetime, that may be your full share. But if you seize one of the two, you’ll be alright. Well with that pontification done, I’ll take questions.



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I think the incentive structure in investment management is very interesting. If you look at the people who have a ton of money from the past, like say the Massachusetts Investor Trust or something like that, which pioneered Mutual Fund investing in the early days after Mutual Funds were allowed. It was certainly a respectable and honorable place. But once it gets to be $700 billion or whatever it is, and hires a lot of young men and has a big staff and so forth…and young women too…and spreads its investment over 50 securities at least, the chances that it’s going to outperform the S&P average really shrinks to about zero. And of course they wondered what we’ll keep paying, whatever number of basis points Massachusetts Investor Trust’s management operation charges for the long-term, and they may feel under pressure and that their world is threatened.

Another place that’s threatened. Suppose you’re charging say 1 and 20, one percent off the top and twenty percent of profits…or even worse, two percent off the top and twenty percent of profits…and you’ve got $30 billion or so under management and an army of young ambitious people, all of whom want to get unreasonably rich very fast. What are your chances of doing better for your clients? Well the average entity that charges those fees, the chances the clients will do well is pretty poor. That’s the reason Warren won that bet against the hedge funds. Where he bet on the S&P averages and they bet on carefully selected bunch of geniuses charging very high fees. And of course the high fees will just kill you.

It’s so hard in a competitive world to get big advantages just buying securities, particularly when you’re doing it by the billion, and then you add the burden of very high fees and think that by working hard and reading a lot of sell-side research and so forth, that you’re going to do well. It’s delusional. It’s not good to face the world in a delusional way. And I don’t think, when Berkshire came up, we had an easier world than you people are facing this point forward, and I don’t think you’re going to get the kind of results we got by just doing what we did.



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<チャーリー・マンガー> 諸君が資金を託している人物も、その中に含まれていますね。我々には長い期間は残されていません。だからと言って、当社がうまくやれないとは言っていませんが(笑)、運用期間の点では実に興味深いものがありますね。



Charlie: Those include those who you’re invested with. We do not have a long runway. That doesn’t mean the company won’t do well, (laughter) but in terms of investment management runway, it’s rather interesting.

Berkshire Hathaway’s peculiar in that its directors are so old and its managers are so old. The only institution that exceeds Berkshire Hathaway and the Daily Journal in terms of old directors in office is the Mormon Church. (laughter) The Mormon church is run by a group of people and they have two wonderful qualities. There’s no paid clergy in the Mormon church. And the ruling powers in a group of males between about 85 and 100. And that system is more successful than any other church. No paid clergy and very old males. Obviously we are copying that system at Berkshire and the Daily Journal. (laughter) And we are so much older than the Berkshire directors who are also very old. Warren says we’re always checking to see how the young fellows are doing at the Daily Journal versus Berkshire.

It is slightly weird. But the world is…who would have guessed that the church with the best record for keeping people happy and so on and so on…(inaudible)…which is the Mormon church. Who would have guessed that it had no paid clergy, run only by males who are about 85 and up? Now that is a very odd result. I guess I should like odd results, because I’m sure as hell living a life of a lot of odd results. And I’m very surprised to be here. Somebody said, an old woman whom I liked, said at her 94th birthday party, “I’m very pleased to be here”, in fact she said, “I’m very pleased to be anywhere.” (laughter) Well that’s what it is, and it is weird.



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Charlie Munger: Full Transcript of Daily Journal Annual Meeting 2018 (Latticework Investing)


<チャーリー・マンガー> (前略)我々取締役会のひとりが、「どんな投資アドバイザーでも有するべき特質」を列挙していましてね。彼は、プロの投資家を選び出す後継担当者へその内容を伝えたところ、その人物は即座に半数をクビにしてしまいました。そのような異色の結果となった以上、[取締役の]ピーター・カウフマン本人から資産運用者を選定する際に使う「ファイブ・エース」方式を説明してもらおうと考えたわけです。それではピーター、よろしく。

