



<質問者> あなたやバフェットさんが言われることは、ことごとく筋が通っていると思います。ですが、30年前にベン・グレアムが使った言葉とそっくり同じようにも聞こえます。彼は、株価[S&P]が900ドルのときに割高だと発言していました。

<マンガー> 我々がグレアムと同意見だとは思いませんね。彼は人間としてはすばらしい人物でしたが、株式市場全体の行く末を予想するという点ではネジがゆるんでいました。それとは違って、市場に対する私やウォーレンの見方は不可知論者であることがほとんどです。


<質問者> バークシャーが公表した年次報告書に対して、報道の多くが悲観的な見方を示し、会社がどんどん大きくなるにつれて残された機会が少なくなっていくことを危惧しています。10年後にはどうなっているのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 我々は「バークシャーの規模が業績の足をひっぱって、株主の富が今後増加する率は以前とくらべて下がっていくだろう」とたびたび繰り返してきました。これは見解ではなくて確約です、と何度も言いました。



Q: Everything you and Buffett say seems logical. But it sounds like exactly the same language that Ben Graham was using thirty years ago when he was saying the stock market was overvalued - when it was at 900.

Oh, I don't think that we share that with him. Graham, great though he was as a man, had a screw loose as he tried to predict outcomes for the stock market as a whole. In contrast, Warren and I are almost always agnostic about the market.

On the other hand, we have said that common stocks generally have generated returns of ten to eleven percent after inflation for many years and that those returns can't continue for a very long period. And they can't. It's simply impossible. The wealth of the world will compound at no such rate. Whatever experience Stanford has had in its portfolio for the last fifteen years, its future experience is virtually certain to be worse. It may still be okay. But it's been a hog heaven period for investors over the last fifteen years. Bonanza effects of such scale can't last forever.

Q: Berkshire's annual report got a lot of press for being pessimistic and for expressing concern about the shrinking pool of opportunities as the company gets bigger and bigger. Where does that leave you ten years from now?

We've said over and over that our future rate of compounding our shareholders' wealth is going to go down compared to our past - and that our size will be an anchor dragging on performance. And we've said over and over again that this is not an opinion, but a promise.

However, let's suppose that we were able to compound our present book value at fifteen percent per annum from this point. That would not be so bad and would work out okay for our long-term shareholder. I'm just saying that we could afford to slow down some, as we surely will, and still do okay for the long-term shareholder.

By the way, I'm not promising that we will compound our present book value at fifteen percent per annum.


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