



<ウォーレン> それではここからは、基本的にはわたしに関わるちょっとした歴史話をご紹介したいと思います。もしも自分が産まれる年代や場所を好きに選べるとしたら、どうするでしょうか。ただし性別の指定はできず、頭の良さも選べないとします。また特別な能力や弱みの有無も選べません。そのような選択が1回できるとしたら、西暦1720年は選ばないでしょう。1820年も違いますし、1920年も選びません。選ぶ時代は「現在」で、選ぶ場所はアメリカでしょう。もちろんですがこの質問がおもしろいのは、1789年にアメリカが独立してジョージ・ワシントンが政府で宣誓をしてからこのかた、人々が「現在のここ」を選んできた点です。想像できますか。「現在のここ」を望む人たちが、231年間にわたって必ずいたのです。


(Warren Buffett 14:39)

I would like to take you through a little history to essentially my case that if you were to pick one time to be born and one place to be born, and you didn't know what your sex was going to be, you didn't know what your intelligence would be. You didn't know what your special talents or special deficiencies would be. That if you could do that one time, he would not pick 1720, you would not pick 1820, you would not pick 1920. You'd pick today, and you would pick America, and of course the interesting thing about it is that ever since America was organized in 1789 when George Washington took the oath of office, people have wanted to come here. Can you imagine that? For 231 years, there's always been people that have wanted to come here.

(Warren Buffett 15:52)

My friend, I think I just jumped the gun just a shade. I'm putting up slide on. But I'm going to call from some slides as we go along. But the interesting thing about this country is what is on slide one? Let's put it up. This is an extraordinarily young country. Now I'm comparing it to a couple of guys that are pretty old, but when you think about the fact that my age, Charlie's age, our life experience, and then we'll throw in this young guy over here, Greg Abel, and if our life experiences combined exceed the life of the United States, we are a very, very young country. But what we've accomplished is miraculous. Now just think of this. This little spot in history.

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