<ピーター・カウフマン> 「飛び抜けたマネー・マネージャーとして推薦できるのは、どのような人物なのか」をご説明する上で、これから示す一連の条件を思い至りました。それらが的確なものであってほしいと思いますし、それにあてはまる当人のかたが、実際に決定をくだす人物へ結びつけてほしいとも思います。そうなれば私からではなく、その最終的な決定者からの話として受けとめるわけですから、より説得力が増すことでしょう。さて、私の考えた5つの条件に「ファイブ・エース」と名付けましたが、「ファイブ・エース」とはワイルドカードを使用するポーカーにおいて最強の役を指しています。


<チャーリー> それはもう、そのとおりですよ!(笑)

<ピーター> …さらには会場におられるマネー・マネージャーを雇っている方もおられます。もしマネー・マネージャーを雇う立場であれば、その人物を評価する上ですぐれた基本原理となります。

<チャーリー> そのとおり。しかし、雇った人の半数をクビにするには費用がかさむでしょうね(笑)。

<ピーター> しかし、もしみなさん自身がマネー・マネージャーであれば、この5つを「希求すべきことがら」とするほうが、たぶんもっと重要でしょう。「マネー・マネージャーとして、自分はどのような特質を持ち合わせるべきか」。まずは完璧に信用できる人物たるべきですし、「やります」と発言したことは実際に造作なくこなせなければなりません。手数料については、正負どちら側でも基本的に公正な体系を採用すべきです。そして競争の少ない領域をさがすべきです。というのは周知のように、謎を秘めている事業には余地が残されているからです。競争の激しい領域だとしたら、一体どのようなたぐいの余地が残っているでしょうか(質問21参照)。最後の5番目ですが、みなさんのなかには非常に幸運な方がたくさんおられます。「長期の投資期間」の欄には、「該当する」との印をつけられるでしょう。史上最高のマネー・マネージャーの方には、4つのエースしか当てはまらない人がいます。それは5番目に該当しないからです。

One of our directors came up with a list of qualities that any investment advisor should have. And he gave it to a future picker of professional investors, and the picker immediately fire half his picks. And I thought that was such a peculiar outcome that I’ll let Peter Kaufman share with you his ‘five aces’ system for picking an investment manager. Peter, go ahead.

Peter Kaufman: So I came up with this list in giving reference to a very exceptional money manager. And I not only wanted to give what I thought was the correct reference, I wanted the person that I was giving the reference to, to in turn be able to relate this above to the real shot-caller. So that a compelling narrative would be transferred from me directly to the ultimate shot-caller. So I came up with what I call the “five aces”. The five aces being the highest hand you can have in a wild card poker game.

Ace number one is total integrity. Ace number two is actual deep deep fluency on whatever it is you say you’re going to do on behalf of the client. Ace number three is a fee structure that is actually fair in both directions. Ace number four is an uncrowded investment space. Ace number five is a long run-way. Meaning that the manager is reasonable young in age. I further add that if you ever find a money manager who possesses all five of these characteristics, there are two things you should do. One, you should put money with them immediately. And number two, put as much money as you are allowed to put. Now I know we have money managers in the room, and we have…

Charlie: Do we ever! (laughter)

Peter Kaufman: And we have people who employee money managers who are in the room. If you employ money managers, this is an excellent formula to evaluate your money managers.

Charlie: Yeah, but it will cost you to fire half those you’ve hired..or you have hired. (laughter)

Peter Kaufman: But perhaps more importantly, if you’re a money manager, this should be your list of five aspirations. What characteristics should I seek as a money manager to possess? I should be completely trustworthy. I should have actual deep fluency in what I claim that I’m going to do. I should adopt a fee structure that’s generally fair in both directions. I should seek an uncrowded space because as we all know, in business where there’s mystery, there’s margin. What kind of margin are you going to have in a crowded space? (Note: See Question 21) And number 5, many of you in here, you’re very fortunate. You get to check that box for having a long runway. Some of the best money managers in history only get four out of these five aces because they don’t qualify for number five.
